xref: /trunk/main/wizards/source/depot/Lang_de.xba (revision 019b6df1)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
5 *
6 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
7 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
8 * distributed with this work for additional information
9 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
10 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
11 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
12 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
13 *
14 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
15 *
16 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
17 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
19 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
20 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
21 * under the License.
22 *
23 ***********************************************************-->
25<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Lang_de" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
27Sub LoadGermanLanguage()
29	sProductname = GetProductname
30	sOK = &quot;~OK&quot;
31	sCancel = &quot;Abbrechen&quot;
32	sColumnHeader = &quot;Spaltenkopf&quot;
33	sInsertStockName = &quot;Bitte fügen Sie zunächst einige Aktien in Ihr Depot ein!&quot;
34	sTitle = &quot;&lt;PRODUCTNAME&gt;: Aktienverwaltung&quot;
35	sTitle = ReplaceString(sTitle, sProductName, &quot;&lt;PRODUCTNAME&gt;&quot;)
36	sMsgError = &quot;Eingabefehler&quot;
37	sMsgNoName = sInsertStockname
38	sMsgNoQuantity = &quot;Bitte geben Sie eine Stückzahl größer als 0 ein&quot;
39	sMsgNoDividend = &quot;Bitte geben Sie eine Dividende je Stück oder eine Gesamtdividende ein&quot;
40	sMsgNoExchangeRate = &quot;Bitte geben Sie eine korrekte Umtauschrate ein (alte Aktien -&gt; neue Aktien).&quot;
41	sMsgNoValidExchangeDate = &quot;Bitte geben Sie ein gültiges Datum für den Aktiensplitt ein.&quot;
42	sMsgWrongExchangeDate = &quot;Splitt nicht möglich, da bereits Transaktionen nach dem Splitt-Datum existieren.&quot;
43	sMsgSellTooMuch = &quot;So viele Aktien können Sie nicht verkaufen. Maximum: &quot;
44	sMsgConfirm = &quot;Bestätigung erforderlich&quot;
45	sMsgFreeStock = &quot;Beabsichtigen Sie die Eingabe von Gratisaktien?&quot;
46	sMsgTotalLoss = &quot;Beabsichtigen Sie die Eingabe eines Totalverlustes?&quot;
47	sMsgAuthorization = &quot;Sicherheitsabfrage&quot;
48	sMsgDeleteAll = &quot;Wollen Sie alle Bewegungen löschen und die Depotübersicht rücksetzen?&quot;
49	cSplit = &quot;Aktiensplitt am &quot;
50	sHistory = &quot;Historie&quot;
51	TransactTitle(1) = &quot;Aktien verkaufen&quot;
52	TransactTitle(2) = &quot;Aktien kaufen&quot;
53	StockRatesTitle(1) = &quot;Dividendenzahlung&quot;
54	StockRatesTitle(2) = &quot;Aktiensplitt&quot;
55	StockRatesTitle(3) = sHistory
56	sDepotCurrency = &quot;Depotwährung&quot;
57	sStockName = &quot;Aktienname&quot;
58	TransactMode = LIFO &apos; Possible values: &quot;FIFO&quot; and &quot;LIFO&quot;
59	DateCellStyle = &quot;Ergebnis Datum&quot;
60	CurrCellStyle = &quot;Ergebnis Euro mit Dezimalen&quot;
61	sStartDate = &quot;Startdatum:&quot;
62	sEndDate = &quot;Enddatum:&quot;
63	sStartUpWelcome = &quot;Diese Vorlage ermöglicht Ihnen eine effiziente Verwaltung Ihres Aktiendepots&quot;
64	sStartUpChooseMarket = &quot;Wählen Sie zunächst Ihre Referenz-Währung und damit den Börsenplatz für das Internet Update aus!&quot;
65	sStartUpHint = &quot;Leider steht Ihnen die &lt;History&gt;- Funktion nur für den amerikanischen Markt zur Verfügung!&quot;
66	sStartupHint = ReplaceString(sStartUpHint, sHistory, &quot;&lt;History&gt;&quot;)
67	sNoInternetUpdate = &quot;ohne Internet Update&quot;
68	sMarketPlace = &quot;Börsenplatz:&quot;
69	sNoInternetDataAvailable = &quot;Internet-Kurse konnten nicht empfangen werden!&quot;
70	sCheckInternetSettings = &quot;Mögliche Ursachen sind: &lt;BR&gt; Ihre Internet Einstellungen müssen überprüft werden.&lt;BR&gt; Sie haben eine falsche Kennung (z.B. Symbol, WKN) für die Aktie eingegeben.&quot;
71	sCheckInternetSettings = ReplaceString(sCheckInternetSettings, chr(13), &quot;&lt;BR&gt;&quot;)
73	sMsgEndDatebeforeNow = &quot;Das Enddatum muss vor dem heutigen Tag liegen!&quot;
74	sMsgStartDatebeforeEndDate = &quot;Das Startdatum muss vor dem Enddatum liegen!&quot;
76	sMarket(0,0) = &quot;Amerikanischer Dollar&quot;
77	sMarket(0,1) = &quot;$&quot;
78	sMarket(0,2) = &quot;New York&quot;
79	sMarket(0,3) = &quot;http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=&lt;StockID&gt;&amp;f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&amp;e=.csv&quot;
80	sMarket(0,4) = &quot;http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?&quot; &amp;_
81				   &quot;s=&lt;StockID&gt;&amp;d=&lt;EndMonth&gt;&amp;e=&lt;EndDay&gt;&amp;f=&lt;Endyear&gt;&amp;g=d&amp;&quot; &amp;_
82				   &quot;a=&lt;StartMonth&gt;&amp;b=&lt;StartDay&gt;&amp;c=&lt;Startyear&gt;&amp;ignore=.csv&quot;
83	sMarket(0,5) = &quot;Symbol&quot;
84	sMarket(0,6) = &quot;en&quot;
85	sMarket(0,7) = &quot;US&quot;
86	sMarket(0,8) = &quot;409&quot;
87	sMarket(0,9) = &quot;44&quot;
88	sMarket(0,10) = &quot;1&quot;
90	sMarket(1,0) = &quot;Euro&quot;
91	sMarket(1,1) = chr(8364)
92	sMarket(1,2) = &quot;Frankfurt&quot;
93	sMarket(1,3) = &quot;http://de.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=&lt;StockID&gt;.F&amp;f=sl1t1c1ghpv&amp;e=.csv&quot;
94	sMarket(1,5) = &quot;WKN&quot;
95	sMarket(1,6) = &quot;de;nl;pt;el&quot;
96	sMarket(1,7) = &quot;DE;NL;PT;GR&quot;
97	sMarket(1,8) = &quot;407;413;816;408&quot;
98	sMarket(1,9) = &quot;59/9&quot;
99	sMarket(1,10) = &quot;1&quot;
101	sMarket(2,0) = &quot;Englisches Pfund&quot;
102	sMarket(2,1) = &quot;£&quot;
103	sMarket(2,2) = &quot;London&quot;
104	sMarket(2,3) = &quot;http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=&lt;StockID&gt;.L&amp;m=*&amp;f=sl1t1c1ghov&amp;e=.csv&quot;
105	sMarket(2,5) = &quot;Symbol&quot;
106	sMarket(2,6) = &quot;en&quot;
107	sMarket(2,7) = &quot;GB&quot;
108	sMarket(2,8) = &quot;809&quot;
109	sMarket(2,9) = &quot;44&quot;
110	sMarket(2,10) = &quot;1&quot;
112	sMarket(3,0) = &quot;Japanischer Yen&quot;
113	sMarket(3,1) = &quot;¥&quot;
114	sMarket(3,2) = &quot;Tokyo&quot;
115	sMarket(3,3) = &quot;&quot;
116	sMarket(3,5) = &quot;Code&quot;
117	sMarket(3,6) = &quot;ja&quot;
118	sMarket(3,7) = &quot;JP&quot;
119	sMarket(3,8) = &quot;411&quot;
120	sMarket(3,9) = &quot;&quot;
121	sMarket(3,10) = &quot;&quot;
123	sMarket(4,0) = &quot;Hongkong Dollar&quot;
124	sMarket(4,1) = &quot;HK$&quot;
125	sMarket(4,2) = &quot;Hongkong&quot;
126	sMarket(4,3) = &quot;http://hk.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=&lt;StockID&gt;.HK&amp;f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&amp;e=.csv&quot;
127	sMarket(4,5) = &quot;Nummer&quot;
128	sMarket(4,6) = &quot;zh&quot;
129	sMarket(4,7) = &quot;HK&quot;
130	sMarket(4,8) = &quot;C04&quot;
131	sMarket(4,9) = &quot;44&quot;
132	sMarket(4,10) = &quot;1&quot;
134	sMarket(5,0) = &quot;Australischer Dollar&quot;
135	sMarket(5,1) = &quot;$&quot;
136	sMarket(5,2) = &quot;Sydney&quot;
137	sMarket(5,3) = &quot;http://au.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=&lt;StockID&gt;&amp;f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&amp;e=.csv&quot;
138	sMarket(5,5) = &quot;Symbol&quot;
139	sMarket(5,6) = &quot;en&quot;
140	sMarket(5,7) = &quot;AU&quot;
141	sMarket(5,8) = &quot;C09&quot;
142	sMarket(5,9) = &quot;44&quot;
143	sMarket(5,10) = &quot;1&quot;
145&apos; ****************************End of the default subset*********************************
146	CompleteMarketList()
148	LocalizedCurrencies()
150	With TransactModel
151		.lblStockNames.Label = sStockname
152		.lblQuantity.Label = &quot;Menge&quot;
153		.lblRate.Label = &quot;Kurs&quot;
154		.lblDate.Label = &quot;Transaktionsdatum&quot;
155		.hlnCommission.Label = &quot;Sonstige Ausgaben&quot;
156		.lblCommission.Label = &quot;Provision&quot;
157		.lblMinimum.Label = &quot;Mindestprovision&quot;
158		.lblFix.Label = &quot;Festbetrag/Spesen&quot;
159		.cmdGoOn.Label = sOK
160		.cmdCancel.Label = sCancel
161	End With
163	With StockRatesModel
164		.optPerShare.Label = &quot;Dividende/Aktie&quot;
165		.optTotal.Label = &quot;Dividende gesamt&quot;
166		.lblDividend.Label = &quot;Betrag&quot;
167		.lblExchangeRate.Label = &quot;Umtauschrate (alt-&gt;neu)&quot;
168		.lblColon.Label = &quot;:&quot;
169		.lblDate.Label = &quot;Umtauschdatum:&quot;
170		.lblStockNames.Label = sStockname
171		.lblStartDate.Label = sStartDate
172		.lblEndDate.Label = sEndDate
173		.optDaily.Label = &quot;~Täglich&quot;
174		.optWeekly.Label = &quot;~Wöchentlich&quot;
175		.hlnInterval.Label = &quot;Zeitraum&quot;
176		.cmdGoOn.Label = sOk
177		.cmdCancel.Label = sCancel
178	End With
179End Sub