1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_connectivity.hxx"
27 #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && HAVE_CONFIG_H
28 #include <config.h>
29 #endif
30 #include <com/sun/star/io/XStream.hpp>
31 #include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
32 #include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentSubStorageSupplier.hpp>
33 #include <com/sun/star/embed/XStorage.hpp>
34 #include <com/sun/star/embed/ElementModes.hpp>
35 #include <comphelper/stl_types.hxx>
36 #include <comphelper/types.hxx>
37 #include "hsqldb/HStorageAccess.hxx"
38 #include "hsqldb/HStorageMap.hxx"
39 #include "hsqldb/StorageNativeInputStream.h"
41 #include "jvmaccess/virtualmachine.hxx"
42 #include <com/sun/star/lang/XSingleComponentFactory.hpp>
43 #include "accesslog.hxx"
45 #include <limits>
48 using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
49 using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
50 using namespace ::com::sun::star::document;
51 using namespace ::com::sun::star::embed;
52 using namespace ::com::sun::star::io;
53 using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
54 using namespace ::connectivity::hsqldb;
56 #define OUSTR(x) ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(x) )
57 /*****************************************************************************/
58 /* exception macros */
60 #define ThrowException(env, type, msg) { \
61 	env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass(type), msg); }
62 /*
63  * Class:     com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream
64  * Method:    openStream
65  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
66  */
Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_openStream(JNIEnv * env,jobject,jstring key,jstring name,jint mode)67 SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_openStream
68   (JNIEnv * env, jobject /*obj_this*/,jstring key, jstring name, jint mode)
69 {
70 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
71     {
72         OperationLogFile( env, name, "input" ).logOperation( "openStream" );
73         LogFile( env, name, "input" ).create();
74     }
75 #endif
76 	StorageContainer::registerStream(env,name,key,mode);
77 }
78 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 /*
81  * Class:     com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream
82  * Method:    read
83  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I
84  */
Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_read__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2(JNIEnv * env,jobject obj_this,jstring key,jstring name)85 SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_read__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2
86   (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj_this,jstring key, jstring name)
87 {
88 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
89     OperationLogFile( env, name, "input" ).logOperation( "read()" );
91     DataLogFile aDataLog( env, name, "input" );
92     return read_from_storage_stream( env, obj_this, name, key, &aDataLog );
93 #else
94     return read_from_storage_stream( env, obj_this, name, key );
95 #endif
96 }
97 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 /*
100  * Class:     com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream
101  * Method:    read
102  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[BII)I
103  */
Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_read__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2_3BII(JNIEnv * env,jobject obj_this,jstring key,jstring name,jbyteArray buffer,jint off,jint len)104 SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_read__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2_3BII
105   (JNIEnv * env, jobject obj_this,jstring key, jstring name, jbyteArray buffer, jint off, jint len)
106 {
107 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
108     OperationLogFile( env, name, "input" ).logOperation( "read( byte[], int, int )" );
110     DataLogFile aDataLog( env, name, "input" );
111     return read_from_storage_stream_into_buffer( env, obj_this, name, key, buffer, off, len, &aDataLog );
112 #else
113     return read_from_storage_stream_into_buffer(env,obj_this,name,key,buffer,off,len);
114 #endif
115 }
116 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 /*
119  * Class:     com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream
120  * Method:    close
121  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
122  */
Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_close(JNIEnv * env,jobject,jstring key,jstring name)123 SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_close
124   (JNIEnv * env, jobject /*obj_this*/,jstring key, jstring name)
125 {
126 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
127     OperationLogFile aOpLog( env, name, "input" );
128     aOpLog.logOperation( "close" );
129     aOpLog.close();
131     LogFile aDataLog( env, name, "input" );
132     aDataLog.close();
133 #endif
134 	StorageContainer::revokeStream(env,name,key);
135 }
136 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 /*
139  * Class:     com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream
140  * Method:    skip
141  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;J)J
142  */
Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_skip(JNIEnv * env,jobject,jstring key,jstring name,jlong n)143 SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_skip
144   (JNIEnv * env, jobject /*obj_this*/,jstring key, jstring name, jlong n)
145 {
146 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
147     OperationLogFile( env, name, "input" ).logOperation( "skip()" );
148 #endif
150     if ( n < 0 )
151         ThrowException(	env,
152 						"java/io/IOException",
153 						"n < 0");
155 	::boost::shared_ptr<StreamHelper> pHelper = StorageContainer::getRegisteredStream(env,name,key);
156 	OSL_ENSURE(pHelper.get(),"No stream helper!");
157 	if ( pHelper.get() )
158 	{
159 		Reference<XInputStream> xIn = pHelper->getInputStream();
160 		if ( xIn.is() )
161 		{
162 			try
163 			{
164 				sal_Int64 tmpLongVal = n;
165 				sal_Int32 tmpIntVal;
167                 try
168                 {
169 				    do {
170 					    if (tmpLongVal >= ::std::numeric_limits<sal_Int64>::max() )
171 						    tmpIntVal = ::std::numeric_limits<sal_Int32>::max();
172 					    else // Casting is safe here.
173 						    tmpIntVal = static_cast<sal_Int32>(tmpLongVal);
175 					    tmpLongVal -= tmpIntVal;
177                         xIn->skipBytes(tmpIntVal);
179 				    } while (tmpLongVal > 0);
180                 }
181                 catch(Exception& )
182                 {
183                 }
185                 return n - tmpLongVal;
186 			}
187 			catch(Exception& e)
188 			{
189 				OSL_ENSURE(0,"Exception catched! : skip();");
190                 StorageContainer::throwJavaException(e,env);
191 			}
192 		}
193 	}
194 	else
195 	{
196 		ThrowException(	env,
197 						"java/io/IOException",
198 						"Stream is not valid");
199 	}
200 	return 0;
201 }
202 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 /*
205  * Class:     com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream
206  * Method:    available
207  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I
208  */
Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_available(JNIEnv * env,jobject,jstring key,jstring name)209 SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_available
210   (JNIEnv * env, jobject /*obj_this*/,jstring key, jstring name)
211 {
212 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
213     OperationLogFile aOpLog( env, name, "input" );
214     aOpLog.logOperation( "available" );
215 #endif
217     ::boost::shared_ptr<StreamHelper> pHelper = StorageContainer::getRegisteredStream(env,name,key);
218 	OSL_ENSURE(pHelper.get(),"No stream helper!");
219 	Reference<XInputStream> xIn = pHelper.get() ? pHelper->getInputStream() : Reference<XInputStream>();
220 	if ( xIn.is() )
221 	{
222 		try
223 		{
224             jint nAvailable = xIn->available();
225 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
226             aOpLog.logReturn( nAvailable );
227 #endif
228 			return nAvailable;
229 		}
230 		catch(Exception& e)
231 		{
232            OSL_ENSURE(0,"Exception caught! : available();");
233 			StorageContainer::throwJavaException(e,env);
234 		}
235 	}
236 	else
237 	{
238 		ThrowException(	env,
239 						"java/io/IOException",
240 						"Stream is not valid");
241 	}
242 	return 0;
243 }
244 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
246 /*
247  * Class:     com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream
248  * Method:    read
249  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[B)I
250  */
Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_read__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2_3B(JNIEnv * env,jobject,jstring key,jstring name,jbyteArray buffer)251 SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_sun_star_sdbcx_comp_hsqldb_StorageNativeInputStream_read__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2_3B
252   (JNIEnv * env, jobject /*obj_this*/,jstring key, jstring name, jbyteArray buffer)
253 {
254 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
255     OperationLogFile aOpLog( env, name, "input" );
256     aOpLog.logOperation( "read( byte[] )" );
258     DataLogFile aDataLog( env, name, "input" );
259 #endif
261     ::boost::shared_ptr<StreamHelper> pHelper = StorageContainer::getRegisteredStream(env,name,key);
262 	Reference< XInputStream> xIn = pHelper.get() ? pHelper->getInputStream() : Reference< XInputStream>();
263 	OSL_ENSURE(xIn.is(),"Input stream is NULL!");
264 	jint nBytesRead = 0;
265 	if ( xIn.is() )
266 	{
267 		jsize nLen = env->GetArrayLength(buffer);
268 		Sequence< ::sal_Int8 > aData(nLen);
270         try
271         {
272 	        nBytesRead = xIn->readBytes(aData,nLen);
273         }
274         catch(Exception& e)
275 		{
276 			OSL_ENSURE(0,"Exception catched! : skip();");
277             StorageContainer::throwJavaException(e,env);
278 		}
280 		// Casting bytesRead to an int is okay, since the user can
281 		// only pass in an integer length to read, so the bytesRead
282 		// must <= len.
283 		//
284 		if (nBytesRead <= 0) {
285 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
286             aOpLog.logReturn( (jint)-1 );
287 #endif
288 			return -1;
289 		}
290         OSL_ENSURE(nLen >= nBytesRead,"Buffer is too small!");
291         OSL_ENSURE(aData.getLength() >= nBytesRead,"Buffer is too small!");
292 		env->SetByteArrayRegion(buffer,0,nBytesRead,&aData[0]);
293 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
294         aDataLog.write( &aData[0], nBytesRead );
295 #endif
296 	}
297 #ifdef HSQLDB_DBG
298     aOpLog.logReturn( nBytesRead );
299 #endif
300 	return nBytesRead;
301 }
302 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------