xref: /aoo4110/main/sc/source/filter/inc/xlroot.hxx (revision b1cdbd2c)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 #ifndef SC_XLROOT_HXX
25 #define SC_XLROOT_HXX
27 #include <com/sun/star/beans/NamedValue.hpp>
29 #include <i18npool/lang.h>
30 #include <sot/storage.hxx>
31 #include "xlconst.hxx"
32 #include "xltools.hxx"
34 namespace comphelper { class IDocPasswordVerifier; }
36 // Forward declarations of objects in public use ==============================
38 class DateTime;
40 struct XclAddress;
41 struct XclRange;
42 class XclRangeList;
43 class XclTokenArray;
45 // Global data ================================================================
47 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
48 /** Counts the number of created root objects. */
49 struct XclDebugObjCounter
50 {
51     sal_Int32           mnObjCnt;
XclDebugObjCounterXclDebugObjCounter52     inline explicit     XclDebugObjCounter() : mnObjCnt( 0 ) {}
53                         ~XclDebugObjCounter();
54 };
55 #endif
57 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 class SfxMedium;
60 class ScEditEngineDefaulter;
61 class ScHeaderEditEngine;
62 class EditEngine;
63 class ScExtDocOptions;
64 class XclFontPropSetHelper;
65 class XclChPropSetHelper;
66 class XclTracer;
68 struct RootData;//!
70 /** Stores global buffers and data needed elsewhere in the Excel filters. */
71 struct XclRootData
72 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
73     : public XclDebugObjCounter
74 #endif
75 {
76     typedef ScfRef< ScEditEngineDefaulter > ScEEDefaulterRef;
77     typedef ScfRef< ScHeaderEditEngine >    ScHeaderEERef;
78     typedef ScfRef< EditEngine >            EditEngineRef;
79     typedef ScfRef< XclFontPropSetHelper >  XclFontPropSetHlpRef;
80     typedef ScfRef< XclChPropSetHelper >    XclChPropSetHlpRef;
81     typedef ScfRef< ScExtDocOptions >       ScExtDocOptRef;
82     typedef ScfRef< XclTracer >             XclTracerRef;
83     typedef ScfRef< RootData >              RootDataRef;
85     XclBiff             meBiff;             /// Current BIFF version.
86     XclOutput           meOutput;           /// Current Output format.
87     SfxMedium&          mrMedium;           /// The medium to import from.
88     SotStorageRef       mxRootStrg;         /// The root OLE storage of imported/exported file.
89     ScDocument&         mrDoc;              /// The source or destination document.
90     String              maDocUrl;           /// Document URL of imported/exported file.
91     String              maBasePath;         /// Base path of imported/exported file (path of maDocUrl).
92     String              maUserName;         /// Current user name.
93     const String        maDefPassword;      /// The default password used for stream encryption.
94     rtl_TextEncoding    meTextEnc;          /// Text encoding to import/export byte strings.
95     LanguageType        meSysLang;          /// System language.
96     LanguageType        meDocLang;          /// Document language (import: from file, export: from system).
97     LanguageType        meUILang;           /// UI language (import: from file, export: from system).
98     sal_Int16           mnDefApiScript;     /// Default script type for blank cells (API constant).
99     ScAddress           maScMaxPos;         /// Highest Calc cell position.
100     ScAddress           maXclMaxPos;        /// Highest Excel cell position.
101     ScAddress           maMaxPos;           /// Highest position valid in Calc and Excel.
103     ScEEDefaulterRef    mxEditEngine;       /// Edit engine for rich strings etc.
104     ScHeaderEERef       mxHFEditEngine;     /// Edit engine for header/footer.
105     EditEngineRef       mxDrawEditEng;      /// Edit engine for text boxes.
107     XclFontPropSetHlpRef mxFontPropSetHlp;  /// Property set helper for fonts.
108     XclChPropSetHlpRef  mxChPropSetHlp;     /// Property set helper for chart filter.
110     ScExtDocOptRef      mxExtDocOpt;        /// Extended document options.
111     XclTracerRef        mxTracer;           /// Filter tracer.
112     RootDataRef         mxRD;               /// Old RootData struct. Will be removed.
114     double              mfScreenPixelX;     /// Width of a screen pixel (1/100 mm).
115     double              mfScreenPixelY;     /// Height of a screen pixel (1/100 mm).
116     long                mnCharWidth;        /// Width of '0' in default font (twips).
117     SCTAB               mnScTab;            /// Current Calc sheet index.
118     const bool          mbExport;           /// false = Import, true = Export.
120     explicit            XclRootData( XclBiff eBiff, SfxMedium& rMedium,
121                             SotStorageRef xRootStrg, ScDocument& rDoc,
122                             rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc, bool bExport );
123     virtual             ~XclRootData();
124 };
126 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
128 class SfxObjectShell;
129 class ScModelObj;
130 class OutputDevice;
131 class SvNumberFormatter;
132 class SdrPage;
133 class ScDocumentPool;
134 class ScStyleSheetPool;
135 class ScRangeName;
136 class ScDBCollection;
137 struct XclFontData;
139 /** Access to global data for a filter object (imported or exported document) from other classes. */
140 class XclRoot
141 {
142 public:
143     explicit            XclRoot( XclRootData& rRootData );
144                         XclRoot( const XclRoot& rRoot );
146     virtual             ~XclRoot();
148     XclRoot&            operator=( const XclRoot& rRoot );
150     /** Returns this root instance - for code readability in derived classes. */
GetRoot() const151     inline const XclRoot& GetRoot() const { return *this; }
152     /** Returns old RootData struct. Deprecated. */
GetOldRoot() const153     inline RootData&    GetOldRoot() const { return *mrData.mxRD; }
155     /** Returns the current BIFF version of the importer/exporter. */
GetBiff() const156     inline XclBiff      GetBiff() const { return mrData.meBiff; }
157     /** Returns the current output format of the importer/exporter. */
GetOutput() const158     inline XclOutput    GetOutput() const { return mrData.meOutput; }
159     /** Returns true, if currently a document is imported. */
IsImport() const160     inline bool         IsImport() const { return !mrData.mbExport; }
161     /** Returns true, if currently a document is exported. */
IsExport() const162     inline bool         IsExport() const { return mrData.mbExport; }
163     /** Returns the text encoding to import/export byte strings. */
GetTextEncoding() const164     inline rtl_TextEncoding GetTextEncoding() const { return mrData.meTextEnc; }
165     /** Returns the system language, i.e. for number formats. */
GetSysLanguage() const166     inline LanguageType GetSysLanguage() const { return mrData.meSysLang; }
167     /** Returns the document language. */
GetDocLanguage() const168     inline LanguageType GetDocLanguage() const { return mrData.meDocLang; }
169     /** Returns the UI language. */
GetUILanguage() const170     inline LanguageType GetUILanguage() const { return mrData.meUILang; }
171     /** Returns the default script type, e.g. for blank cells. */
GetDefApiScript() const172     inline sal_Int16    GetDefApiScript() const { return mrData.mnDefApiScript; }
173     /** Returns the width of the '0' character (default font) for the current printer (twips). */
GetCharWidth() const174     inline long         GetCharWidth() const { return mrData.mnCharWidth; }
175     /** Returns the current Calc sheet index. */
IsInGlobals() const176     inline bool         IsInGlobals() const { return mrData.mnScTab == SCTAB_GLOBAL; }
177     /** Returns the current Calc sheet index. */
GetCurrScTab() const178     inline SCTAB        GetCurrScTab() const { return mrData.mnScTab; }
180     /** Calculates the width of the passed number of pixels in 1/100 mm. */
181     sal_Int32           GetHmmFromPixelX( double fPixelX ) const;
182     /** Calculates the height of the passed number of pixels in 1/100 mm. */
183     sal_Int32           GetHmmFromPixelY( double fPixelY ) const;
185     /** Returns the medium to import from. */
GetMedium() const186     inline SfxMedium&   GetMedium() const { return mrData.mrMedium; }
187     /** Returns the document URL of the imported/exported file. */
GetDocUrl() const188     inline const String& GetDocUrl() const { return mrData.maDocUrl; }
189     /** Returns the base path of the imported/exported file. */
GetBasePath() const190     inline const String& GetBasePath() const { return mrData.maBasePath; }
191     /** Returns the current user name. */
GetUserName() const192     inline const String& GetUserName() const { return mrData.maUserName; }
194     /** Returns the default password used for stream encryption. */
GetDefaultPassword() const195     inline const String& GetDefaultPassword() const { return mrData.maDefPassword; }
196     /** Requests and verifies a password from the medium or the user. */
197     ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue >
198         RequestEncryptionData( ::comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier& rVerifier ) const;
200     /** Returns the OLE2 root storage of the imported/exported file.
201         @return  Pointer to root storage or 0, if the file is a simple stream. */
GetRootStorage() const202     inline SotStorageRef GetRootStorage() const { return mrData.mxRootStrg; }
203     /** Returns true, if the document contains a VBA storage. */
204     bool                HasVbaStorage() const;
206     /** Tries to open a storage as child of the specified storage for reading or writing. */
207     SotStorageRef       OpenStorage( SotStorageRef xStrg, const String& rStrgName ) const;
208     /** Tries to open a storage as child of the root storage for reading or writing. */
209     SotStorageRef       OpenStorage( const String& rStrgName ) const;
210     /** Tries to open a new stream in the specified storage for reading or writing. */
211     SotStorageStreamRef OpenStream( SotStorageRef xStrg, const String& rStrmName ) const;
212     /** Tries to open a new stream in the root storage for reading or writing. */
213     SotStorageStreamRef OpenStream( const String& rStrmName ) const;
215     /** Returns the destination document (import) or source document (export). */
GetDoc() const216     inline ScDocument&  GetDoc() const { return mrData.mrDoc; }
217     /** Returns pointer to the destination document (import) or source document (export). */
GetDocPtr() const218     inline ScDocument*  GetDocPtr() const { return &mrData.mrDoc; }
219     /** Returns the object shell of the Calc document. May be 0 (i.e. import from clipboard). */
220     SfxObjectShell*     GetDocShell() const;
221     /** Returns the object model of the Calc document. */
222     ScModelObj*         GetDocModelObj() const;
223     /** Returns pointer to the printer of the Calc document. */
224     OutputDevice*       GetPrinter() const;
225     /** Returns the style sheet pool of the Calc document. */
226     ScStyleSheetPool&   GetStyleSheetPool() const;
227     /** Returns the defined names container of the Calc document. */
228     ScRangeName&        GetNamedRanges() const;
229     /** Returns the database ranges container of the Calc document. */
230     ScDBCollection&     GetDatabaseRanges() const;
231     /** Returns the drawing layer page of the passed sheet, if present. */
232     SdrPage*            GetSdrPage( SCTAB nScTab ) const;
234     /** Returns the number formatter of the Calc document. */
235     SvNumberFormatter&  GetFormatter() const;
236     /** Returns the null date of the current number formatter. */
237     DateTime            GetNullDate() const;
238     /** Returns the base year depending on the current null date (1900 or 1904). */
239     sal_uInt16          GetBaseYear() const;
240     /** Converts a date/time value to a floating-point value. */
241     double              GetDoubleFromDateTime( const DateTime& rDateTime ) const;
242     /** Converts a floating-point value to a date/time value. */
243     DateTime            GetDateTimeFromDouble( double fValue ) const;
245     /** Returns the edit engine for import/export of rich strings etc. */
246     ScEditEngineDefaulter& GetEditEngine() const;
247     /** Returns the edit engine for import/export of headers/footers. */
248     ScHeaderEditEngine& GetHFEditEngine() const;
249     /** Returns the edit engine for import/export of drawing text boxes. */
250     EditEngine&         GetDrawEditEngine() const;
252     /** Returns the property set helper for fonts. */
253     XclFontPropSetHelper& GetFontPropSetHelper() const;
254     /** Returns the property set helper for the chart filters. */
255     XclChPropSetHelper& GetChartPropSetHelper() const;
257     /** Returns the extended document options. */
258     ScExtDocOptions&    GetExtDocOptions() const;
259     /** Returns the filter tracer. */
260     XclTracer&          GetTracer() const;
262     /** Returns the highest possible cell address in a Calc document. */
GetScMaxPos() const263     inline const ScAddress& GetScMaxPos() const { return mrData.maScMaxPos; }
264     /** Returns the highest possible cell address in an Excel document (using current BIFF version). */
GetXclMaxPos() const265     inline const ScAddress& GetXclMaxPos() const { return mrData.maXclMaxPos; }
266     /** Returns the highest possible cell address valid in Calc and Excel (using current BIFF version). */
GetMaxPos() const267     inline const ScAddress& GetMaxPos() const { return mrData.maMaxPos; }
269     /** Sets the document language. */
SetDocLanguage(LanguageType eLang)270     inline void         SetDocLanguage( LanguageType eLang ) { mrData.meDocLang = eLang; }
271     /** Sets the UI language, i.e. if it has been read from a file. */
SetUILanguage(LanguageType eLang)272     inline void         SetUILanguage( LanguageType eLang ) { mrData.meUILang = eLang; }
273     /** Sets the text encoding to import/export byte strings. */
274     void                SetTextEncoding( rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc );
275     /** Sets the width of the '0' character (default font) for the current printer (twips).
276         @param rFontData  The font used for the '0' character. */
277     void                SetCharWidth( const XclFontData& rFontData );
278     /** Sets the current Calc sheet index. */
SetCurrScTab(SCTAB nScTab)279     inline void         SetCurrScTab( SCTAB nScTab ) { mrData.mnScTab = nScTab; }
280     /** Increases the current Calc sheet index by 1. */
IncCurrScTab()281     inline void         IncCurrScTab() { ++mrData.mnScTab; }
283 private:
284     XclRootData& mrData;        /// Reference to the global data struct.
285 };
287 // ============================================================================
289 #endif