xref: /aoo41x/main/framework/test/test.cxx (revision cdf0e10c)
1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
29 #include "precompiled_framework.hxx"
31 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
32 //	my own includes
33 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
34 #include <classes/servicemanager.hxx>
35 #include <classes/filtercache.hxx>
36 #include <macros/generic.hxx>
37 #include <macros/debug.hxx>
38 #include <services.h>
40 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
41 //	interface includes
42 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
43 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XDesktop.hpp>
44 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrame.hpp>
45 #include <com/sun/star/awt/XWindow.hpp>
46 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrameLoader.hpp>
47 #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
48 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XLoadEventListener.hpp>
49 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchProvider.hpp>
50 #include <com/sun/star/util/URL.hpp>
51 #include <com/sun/star/frame/FrameSearchFlag.hpp>
52 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrames.hpp>
53 #include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp>
54 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XComponentLoader.hpp>
55 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XTasksSupplier.hpp>
56 #include <com/sun/star/task/XStatusIndicatorFactory.hpp>
57 #include <com/sun/star/beans/XMultiPropertySet.hpp>
58 #include <com/sun/star/lang/XSingleServiceFactory.hpp>
59 #include <com/sun/star/mozilla/XPluginInstancePeer.hpp>
60 #include <com/sun/star/bridge/XInstanceProvider.hpp>
61 #include <com/sun/star/document/XTypeDetection.hpp>
62 #include <com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>
63 #include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>
64 #include <com/sun/star/container/XElementAccess.hpp>
65 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XConfigManager.hpp>
67 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
68 //	other includes
69 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
70 #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
71 #include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h>
72 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
73 #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
74 #include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
75 #include <svtools/unoiface.hxx>
76 #include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
78 #include <vcl/event.hxx>
79 #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
80 #include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
81 #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
82 #include <stdio.h>
84 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
85 //	const
86 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
88 #define	APPLICATIONNAME							"FrameWork - Testapplication"
90 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
91 //	namespace
92 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
94 using namespace ::rtl						;
95 using namespace ::comphelper				;
96 using namespace ::framework					;
97 using namespace ::cppu						;
98 using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno		;
99 using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang		;
100 using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame		;
101 using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt		;
102 using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans		;
103 using namespace ::com::sun::star::util		;
104 using namespace ::com::sun::star::task		;
105 using namespace ::com::sun::star::mozilla	;
106 using namespace ::com::sun::star::bridge	;
107 using namespace ::com::sun::star::document	;
108 using namespace ::com::sun::star::container	;
110 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
111 //	defines
112 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
114 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
115 //	declarations
116 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
118 /*-***************************************************************************************************************/
119 class TestApplication : public Application
120 {
121 	//*************************************************************************************************************
122 	public:
124 		void Main();
126 	//*************************************************************************************************************
127 	private:
129 		#ifdef TEST_DESKTOP
130 		void impl_testDesktop	( const Reference< XDesktop >& xDesktop );
131 		void impl_buildTree		( const Reference< XDesktop >& xDesktop );
132 		void impl_logTree		( const Reference< XDesktop >& xDesktop );
134 		#endif
136 		#ifdef TEST_PLUGIN
137 		void impl_testPlugIn	( const Reference< XDesktop >& xDesktop, const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& xFactory	);
138 		#endif
141 		void impl_testLoginDialog();
142 		#endif
145 		void impl_testFilterCache();
146 		#endif
149 		void impl_testTypeDetection();
150 		#endif
153 		void impl_testFilterRegistration();
154 		#endif
156 		#ifdef TEST_TREESEARCH
157 		sal_Bool impl_testTreeSearch();
158 		#endif
160 	//*************************************************************************************************************
161 	private:
163 	//*************************************************************************************************************
164 	private:
166 		Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >	m_xFactory;
168 };	//	class TestApplication
170 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
171 //	global variables
172 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
174 TestApplication	aTestApplication ;
176 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
177 //	main
178 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
180 void TestApplication::Main()
181 {
182 //	RegistryCache aCache;
184 	/**-***********************************************************************************************************
185 		initialize program
186 	**************************************************************************************************************/
188 	// Init global servicemanager and set it.
189 	ServiceManager aManager;
190 	m_xFactory = aManager.getGlobalUNOServiceManager();
191 	setProcessServiceFactory( m_xFactory );
193 	// Control sucess of operation.
194 	LOG_ASSERT( !(m_xFactory.is()			==sal_False	), "TestApplication::Main()\nCan't create global service manager.\n\n"			)
195 	LOG_ASSERT( !(getProcessServiceFactory()!=m_xFactory), "TestApplication::Main()\nGlobal servicemanager not set in UNOTOOLS.\n\n"	)
197 	/**-***********************************************************************************************************
198 		test area
199 	**************************************************************************************************************/
201 	sal_Bool bState = sal_True;
203 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 	impl_testFilterCache();
206 	#endif
208 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 	impl_testTypeDetection();
211 	#endif
213 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 	ResMgr* pRessourceManager = CREATEVERSIONRESMGR( lgd );
216 	Resource::SetResManager( pRessourceManager );
217 	impl_testLoginDialog();
218 	#endif
220 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
221 	#ifdef TEST_DESKTOP
222 	Reference< XDesktop > xDesktop( xGlobalServiceManager->createInstance( SERVICENAME_DESKTOP ), UNO_QUERY );
223 	impl_testDesktop( xDesktop );
224 	#endif
226 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 	#ifdef TEST_PLUGIN
228 	impl_testPlugIn( xDesktop, xGlobalServiceManager );
229 	#endif
231 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
233 	impl_testFilterRegistration();
234 	#endif
236 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 	bState = impl_testTreeSearch();
239 	#endif
241 //	Execute();
242 //    xFrame->dispose();
243 //    delete pMainWindow;
244 	if( bState = sal_True )
245 	{
246 		LOG_ERROR( "TestApplication::Main()", "Test successful ..." )
247 	}
248 	else
249 	{
250 		LOG_ERROR( "TestApplication::Main()", "Test failed ..." )
251 	}
252 }
254 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
255 //	test method
256 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
258 void TestApplication::impl_testTypeDetection()
259 {
260 	// We use a string buffer to log important informations and search results.
261 	// Errors are shown directly by an assert!
262 	OUStringBuffer sBuffer( 100000 );
264 	// Create a new type detection service.
265 	Reference< XTypeDetection > xTypeDetection( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( SERVICENAME_TYPEDETECTION ), UNO_QUERY );
266 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xTypeDetection.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testTypeDetection()\nCouldn't create the type detection service.\n" );
268 	if( xTypeDetection.is() == sal_True )
269 	{
270 		// a) Check his implementation and his supported interfaces first.
271 		Reference< XInterface >		xInterface		( xTypeDetection, UNO_QUERY );
272 		Reference< XTypeProvider >	xTypeProvider	( xTypeDetection, UNO_QUERY );
273 		Reference< XServiceInfo >	xServiceInfo	( xTypeDetection, UNO_QUERY );
274 		Reference< XNameAccess >	xNameAccess		( xTypeDetection, UNO_QUERY );
275 		Reference< XElementAccess >	xElementAccess	( xTypeDetection, UNO_QUERY );
277 		LOG_ASSERT( !(	xInterface.is()		==	sal_False	||
278 						xTypeProvider.is()	==	sal_False	||
279 						xServiceInfo.is()	==	sal_False	||
280 						xNameAccess.is()	==	sal_False	||
281 						xElementAccess.is()	==	sal_False	), "TestApplication::impl_testTypeDetection()\nMiss supported for searched interface!\n" )
283 		// b) Check OneInstance mode of service.
284 		Reference< XTypeDetection > xTypeDetection2( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( SERVICENAME_TYPEDETECTION ), UNO_QUERY );
285 		LOG_ASSERT( !(xTypeDetection!=xTypeDetection2), "TestApplication::impl_testTypeDetection()\nService isn't \"OneInstance\" ...!\n" )
286 		xTypeDetection2 = Reference< XTypeDetection >();
288 		// c) Check "XTypeDetection" ... flat by URL
289 		// Define list of URLs for checking.
290 		OUString pURLs[] =
291 		{
292 			DECLARE_ASCII("file://c|/temp/test.sdw"	),
293 			DECLARE_ASCII("private:factory/scalc"	),
294 			DECLARE_ASCII("file://c|/temp/test.txt"	),
295 			DECLARE_ASCII("slot:5000"				),
296 		};
297 		sal_uInt32 nCount = 4;
298 		Sequence< OUString > seqURLs( pURLs, nCount );
300 		Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xFilterFactory( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FILTERFACTORY		), UNO_QUERY );
301 		Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xLoaderFactory( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAMELOADERFACTORY), UNO_QUERY );
302 		LOG_ASSERT( !(xFilterFactory.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testTypeDetection()\nCouldn't create filter factory!\n" )
303 		LOG_ASSERT( !(xLoaderFactory.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testTypeDetection()\nCouldn't create loader factory!\n" )
305 		// Step over these list.
306 		for( sal_uInt32 nURL=0; nURL<nCount; ++nURL )
307 		{
308 			// Try to get a type name for every URL from list and log search result.
309 			OUString sTypeName = xTypeDetection->queryTypeByURL( seqURLs[nURL] );
310 			sBuffer.appendAscii	( "queryTypeByURL( \""		);
311 			sBuffer.append		( seqURLs[nURL]				);
312 			sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\" ) returns type \""	);
313 			sBuffer.append		( sTypeName					);
314 			sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\"\n"					);
315 			// If a type was found - try to get a filter and a frame loader for it.
316 			if( sTypeName.getLength() > 0 )
317 			{
318 				Reference< XInterface > xFilter = xFilterFactory->createInstance( sTypeName );
319 				Reference< XInterface > xLoader = xLoaderFactory->createInstance( sTypeName );
320 				if( xFilter.is() == sal_False )
321 				{
322 					sBuffer.appendAscii( "Couldn't find an filter.\n" );
323 				}
324 				else
325 				{
326 					Reference< XPropertySet > xFilterProperties( xFilter, UNO_QUERY );
327 					LOG_ASSERT( !(xFilterProperties.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testTypeDetection()\nFilter don't support XPropertySet!\n" )
328 					if( xFilterProperties.is() == sal_True )
329 					{
330 						OUString sUIName;
331 						xFilterProperties->getPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("UIName") ) >>= sUIName;
332 						sBuffer.appendAscii	( "Found filter \""	);
333 						sBuffer.append		( sUIName			);
334 						sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\"\n"			);
335 					}
337 					Reference< XPropertySet > xLoaderProperties( xLoader, UNO_QUERY );
338 					LOG_ASSERT( !(xLoaderProperties.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testTypeDetection()\nLoader don't support XPropertySet!\n" )
339 					if( xLoaderProperties.is() == sal_True )
340 					{
341 						OUString sUIName;
342 						xLoaderProperties->getPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("UIName") ) >>= sUIName;
343 						sBuffer.appendAscii	( "Found loader \""	);
344 						sBuffer.append		( sUIName			);
345 						sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\"\n"			);
346 					}
347 				}
348 			}
349 		}
350 	}
352 	WRITE_LOGFILE( "testTypeDetection.log", U2B(sBuffer.makeStringAndClear()) )
353 }
354 #endif
356 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
357 //	test method
358 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
360 void TestApplication::impl_testFilterCache()
361 {
362 	FilterCache aCache;
364 	OUStringBuffer sBuffer( 100000 );
365 	if( aCache.isValid() == sal_False )
366 	{
367 		sBuffer.appendAscii( "Cache isn't valid!\n" );
368 	}
369 	else
370 	{
371 /*
372 		// Step over all types and log his values.
373 		// These simulate a XNameAccess!
374 		const Sequence< OUString > seqAllTypeNames = aCache.getAllTypeNames();
375 		sal_uInt32 nCount = seqAllTypeNames.getLength();
376 		for( sal_uInt32 nPosition=0; nPosition<nCount; ++nPosition )
377 		{
378 			sBuffer.appendAscii( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
379 			const TType* pType = aCache.getTypeByName( seqAllTypeNames[nPosition] );
380 			if( pType == NULL )
381 			{
382 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "Type ["					);
383 				sBuffer.append		( (sal_Int32)nPosition		);
384 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "] \""					);
385 				sBuffer.append		( seqAllTypeNames[nPosition]);
386 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\" isn't valid!"			);
387 			}
388 			else
389 			{
390 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "Type ["						);
391 				sBuffer.append		( (sal_Int32)nPosition			);
392 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "] \""						);
393 				sBuffer.append		( seqAllTypeNames[nPosition]	);
394 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\"\n\t\tUIName\t=\t"			);
395 				sBuffer.append		( pType->sUIName				);
396 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\n\t\tMediaType\t=\t"		);
397 				sBuffer.append		( pType->sMediaType				);
398 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\n\t\tClipboardFormat\t=\t"	);
399 				sBuffer.append		( pType->sClipboardFormat		);
400 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\n\t\tURLPattern\t=\t{"		);
401 				for( TConstStringIterator aIterator=pType->lURLPattern.begin(); aIterator!=pType->lURLPattern.end(); ++aIterator )
402 				{
403 					sBuffer.append		( *aIterator	);
404 					sBuffer.appendAscii	( ";\n\t\t"		);
405 				}
406 				sBuffer.appendAscii( "}\nExtensions\t=\t" );
407 				for( aIterator=pType->lExtensions.begin(); aIterator!=pType->lExtensions.end(); ++aIterator )
408 				{
409 					sBuffer.append		( *aIterator	);
410 					sBuffer.appendAscii	( ";\n\t\t"		);
411 				}
412 				sBuffer.appendAscii	( "}\nDocumentIconID\t=\t" 			);
413 				sBuffer.append		( (sal_Int32)pType->nDocumentIconID	);
414 			}
415 		}
416 */
417 		// searchFirstType( URL, MediaType, ClipboardFormat, startEntry )
418 		TCheckedTypeIterator aIterator;
419 		sBuffer.appendAscii( "search type for \"file://c|/temp/test.sdw\"; no media type; no clipboard format\n" );
420 		OUString sURL = DECLARE_ASCII("file://c|/temp/test.sdw");
421 		const OUString* pType = aCache.searchFirstType( &sURL, NULL, NULL, aIterator );
422 		while( pType != NULL )
423 		{
424 			sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\tfound \""	);
425 			sBuffer.append		( *pType		);
426 			sBuffer.appendAscii	( "\"\n"		);
427 			pType = aCache.searchType( &sURL, NULL, NULL, aIterator );
428 		}
429 	}
431 	WRITE_LOGFILE( "test_FilterCache.log", U2B(sBuffer.makeStringAndClear()) )
432 }
433 #endif
435 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
436 //	test method
437 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
439 void TestApplication::impl_testLoginDialog()
440 {
441 	// Get global servicemanager to create service "LoginDialog".
442 	Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xFactory = getProcessServiceFactory();
443 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xFactory.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testLoginDialog()\nServicemanager not valid.\n" )
444 	// Create LoginDialog.
445 	Reference< XDialog > xDialog( xFactory->createInstance( DECLARE_ASCII("com.sun.star.framework.LoginDialog") ), UNO_QUERY );
446 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDialog.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testLoginDialog()\nCould not create login dialog.\n" )
447 	// Check set/getTitle()
448 	/* not implemented yet! */
449 //	OUString sTitle = DECLARE_ASCII("Login Dialog Test");
450 //	xDialog->setTitle( sTitle );
451 //	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDialog->getTitle()!=sTitle), "TestApplication::impl_testLoginDialog()\nset/getTitle don't work correct.\n" )
453 	UniString sInternalURL = DECLARE_ASCII("private:factory/scalc");
454 	UniString sExternalURL = OUString();
456 	OString sOut = "internal: ";
457 	sOut += OUStringToOString( sInternalURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
458 	sOut += "\nexternal: ";
459 	sOut += OUStringToOString( sExternalURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
460 	sOut += "\n";
461 	LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, sOut )
463 	INetURLObject::translateToExternal( sInternalURL, sExternalURL );
464 	sOut = "internal: ";
465 	sOut += OUStringToOString( sInternalURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
466 	sOut += "\nexternal: ";
467 	sOut += OUStringToOString( sExternalURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
468 	sOut += "\n";
469 	LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, sOut )
471 	INetURLObject::translateToInternal( sExternalURL, sInternalURL );
472 	sOut = "internal: ";
473 	sOut += OUStringToOString( sInternalURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
474 	sOut += "\nexternal: ";
475 	sOut += OUStringToOString( sExternalURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
476 	sOut += "\n";
477 	LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, sOut )
479 	// Work with properties of dialog.
480 	Reference< XPropertySet > xPropertySet( xDialog, UNO_QUERY );
481 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xPropertySet.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testLoginDialog()\nCan't cast dialog to XPropertySet interface.\n" )
482 	Any aUserName 		;
483 	Any aPassword 		;
484 	Any aServer   		;
485 	Any aConnectionType	;
486 	Any aPort			;
487 	aUserName 		<<= DECLARE_ASCII("Andreas");
488 	aPassword 		<<= DECLARE_ASCII("Test");
489 	aServer   		<<= DECLARE_ASCII("www.yahoo.de:7777");
490 	aConnectionType	<<= DECLARE_ASCII("Bla");
491 	sal_Int32 nPort = 8081;
492 	aPort			<<= nPort;
493 	try
494 	{
495 	xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("UserName"			), aUserName 		);
496 	xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("Password"			), aPassword 		);
497 	xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("Server"  			), aServer   		);
498 	xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("ConnectionType"	), aConnectionType	);
499 	xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("Compressed"		), aPort			);
500 	}
501 	catch( ::com::sun::star::beans::UnknownPropertyException& )
502 	{
503 		LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, "UnkownPropertyException detected!\n" )
504 	}
505 	catch( ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyVetoException& )
506 	{
507 		LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, "PropertyVetoException detected!\n" )
508 	}
509 	catch( ::com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException& )
510 	{
511 		LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, "IllegalArgumentException detected!\n" )
512 	}
513 	catch( ::com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException& )
514 	{
515 		LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, "WrappedTargetException detected!\n" )
516 	}
517 	catch( ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException& )
518 	{
519 		LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, "RuntimeException detected!\n" )
520 	}
522 	xDialog->execute();
524 	OUString sUserName			;
525 	OUString sPassword			;
526 	OUString sServer  			;
527 	OUString sConnectionType	;
528 	xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("UserName"			) ) >>= sUserName 		;
529 	xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("Password"			) ) >>= sPassword 		;
530 	xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("Server"  			) ) >>= sServer   		;
531 	xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( DECLARE_ASCII("ConnectionType"	) ) >>= sConnectionType	;
532 	xPropertySet->getPropertyValue( sConnectionType ) >>= nPort	;
534 	LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, OUStringToOString( sUserName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) )
535 	LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, OUStringToOString( sPassword, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) )
536 	LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, OUStringToOString( sServer  , RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) )
537 	LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, OUStringToOString( sConnectionType  , RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) )
538 	LOG_ASSERT( sal_False, OString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)nPort ) )
539 }
540 #endif
542 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
543 //	test method
544 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
545 #ifdef TEST_PLUGIN
546 void TestApplication::impl_testPlugIn( const Reference< XDesktop >& xDesktop, const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& xFactory )
547 {
548 	// create instance provider for creation of factories.
549 	Reference< XInstanceProvider > xInstanceProvider( (OWeakObject*)(new OInstanceProvider( xFactory )), UNO_QUERY );
550 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xInstanceProvider.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testPlugIn()\nCan't create new instance provider!\n" )
552 	// try to get factory for create a plugin
553 	Reference< XSingleServiceFactory > xPlugInFactory( xInstanceProvider->getInstance( INSTANCENAME_PLUGINFACTORY ), UNO_QUERY );
554 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xPlugInFactory.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testPlugIn()\nCan't get PlugInFactory from instance provider!\n" )
556 	// initialize parameter for creation of plugin
557 	Reference< XPluginInstancePeer > xPlugInDLL =Reference< XPluginInstancePeer >();
558 	Sequence< Any > seqArguments(1);
559 	seqArguments[0] <<= xPlugInDLL;
561 	// create plugin
562 	Reference< XFrame > xPlugIn( xPlugInFactory->createInstanceWithArguments( seqArguments ), UNO_QUERY );
563 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xPlugIn.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testPlugIn()\nFactory has created no valid plugin!\n" )
565 	xPlugIn->setName( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("PlugIn")) );
566 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSupplier( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
567 	xPlugIn->setCreator( xSupplier );
568 }
569 #endif
571 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
572 //	test method
573 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
574 #ifdef TEST_DESKTOP
575 #define LOGFILE_TARGETING "targeting.log"
576 void TestApplication::impl_testDesktop( const Reference< XDesktop >& xDesktop )
577 {
578 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
579 	//	1) Test cast to all supported interfaces of Desktop.
581 	Reference< XInterface >					xDesktopInterface				( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
582 	Reference< XTypeProvider >				xDesktopTypeProvider			( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
583 	Reference< XServiceInfo >				xDesktopServiceInfo				( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
584 	Reference< XComponentLoader >			xDesktopComponentLoader			( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
585 	Reference< XTasksSupplier >				xDesktopTasksSupplier			( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
586 	Reference< XDispatchProvider >			xDesktopDispatchProvider		( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
587 	Reference< XFramesSupplier >			xDesktopFramesSupplier			( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
588 	Reference< XFrame >						xDesktopFrame					( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
589 	Reference< XComponent >					xDesktopComponent				( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
590 	Reference< XStatusIndicatorFactory >	xDesktopStatusIndicatorFactory	( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
591 	Reference< XPropertySet >				xDesktopPropertySet				( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
592 	Reference< XFastPropertySet >			xDesktopFastPropertySet			( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
593 	Reference< XMultiPropertySet >			xDesktopMultiPropertySet		( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
595 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopInterface.is()				==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXInterface not supported by Desktop.\n\n"				)
596 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopTypeProvider.is()				==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXTypeProvider not supported by Desktop.\n\n"			)
597 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopServiceInfo.is()				==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXServiceInfo not supported by Desktop.\n\n"				)
598 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktop.is()							==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXDesktop not supported by Desktop.\n\n"					)
599 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopComponentLoader.is()			==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXComponentLoader not supported by Desktop.\n\n"			)
600 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopTasksSupplier.is()			==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXTasksSupplier not supported by Desktop.\n\n"			)
601 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopDispatchProvider.is()			==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXDispatchProvider not supported by Desktop.\n\n"		)
602 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopFramesSupplier.is()			==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXFramesSupplier not supported by Desktop.\n\n"			)
603 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopFrame.is()					==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXFrame not supported by Desktop.\n\n"					)
604 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopComponent.is()				==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXComponent not supported by Desktop.\n\n"				)
605 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopStatusIndicatorFactory.is()	==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXStatusIndicatorFactory not supported by Desktop.\n\n"	)
606 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopPropertySet.is()				==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXPropertySet not supported by Desktop.\n\n"				)
607 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopFastPropertySet.is()			==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXFastPropertySet not supported by Desktop.\n\n"			)
608 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopMultiPropertySet.is()			==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nXMultiPropertySet not supported by Desktop.\n\n"		)
610 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
611 	//	2) Test set-/getName().
613 	//	2a) Test default value "Desktop".
614 	OUString sName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Desktop") );
615 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopFrame->getName()!=sName), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nDefault value of desktop name is invalid.\n\n" )
617 	//	2b) Set name and try to get the same name.
618 	sName = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("New Desktop") );
619 	xDesktopFrame->setName( sName );
620 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xDesktopFrame->getName()!=sName), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSetting of name works not correct on desktop.\n\n" )
622 	//	Reset name do default!
623 	//	Its neccessary for follow operations.
624 	sName = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Desktop") );
625 	xDesktopFrame->setName( sName );
627 	//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
628 	//	3) Test findFrame().
630 	//	Build new example tree and log initial structure in file.
631 	impl_buildTree	( xDesktop );
632 	impl_logTree	( xDesktop );
634 	OUString			sTargetFrameName;
635 	sal_uInt32			nSearchFlags	;
636 	Reference< XFrame >	xSearchFrame	;
637 	Reference< XFrame >	xTask_4			;
638 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_41		;
639 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_411		;
640 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_112		;
641 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_1123		;
642 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_11231	;
643 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_11221	;
645 	//	3a) Search for Desktop
646 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
647 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with SELF for \"Desktop\" on Desktop\n" )
648 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
649 	sTargetFrameName	= OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Desktop"));
650 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::SELF;
651 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
652 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3a)-1 invalid\n" );
654 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
655 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with ALL for \"Desktop\" on Desktop\n" )
656 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
657 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::ALL;
658 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
659 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3a)-2 invalid\n" );
661 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
662 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with CHILDREN for \"Desktop\" on Desktop\n" )
663 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
664 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN;
665 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
666 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_True), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3a)-3 invalid\n" );
668 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
669 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with SIBLINGS for \"Desktop\" on Desktop\n" )
670 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
671 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::SIBLINGS;
672 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
673 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_True), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3a)-4 invalid\n" );
675 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
676 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with AUTO for \"Desktop\" on Desktop\n" )
677 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
678 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::AUTO;
679 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
680 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_True), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3a)-5 invalid\n" );
682 	//	3b) Search for Task_4
683 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
684 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with SELF for \"Task_4\" on Desktop\n" )
685 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
686 	sTargetFrameName	= OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Task_4"));
687 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::SELF;
688 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
689 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_True), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3b)-1 invalid\n" );
691 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
692 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with SIBLINGS for \"Task_4\" on Desktop\n" )
693 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
694 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::SIBLINGS;
695 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
696 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_True), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3b)-2 invalid\n" );
698 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
699 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with CHILDREN for \"Task_4\" on Desktop\n" )
700 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
701 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN;
702 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
703 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3b)-3 invalid\n" );
705 	xTask_4 = xSearchFrame;
707 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
708 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with ALL for \"Task_4\" on Desktop\n" )
709 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
710 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::ALL;
711 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
712 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3b)-4 invalid\n" );
714 	//	3c) Search for Frame_41
715 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
716 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with SELF for \"Frame_41\" on Desktop\n" )
717 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
718 	sTargetFrameName	= OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_41"));
719 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::SELF;
720 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
721 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_True), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3c)-1 invalid\n" );
723 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
724 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with SIBLINGS for \"Frame_41\" on Desktop\n" )
725 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
726 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::SIBLINGS;
727 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
728 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_True), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3c)-2 invalid\n" );
730 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
731 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with CHILDREN for \"Frame_41\" on Desktop\n" )
732 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
733 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN;
734 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
735 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3c)-3 invalid\n" );
737 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
738 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with ALL for \"Frame_41\" on Desktop\n" )
739 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
740 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::ALL;
741 	xSearchFrame		= xDesktopFrame->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
742 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3c)-4 invalid\n" );
744 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
745 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with SELF for \"Frame_41\" on Task_4\n" )
746 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
747 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::SELF;
748 	xSearchFrame		= xTask_4->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
749 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_True), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3c)-5 invalid\n" );
751 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
752 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with SIBLINGS for \"Frame_41\" on Task_4\n" )
753 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
754 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::SIBLINGS;
755 	xSearchFrame		= xTask_4->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
756 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_True), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3c)-6 invalid\n" );
758 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
759 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with CHILDREN for \"Frame_41\" on Task_4\n" )
760 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
761 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN;
762 	xSearchFrame		= xTask_4->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
763 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3c)-7 invalid\n" );
765 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
766 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, " Search with ALL for \"Frame_41\" on Task_4\n" )
767 	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILE_TARGETING, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
768 	nSearchFlags		= FrameSearchFlag::ALL;
769 	xSearchFrame		= xTask_4->findFrame(sTargetFrameName, nSearchFlags);
770 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xSearchFrame.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testDesktop()\nSearch 3c)-8 invalid\n" );
772 	xFrame_41 = xSearchFrame;
774 	//	3d) Search for Frame_411
775 	//	3e) Search for Frame_112
776 	//	3f) Search for Frame_1123
777 	//	3g) Search for Frame_11231
778 	//	3h) Search for Frame_11221
779 }
781 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
782 //	helper method to build a new binaer-tree with desktop as top-frame
783 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
784 void TestApplication::impl_buildTree( const Reference< XDesktop >& xDesktop )
785 {
786 	// You can append and remove frames only on XFRames interface of desktop.
787 	// But the desktop support this interface not directly! Use getFrames() instantly.
788 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xDesktopSupplier( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
789 	Reference< XFrames > xFrames = xDesktopSupplier->getFrames();
790 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xFrames.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_buildTree()\nCan't get framesaccess on desktop.\n\n" )
792 	// Create some tasks and frames.
793 	Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xServiceManager( getProcessServiceFactory() );
795 	Reference< XTask >	xTask_1( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_TASK), UNO_QUERY );
796 	Reference< XTask >	xTask_2( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_TASK), UNO_QUERY );
797 	Reference< XTask >	xTask_3( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_TASK), UNO_QUERY );
798 	Reference< XTask >	xTask_4( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_TASK), UNO_QUERY );
799 	Reference< XTask >	xTask_5( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_TASK), UNO_QUERY );
800 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_11( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
801 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_12( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
802 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_21( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
803 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_22( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
804 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_31( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
805 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_32( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
806 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_41( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
807 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_42( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
808 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_51( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
809 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_52( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
810 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_111( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
811 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_112( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
812 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_121( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
813 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_411( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
814 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_1121( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
815 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_1122( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
816 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_1123( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
817 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_4111( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
818 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_4112( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
819 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_4113( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
820 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_11221( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
821 	Reference< XFrame >	xFrame_11231( xServiceManager->createInstance(SERVICENAME_FRAME), UNO_QUERY );
823 	// Initialize tasks and frames with names to support easy finding!
824 	Reference< XFrame > xTaskFrame_1( xTask_1, UNO_QUERY );
825 	Reference< XFrame > xTaskFrame_2( xTask_2, UNO_QUERY );
826 	Reference< XFrame > xTaskFrame_3( xTask_3, UNO_QUERY );
827 	Reference< XFrame > xTaskFrame_4( xTask_4, UNO_QUERY );
828 	Reference< XFrame > xTaskFrame_5( xTask_5, UNO_QUERY );
830 	xTaskFrame_1->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Task_1")));
831 	xTaskFrame_2->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Task_2")));
832 	xTaskFrame_3->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Task_3")));
833 	xTaskFrame_4->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Task_4")));
834 	xTaskFrame_5->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Task_5")));
835 	xFrame_11->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_11")));
836 	xFrame_12->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_12")));
837 	xFrame_21->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_21")));
838 	xFrame_22->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_22")));
839 	xFrame_31->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_31")));
840 	xFrame_32->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_32")));
841 	xFrame_41->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_41")));
842 	xFrame_42->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_42")));
843 	xFrame_51->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_51")));
844 	xFrame_52->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_52")));
845 	xFrame_111->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_111")));
846 	xFrame_112->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_112")));
847 	xFrame_121->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_121")));
848 	xFrame_411->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_411")));
849 	xFrame_1121->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_1121")));
850 	xFrame_1122->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_1122")));
851 	xFrame_1123->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_1123")));
852 	xFrame_4111->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_4111")));
853 	xFrame_4112->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_4112")));
854 	xFrame_4113->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_4113")));
855 	xFrame_11221->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_11221")));
856 	xFrame_11231->setName(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Frame_11231")));
858 	// Build tree.
859 	// Append tasks as childs of desktop.
860 	xFrames->append( xTaskFrame_1 );
861 	xFrames->append( xTaskFrame_2 );
862 	xFrames->append( xTaskFrame_3 );
863 	xFrames->append( xTaskFrame_4 );
864 	xFrames->append( xTaskFrame_5 );
866 	// Append frames as childs of tasks.
867 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xTaskFramesSupplier_1( xTask_1, UNO_QUERY );
868 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xTaskFramesSupplier_2( xTask_2, UNO_QUERY );
869 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xTaskFramesSupplier_3( xTask_3, UNO_QUERY );
870 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xTaskFramesSupplier_4( xTask_4, UNO_QUERY );
871 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xTaskFramesSupplier_5( xTask_5, UNO_QUERY );
872 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xFramesSupplier_11( xFrame_11, UNO_QUERY );
873 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xFramesSupplier_12( xFrame_12, UNO_QUERY );
874 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xFramesSupplier_112( xFrame_112, UNO_QUERY );
875 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xFramesSupplier_1122( xFrame_1122, UNO_QUERY );
876 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xFramesSupplier_1123( xFrame_1123, UNO_QUERY );
877 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xFramesSupplier_41( xFrame_41, UNO_QUERY );
878 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xFramesSupplier_411( xFrame_411, UNO_QUERY );
880 	xFrames = xTaskFramesSupplier_1->getFrames();
881 	xFrames->append( xFrame_11 );
882 	xFrames->append( xFrame_12 );
883 	xFrames = xTaskFramesSupplier_2->getFrames();
884 	xFrames->append( xFrame_21 );
885 	xFrames->append( xFrame_22 );
886 	xFrames = xTaskFramesSupplier_3->getFrames();
887 	xFrames->append( xFrame_31 );
888 	xFrames->append( xFrame_32 );
889 	xFrames = xTaskFramesSupplier_4->getFrames();
890 	xFrames->append( xFrame_41 );
891 	xFrames->append( xFrame_42 );
892 	xFrames = xTaskFramesSupplier_5->getFrames();
893 	xFrames->append( xFrame_51 );
894 	xFrames->append( xFrame_52 );
895 	xFrames = xFramesSupplier_11->getFrames();
896 	xFrames->append( xFrame_111 );
897 	xFrames->append( xFrame_112 );
898 	xFrames = xFramesSupplier_12->getFrames();
899 	xFrames->append( xFrame_121 );
900 	xFrames = xFramesSupplier_112->getFrames();
901 	xFrames->append( xFrame_1121 );
902 	xFrames->append( xFrame_1122 );
903 	xFrames->append( xFrame_1123 );
904 	xFrames = xFramesSupplier_1122->getFrames();
905 	xFrames->append( xFrame_11221 );
906 	xFrames = xFramesSupplier_1123->getFrames();
907 	xFrames->append( xFrame_11231 );
908 	xFrames = xFramesSupplier_41->getFrames();
909 	xFrames->append( xFrame_411 );
910 	xFrames = xFramesSupplier_411->getFrames();
911 	xFrames->append( xFrame_4111 );
912 	xFrames->append( xFrame_4112 );
913 	xFrames->append( xFrame_4113 );
915 	// Create some active paths.
916 	// desktop => task_1 => frame_11 => frame_112 => frame_1122
917 //	xDesktopSupplier->setActiveFrame( xTaskFrame_1 );
918 //	xTaskFramesSupplier_1->setActiveFrame( xFrame_11 );
919 //	xFramesSupplier_11->setActiveFrame( xFrame_112 );
920 //	xFramesSupplier_112->setActiveFrame( xFrame_1122 );
921 	// frame_41 => frame_411 => frame_4111
922 //	xFramesSupplier_41->setActiveFrame( xFrame_411 );
923 //	xFramesSupplier_411->setActiveFrame( xFrame_4111 );
924 	// task_3 => frame_31
925 //	xTaskFramesSupplier_3->setActiveFrame( xFrame_31 );
926 	// frame_1123 => frame_11231
927 //	xFramesSupplier_1123->setActiveFrame( xFrame_11231 );
929 //	xTask_1->activate();
930 //	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
931 //	xFrame_41->activate();
932 //	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
933 //	xFrame_52->activate();
934 //	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
935 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_TREE, "initiale Hierarchy:" )
936 	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
938 //	xFrame_121->activate();
939 //	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
940 //	xFrame_41->activate();
941 //	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
942 //	xFrame_52->activate();
943 //	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
944 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_EVENTS, "nach xFrame_411->activate():" )
945 	xFrame_411->activate();
946 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_TREE, "nach xFrame_411->activate():" )
947 	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
948 //	xFrame_41->deactivate();
949 //	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
950 //	xFrame_4113->activate();
951 //	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
952 //	xFrame_21->activate();
953 //	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
954 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_EVENTS, "nach xFrame_11231->activate():" )
955 	xFrame_11231->activate();
956 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_TREE, "nach xFrame_11231->activate():" )
957 	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
959 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_EVENTS, "nach xFrame_11221->activate():" )
960 	xFrame_11221->activate();
961 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_TREE, "nach xFrame_11221->activate():" )
962 	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
964 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_EVENTS, "nach xFrame_112->deactivate():" )
965 //	xFrame_112->getCreator()->setActiveFrame( Reference< XFrame >() );
966 	xFrame_112->deactivate();
967 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_TREE, "nach xFrame_112->deactivate():" )
968 	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
970 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_EVENTS, "nach xFrame_41->activate():" )
971 	xFrame_41->activate();
972 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_TREE, "nach xFrame_41->activate():" )
973 	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
975 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_EVENTS, "nach xTask_4->activate():" )
976 	xTask_4->activate();
977 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_TREE, "nach xTask_4->activate():" )
978 	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
980 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_EVENTS, "nach xFrame_1123->deactivate():" )
981 	xFrame_1123->deactivate();
982 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_TREE, "nach xFrame_1123->deactivate():" )
983 	impl_logTree( xDesktop );
984 }
986 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
987 //	helper method to log current tree state
988 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
989 void TestApplication::impl_logTree( const Reference< XDesktop >& xDesktop )
990 {
992 	// Use special feature of Desktop-implementation.
994 	Reference< XSPECIALDEBUGINTERFACE > xDebug( xDesktop, UNO_QUERY );
996 	// Get a "stream" of all names of frames in tree.
997 	OUString sTreeNamesStream = xDebug->dumpVariable( DUMPVARIABLE_TREEINFO, 0 );
998 	// And write it to logfile.
999 	OString sOutPut = OUStringToOString( sTreeNamesStream, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
1000 //	WRITE_LOGFILE( LOGFILENAME_TREE, "\nNew tree log:\n\n"	);
1003 #endif
1004 }
1005 #endif // TEST_DESKTOP
1007 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1008 //	test method for registration of new filters in configuration
1009 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1011 void TestApplication::impl_testFilterRegistration()
1012 {
1013 	Reference< XNameContainer > xContainer( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FILTERFACTORY ), UNO_QUERY );
1014 	LOG_ASSERT( !(xContainer.is()==sal_False), "TestApplication::impl_testFilterRegistration()\nCould not create FilterFactory-service or cast it to XNameContainer.\n" )
1015 	if( xContainer.is() == sal_True )
1016 	{
1017 		Sequence< PropertyValue > lProperties( 8 );
1019 		lProperties[0].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("Type"					);
1020 		lProperties[0].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("component_DB"			);
1022 		lProperties[1].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("UIName"					);
1023 		lProperties[1].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("Ein neuer Filter-Eintrag");
1025 		lProperties[2].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("DocumentService"			);
1026 		lProperties[2].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("test.document.service"	);
1028 		lProperties[3].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("FilterService"			);
1029 		lProperties[3].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("test.filter.service"		);
1031 		lProperties[4].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("Flags"					);
1032 		lProperties[4].Value	<<=	(sal_Int32)100;
1034 		Sequence< OUString > lTempData(1);
1035 		lTempData[0] = DECLARE_ASCII("meine UserData");
1036 		lProperties[5].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("UserData"				);
1037 		lProperties[5].Value	<<=	lTempData;
1039 		lProperties[6].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("FileFormatVersion"		);
1040 		lProperties[6].Value	<<=	(sal_Int32)1;
1042 		lProperties[7].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("TemplateName"			);
1043 		lProperties[7].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("Mein Template Name"		);
1045 		Any aProperties;
1046 		aProperties <<= lProperties;
1047 		xContainer->insertByName( DECLARE_ASCII("mein_eigener_neuer_Filter"), aProperties );
1049 		lProperties[0].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("Type"					);
1050 		lProperties[0].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("component_DB"			);
1052 		lProperties[1].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("UIName"					);
1053 		lProperties[1].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("Ein neuer Filter-Eintrag 2");
1055 		lProperties[2].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("DocumentService"			);
1056 		lProperties[2].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("test.document.service 2"	);
1058 		lProperties[3].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("FilterService"			);
1059 		lProperties[3].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("test.filter.service 2"		);
1061 		lProperties[4].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("Flags"					);
1062 		lProperties[4].Value	<<=	(sal_Int32)200;
1064 		lTempData[0] = DECLARE_ASCII("meine UserData 2");
1065 		lProperties[5].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("UserData"				);
1066 		lProperties[5].Value	<<=	lTempData;
1068 		lProperties[6].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("FileFormatVersion"		);
1069 		lProperties[6].Value	<<=	(sal_Int32)2;
1071 		lProperties[7].Name		=	DECLARE_ASCII("TemplateName"			);
1072 		lProperties[7].Value	<<=	DECLARE_ASCII("Mein Template Name 2"		);
1074 		aProperties <<= lProperties;
1075 		xContainer->insertByName( DECLARE_ASCII("mein_eigener_neuer_Filter_2"), aProperties );
1077 		xContainer->removeByName( DECLARE_ASCII("mein_eigener_neuer_Filter") );
1078 	}
1079 }
1080 #endif
1082 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1083 //	test method for search mechanism in our frame tree
1084 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1086 sal_Bool TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()
1087 {
1088 	// Build an example tree.
1089 	Reference< XFrame > xD		( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_DESKTOP	), UNO_QUERY );
1090 	Reference< XFrame > xT1		( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_TASK		), UNO_QUERY );
1091 	Reference< XFrame > xT2		( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_TASK		), UNO_QUERY );
1092 	Reference< XFrame > xT3		( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_TASK		), UNO_QUERY );
1093 	Reference< XFrame > xF11	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1094 	Reference< XFrame > xF12	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1095 	Reference< XFrame > xF21	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1096 	Reference< XFrame > xF22	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1097 	Reference< XFrame > xF211	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1098 	Reference< XFrame > xF212	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1099 	Reference< XFrame > xF221	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1100 	Reference< XFrame > xF2111	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1101 	Reference< XFrame > xF2112	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1102 	Reference< XFrame > xF2121	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1103 	Reference< XFrame > xF2122	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1104 	Reference< XFrame > xF2211	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1105 	Reference< XFrame > xF21111	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1106 	Reference< XFrame > xF21112	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1107 	Reference< XFrame > xF21121	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1108 	Reference< XFrame > xF21122	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1109 	Reference< XFrame > xF21211	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1110 	Reference< XFrame > xF21212	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1111 	Reference< XFrame > xF21221	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1112 	Reference< XFrame > xF21222	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1113 	Reference< XFrame > xF22111	( m_xFactory->createInstance( SERVICENAME_FRAME		), UNO_QUERY );
1115 	xD->setName		( DECLARE_ASCII("D"		) );
1116 	xT1->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("T1"	) );
1117 	xT2->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"	) );
1118 	xT3->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"	) );
1119 	xF11->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F11"	) );
1120 	xF12->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F12"	) );
1121 	xF21->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F21"	) );
1122 	xF22->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F22"	) );
1123 	xF211->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F211"	) );
1124 	xF212->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F212"	) );
1125 	xF221->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F221"	) );
1126 	xF2111->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F2111"	) );
1127 	xF2112->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F2112"	) );
1128 	xF2121->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F2121"	) );
1129 	xF2122->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F2122"	) );
1130 	xF2211->setName	( DECLARE_ASCII("F2211"	) );
1131 	xF21111->setName( DECLARE_ASCII("F21111") );
1132 	xF21112->setName( DECLARE_ASCII("F21112") );
1133 	xF21121->setName( DECLARE_ASCII("F21121") );
1134 	xF21122->setName( DECLARE_ASCII("F21122") );
1135 	xF21211->setName( DECLARE_ASCII("F21211") );
1136 	xF21212->setName( DECLARE_ASCII("F21212") );
1137 	xF21221->setName( DECLARE_ASCII("F21221") );
1138 	xF21222->setName( DECLARE_ASCII("F21222") );
1139 	xF22111->setName( DECLARE_ASCII("F22111") );
1141 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSD		( xD		, UNO_QUERY );
1142 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xST1		( xT1		, UNO_QUERY );
1143 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xST2		( xT2		, UNO_QUERY );
1144 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xST3		( xT3		, UNO_QUERY );
1145 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF11		( xF11		, UNO_QUERY );
1146 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF12		( xF12		, UNO_QUERY );
1147 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF21		( xF21		, UNO_QUERY );
1148 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF22		( xF22		, UNO_QUERY );
1149 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF211		( xF211		, UNO_QUERY );
1150 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF212		( xF212		, UNO_QUERY );
1151 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF221		( xF221		, UNO_QUERY );
1152 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF2111	( xF2111	, UNO_QUERY );
1153 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF2112	( xF2112	, UNO_QUERY );
1154 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF2121	( xF2121	, UNO_QUERY );
1155 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF2122	( xF2122	, UNO_QUERY );
1156 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF2211	( xF2211	, UNO_QUERY );
1157 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF21111	( xF21111	, UNO_QUERY );
1158 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF21112	( xF21112	, UNO_QUERY );
1159 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF21121	( xF21121	, UNO_QUERY );
1160 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF21122	( xF21122	, UNO_QUERY );
1161 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF21211	( xF21211	, UNO_QUERY );
1162 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF21212	( xF21212	, UNO_QUERY );
1163 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF21221	( xF21221	, UNO_QUERY );
1164 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF21222	( xF21222	, UNO_QUERY );
1165 	Reference< XFramesSupplier > xSF22111	( xF22111	, UNO_QUERY );
1167 	xSD->getFrames()->append		( xT1		);
1168 	xSD->getFrames()->append		( xT2		);
1169 	xSD->getFrames()->append		( xT3		);
1170 	xST1->getFrames()->append		( xF11		);
1171 	xST1->getFrames()->append		( xF12		);
1172 	xST2->getFrames()->append		( xF21		);
1173 	xST2->getFrames()->append		( xF22		);
1174 	xSF21->getFrames()->append		( xF211		);
1175 	xSF21->getFrames()->append		( xF212		);
1176 	xSF211->getFrames()->append		( xF2111	);
1177 	xSF211->getFrames()->append		( xF2112	);
1178 	xSF212->getFrames()->append		( xF2121	);
1179 	xSF212->getFrames()->append		( xF2122	);
1180 	xSF2111->getFrames()->append	( xF21111	);
1181 	xSF2111->getFrames()->append	( xF21112	);
1182 	xSF2112->getFrames()->append	( xF21121	);
1183 	xSF2112->getFrames()->append	( xF21122	);
1184 	xSF2121->getFrames()->append	( xF21211	);
1185 	xSF2121->getFrames()->append	( xF21212	);
1186 	xSF2122->getFrames()->append	( xF21221	);
1187 	xSF2122->getFrames()->append	( xF21222	);
1188 	xSF22->getFrames()->append		( xF221		);
1189 	xSF221->getFrames()->append		( xF2211	);
1190 	xSF2211->getFrames()->append	( xF22111	);
1192 	sal_Int32 nFlags = 0;
1194 	// Test deep down search
1195 	nFlags = FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN;
1196 	if	(
1197 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T1"		), nFlags )	!=	xT1		)	||
1198 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"		), nFlags )	!=	xT2		)	||
1199 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"		), nFlags )	!=	xT3		)	||
1200 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F11"	), nFlags )	!=	xF11	)	||
1201 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F12"	), nFlags )	!=	xF12	)	||
1202 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21	)	||
1203 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F22"	), nFlags )	!=	xF22	)	||
1204 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F211"	), nFlags )	!=	xF211	)	||
1205 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F212"	), nFlags )	!=	xF212	)	||
1206 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2111"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2111	)	||
1207 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2112"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2112	)	||
1208 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2121"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2121	)	||
1209 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2122"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2122	)	||
1210 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21111"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21111	)	||
1211 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21112"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21112	)	||
1212 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21121"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21121	)	||
1213 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21122"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21122	)	||
1214 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21211"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21211	)	||
1215 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21212"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21212	)	||
1216 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21221"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21221	)	||
1217 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21222"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21222	)	||
1218 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F221"	), nFlags )	!=	xF221	)	||
1219 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2211"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2211	)	||
1220 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F22111"	), nFlags )	!=	xF22111	)
1221 		)
1222 	{
1223 		LOG_ERROR( "TestApplikation::impl_testTreeSearch()", "deep down search failed" )
1224 		return sal_False;
1225 	}
1227 	// Test flat down search
1228 	nFlags = FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN | FrameSearchFlag::SIBLINGS;
1229 	if	(
1230 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T1"		), nFlags )	!=	xT1		)	||
1231 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"		), nFlags )	!=	xT2		)	||
1232 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"		), nFlags )	!=	xT3		)	||
1233 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F11"	), nFlags )	!=	xF11	)	||
1234 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F12"	), nFlags )	!=	xF12	)	||
1235 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21	)	||
1236 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F22"	), nFlags )	!=	xF22	)	||
1237 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F211"	), nFlags )	!=	xF211	)	||
1238 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F212"	), nFlags )	!=	xF212	)	||
1239 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2111"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2111	)	||
1240 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2112"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2112	)	||
1241 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2121"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2121	)	||
1242 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2122"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2122	)	||
1243 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21111"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21111	)	||
1244 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21112"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21112	)	||
1245 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21121"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21121	)	||
1246 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21122"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21122	)	||
1247 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21211"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21211	)	||
1248 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21212"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21212	)	||
1249 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21221"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21221	)	||
1250 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F21222"	), nFlags )	!=	xF21222	)	||
1251 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F221"	), nFlags )	!=	xF221	)	||
1252 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F2211"	), nFlags )	!=	xF2211	)	||
1253 			( xD->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F22111"	), nFlags )	!=	xF22111	)
1254 		)
1255 	{
1256 		LOG_ERROR( "TestApplikation::impl_testTreeSearch()", "flat down search failed" )
1257 		return sal_False;
1258 	}
1260 	// Test deep up search
1261 	// All targets must be found. Control search steps in log files!
1262 	nFlags = FrameSearchFlag::PARENT;
1263 	if	(
1264 			( xF11->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T1"), nFlags )	!=	xT1	)	||	// search for valid targets
1265 			( xF12->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T1"), nFlags )	!=	xT1	)	||
1266 			( xF21->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1267 			( xF22->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1268 			( xF211->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1269 			( xF212->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1270 			( xF221->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1271 			( xF2111->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1272 			( xF2121->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1273 			( xF2122->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1274 			( xF2211->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1275 			( xF21111->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2 )	||
1276 			( xF21112->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2 )	||
1277 			( xF21121->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2 )	||
1278 			( xF21122->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2 )	||
1279 			( xF21211->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1280 			( xF21212->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1281 			( xF21221->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1282 			( xF21222->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1283 			( xF22111->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T2"), nFlags )	!=	xT2	)	||
1284 			( xF11->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||	// search for existing but non valid targets
1285 			( xF12->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1286 			( xF21->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1287 			( xF22->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1288 			( xF211->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1289 			( xF212->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1290 			( xF221->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1291 			( xF2111->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1292 			( xF2121->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1293 			( xF2122->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1294 			( xF2211->findFrame	( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1295 			( xF21111->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1296 			( xF21112->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1297 			( xF21121->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1298 			( xF21122->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1299 			( xF21211->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1300 			( xF21212->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1301 			( xF21221->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1302 			( xF21222->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)	||
1303 			( xF22111->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T3"), nFlags ).is()	==	sal_True	)
1304 		)
1305 	{
1306 		LOG_ERROR( "TestApplikation::impl_testTreeSearch()", "deep up search failed" )
1307 		return sal_False;
1308 	}
1310 	// Test inside/outside tasks search
1311 	// No frames outside current task should be found if TASKS flag isnt set.
1312 	// Otherwise he must be found!
1313 	if	(
1314 			( xF21211->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F12"	),	FrameSearchFlag::ALL								)		== xF12		)	||
1315 			( xF21211->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("F22111"),	FrameSearchFlag::GLOBAL 							)		!= xF22111	)	||
1316 			( xF21211->findFrame( DECLARE_ASCII("T4"	),	FrameSearchFlag::GLOBAL | FrameSearchFlag::CREATE	).is()	== sal_False)
1317 		)
1318 	{
1319 		LOG_ERROR( "TestApplikation::impl_testTreeSearch()", "inside/outside task search failed" )
1320 		return sal_False;
1321 	}
1323 	// Test SELF
1324 	// Use the desktop, one task and one frame node to do that.
1325 	// The desktop must ignore these question ... all other must return himself.
1326 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xD->findFrame 	(	DECLARE_ASCII(""),	FrameSearchFlag::SELF	)	== xD	), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "SELF search for D failed\n"	)
1327 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xT1->findFrame	(	DECLARE_ASCII(""),	FrameSearchFlag::SELF	)	!= xT1	), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "SELF search for T1 failed\n"	)
1328 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xF12->findFrame	(	DECLARE_ASCII(""),	FrameSearchFlag::SELF	)	!= xF12	), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "SELF search for F12 failed\n"	)
1330 	// Test special task search at desktop
1331 	// These search allow TASKS and CREATE flags only!
1332 	// We make no deep search - we work on direct children of desktop only.
1333 	// Supported for desktop only.
1334 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xD->findFrame		(	DECLARE_ASCII("T1"),	FrameSearchFlag::TASKS								)		!= xT1			), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "special TASKS search for T1 failed\n"				)
1335 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xD->findFrame		(	DECLARE_ASCII("T2"),	FrameSearchFlag::TASKS								)		!= xT2			), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "special TASKS search for T2 failed\n"				)
1336 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xD->findFrame		(	DECLARE_ASCII("T3"),	FrameSearchFlag::TASKS								)		!= xT3			), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "special TASKS search for T3 failed\n"				)
1337 	// Attention: T4 was created before!
1338 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xD->findFrame		(	DECLARE_ASCII("T5"),	FrameSearchFlag::TASKS								).is()	== sal_True		), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "special TASKS search for T5 failed\n"				)
1339 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xD->findFrame		(	DECLARE_ASCII("T5"),	FrameSearchFlag::TASKS | FrameSearchFlag::CREATE	).is()	== sal_False	), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "special TASKS+CREATE search for T5 failed\n"		)
1340 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xD->findFrame		(	DECLARE_ASCII("F12"),	FrameSearchFlag::TASKS								).is()	== sal_True		), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "special TASKS search for F12 failed\n"			)
1341 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xF12->findFrame	(	DECLARE_ASCII("T1"),	FrameSearchFlag::TASKS								).is()	== sal_True		), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "special TASKS search for T1 from F12 failed\n"	)
1342 	LOG_ASSERT2( (xF22111->findFrame(	DECLARE_ASCII("T1"),	FrameSearchFlag::TASKS								).is()	== sal_True		), "TestApplication::impl_testTreeSearch()", "special TASKS search for T1 from F22111 failed\n"	)
1344 	return sal_True;
1345 }
1346 #endif