2 *
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5 * distributed with this work for additional information
6 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 *
11 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 *
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18 * under the License.
19 *
20 *************************************************************/
22import "oaidl.idl";
23import "ocidl.idl";
24import "Accessible2.idl";
25import "defines.idl";
26import "AccessibleComponent.idl";
27import "AccessibleAction.idl";
28import "AccessibleRelation.idl";
29import "AccessibleTable.idl";
30import "AccessibleText.idl";
31import "AccessibleHyperlink.idl";
32import "AccessibleEditableText.idl";
33import "AccessibleValue.idl";
34import "AccessibleImage.idl";
35import "AccessibleValue.idl";
36import "AccessibleHypertext.idl";
38	[
39		object,
40		uuid(D00F5EB7-588A-487F-A6F6-0B5D7D1815AA),
41		dual,
42		helpstring("IMAccessible Interface"),
43		pointer_default(unique)
44	]
45	interface IMAccessible : IAccessible2
46	{
47		[id(1), helpstring("method Put_XAccName")] HRESULT Put_XAccName(const OLECHAR* pszName);
48		[id(2), helpstring("method Put_XAccRole")] HRESULT Put_XAccRole(unsigned short pRole);
49		[id(3), helpstring("method DecreaseState")] HRESULT DecreaseState(DWORD pXSate);
50		[id(4), helpstring("method IncreaseState")] HRESULT IncreaseState(DWORD pXSate);
51		[id(5), helpstring("method Put_XDescription")] HRESULT Put_XAccDescription(const OLECHAR* pszDescription);
52		[id(6), helpstring("method Put_XAccValue")] HRESULT Put_XAccValue(const OLECHAR* pszAccValue);
53		[id(7), helpstring("method SetState")] HRESULT SetState(DWORD pXSate);
54		[id(8), helpstring("method Put_XAccLocation")] HRESULT Put_XAccLocation(const Location sLocation);
55		[id(9), helpstring("method Put_XAccFocus")] HRESULT Put_XAccFocus(long dChildID);
56		[id(10), helpstring("method Put_XAccParent")] HRESULT Put_XAccParent(IMAccessible* pIParent);
57		[id(13), helpstring("method Put_XAccWindowHandle")] HRESULT Put_XAccWindowHandle(HWND hwnd);
58		[id(14), helpstring("method Put_XAccChildID")] HRESULT Put_XAccChildID(long dChildID);
59		[id(19), helpstring("method SetXAccessible")] HRESULT SetXAccessible( long XAccessible);
60		[id(20), helpstring("method GetUNOInterface")] HRESULT GetUNOInterface(long* UNOInterface);
61		[id(23), helpstring("method SetDefaultAction")] HRESULT SetDefaultAction(long pAction);
62		[id(24), helpstring("method Put_ActionDescription")] HRESULT Put_ActionDescription( const OLECHAR* szAction);
63		[id(25), helpstring("method Put_XAccAgent")] HRESULT Put_XAccAgent(long pAgent);
64		[id(26), helpstring("method NotifyDestroy")] HRESULT NotifyDestroy(BOOL isDestroy);
65		[id(30), helpstring("method Get_XAccChildID")] HRESULT Get_XAccChildID([out,retval] long* childID);
66	};
67	[
68		object,
69		uuid(951299EE-1841-4249-9E07-812C0739E489),
70		dual,
71		helpstring("IEnumVariant Interface"),
72		pointer_default(unique)
73	]
74	interface IEnumVariant : IEnumVARIANT
75	{
76		[id(1), helpstring("method ClearEnumeration")] HRESULT ClearEnumeration();
77		[id(2), helpstring("method PutSelection")] HRESULT PutSelection(long pXSeletion);
78	};
79	[
80		object,
81		uuid(6641185C-E099-4C45-B753-3FBC0EE40646),
82		dual,
83		helpstring("IUNOXWrapper Interface"),
84		pointer_default(unique)
85	]
86	interface IUNOXWrapper : IUnknown
87	{
88		[id(1), helpstring("method put_XInterface")] HRESULT put_XInterface(long pXInterface);
89		[id(2), helpstring("method put_XSubInterface")] HRESULT put_XSubInterface(long pXSubInterface);
90		[id(3), helpstring("method get_XInterface")] HRESULT get_XInterface([out,retval]long* pXInterface);
91		[id(4), helpstring("method get_XSubInterface")] HRESULT get_XSubInterface([out,retval]long* pXSubInterface);
92	};
95	uuid(19ECB1B0-9376-4FF9-B580-223FC9C200B8),
96	version(1.0),
97	helpstring("UAccCOM 1.0 Type Library")
99library UACCCOMLib
101	importlib("stdole32.tlb");
102	importlib("stdole2.tlb");
104	[
105		uuid(CF8DF8BA-44FE-4B10-BD2E-8C8CB322485F),
106		helpstring("MAccessible Class")
107	]
108	coclass MAccessible
109	{
110		[default] interface IMAccessible;
111	};
112	[
113		uuid(152884E0-268B-4481-9AE7-1B372D3AA97F),
114		helpstring("EnumVariant Class")
115	]
116	coclass EnumVariant
117	{
118		[default] interface IEnumVariant;
119	};
120	[
121		uuid(AA360FB0-BC98-41C1-A885-BB921F5ED601),
122		helpstring("UNOXWrapper Class")
123	]
124	coclass UNOXWrapper
125	{
126		[default] interface IUNOXWrapper;
127	};
129	[
130		uuid(9FD9BA47-70AF-4160-99F1-526F2B9F111B),
131		helpstring("AccComponent Class")
132	]
133	coclass AccComponent
134	{
135		[default] interface IAccessibleComponent;
136	};
138    [
139		uuid(8745CF0C-3104-4BAE-B7D0-D7B1717C006E),
140		helpstring("AccRelation Class")
141	]
142	coclass AccRelation
143	{
144		[default] interface IAccessibleRelation;
145	};
146	[
147		uuid(AA49F20E-BB4E-400D-A5B0-6F5B7B770227),
148		helpstring("AccAction Class")
149	]
150	coclass AccAction
151	{
152		[default] interface IAccessibleAction;
153	};
155	[
156		uuid(6D8AB08B-CCE9-471E-8A41-35773D5263F5),
157		helpstring("AccText Class")
158	]
159	coclass AccText
160	{
161		[default] interface IAccessibleText;
162	};
164	[
165		uuid(79CE1450-1F61-48E2-BF76-C07BD10105E2),
166		helpstring("AccEditableText Class")
167	]
168	coclass AccEditableText
169	{
170		[default] interface IAccessibleEditableText;
171	};
173	[
174		uuid(CC55D71B-1828-4EE0-89E2-C3749CF9C9AB),
175		helpstring("AccHypertext Class")
176	]
177	coclass AccHypertext
178	{
179		[default] interface IAccessibletext;
180	};
183	[
184		uuid(73A45800-7A62-432C-A1A6-BF8852994331),
185		helpstring("AccImage Class")
186	]
187	coclass AccImage
188	{
189		[default] interface IAccessibleImage;
190	};
192	[
193		uuid(730A561B-1AF6-49E1-9C04-9A2F48CD8512),
194		helpstring("AccValue Class")
195	]
196	coclass AccValue
197	{
198		[default] interface IAccessibleValue;
199	};
200	[
201		uuid(92BAA62D-535A-4EAB-9ABB-BFA60B7A6DB6),
202		helpstring("AccTable Class")
203	]
204	coclass AccTable
205	{
206		[default] interface IAccessibleTable;
207	};
209	[
210		uuid(519A64CD-F6A6-4793-BE50-4E36C4C593EF),
211		helpstring("AccHyperLink Class")
212	]
213	coclass AccHyperLink
214	{
215		[default] interface IAccessibleAction;
216	};