xref: /trunk/main/toolkit/workben/layout/zoom.xml (revision 10544477)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 *
4 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
6 * distributed with this work for additional information
7 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
8 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
9 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
10 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 *
12 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 *
14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
18 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
19 * under the License.
20 *
21 ***********************************************************-->
22<!-- This is a template.  i18n translation is not performed in-place;
23     i18n translated xml files are generated from this template by
24     transex3/layout/tralay.  !-->
26<modaldialog xmlns="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout"
27             xmlns:cnt="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout/container"
28             id="RID_SVXDLG_ZOOM" _title="Zoom &amp; View Layout" optimumsize="true"
29	     help-id="SID_ATTR_ZOOM"
30             has_border="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true" closeable="true">
31    <vbox spacing="0" border="12">
32	<hbox spacing="0" border="0">
33	    <vbox spacing="6" border="0">
34		<fixedline id="FL_ZOOM" _text="Zoom factor" cnt:expand="false"/>
35		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-factor" id="BTN_OPTIMAL"   _label="Optimal"/>
36		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-factor" id="BTN_WHOLE_PAGE" _label="Whole Page"/>
37		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-factor" id="BTN_PAGE_WIDTH" _label="Page Width"/>
38		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-factor" id="BTN_100"   _label="100 %"/>
39		<hbox cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="true">
40		    <align cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="true">
41			<radiobutton cnt:v-align="0.5" cnt:v-fill="0" radiogroup="zoom-factor" id="BTN_USER" _label="Variable"/>
42		    </align>
43		    <flow cnt:padding="12" cnt:expand="false"/>
44		    <metricfield id="ED_USER" value-step="1"
45				 repeat="true" has_border="true" spin="true"
46				 _text="100%" unit="11" custom-unit-text="%"
47				 right="true"
48				 cnt:expand="false"/>
49		</hbox>
50	    </vbox>
51	    <flow/>
52	    <vbox spacing="6" border="0">
53		<fixedline id="FL_VIEWLAYOUT" _text="View layout" cnt:expand="false"/>
54		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-layout" id="BTN_AUTOMATIC" _label="~Automatic"/>
55		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-layout" id="BTN_SINGLE"    _label="~Single page"/>
56		<hbox cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="true">
57		    <align cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="true">
58			<radiobutton cnt:v-align="0.5" cnt:v-fill="0" radiogroup="zoom-layout" id="BTN_COLUMNS" _label="~Columns"/>
59		    </align>
60		    <flow cnt:padding="12" cnt:expand="false"/>
61		    <metricfield id="ED_COLUMNS" value-step="1"
62				 repeat="true" has_border="true" spin="true"
63				 _text="100%"
64				 right="true"
65				 spin-value-min="1"
66				 spin-value="1"
67				 cnt:expand="false"/>
68		</hbox>
69		<hbox><flow cnt:expand="false" cnt:padding="12"/><checkbox id="CHK_BOOK" _label="~Book mode"/></hbox>
70	    </vbox>
71	</hbox>
72        <fixedline cnt:padding="6" id="FL_BOTTOM"/>
73	<dialogbuttonhbox border="0" spacing="12">
74	    <flow/>
75	    <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_ZOOM_OK"/>
76	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_ZOOM_CANCEL"/>
77	    <helpbutton id="BTN_ZOOM_HELP"/>
78	</dialogbuttonhbox>
79    </vbox>