1 /**************************************************************
2 *
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 * distributed with this work for additional information
6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 *
11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 *
13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
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18 * under the License.
19 *
20 *************************************************************/
25 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
26 #include "precompiled_sal.hxx"
27 #include "sockethelper.hxx"
28 #include <testshl/simpleheader.hxx>
30 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 // Ip version definition
32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 #define IP_VER 4 /// currently only IPv4 is considered.
35 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 // helper functions
37 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 /** compare two OUString.
40 */
compareUString(const::rtl::OUString & ustr1,const::rtl::OUString & ustr2)41 sal_Bool compareUString( const ::rtl::OUString & ustr1, const ::rtl::OUString & ustr2 )
42 {
43 sal_Bool bOk = ustr1.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( ustr2 );
45 return bOk;
46 }
48 /** compare a OUString and an ASCII string.
49 */
compareUString(const::rtl::OUString & ustr,const sal_Char * astr)50 sal_Bool compareUString( const ::rtl::OUString & ustr, const sal_Char *astr )
51 {
52 ::rtl::OUString ustr2 = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( astr );
53 sal_Bool bOk = ustr.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( ustr2 );
55 return bOk;
56 }
58 /** compare two socket address.
59 */
compareSocketAddr(const::osl::SocketAddr & addr1,const::osl::SocketAddr & addr2)60 sal_Bool compareSocketAddr( const ::osl::SocketAddr & addr1 , const ::osl::SocketAddr & addr2 )
61 {
62 return ( ( sal_True == compareUString( addr1.getHostname( 0 ), addr2.getHostname( 0 ) ) ) && ( addr2.getPort( ) == addr2.getPort( ) ) );
63 }
65 /*char * oustring2char( const ::rtl::OUString & str )
66 {
67 rtl::OString aString;
68 aString = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( str, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
69 t_print("oustring2char %s\n", aString.getStr( ) );
70 sal_Char * sStr = aString.getStr( );
71 return (char *)sStr;
72 }*/
74 /** print a UNI_CODE String. And also print some comments of the string.
75 */
printUString(const::rtl::OUString & str,const char * msg)76 void printUString( const ::rtl::OUString & str, const char* msg)
77 {
78 t_print("#%s #printUString_u# ", msg );
79 rtl::OString aString;
80 aString = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( str, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
81 //char * sStr = aString.getStr( );
82 t_print("%s\n", aString.getStr( ) );
83 }
85 /** get the local host name.
86 mindy: gethostbyname( "localhost" ), on Linux, it returns the hostname in /etc/hosts + domain name,
87 if no entry in /etc/hosts, it returns "localhost" + domain name
88 */
getHost(void)89 ::rtl::OUString getHost( void )
90 {
91 struct hostent *hptr;
93 hptr = gethostbyname( "localhost" );
94 OSL_ENSURE( hptr != NULL, "#In getHostname function, error on gethostbyname()" );
95 ::rtl::OUString aUString = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( (const sal_Char *) hptr->h_name );
97 return aUString;
98 }
100 /** get the full host name of the current processor, such as "aegean.prc.sun.com" --mindyliu
101 */
getThisHostname(void)102 ::rtl::OUString getThisHostname( void )
103 {
104 ::rtl::OUString aUString;
105 #ifdef WNT
106 struct hostent *hptr;
107 hptr = gethostbyname( "localhost" );
108 OSL_ENSURE( hptr != NULL, "#In getHostname function, error on gethostbyname()" );
109 rtl::OString sHostname(hptr->h_name);
110 aUString = ::rtl::OStringToOUString(sHostname, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
111 #else
112 char hostname[255];
113 if (gethostname(hostname, 255) != 0) {
114 OSL_ENSURE( false, "#Error: gethostname failed." );
115 }
117 struct hostent *hptr;
118 //first search /ets/hosts, then search from dns
119 hptr = gethostbyname( hostname);
120 if ( hptr != NULL )
121 {
122 strcpy( hostname, hptr->h_name );
123 }
125 t_print("hostname is %s \n", hostname );
126 rtl::OString sHostname( hostname );
127 aUString = ::rtl::OStringToOUString( sHostname, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
128 aUString.getLength();
129 #endif
130 return aUString;
131 }
133 /** get IP by name, search /etc/hosts first, then search from dns, fail return OUString("")
134 */
getIPbyName(rtl::OString const & str_name)135 ::rtl::OUString getIPbyName( rtl::OString const& str_name )
136 {
137 ::rtl::OUString aUString;
138 struct hostent *hptr;
139 //first search /ets/hosts, then search from dns
140 hptr = gethostbyname( str_name.getStr());
141 if ( hptr != NULL )
142 {
143 struct in_addr ** addrptr;
144 addrptr = (struct in_addr **) hptr->h_addr_list ;
145 //if there are more than one IPs on the same machine, we select one
146 for (; *addrptr; addrptr++)
147 {
148 t_print("#Local IP Address: %s\n", inet_ntoa(**addrptr));
149 aUString = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( (sal_Char *) (inet_ntoa(**addrptr)) );
150 }
151 }
152 return aUString;
153 }
155 /** get local ethernet IP
156 */
getLocalIP()157 ::rtl::OUString getLocalIP( )
158 {
159 char hostname[255];
160 gethostname(hostname, 255);
162 return getIPbyName( hostname );
163 }
165 /** construct error message
166 */
outputError(const::rtl::OUString & returnVal,const::rtl::OUString & rightVal,const sal_Char * msg)167 ::rtl::OUString outputError( const ::rtl::OUString & returnVal, const ::rtl::OUString & rightVal, const sal_Char * msg )
168 {
169 ::rtl::OUString aUString;
170 if ( returnVal.equals( rightVal ) )
171 return aUString;
172 aUString += ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(msg);
173 aUString += ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(": the returned value is '");
174 aUString += returnVal;
175 aUString += ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("', but the value should be '");
176 aUString += rightVal;
177 aUString += ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("'.");
178 return aUString;
179 }
181 /** wait _nSec seconds.
182 */
thread_sleep(sal_Int32 _nSec)183 void thread_sleep( sal_Int32 _nSec )
184 {
185 /// print statement in thread process must use fflush() to force display.
186 // printf("wait %d seconds. ", _nSec );
187 // fflush(stdout);
189 #ifdef WNT //Windows
190 Sleep( _nSec * 100 );
191 #endif
192 #if ( defined UNX ) || ( defined OS2 ) //Unix
193 usleep(_nSec * 100000);
194 #endif
195 // t_print("# done\n" );
196 }
198 /** print Boolean value.
199 */
printBool(sal_Bool bOk)200 void printBool( sal_Bool bOk )
201 {
202 t_print("printBool " );
203 ( sal_True == bOk ) ? t_print("YES!" ): t_print("NO!");
204 t_print("\n");
205 }
207 /** print content of a ByteSequence.
208 */
printByteSequence_IP(const::rtl::ByteSequence & bsByteSeq,sal_Int32 nLen)209 void printByteSequence_IP( const ::rtl::ByteSequence & bsByteSeq, sal_Int32 nLen )
210 {
211 t_print("ByteSequence is: " );
212 for ( int i = 0; i < nLen; i++ ){
213 if ( bsByteSeq[i] < 0 )
214 t_print("%d ", 256 + bsByteSeq[i] );
215 else
216 t_print("%d ", bsByteSeq[i] );
217 }
218 t_print(" .\n" );
219 }
221 /** convert an IP which is stored as a UString format to a ByteSequence array for later use.
222 */
UStringIPToByteSequence(::rtl::OUString aUStr)223 ::rtl::ByteSequence UStringIPToByteSequence( ::rtl::OUString aUStr )
224 {
226 rtl::OString aString = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( aUStr, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
227 const sal_Char *pChar = aString.getStr( ) ;
228 sal_Char tmpBuffer[4];
229 sal_Int32 nCharCounter = 0;
230 ::rtl::ByteSequence bsByteSequence( IP_VER );
231 sal_Int32 nByteSeqCounter = 0;
233 for ( int i = 0; i < aString.getLength( ) + 1 ; i++ )
234 {
235 if ( ( *pChar != '.' ) && ( i !=aString.getLength( ) ) )
236 tmpBuffer[nCharCounter++] = *pChar;
237 else
238 {
239 tmpBuffer[nCharCounter] = '\0';
240 nCharCounter = 0;
241 bsByteSequence[nByteSeqCounter++] = static_cast<sal_Int8>(atoi( tmpBuffer ));
242 }
243 pChar++;
244 }
245 return bsByteSequence;
246 }
248 /** print a socket result name.
249 */
printSocketResult(oslSocketResult eResult)250 void printSocketResult( oslSocketResult eResult )
251 {
252 t_print("printSocketResult: " );
253 if (!eResult)
254 switch (eResult)
255 {
256 case osl_Socket_Ok:
257 t_print("client connected\n");
258 break;
259 case osl_Socket_Error:
260 t_print("got an error ... exiting\r\n\r\n" );
261 break;
262 case osl_Socket_TimedOut:
263 t_print("timeout\n");
264 break;
265 case osl_Socket_Interrupted:
266 t_print("interrupted\n");
267 break;
268 case osl_Socket_InProgress:
269 t_print("in progress\n");
270 break;
271 default:
272 t_print("unknown result\n");
273 break;
274 }
275 }
277 /** if 4 parts of an IP addr are equal to specified values
278 */
ifIpv4is(const::rtl::ByteSequence Ipaddr,sal_Int8 seq1,sal_Int8 seq2,sal_Int8 seq3,sal_Int8 seq4)279 sal_Bool ifIpv4is( const ::rtl::ByteSequence Ipaddr, sal_Int8 seq1, sal_Int8 seq2, sal_Int8 seq3, sal_Int8 seq4 )
280 {
281 if ( ( Ipaddr[0] == seq1 ) && ( Ipaddr[1] == seq2 ) && ( Ipaddr[2] == seq3 ) && ( Ipaddr[3] == seq4 ) )
282 return sal_True;
283 return sal_False;
284 }
286 /** if the IP or hostname is availble( alive )
287 */
288 /*sal_Bool ifAvailable( const char * stringAddrOrHostName )
289 {
290 sal_Bool result;
291 int p[2];
292 sal_Char buffer[2000];
293 char stringhost[20];
294 strcpy(stringhost, stringAddrOrHostName );
296 result = sal_False;
297 if (pipe (p) == 0)
298 {
299 pid_t pid;
300 int nStatus;
301 pid = fork();
302 if (pid == 0)
303 {
304 #if ( defined LINUX )
305 char *argv[] =
306 {
307 "/bin/ping",
308 "-c", "3",
309 "-W", "3",
310 stringhost,
311 NULL
312 };
313 #endif
314 #if ( defined SOLARIS )
315 char *argv[] =
316 {
317 "/usr/sbin/ping",
318 stringhost,
319 "3",
320 NULL
321 };
322 #endif
323 close (p[0]);
324 dup2 (p[1], 1);
325 close (p[1]);
326 #if ( defined LINUX )
327 execv ("/bin/ping", argv);
328 #endif
329 #if ( defined SOLARIS )
330 execv ("/usr/sbin/ping", argv);
331 #endif
332 // arriving here means exec failed
333 _exit(-1);
334 }
335 else if (pid > 0)
336 {
337 sal_Int32 k = 0, n = 2000;
338 close (p[1]);
339 if ((k = read (p[0], buffer, n - 1)) > 0)
340 {
341 buffer[k] = 0;
342 if (buffer[k - 1] == '\n')
343 buffer[k - 1] = 0;
344 #if ( defined LINUX )
345 char strOK[] = "bytes from";
346 #endif
347 #if ( defined SOLARIS )
348 char strOK[] = "is alive";
349 #endif
350 if (strstr( buffer, strOK ) != NULL )
351 result = sal_True;
352 t_print("buffer is %s\n", buffer );
353 }
354 close (p[0]);
355 waitpid (pid, &nStatus, 0);
356 }
357 else
358 {
359 close (p[0]);
360 close (p[1]);
361 }
363 }
364 return result;
365 }*/
ifAvailable(rtl::OUString const & strAddrOrHostName)367 sal_Bool ifAvailable( rtl::OUString const& strAddrOrHostName )
368 {
369 ::osl::ConnectorSocket aSocket( osl_Socket_FamilyInet, osl_Socket_ProtocolIp, osl_Socket_TypeStream );
370 ::osl::SocketAddr aSocketAddr( strAddrOrHostName, 7 );
372 if (! aSocketAddr.is())
373 {
374 aSocket.close();
375 return sal_False;
376 }
378 aSocket.setOption( osl_Socket_OptionReuseAddr, 1 ); //sal_True;
380 TimeValue *pTimeout;
381 pTimeout = ( TimeValue* )malloc( sizeof( TimeValue ) );
382 pTimeout->Seconds = 3;
383 pTimeout->Nanosec = 0;
385 oslSocketResult aResult = aSocket.connect( aSocketAddr, pTimeout );
386 free( pTimeout );
387 aSocket.close();
388 if ( aResult != osl_Socket_Ok )
389 {
390 t_print("Error: ");
391 printSocketResult(aResult);
392 t_print("\n");
394 return sal_False;
395 }
396 return sal_True;
397 }