xref: /aoo4110/main/offapi/com/sun/star/frame/Frame.idl (revision b1cdbd2c)
1*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski/**************************************************************
2*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
3*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * distributed with this work for additional information
6*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
11*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
13*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski * under the License.
19*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *
20*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski *************************************************************/
21*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
22*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
23*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_frame_Frame_idl__
24*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#define __com_sun_star_frame_Frame_idl__
25*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
26*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_frame_XFrame_idl__
27*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrame.idl>
28*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
29*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
30*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_frame_XDispatchProvider_idl__
31*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchProvider.idl>
32*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
33*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
34*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_frame_XDispatchRecorderSupplier_idl__
35*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchRecorderSupplier.idl>
36*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
37*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
38*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_frame_XDispatchProviderInterception_idl__
39*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchProviderInterception.idl>
40*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
41*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
42*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_frame_XFramesSupplier_idl__
43*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/frame/XFramesSupplier.idl>
44*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
45*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
46*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_task_XStatusIndicatorFactory_idl__
47*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/task/XStatusIndicatorFactory.idl>
48*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
49*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
50*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_beans_XPropertySet_idl__
51*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.idl>
52*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
53*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
54*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef __com_sun_star_frame_XDispatchInformationProvider_idl__
55*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchInformationProvider.idl>
56*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
57*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
58*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#ifndef _com_sun_star_xml_UserDefinedAttributesSupplier_idl_
59*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#include <com/sun/star/xml/UserDefinedAttributesSupplier.idl>
60*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif
61*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
62*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
63*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
64*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski module com {  module sun {  module star {  module frame {
65*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
66*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
67*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski/** represents the environment for a desktop component
68*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
69*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    <p>
70*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    Frames are the anchors for the office components and they are the components' link
71*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    to the outside world. They create a skeleton for the whole office api infrastructure
72*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    by building frame hierarchys. These hierarchies contains all currently loaded
73*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    documents and make it possible to walk during these trees.
74*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    A special service <type>Desktop</type> can(!) combine different of such trees
75*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    to a global one which life time will be controlled by it.
76*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    </p>
77*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
78*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    @see Desktop
79*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski */
80*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielskipublished service Frame
81*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski{
82*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
83*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** contains user defined attributes.
84*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
85*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @see    <type scope="com::sun::star::xml">UserDefinedAttributesSupplier</type>
86*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     */
87*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    [optional] service com::sun::star::xml::UserDefinedAttributesSupplier;
88*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
89*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
90*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** allows the component to be loaded and accessed
91*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        within the frame; it is the main connection to the
92*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        environment of the component.
93*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	 */
94*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    interface XFrame;
95*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
96*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
97*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	/** provides access to dispatchers for the frame.
98*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
99*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>
100*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        What kind of URLs a frame accepts in the calls to <member>XDispatchProvider::queryDispatch()</member>,
101*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		and how the returned dispatcher handles dispatches is completely implementation dependent
102*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        (though of course the restrictions of <type>XDispatchProvider</type> must be met).
103*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        Frame implementations may (optionally) support special targets in the call to
104*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <member>XDispatchProvider::queryDispatch()</member>.
105*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        Such special targets are passed as target frame name. They may, in addition,
106*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		require special frame search flags (see <type>FrameSearchFlag</type>), or,
107*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		in opposite, limit the set of allowed flags.<br>
108*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		Common special targets include:
109*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		<ul>
110*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski                        <li><b>_blank</b><br> is used to create a new frame when dispatching the URL.</li>
111*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            <li><b>_default</b><br> is used to recycle empty or create a new frame when dispatching the URL.</li>
112*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski            <li><b>_self</b><br> forces the frame to dispatch the URL into itself. ("" means the same)</li>
113*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski                        <li><b>_parent</b><br> dispatches the URL into the parent frame.</li>
114*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski                        <li><b>_top</b><br> dispatches the URL into the top level frame, the frame where this is invoked belongs to.</li>
115*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		</ul>
116*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		</p>
117*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
118*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski		@see XDispatch
119*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @see XFrame::findFrame()
120*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	*/
121*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    interface XDispatchProvider;
122*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
123*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
124*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** provides information about supported commands
125*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
126*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        @since OpenOffice 2.0
127*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    */
128*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    [optional] interface XDispatchInformationProvider;
129*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
130*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
131*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** supports interception mechanism for dispatched URLs
132*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
133*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>
134*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        Registered objects can intercept, supress or deroute dispatched URLs.
135*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        If they support another interface too (<type>XInterceptorInfo</type>)
136*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        it's possible to perform it by directly calling of right interceptor without
137*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        using list of all registered ones.
138*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        </p>
139*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	 */
140*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    interface XDispatchProviderInterception;
141*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
142*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
143*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** provides access to sub frames within this frame
144*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	 */
145*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    interface XFramesSupplier;
146*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
147*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
148*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** supplies access to <type scope="com::sun::star::task">XStatusIndicator</type> objects
149*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        for the component within the frame to show progresses
150*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	 */
151*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	[optional] interface com::sun::star::task::XStatusIndicatorFactory;
152*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
153*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
154*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** if possible it sets/gets the UI title on/from the frame container window
155*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
156*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>
157*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        It depends from the type of the frame container window. If it is a system
158*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        task window all will be OK. Otherwise the title can't be set.
159*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        Setting/getting of the pure value of this property must be possible in every
160*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        case. Only showing on the UI can be fail.
161*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        </p>
162*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     */
163*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    [property] string Title;
164*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
165*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
166*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** provides access to the dispatch recorder of the frame
167*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
168*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>
169*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        Such recorder can be used to record dispatch requests.
170*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        The supplier contains a dispatch recorder and provide the functionality
171*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        to use it for any dispatch object from outside which supports the interface
172*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <type>XDispatch</type>. A supplier is available only, if recording was enabled.
173*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        That means: if somewhere whish to enable recoding on a frame he must set
174*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        a supplier with a recorder object inside of it. Every user of dispatches
175*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        has to check then if such supplier is available at this frame property.
176*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        If value of this property is <NULL/> he must call <member>XDispatch::dispatch()</member>
177*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        on the original dispatch object. If it's a valid value he must use the supplier
178*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        by calling his method <member>XDispatchRecorderSupplier::dispatchAndRecord()</member>
179*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        with the original dispatch object as argument.
180*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        </p>
181*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
182*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        <p>
183*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        Note:<br>
184*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        It's not recommended to cache an already getted supplier. Because there exist
185*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        no possibility to check for enabled/disabled recording then.
186*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski        </p>
187*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
188*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski	@since OpenOffice 1.1.2
189*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     */
190*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    [optional, property] XDispatchRecorderSupplier RecorderSupplier;
191*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
192*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
193*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    /** provides access to the <type>LayoutManager</type> of the frame.
194*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    */
195*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski    [optional, property] com::sun::star::uno::XInterface LayoutManager;
196*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski};
197*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
198*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski//=============================================================================
199*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
200*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski}; }; }; };
201*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski
202*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski#endif