xref: /aoo41x/main/sal/inc/osl/socket_decl.hxx (revision cdf0e10c)
1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
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11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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26  ************************************************************************/
28 #ifndef _OSL_SOCKET_DECL_HXX_
29 #define _OSL_SOCKET_DECL_HXX_
31 #include <osl/socket.h>
32 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
33 #include <rtl/byteseq.hxx>
35 /** @HTML
36  */
37 namespace osl
38 {
39 	enum __osl_socket_NoCopy { SAL_NO_COPY };
41     /** The class should be understood as a reference to a socket address handle ( struct sockaddr ).
43 		The handle is mutable.
44 	 */
45 	class SocketAddr
46 	{
47 	protected:
48 		oslSocketAddr m_handle;
49 	public:
51 		/** Creates socket address of unknown type.
52 		 */
53 		inline SocketAddr();
55 		/** Copy constructor.
56 		 */
57 		inline SocketAddr(const SocketAddr& Addr);
59 		/** The SocketAddr takes over the responsibility of the handle ( which means,
60 			that the handle gets destructed by the destructor of this reference)
62 			@param nocopy use SAL_NO_COPY
63 		 */
64 		inline SocketAddr(const oslSocketAddr , __osl_socket_NoCopy nocopy );
66 		/** Copyconstructs the oslSocketAddr handle.
67 		 */
68 		inline SocketAddr(oslSocketAddr Addr);
70 		/** tcpip-specif constructor.
71 			@param strAddrOrHostName strAddrOrHostName hostname or dotted ip-number of the network
72 			                         interface, the socket shall be created on.
73 			@param nPort             tcp-ip port number
74 		 */
75 		inline SocketAddr( const ::rtl::OUString& strAddrOrHostName, sal_Int32 nPort );
77 		/** destroys underlying oslSocketAddress
78 		 */
79 		inline ~SocketAddr();
81 		/** checks, if the SocketAddr was created successful.
82 			@return <code>sal_True</code> if there is a valid underlying handle,
83 			        otherwise sal_False.
84 		 */
85 		inline sal_Bool is() const;
87 		/** Converts the address to a (human readable) domain-name.
89 			@param pResult 0, if you are not interested in errors,
90 			               otherwise *pResult contains an error code on failure
91 						   or osl_Socket_Ok on success
92 			@return the hostname of this SocketAddr or an empty string on failure.
93 			@see osl_getHostnameOfSocketAddr()
94 		*/
95 		inline ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL getHostname( oslSocketResult *pResult = 0 ) const;
97 		/** Sets the ipaddress or hostname of the SocketAddress
98 		 */
99 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL setHostname( const ::rtl::OUString &sDottedIpOrHostname );
101 		/** Returns the port number of the address.
102 			@return the port in host-byte order or or OSL_INVALID_PORT on errors.
103 		*/
104 		inline sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getPort() const;
106 		/** Sets the port number of the address.
107 		   @return true if successfule.
108 		 */
109 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL setPort( sal_Int32 nPort );
111 		/** Sets the address of the underlying socket address struct in network byte order.
112 			@return true on success, false signales falure.
113 		 */
114 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL setAddr( const ::rtl::ByteSequence & address );
116 		/** Returns the address of the underlying socket in network byte order
117 		  */
118 		inline ::rtl::ByteSequence  SAL_CALL getAddr( oslSocketResult *pResult = 0 ) const;
120 		/** assign the handle to this reference. The previous handle is released.
121 		*/
122 		inline SocketAddr & SAL_CALL operator= (oslSocketAddr Addr);
124 		/**
125 		 */
126 		inline SocketAddr & SAL_CALL operator= (const SocketAddr& Addr);
128 		/** Assigns the socket addr without copyconstructing it.
129 			@param nocopy use SAL_NO_COPY
130 		  */
131 		inline SocketAddr & SAL_CALL assign( oslSocketAddr Addr, __osl_socket_NoCopy nocopy );
133 		/** Returns true if the underlying handle is identical to the Addr handle.
134 		 */
135 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator== (oslSocketAddr Addr) const;
137 		/** Returns true if the underlying handle is identical to the Addr handle.
138 		 */
139 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator== (const SocketAddr & Addr) const;
141 		/** Returns the underlying SocketAddr handle without copyconstructing it.
142 		 */
143 		inline oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL getHandle() const;
145 		/** Get the hostname for the local interface.
146 			@param after the call *pResult contains osl_Socket_Ok on success or
147 			       an error on failure.
148 			@return the hostname
149 		*/
150 		static inline ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL getLocalHostname( oslSocketResult *pResult = 0);
152 		/** Tries to find an address for a host.
153 			@see osl_resolveHostname()
154 			@return A new created socket-address or 0 if the name could not be found.
155 		*/
156 		static inline void SAL_CALL resolveHostname(
157 			const ::rtl::OUString & strHostName , SocketAddr & Addr );
159 		/**
160 		   Tries to find the port associated with the given service/protocol-
161 		   pair (e.g. "ftp"/"tcp").
162 		   @return the port number in host-byte order or <code>OSL_INVALID_PORT</code>
163 		   if no service/protocol pair could be found.
164 		*/
165 		static inline sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getServicePort(
166 			const ::rtl::OUString& strServiceName,
167 			const ::rtl::OUString & strProtocolName= ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "tcp" ) );
168 	};
171 	class Socket
172 	{
173 	protected:
174 		oslSocket m_handle;
175 	protected:
176 		/** Creates a socket. Note it's protected.
177 			@param Type
178 			@param Family
179 			@param Protocol
180 		*/
181 		inline Socket(oslSocketType Type,
182 					  oslAddrFamily Family = osl_Socket_FamilyInet,
183 					  oslProtocol   Protocol = osl_Socket_ProtocolIp);
184 	public:
185 		inline Socket( );
187 		inline Socket( const Socket & socket );
189 		inline Socket( oslSocket socketHandle );
191 		/** The instance takes over the handle's ownership without acquiring the
192 			handle, but releases it within the dtor.
193 			@param noacquire use SAL_NO_ACQUIRE
194 		 */
195 		inline Socket( oslSocket socketHandle, __sal_NoAcquire noacquire );
197 		/** Destructor. Releases the underlying handle
198 		 */
199 		inline ~Socket();
201 		/** Assignment operator. If socket was already created, the old one will
202 			be discarded.
203 		*/
204 		inline Socket& SAL_CALL operator= ( oslSocket socketHandle);
206 		/** Assignment operator. If socket was already created, the old one will
207 			be discarded.
208 		*/
209 		inline Socket& SAL_CALL operator= (const Socket& sock);
211 		/**
212 		   @return <code>sal_True</code>, when the underlying handle of both
213 		                 Socket instances are identical, <code>sal_False</code> otherwise.
214 		 */
215 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator==( const Socket& rSocket ) const ;
217 		/**
218 		   @return <code>sal_True</code>, when the underlying handle of both
219 		                 Socket instances are identical, <code>sal_False</code> otherwise.
220 		 */
221 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL operator==( const oslSocket socketHandle ) const;
223 		/** Closes a definite or both directions of the bidirectional stream.
225 		   @param Direction
226 		   @see osl_shutdownSocket()
227 		 */
228 		inline void SAL_CALL shutdown( oslSocketDirection Direction = osl_Socket_DirReadWrite );
230 		/** Closes a socket.
231 			Note that closing a socket is identical to shutdown( osl_Socket_DirReadWrite ),
232 			as the operating system distinguish both cases, both functions or offered in this API.
233 			@see osl_closeSocket()
234 		 */
235 		inline void SAL_CALL close();
237 		/** Retrieves the address of the local interface of this socket.
238 			@param Addr [out] receives the address.
239 			@see osl_getLocalAddrOfSocket()
240 		*/
241 		inline void SAL_CALL getLocalAddr( SocketAddr &Addr ) const;
243 		/** Get the local port of the socket. Usually used after bind().
244 			@return the port number or OSL_INVALID_PORT on errors.
245 		*/
246 		inline sal_Int32	SAL_CALL getLocalPort() const;
248 		/** Get the hostname for the local interface.
249 			@return the hostname or an empty string ("").
250 		*/
251 		inline ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL getLocalHost() const;
253 		/** Retrieves the address of the remote host of this socket.
254 			@param Addr [out] receives the address.
255 		*/
256 		inline void SAL_CALL getPeerAddr( SocketAddr & Addr) const;
258 		/** Get the remote port of the socket.
259 			@return the port number or OSL_INVALID_PORT on errors.
260 		*/
261 		inline sal_Int32	SAL_CALL getPeerPort() const;
263 		/** Get the hostname for the remote interface.
264 			@return the hostname or an empty string ("").
265 		*/
266 		inline ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL getPeerHost() const;
268 		/** Binds the socket to the specified (local) interface.
269 			@param LocalInterface Address of the Interface
270 			@return True if bind was successful.
271 		*/
272 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL bind(const SocketAddr& LocalInterface);
274 		/** Checks if read operations will block.
276 			You can specify a timeout-value in seconds/nanoseconds that denotes
277 			how the operation will block if the Socket is not ready.
278 			@return <code>sal_True</code> if read operations (recv, recvFrom, accept) on the Socket
279 			will NOT block; <code>sal_False</code> if it would block or if an error occured.
281 			@param pTimeout if 0, the operation will block without a timeout. Otherwise
282 			the specified amout of time.
283 		*/
284 		inline sal_Bool	SAL_CALL isRecvReady(const TimeValue *pTimeout = 0) const;
286 		/** Checks if send operations will block.
288 			You can specify a timeout-value in seconds/nanoseconds that denotes
289 			how the operation will block if the Socket is not ready.
290 			@return <code>sal_True</code> if send operations (send, sendTo) on the Socket
291 			will NOT block; <code>sal_False</code> if it would block or if an error occured.
293 			@param pTimeout if 0, the operation will block without a timeout. Otherwise
294 			the specified amout of time.
295 		*/
296 		inline sal_Bool	SAL_CALL isSendReady(const TimeValue *pTimeout = 0) const;
299 		/** Checks if a request for out-of-band data will block.
301 			You can specify a timeout-value in seconds/nanoseconds that denotes
302 			how the operation will block if the Socket has no pending OOB data.
304 			@return <code>sal_True</code> if OOB-request operations (recv with appropriate flags)
305 			on the Socket will NOT block; <code>sal_False</code> if it would block or if
306 			an error occured.
308 			@param pTimeout if 0, the operation will block without a timeout. Otherwise
309 			the specified amout of time.
310 		*/
311 		inline sal_Bool	SAL_CALL isExceptionPending(const TimeValue *pTimeout = 0) const;
314 		/** Queries the socket for its type.
315 	        @return one of:
316 			<ul>
317 			<li> <code>osl_Socket_TypeStream</code>
318 			<li> <code>osl_Socket_TypeDgram</code>
319 			<li> <code>osl_Socket_TypeRaw</code>
320 			<li> <code>osl_Socket_TypeRdm</code>
321 			<li> <code>osl_Socket_TypeSeqPacket</code>
322 			<li> <code>osl_invalid_SocketType</code>, if an error occured
323 			</ul>
324 		*/
325 		inline oslSocketType	SAL_CALL getType() const;
327 		/** Retrieves option-attributes associated with the socket.
328 			@param Option The attribute to query.
329 			Valid values (depending on the Level) are:
330 			<ul>
331 			<li> <code>osl_Socket_Option_Debug</code><br>
332 			     (sal_Bool) Socket debug flag 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
334 			<li> <code>osl_Socket_OptionAcceptConn</code><br>
335 			<li> <code>osl_Socket_OptionReuseAddr</code><br>
336 			  (sal_Bool) Allows the socket to be bound to an address that is
337 			  already in use.
338 			  1 = multiple bound allowed, 0 = no multiple bounds allowed
340 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionKeepAlive</code><br>
341 			   (sal_Bool) Keepalive packets are sent by the underlying socket.
342 			   1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
344 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionDontRoute</code><br>
345 			   (sal_Bool) Do not route: send directly to interface.
346            	   1 = do not route , 0 = routing possible
348 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionBroadcast</code><br>
349 			   (sal_Bool) Transmission of broadcast messages are allowed on the socket.
350 			   1 = transmission allowed, 0 = transmission disallowed
352 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionUseLoopback</code><br>
354 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionLinger</code><br>
355 			   (linger) Linger on close if unsent data is present.
356 			   linger has two members: l_onoff, l_linger
357 			   l_onoff = 0 is off, l_onoff > 0 and l_linger= timeout in seconds.
359 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionOOBinLine</code><br>
362 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionSndBuf</code><br>
363 			  (sal_Int32) Size of the send buffer in bytes. Data is sent after
364 			  SndTimeo or when the buffer is full. This allows faster writing
365 			  to the socket.
367 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionRcvBuf</code><br>
368 			  (sal_Int32) Size of the receive buffer in bytes. Data is sent after
369 			  SndTimeo or when the buffer is full. This allows faster writing
370 			  to the socket and larger packet sizes.
372 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionSndLowat</code><br>
374 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionRcvLowat</code><br>
376 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionSndTimeo</code><br>
377 			  (sal_Int32) Data is sent after this timeout. This allows gathering
378 			  of data to send larger packages but increases latency times.
380 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionRcvTimeo</code><br>
382 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionError</code><br>
383 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionType</code><br>
385 			<li><code>osl_Socket_OptionTcpNoDelay</code><br>
386 			  Disables the Nagle algorithm for send coalescing. (Do not
387 			  collect data until a packet is full, instead send immediatly.
388 			  This increases network traffic but might improve latency-times.)
389 			  1 = disables the algorithm, 0 = keeps it enabled.
390 			</ul>
392 			  If not above mentioned otherwise, the options are only valid for
393 			  level <code>osl_Socket_LevelSocket</code>.
394 			@param pBuffer The Buffer will be filled with the attribute.
396 			@param BufferSize The size of pBuffer.
398 			@param Level The option level.
400 			Valid values are:
401 			<ul>
402 			<li><code>osl_Socket_LevelSocket</code> : Socket Level
403 			<li><code>osl_Socket_LevelTcp</code>    : Level of Transmission Control Protocol
404 			</ul>
405 			@return The size of the attribute copied into pBuffer or -1 if an error
406 			occured.
407 		*/
408 		inline sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getOption(
409 			oslSocketOption Option,
410 			void* pBuffer,
411 			sal_uInt32 BufferLen,
412 			oslSocketOptionLevel Level= osl_Socket_LevelSocket) const;
414 		/** Sets the sockets attributes.
416 			@param Option denotes the option to modify.
417 			Valid values (depending on the Level) are:
418 			<ul>
419 			<li> osl_Socket_Option_Debug
420 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionAcceptConn
421 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionReuseAddr
422 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionKeepAlive
423 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionDontRoute
424 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionBroadcast
425 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionUseLoopback
426 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionLinger
427 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionOOBinLine
428 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionSndBuf
429 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionRcvBuf
430 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionSndLowat
431 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionRcvLowat
432 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionSndTimeo
433 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionRcvTimeo
434 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionError
435 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionType
436 			<li> osl_Socket_OptionTcpNoDelay
437 			</ul>
439 			If not above mentioned otherwise, the options are only valid for
440 			level osl_Socket_LevelSocket.
442 			@param pBuffer Pointer to a Buffer which contains the attribute-value.
444 			@param BufferSize contains the length of the Buffer.
446 			@param Level selects the level for which an option should be changed.
447 			Valid values are:
448 			<ul>
449 			<li> osl_Socket_evel_Socket : Socket Level
450 			<li> osl_Socket_Level_Tcp   : Level of Transmission Control Protocol
451 			</ul>
453 			@return True if the option could be changed.
454 		*/
455 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL setOption( oslSocketOption Option,
456 											void* pBuffer,
457 											sal_uInt32 BufferLen,
458 											oslSocketOptionLevel Level= osl_Socket_LevelSocket ) const;
460 		/** Convenience function for setting sal_Bool and sal_Int32 option values.
461 			@see setOption()
462 		 */
463 		inline sal_Bool setOption( oslSocketOption option, sal_Int32 nValue  );
465 		/** Convenience function for retrieving sal_Bool and sal_Int32 option values.
466 			@see setOption()
467 		 */
468 		inline sal_Int32 getOption( oslSocketOption option ) const;
470 		/** Enables/disables non-blocking mode of the socket.
471 			@param bNonBlockingMode If <code>sal_True</code>, blocking mode will be switched off
472 				   If <code>sal_False</code>, the socket will become a blocking
473 				   socket (which is the default behaviour of a socket).
474 			@return <code>sal_True</code> if mode could be set.
475 		*/
476 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL enableNonBlockingMode( sal_Bool bNonBlockingMode);
478 		/** Query blocking mode of the socket.
479 			@return <code>sal_True</code> if non-blocking mode is set.
480 		*/
481 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL isNonBlockingMode() const;
484 		/** clears the error status
485 		*/
486 		inline void	SAL_CALL clearError() const;
488         /** returns a constant decribing the last error for the socket system.
490 			@return osl_Socket_E_NONE if no error occured, invalid_SocketError if
491 			an unknown (unmapped) error occured, otherwise an enum describing the
492 			error.
493 			@see osl_getLastSocketError()
494 		*/
495 		inline oslSocketError getError() const;
497 		/** Builds a string with the last error-message for the socket.
498 		 */
499 		inline ::rtl::OUString getErrorAsString( ) const;
501 		/** Returns the underlying handle unacquired  (The caller must acquire it to keep it).
502 		 */
503 		inline oslSocket getHandle() const;
504 	};
507 	class StreamSocket : public Socket
508 	{
509 	public:
510 		/** Creates a socket.
511 			@param Type For some protocols it might be desirable to
512 			use a different type than <code>osl_Socket_TypeStream</code>
513 			(like <code>osl_Socket_TypeSeqPacket</code>).
514 			Therefore this parameter is not hidden.
515 		*/
516   		inline StreamSocket(oslAddrFamily Family = osl_Socket_FamilyInet,
517 							oslProtocol	Protocol = osl_Socket_ProtocolIp,
518 							oslSocketType	Type = osl_Socket_TypeStream);
520 		inline StreamSocket( const StreamSocket & );
522 		inline StreamSocket( oslSocket Socket , __sal_NoAcquire noacquire );
524 		inline StreamSocket( oslSocket Socket );
526 		/** Retrieves n bytes from the stream and copies them into pBuffer.
527 			The method avoids incomplete reads due to packet boundaries and is thus
528 			blocking.
529 			@param pBuffer receives the read data. pBuffer must be large enough
530 			to hold n bytes.
531 			@param n the number of bytes to read.
532 			@return	the number of read bytes. The number will only be smaller than
533 			n if an exceptional condition (e.g. connection closed) occurs.
534 		*/
535 		inline sal_Int32 SAL_CALL read(void* pBuffer, sal_uInt32 n);
537 		/** Writes n bytes from pBuffer to the stream. The method avoids
538 			incomplete writes due to packet boundaries and is thus blocking.
539 			@param pBuffer contains the data to be written.
540 			@param n the number of bytes to write.
541 			@return the number of written bytes. The number will only be smaller than
542 			n if an exceptional condition (e.g. connection closed) occurs.
543 		*/
544 		inline sal_Int32 SAL_CALL write(const void* pBuffer, sal_uInt32 n);
547 		/** Tries to receive BytesToRead data from the connected socket,
549 			@param pBuffer [out] Points to a buffer that will be filled with the received
550 			data. pBuffer must have at least have a size of BytesToRead.
551 			@param BytesToRead [in] The number of bytes to read.
552 			@param Flag [in] Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
554 			<ul>
555 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgNormal</code>
556 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgOOB</code>
557 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgPeek</code>
558 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute</code>
559 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen</code>
560 			</ul>
561 			@return the number of received bytes, which may be less than BytesToRead.
562 		*/
563 		inline sal_Int32 SAL_CALL recv(void* pBuffer,
564 									   sal_uInt32 BytesToRead,
565 									   oslSocketMsgFlag flags= osl_Socket_MsgNormal);
567 		/** Tries to send BytesToSend data to the connected socket.
569 			@param pBuffer [in] Points to a buffer that contains the send-data.
570 			@param BytesToSend [in] The number of bytes to send. pBuffer must have at least
571 			this size.
572 			@param Flag [in] Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
573 			<ul>
574 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgNormal</code>
575 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgOOB</code>
576 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgPeek</code>
577 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute</code>
578 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen</code>
579 			</ul>
581 			@return the number of transfered bytes. It may be less than BytesToSend.
582 		*/
583 		sal_Int32 SAL_CALL send(const void* pBuffer,
584 								sal_uInt32 BytesToSend,
585 								oslSocketMsgFlag= osl_Socket_MsgNormal);
586 	};
588 	class ConnectorSocket : public StreamSocket
589 	{
590 	public:
591 		/** Creates a socket that can connect to a (remote) host.
592 			@param Type For some protocols it might be desirable to
593 			use a different type than sock_stream <code>osl_Socket_TypeSeqPacket</code>
594 			(like <code>osl_Socket_TypeSeqPacket</code>).
595 			Therefore we do not hide this parameter here.
596 		*/
597   		ConnectorSocket(oslAddrFamily Family = osl_Socket_FamilyInet,
598 						oslProtocol	Protocol = osl_Socket_ProtocolIp,
599 						oslSocketType	Type = osl_Socket_TypeStream);
602 		/** Connects the socket to a (remote) host.
603 			@param TargetHost The address of the target.
604 			@param pTimeOut The timeout for blocking. If 0, a default system dependent timeout
605 			                us used.
606 			@return <code> osl_Socket_Ok</code> if connected successfully,
607 			<code>osl_Socket_TimedOut</code> on timeout,
608 			<code>osl_Socket_Interrupted</code> if unblocked forcefully (by osl::Socket::close()),
609 			<code>osl_Socket_Error</code> if connect failed.
610 		*/
611 		oslSocketResult SAL_CALL connect(const SocketAddr& TargetHost, const TimeValue* pTimeout = 0);
612 	};
614 	/** Allows to accept socket connections.
615 	 */
616 	class AcceptorSocket : public Socket
617 	{
618 	public:
619 		inline AcceptorSocket(oslAddrFamily Family = osl_Socket_FamilyInet,
620 							  oslProtocol	Protocol = osl_Socket_ProtocolIp,
621 							  oslSocketType	Type = osl_Socket_TypeStream);
623 		/** Prepare a socket for the accept-call. The socket must have been
624 			bound before to the local address.
625 			@param MaxPendingConnections The maximum number of pending
626 			connections (waiting to be accepted) on this socket. If you use
627 			-1, a system default value is used.
628 			@return <code>sal_True</code> if call was successful.
629 		*/
630 		inline sal_Bool SAL_CALL listen(sal_Int32 MaxPendingConnections= -1);
632 		/** Accepts incoming connections on the socket. You must
633 			precede this call with osl::Socket::bind() and listen().
634 			@param Connection receives the incoming connection.
635 			@return <code>osl_Socket_Ok</code>, if a connection has been accepted,
636 			<code>osl_Socket_TimedOut</code>, if m_RecvTimeout milliseconds passed without connect,
637 			<code>osl_Socket_Error</code> on errors.
638 		*/
639 		inline oslSocketResult SAL_CALL acceptConnection( StreamSocket& Connection);
641 		/** Accepts incoming connections on the socket. You must
642 			precede this call with osl::Socket::bind() and listen().
643 			@param PeerAddr receives the address of the connecting entity
644 			(your communication	partner).
645 			@param Connection receives the incoming connection.
646 			@return <code>osl_Socket_Ok</code>, if a connection has been accepted,
647 			<code>osl_Socket_TimedOut</code>, if m_RecvTimeout milliseconds passed without connect,
648 			<code>osl_Socket_Error</code> on errors.
649 		*/
650 		inline oslSocketResult SAL_CALL acceptConnection( StreamSocket&	Connection, SocketAddr & PeerAddr);
651 	};
655     /** A connectionless socket to send and receive datagrams.
656 	 */
657 	class DatagramSocket : public Socket
658 	{
659 	public:
661 		/** Creates a datagram socket.
662 			@param Type is sock_dgram by default.
663 		*/
664 		inline DatagramSocket(oslAddrFamily Family= osl_Socket_FamilyInet,
665 							  oslProtocol	Protocol= osl_Socket_ProtocolIp,
666 							  oslSocketType	Type= osl_Socket_TypeDgram);
668 		/** Tries to receives BufferSize data from the socket, if no error occurs.
670 			@param pSenderAddr [out] You must provide pointer to a SocketAddr.
671 			It will be	filled with the address of the datagrams sender.
672 			If pSenderAddr is 0, it is ignored.
673 			@param pBuffer [out] Points to a buffer that will be filled with the received
674 			datagram.
675 			@param BufferSize [in] The size of pBuffer.
676 			@param Flag [in] Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
677 			<ul>
678 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgNormal</code>
679 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgOOB</code>
680 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgPeek</code>
681 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute</code>
682 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen</code>
683 			</ul>
685 			@return the number of received bytes.
686 		*/
687 		inline sal_Int32 SAL_CALL recvFrom(void*  pBuffer,
688 										   sal_uInt32 BufferSize,
689 										   SocketAddr* pSenderAddr= 0,
690 										   oslSocketMsgFlag Flag= osl_Socket_MsgNormal);
692 		/** Tries to send one datagram with BytesToSend size to the given ReceiverAddr.
693 			Since there is only send one packet, the function doesn't care about
694 			packet boundaries.
696 			@param ReceiverAddr [in] A SocketAddr that contains
697 			the destination address for this send.
699 			@param pBuffer [in] Points to a buffer that contains the send-data.
700 			@param BufferSize [in] The number of bytes to send. pBuffer must have at least
701 			this size.
702 			@param Flag [in] Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
704 			<ul>
705 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgNormal</code>
706 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgOOB</code>
707 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgPeek</code>
708 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute</code>
709 			<li><code>osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen</code>
710 			</ul>
712 			@return the number of transfered bytes.
713 		*/
714 		inline sal_Int32	SAL_CALL sendTo( const SocketAddr& ReceiverAddr,
715 											 const void* pBuffer,
716 											 sal_uInt32 BufferSize,
717 											 oslSocketMsgFlag Flag= osl_Socket_MsgNormal);
718 	};
720 }
722 #endif