104813259SLiu Zhe /**************************************************************
204813259SLiu Zhe  *
304813259SLiu Zhe  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
404813259SLiu Zhe  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
504813259SLiu Zhe  * distributed with this work for additional information
604813259SLiu Zhe  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
704813259SLiu Zhe  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
804813259SLiu Zhe  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
904813259SLiu Zhe  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
1004813259SLiu Zhe  *
1104813259SLiu Zhe  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1204813259SLiu Zhe  *
1304813259SLiu Zhe  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
1404813259SLiu Zhe  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
1604813259SLiu Zhe  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
1704813259SLiu Zhe  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
1804813259SLiu Zhe  * under the License.
1904813259SLiu Zhe  *
2004813259SLiu Zhe  *************************************************************/
21*eba4d44aSLiu Zhe package fvt.uno.sd.chart;
2204813259SLiu Zhe 
2304813259SLiu Zhe import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
2404813259SLiu Zhe 
2504813259SLiu Zhe import org.junit.After;
2604813259SLiu Zhe import org.junit.Before;
2704813259SLiu Zhe import org.junit.Test;
2804813259SLiu Zhe import org.openoffice.test.common.FileUtil;
2904813259SLiu Zhe import org.openoffice.test.common.Testspace;
3004813259SLiu Zhe import org.openoffice.test.uno.UnoApp;
3104813259SLiu Zhe 
3204813259SLiu Zhe import testlib.uno.ChartUtil;
3304813259SLiu Zhe import testlib.uno.PageUtil;
3404813259SLiu Zhe import testlib.uno.ShapeUtil;
3504813259SLiu Zhe import testlib.uno.TestUtil;
3604813259SLiu Zhe 
3704813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.awt.Point;
3804813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.awt.Size;
3904813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue;
4004813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet;
4104813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.chart.XChartDocument;
4204813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.chart.XDiagram;
4304813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.drawing.XDrawPage;
4404813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.drawing.XDrawPages;
4504813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.drawing.XDrawPagesSupplier;
4604813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.drawing.XShape;
4704813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.drawing.XShapes;
4804813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.frame.XStorable;
4904813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent;
5004813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.presentation.XPresentation;
5104813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.presentation.XPresentationSupplier;
5204813259SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
5304813259SLiu Zhe 
5404813259SLiu Zhe public class ChartTypes {
5504813259SLiu Zhe 	UnoApp unoApp = new UnoApp();
5604813259SLiu Zhe 	XPresentationSupplier sdDocument = null;
5704813259SLiu Zhe 	XPresentation pre = null;
5804813259SLiu Zhe 	XComponent precomp = null;
5904813259SLiu Zhe 	XComponent impressDocument = null;
6004813259SLiu Zhe 	XComponent reLoadFile = null;
6104813259SLiu Zhe 	XDrawPagesSupplier drawsupplier = null;
6204813259SLiu Zhe 	XDrawPages drawpages = null;
6304813259SLiu Zhe 	XShapes xShapes = null;
6404813259SLiu Zhe 	XDrawPage xpage = null;
6504813259SLiu Zhe 	String filePath = null;
6604813259SLiu Zhe 
6704813259SLiu Zhe 	@Before
setUp()6804813259SLiu Zhe 	public void setUp() throws Exception {
6904813259SLiu Zhe 		unoApp.start();
7004813259SLiu Zhe 		createDocumentAndSlide();
7104813259SLiu Zhe 	}
7204813259SLiu Zhe 
7304813259SLiu Zhe 	@After
tearDown()7404813259SLiu Zhe 	public void tearDown() throws Exception {
7504813259SLiu Zhe 		unoApp.closeDocument(impressDocument);
7604813259SLiu Zhe 		unoApp.closeDocument(reLoadFile);
7704813259SLiu Zhe 		unoApp.close();
7804813259SLiu Zhe 		if (filePath != null)
7904813259SLiu Zhe 			FileUtil.deleteFile(filePath);
8004813259SLiu Zhe 	}
8104813259SLiu Zhe 
8204813259SLiu Zhe 	/**
8304813259SLiu Zhe 	 * Insert Area Chart
8404813259SLiu Zhe 	 *
8504813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
8604813259SLiu Zhe 	 */
8704813259SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testInsertAreaChart()8804813259SLiu Zhe 	public void testInsertAreaChart() throws Exception {
8904813259SLiu Zhe 		XChartDocument xChartDoc = null;
9004813259SLiu Zhe 		XDiagram aDiagram = null;
9104813259SLiu Zhe 		Point po = new Point(1000, 1000);
9204813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes = (XShapes) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xpage);
9304813259SLiu Zhe 		XShape xShape = ShapeUtil.createShape(impressDocument, po, new Size(
9404813259SLiu Zhe 				15000, 9271), "com.sun.star.drawing.OLE2Shape");
9504813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes.add(xShape);
9604813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.retrieveChartDocument(xShape);
9704813259SLiu Zhe 		aDiagram = ChartUtil.createChart(xChartDoc,
9804813259SLiu Zhe 				"com.sun.star.chart.AreaDiagram");
9904813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc.setDiagram(aDiagram);
10004813259SLiu Zhe 		xShape = saveAndLoadShape(1, 0);
10104813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.getChartDocument(xShape);
10204813259SLiu Zhe 		assertEquals("Not Area Chart", "com.sun.star.chart.AreaDiagram",
10304813259SLiu Zhe 				xChartDoc.getDiagram().getDiagramType());
10404813259SLiu Zhe 	}
10504813259SLiu Zhe 
10604813259SLiu Zhe 	/**
10704813259SLiu Zhe 	 * Insert Bubble Chart
10804813259SLiu Zhe 	 *
10904813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
11004813259SLiu Zhe 	 */
11104813259SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testInsertBubbleChart()11204813259SLiu Zhe 	public void testInsertBubbleChart() throws Exception {
11304813259SLiu Zhe 		XChartDocument xChartDoc = null;
11404813259SLiu Zhe 		XDiagram aDiagram = null;
11504813259SLiu Zhe 		Point po = new Point(1000, 1000);
11604813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes = (XShapes) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xpage);
11704813259SLiu Zhe 		XShape xShape = ShapeUtil.createShape(impressDocument, po, new Size(
11804813259SLiu Zhe 				15000, 9271), "com.sun.star.drawing.OLE2Shape");
11904813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes.add(xShape);
12004813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.retrieveChartDocument(xShape);
12104813259SLiu Zhe 		aDiagram = ChartUtil.createChart(xChartDoc,
12204813259SLiu Zhe 				"com.sun.star.chart.BubbleDiagram");
12304813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc.setDiagram(aDiagram);
12404813259SLiu Zhe 		xShape = saveAndLoadShape(1, 0);
12504813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.getChartDocument(xShape);
12604813259SLiu Zhe 		assertEquals("Not Area Chart", "com.sun.star.chart.BubbleDiagram",
12704813259SLiu Zhe 				xChartDoc.getDiagram().getDiagramType());
12804813259SLiu Zhe 	}
12904813259SLiu Zhe 
13004813259SLiu Zhe 	/**
13104813259SLiu Zhe 	 * Insert Bar Chart (default chart type)
13204813259SLiu Zhe 	 *
13304813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
13404813259SLiu Zhe 	 */
13504813259SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testInsertBarChart()13604813259SLiu Zhe 	public void testInsertBarChart() throws Exception {
13704813259SLiu Zhe 		XChartDocument xChartDoc = null;
13804813259SLiu Zhe 		Point po = new Point(1000, 1000);
13904813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes = (XShapes) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xpage);
14004813259SLiu Zhe 		XShape xShape = ShapeUtil.createShape(impressDocument, po, new Size(
14104813259SLiu Zhe 				15000, 9271), "com.sun.star.drawing.OLE2Shape");
14204813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes.add(xShape);
14304813259SLiu Zhe 		ChartUtil.retrieveChartDocument(xShape);
14404813259SLiu Zhe 		xShape = saveAndLoadShape(1, 0);
14504813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.getChartDocument(xShape);
14604813259SLiu Zhe 		assertEquals("Not Bar Chart", "com.sun.star.chart.BarDiagram",
14704813259SLiu Zhe 				xChartDoc.getDiagram().getDiagramType());
14804813259SLiu Zhe 
14904813259SLiu Zhe 	}
15004813259SLiu Zhe 
15104813259SLiu Zhe 	/**
15204813259SLiu Zhe 	 * test Insert Cone Chart(3D look of Bar chart)
15304813259SLiu Zhe 	 *
15404813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
15504813259SLiu Zhe 	 */
15604813259SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testInsertConeChart()15704813259SLiu Zhe 	public void testInsertConeChart() throws Exception {
15804813259SLiu Zhe 		XChartDocument xChartDoc = null;
15904813259SLiu Zhe 		XDiagram aDiagram = null;
16004813259SLiu Zhe 		Point po = new Point(1000, 1000);
16104813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes = (XShapes) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xpage);
16204813259SLiu Zhe 		XShape xShape = ShapeUtil.createShape(impressDocument, po, new Size(
16304813259SLiu Zhe 				15000, 9271), "com.sun.star.drawing.OLE2Shape");
16404813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes.add(xShape);
16504813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.retrieveChartDocument(xShape);
16604813259SLiu Zhe 		aDiagram = ChartUtil.createChart(xChartDoc,
16704813259SLiu Zhe 				"com.sun.star.chart.BarDiagram");
16804813259SLiu Zhe 		XPropertySet aDiaProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
16904813259SLiu Zhe 				XPropertySet.class, aDiagram);
17004813259SLiu Zhe 		aDiaProp.setPropertyValue("Dim3D", true);
17104813259SLiu Zhe 		aDiaProp.setPropertyValue("Deep", true);
17204813259SLiu Zhe 		// from service Chart3DBarProperties:
17304813259SLiu Zhe 		aDiaProp.setPropertyValue("SolidType", new Integer(
17404813259SLiu Zhe 				com.sun.star.chart.ChartSolidType.CONE));
17504813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc.setDiagram(aDiagram);
17604813259SLiu Zhe 		xShape = saveAndLoadShape(1, 0);
17704813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.getChartDocument(xShape);
17804813259SLiu Zhe 		aDiaProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class,
17904813259SLiu Zhe 				xChartDoc.getDiagram());
18004813259SLiu Zhe 		assertEquals("Not Cone Chart", com.sun.star.chart.ChartSolidType.CONE,
18104813259SLiu Zhe 				aDiaProp.getPropertyValue("SolidType"));
18204813259SLiu Zhe 
18304813259SLiu Zhe 	}
18404813259SLiu Zhe 
18504813259SLiu Zhe 	/**
18604813259SLiu Zhe 	 * Insert Line Chart
18704813259SLiu Zhe 	 *
18804813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
18904813259SLiu Zhe 	 */
19004813259SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testInsertLineChart()19104813259SLiu Zhe 	public void testInsertLineChart() throws Exception {
19204813259SLiu Zhe 		XChartDocument xChartDoc = null;
19304813259SLiu Zhe 		XDiagram aDiagram = null;
19404813259SLiu Zhe 		Point po = new Point(1000, 1000);
19504813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes = (XShapes) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xpage);
19604813259SLiu Zhe 		XShape xShape = ShapeUtil.createShape(impressDocument, po, new Size(
19704813259SLiu Zhe 				15000, 9271), "com.sun.star.drawing.OLE2Shape");
19804813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes.add(xShape);
19904813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.retrieveChartDocument(xShape);
20004813259SLiu Zhe 		aDiagram = ChartUtil.createChart(xChartDoc,
20104813259SLiu Zhe 				"com.sun.star.chart.LineDiagram");
20204813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc.setDiagram(aDiagram);
20304813259SLiu Zhe 		xShape = saveAndLoadShape(1, 0);
20404813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.getChartDocument(xShape);
20504813259SLiu Zhe 		assertEquals("Not Area Chart", "com.sun.star.chart.LineDiagram",
20604813259SLiu Zhe 				xChartDoc.getDiagram().getDiagramType());
20704813259SLiu Zhe 	}
20804813259SLiu Zhe 
20904813259SLiu Zhe 	/**
21004813259SLiu Zhe 	 * Insert Pie Chart
21104813259SLiu Zhe 	 *
21204813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
21304813259SLiu Zhe 	 */
21404813259SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testInsertPieChart()21504813259SLiu Zhe 	public void testInsertPieChart() throws Exception {
21604813259SLiu Zhe 		XChartDocument xChartDoc = null;
21704813259SLiu Zhe 		XDiagram aDiagram = null;
21804813259SLiu Zhe 		Point po = new Point(1000, 1000);
21904813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes = (XShapes) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShapes.class, xpage);
22004813259SLiu Zhe 		XShape xShape = ShapeUtil.createShape(impressDocument, po, new Size(
22104813259SLiu Zhe 				15000, 9271), "com.sun.star.drawing.OLE2Shape");
22204813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes.add(xShape);
22304813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.retrieveChartDocument(xShape);
22404813259SLiu Zhe 		aDiagram = ChartUtil.createChart(xChartDoc,
22504813259SLiu Zhe 				"com.sun.star.chart.PieDiagram");
22604813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc.setDiagram(aDiagram);
22704813259SLiu Zhe 		xShape = saveAndLoadShape(1, 0);
22804813259SLiu Zhe 		xChartDoc = ChartUtil.getChartDocument(xShape);
22904813259SLiu Zhe 		assertEquals("Not Area Chart", "com.sun.star.chart.PieDiagram",
23004813259SLiu Zhe 				xChartDoc.getDiagram().getDiagramType());
23104813259SLiu Zhe 	}
23204813259SLiu Zhe 
23304813259SLiu Zhe 	/**
23404813259SLiu Zhe 	 * create a new presentation document and insert a new slide.
23504813259SLiu Zhe 	 *
23604813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
23704813259SLiu Zhe 	 */
createDocumentAndSlide()23804813259SLiu Zhe 	public void createDocumentAndSlide() throws Exception {
23904813259SLiu Zhe 		impressDocument = (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
24004813259SLiu Zhe 				XComponent.class, unoApp.newDocument("simpress"));
24104813259SLiu Zhe 		drawsupplier = (XDrawPagesSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
24204813259SLiu Zhe 				XDrawPagesSupplier.class, impressDocument);
24304813259SLiu Zhe 		drawpages = drawsupplier.getDrawPages();
24404813259SLiu Zhe 		drawpages.insertNewByIndex(1);
24504813259SLiu Zhe 		xpage = PageUtil.getDrawPageByIndex(impressDocument, 1);
24604813259SLiu Zhe 	}
24704813259SLiu Zhe 
24804813259SLiu Zhe 	/**
24904813259SLiu Zhe 	 * Save presentation and reLoad the presentation and shape in it.
25004813259SLiu Zhe 	 *
25104813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @param po
25204813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @param shapeType
25304813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @return
25404813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
25504813259SLiu Zhe 	 */
saveAndLoadShape(int pageIndex, int shapeIndex)25604813259SLiu Zhe 	public XShape saveAndLoadShape(int pageIndex, int shapeIndex)
25704813259SLiu Zhe 			throws Exception {
25804813259SLiu Zhe 		reLoadFile = saveAndReloadDoc(impressDocument,
25904813259SLiu Zhe 				"impress8", "odp");
26004813259SLiu Zhe 		xShapes = ShapeUtil.getShapes(reLoadFile, pageIndex);
26104813259SLiu Zhe 		return (XShape) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XShape.class,
26204813259SLiu Zhe 				xShapes.getByIndex(shapeIndex));
26304813259SLiu Zhe 	}
26404813259SLiu Zhe 
26504813259SLiu Zhe 	/**
26604813259SLiu Zhe 	 * save and reload Presentation document.
26704813259SLiu Zhe 	 *
26804813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @param presentationDocument
26904813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @param sFilter
27004813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @param sExtension
27104813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @return
27204813259SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
27304813259SLiu Zhe 	 */
saveAndReloadDoc(XComponent presentationDocument, String sFilter, String sExtension)27404813259SLiu Zhe 	private XComponent saveAndReloadDoc(XComponent presentationDocument,
27504813259SLiu Zhe 			String sFilter, String sExtension) throws Exception {
27604813259SLiu Zhe 		filePath = Testspace.getPath("tmp/presentationtest." + sExtension);
27704813259SLiu Zhe 		PropertyValue[] aStoreProperties = new PropertyValue[2];
27804813259SLiu Zhe 		aStoreProperties[0] = new PropertyValue();
27904813259SLiu Zhe 		aStoreProperties[1] = new PropertyValue();
28004813259SLiu Zhe 		aStoreProperties[0].Name = "Override";
28104813259SLiu Zhe 		aStoreProperties[0].Value = true;
28204813259SLiu Zhe 		aStoreProperties[1].Name = "FilterName";
28304813259SLiu Zhe 		aStoreProperties[1].Value = sFilter;
28404813259SLiu Zhe 		XStorable xStorable = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
28504813259SLiu Zhe 				XStorable.class, presentationDocument);
28604813259SLiu Zhe 		xStorable.storeToURL(FileUtil.getUrl(filePath), aStoreProperties);
28704813259SLiu Zhe 
288cebb507aSLiu Zhe 		return (XComponent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponent.class,
28904813259SLiu Zhe 				unoApp.loadDocument(filePath));
29004813259SLiu Zhe 	}
29104813259SLiu Zhe }