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26  <title>Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% SDK - Overview</title>
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28  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
29  <meta name="author" content="J&uuml;rgen Schmidt">
30  <meta name="created" content="2004-12-14">
32<body class="sdkbody">
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47            <p>Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% software is a complete, feature-rich
48              office productivity suite that provides, in combination with this
49			  SDK, all the essential tools for building and deploying custom
50			  solutions that build on, or integrate with, the Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% suite
51			  of products.</p>
52            <p>The SDK is a development kit for Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE%, which
53			  eases the development of office components. It provides a set of
54			  libraries, binaries, header, and IDL files which have final API's
55			  and can only be extended with new functionality. This set of libraries
56			  and binaries is the minimum set of functions needed to use system
57			  abstraction for base functionality and for using UNO (Universal
58			  Network Objects) component technology. The UNO component model is the
59			  base of the whole Office API. The SDK provides everything necessary
60			  to use the Office API from external programs (e.g. Java, C++) or to
61			  extend the Office functionality with new components (e.g. new filter
62			  components, CalcAddin functions). It is compatible over several
63			  versions because the API remains unaffected and will only be extended
64			  with new functions.</p>
65            <p>The SDK provides the basic building blocks for external developers
66			  to develop components in any language for which a binding exists.
67			  Currently, there are language bindings for Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% Basic, Java,
68			  and different C++ compilers on different platforms, for Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE%,
69			  thus covering the two most commonly used programming languages. There
70			  will be no limit for office automation in heterogeneous environments.
71			  Currently supported platforms of the SDK are Linux, Solaris (sparc,
72			  x86), and Windows.</p>
73            <p>The SDK also contains <a href="docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/module-ix.html" title="link to the IDL reference documentation"> reference</a> documentation
74              for the API and a complete <a href="https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide" title="link to the Developer's Guide in the Wiki">Developer's Guide</a> is availbale online in the Apache OpenOffice Wiki, with
75			  lots of examples, which introduce the API, explain the concepts behind
76			  it, and make it possible for all users to quickly get started with
77			  the Office API.</p>
78          </td>
79          <td><img class="nothing8" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
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91                <td colspan="4" class="head1">Content</td>
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94			    <td colspan="4"><img class="nothing8" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
95              </tr>
96              <tr valign="top">
97                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
98                <td colspan="2"><a href="docs/install.html" title="link to the installation guide">Installation Guide</a></td>
99                <td class="content70">An overview of all necessary
100				installation steps (e.g. environment variables) to use this SDK.</td>
101              </tr>
102              <tr valign="middle">
103                <td><img class="nothing10" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
104                <td colspan="3"><img class="line" src="docs/images/sdk_line-1.gif"></td>
105              </tr>
106              <tr valign="top">
107                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
108                <td colspan="2"><a href="https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide" title="link to the Developer's Guide in the Wiki">Developer's Guide</a></td>
109                <td class="content70">Detailed documentation, explaining the Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE%
110				API and the concepts behind it, with a rich set of examples,
111				implemented mainly in Java. This documentation is online in the
112				Apache OpenOffice Wiki.</td>
113              </tr>
114              <tr valign="top">
115                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
116                <td colspan="2"><a href="docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/module-ix.html" title="link to the IDL reference documentation">IDL Reference</a></td>
117                <td class="content70">Complete Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% API reference.</td>
118              </tr>
119              <tr valign="top">
120                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
121                <td colspan="2"><a href="docs/java/ref/index.html" title="link to the Java UNO runtime API reference documentation">Java UNO Runtime Reference </a></td>
122                <td class="content70">Reference documentation of the Java UNO runtime API.</td>
123              </tr>
124              <tr valign="top">
125                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
126                <td colspan="2"><a href="docs/cpp/ref/names/index.html" title="link to the C++ API reference documentation">C++ Reference</a></td>
127                <td class="content70">Reference documentation of the C++ UNO runtime and a
128				set of C/C++ base and helper functions and classes to abstract from
129				the system layer.</td>
130              </tr>
131              <tr valign="middle">
132                <td><img class="nothing10" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
133                <td colspan="3"><img class="line" src="docs/images/sdk_line-1.gif"></td>
134              </tr>
135              <tr valign="top">
136                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
137                <td colspan="2"><a href="docs/tools.html" title="link to the tools overview page">Development Tools</a></td>
138                <td class="content70">Overview and a short description of the UNO
139				development tools.</td>
140              </tr>
141              <tr valign="top">
142                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
143                <td colspan="2"><a href="examples/examples.html" title="link to the examples overview page">Examples</a></td>
144                <td class="content70">A collection of examples in different
145				programming languages (Java, C++, Basic, OLE, CLI).</td>
146              </tr>
147              <tr valign="middle">
148                <td><img class="nothing10" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
149                <td colspan="3"><img class="line" src="docs/images/sdk_line-1.gif"></td>
150              </tr>
151              <tr valign="top">
152                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
153                <td colspan="2"><a href="http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=office" title="link to the  OASIS Open Office XML Format TC (online)">OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC</a></td>
154                <td class="content70">Link to the OASIS Open Document Format for
155				Office Applications (OpenDocument) Technical Committee where you
156				can find the latest information about the OASIS Open Document XML
157				file format which is the default document format
158				for Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE%.</td>
159              </tr>
160              <tr valign="top">
161                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
162                <td colspan="2"><a href="http://xml.openoffice.org/xml_specification.pdf" title="link to the OpenOffice.org XML File Format Specification">OpenOffice.org XML File Format</a></td>
163                <td class="content70">Specification of the initial OpenOffice.org XML File Format.</td>
164              </tr>
165              <tr valign="middle">
166                <td><img class="nothing10" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
167                <td colspan="3"><img class="line" src="docs/images/sdk_line-1.gif"></td>
168              </tr>
169              <tr valign="top">
170                <td class="content4"><img src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
171                <td colspan="2"><a href="LICENSE" title="link to the SDK license file">License</a></td>
172                <td class="content70">The license for the Apache OpenOffice %PRODUCT_RELEASE% SDK.</td>
173              </tr>
174              <tr valign="middle">
175                <td><img class="nothing10" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
176                <td colspan="3"><img class="line" src="docs/images/sdk_line-1.gif"></td>
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179			    <td colspan="4"><img class="nothing8" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
180              </tr>
181              <tr valign="top">
182                <td colspan="4" class="head1">Additional Resources</td>
183              </tr>
184              <tr valign="top">
185			    <td colspan="4"><img class="nothing8" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
186              </tr>
187              <tr valign="middle">
188                <td class="content4"><img class="arrow" src="docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
189                <td width="5%"><a target="_blank" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" title="link to the Apache OpenOffice homepage (online)"><img class="appicon" src="docs/images/ooo-main-app_32.png"></a></td>
190                <td width="21%"><a target="_blank" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" title="link to the Apache OpenOffice homepage (online)">Apache OpenOffice<sup>&reg;</sup></a></td>
191                <td class="content70">Open Source community project of office-productivity software.</td>
192              </tr>
193            </table>
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195          <td><img class="nothing8" src="docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
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209	<p><img class="apachelogo" src="docs/images/odk-footer-logo.gif" title="Apache Feather" alt="Apache Feather" />
210            Copyright &copy; 2011-2024 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Apache, the Apache feather logo, Apache OpenOffice and OpenOffice.org are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.<p>
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