/aoo4110/main/instsetoo_native/inc_ooolangpack/windows/msi_templates/ |
H A D | ControlE.idt | 19 CancelSetup Yes EndDialog Exit 1 2 24 CustomerInformation Next EndDialog Exit (SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT) And (SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT<0) And… 48 FilesInUse Exit EndDialog Exit 1 0 112 SetupCompleteError Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2 115 SetupCompleteSuccess OK EndDialog Exit 1 2 125 SetupInterrupted Back EndDialog Exit 1 2 127 SetupInterrupted Cancel EndDialog Exit 1 2 128 SetupInterrupted Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2
H A D | Dialog.idt | 14 FilesInUse 50 50 374 266 19 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] Retry Retry Exit
/aoo4110/main/instsetoo_native/inc_sdkoo/windows/msi_templates/ |
H A D | ControlE.idt | 19 CancelSetup Yes EndDialog Exit 1 2 24 CustomerInformation Next EndDialog Exit (SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT) And (SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT<0) And… 48 FilesInUse Exit EndDialog Exit 1 0 113 SetupCompleteError Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2 116 SetupCompleteSuccess OK EndDialog Exit 1 2 126 SetupInterrupted Back EndDialog Exit 1 2 128 SetupInterrupted Cancel EndDialog Exit 1 2 129 SetupInterrupted Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2
H A D | Dialog.idt | 14 FilesInUse 50 50 374 266 19 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] Retry Retry Exit
/aoo4110/main/instsetoo_native/inc_ure/windows/msi_templates/ |
H A D | ControlE.idt | 19 CancelSetup Yes EndDialog Exit 1 2 24 CustomerInformation Next EndDialog Exit (SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT) And (SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT<0) And… 48 FilesInUse Exit EndDialog Exit 1 0 113 SetupCompleteError Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2 116 SetupCompleteSuccess OK EndDialog Exit 1 2 126 SetupInterrupted Back EndDialog Exit 1 2 128 SetupInterrupted Cancel EndDialog Exit 1 2 129 SetupInterrupted Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2
H A D | Dialog.idt | 14 FilesInUse 50 50 374 266 19 [ProductName] - [STR_INSTALLATION_WIZARD] Retry Retry Exit
/aoo4110/main/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_templates/ |
H A D | ControlE.idt | 20 CancelSetup Yes EndDialog Exit 1 2 26 CustomerInformation Next EndDialog Exit (SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT) And (SERIALNUMVALRETRYLIMIT<0) And… 57 FilesInUse Exit EndDialog Exit 1 0 125 SetupCompleteError Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2 128 SetupCompleteSuccess OK EndDialog Exit 1 2 138 SetupInterrupted Back EndDialog Exit 1 2 140 SetupInterrupted Cancel EndDialog Exit 1 2 141 SetupInterrupted Finish EndDialog Exit 1 2
/aoo4110/main/svtools/source/filter/jpeg/ |
H A D | jpegc.c | 88 goto Exit; in ReadJPEG() 213 Exit: in ReadJPEG() 233 goto Exit; in WriteJPEG() 273 goto Exit; in WriteJPEG() 280 Exit: in WriteJPEG()
/aoo4110/main/odk/examples/CLI/CSharp/Spreadsheet/ |
H A D | ViewSample.cs | 122 Monitor.Exit( aListener ); in doSampleFunction() 161 Monitor.Exit( this ); in done() 175 Monitor.Exit( this ); in aborted()
/aoo4110/main/rhino/ |
H A D | rhino1_7R3.patch | 606 - String[] fileItems = {"Open...", "Run...", "", "Exit"}; 607 - String[] fileCmds = {"Open", "Load", "", "Exit"}; 608 + // String[] fileItems = {"Open...", "Run...", "", "Exit"}; 609 + // String[] fileCmds = {"Open", "Load", "", "Exit"}; 610 + String[] fileItems = {"Run", "Save", "", "Exit"}; 611 + String[] fileCmds = {"Run", "Save", "", "Exit"};
/aoo4110/main/cli_ure/source/uno_bridge/ |
H A D | cli_proxy.cxx | 223 System::Threading::Monitor::Exit(this); in addUnoInterface() 327 System::Threading::Monitor::Exit(this); in CanCastTo() 866 System::Threading::Monitor::Exit(m_arUnoPosToCliPos); in getMethodInfo()
/aoo4110/main/sw/inc/ |
H A D | swdll.hxx | 57 static void Exit(); // called directly befor unloading the DLL
/aoo4110/main/starmath/inc/ |
H A D | smdll.hxx | 39 static void Exit();
/aoo4110/main/sd/inc/ |
H A D | sddll.hxx | 65 static void Exit(); // called directly befor unloading the DLL
/aoo4110/main/basctl/inc/ |
H A D | iderdll.hxx | 44 static void Exit();
/aoo4110/main/sc/inc/ |
H A D | scdll.hxx | 64 static void Exit(); // called directly befor unloading the DLL
/aoo4110/main/sfx2/source/appl/ |
H A D | appmain.cxx | 119 void SfxApplication::Exit() in Exit() function in SfxApplication
H A D | appquit.cxx | 125 Exit(); in Deinitialize()
/aoo4110/main/sd/source/ui/app/ |
H A D | sddll.cxx | 134 void SdDLL::Exit() in Exit() function in SdDLL
/aoo4110/main/sw/source/ui/app/ |
H A D | swdll.cxx | 134 void SwDLL::Exit() in Exit() function in SwDLL
/aoo4110/main/starmath/source/ |
H A D | smdll.cxx | 103 void SmDLL::Exit() in Exit() function in SmDLL
/aoo4110/main/sc/source/core/inc/ |
H A D | parclass.hxx | 81 static void Exit();
/aoo4110/main/basic/source/comp/ |
H A D | parser.cxx | 72 { EXIT, &SbiParser::Exit, N, Y, }, // EXIT 232 void SbiParser::Exit() in Exit() function in SbiParser
/aoo4110/main/basic/source/inc/ |
H A D | parser.hxx | 113 void Exit(); // EXIT
/aoo4110/main/basctl/source/basicide/ |
H A D | iderdll.cxx | 119 void BasicIDEDLL::Exit() in Exit() function in BasicIDEDLL