xref: /aoo41x/main/sc/source/filter/inc/xeroot.hxx (revision 38d50f7b)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 #ifndef SC_XEROOT_HXX
25 #define SC_XEROOT_HXX
27 #include <com/sun/star/beans/NamedValue.hpp>
29 #include "xlroot.hxx"
31 // Forward declarations of objects in public use ==============================
33 class XclExpStream;
34 class XclExpRecordBase;
35 class XclExpString;
37 typedef ScfRef< XclExpRecordBase >  XclExpRecordRef;
38 typedef ScfRef< XclExpString >      XclExpStringRef;
40 // Global data ================================================================
42 class XclExpTabInfo;
43 class XclExpAddressConverter;
44 class XclExpFormulaCompiler;
45 class XclExpProgressBar;
46 class XclExpSst;
47 class XclExpPalette;
48 class XclExpFontBuffer;
49 class XclExpNumFmtBuffer;
50 class XclExpXFBuffer;
51 class XclExpLinkManager;
52 class XclExpNameManager;
53 class XclExpObjectManager;
54 class XclExpFilterManager;
55 class XclExpPivotTableManager;
57 /** Stores global buffers and data needed for Excel export filter. */
58 struct XclExpRootData : public XclRootData
59 {
60     typedef ScfRef< XclExpTabInfo >             XclExpTabInfoRef;
61     typedef ScfRef< XclExpAddressConverter >    XclExpAddrConvRef;
62     typedef ScfRef< XclExpFormulaCompiler >     XclExpFmlaCompRef;
63     typedef ScfRef< XclExpProgressBar >         XclExpProgressRef;
65     typedef ScfRef< XclExpSst >                 XclExpSstRef;
66     typedef ScfRef< XclExpPalette >             XclExpPaletteRef;
67     typedef ScfRef< XclExpFontBuffer >          XclExpFontBfrRef;
68     typedef ScfRef< XclExpNumFmtBuffer >        XclExpNumFmtBfrRef;
69     typedef ScfRef< XclExpXFBuffer >            XclExpXFBfrRef;
70     typedef ScfRef< XclExpNameManager >         XclExpNameMgrRef;
71     typedef ScfRef< XclExpLinkManager >         XclExpLinkMgrRef;
72     typedef ScfRef< XclExpObjectManager >       XclExpObjectMgrRef;
73     typedef ScfRef< XclExpFilterManager >       XclExpFilterMgrRef;
74     typedef ScfRef< XclExpPivotTableManager >   XclExpPTableMgrRef;
76     XclExpTabInfoRef    mxTabInfo;          /// Calc->Excel sheet index conversion.
77     XclExpAddrConvRef   mxAddrConv;         /// The address converter.
78     XclExpFmlaCompRef   mxFmlaComp;         /// The formula compiler.
79     XclExpProgressRef   mxProgress;         /// The export progress bar.
81     XclExpSstRef        mxSst;              /// The shared string table.
82     XclExpPaletteRef    mxPalette;          /// The color buffer.
83     XclExpFontBfrRef    mxFontBfr;          /// All fonts in the file.
84     XclExpNumFmtBfrRef  mxNumFmtBfr;        /// All number formats in the file.
85     XclExpXFBfrRef      mxXFBfr;            /// All XF records in the file.
86     XclExpNameMgrRef    mxNameMgr;          /// Internal defined names.
87     XclExpLinkMgrRef    mxGlobLinkMgr;      /// Global link manager for defined names.
88     XclExpLinkMgrRef    mxLocLinkMgr;       /// Local link manager for a sheet.
89     XclExpObjectMgrRef  mxObjMgr;           /// All drawing objects.
90     XclExpFilterMgrRef  mxFilterMgr;        /// Manager for filtered areas in all sheets.
91     XclExpPTableMgrRef  mxPTableMgr;        /// All pivot tables and pivot caches.
93     bool                mbRelUrl;           /// true = Store URLs relative.
95     explicit            XclExpRootData( XclBiff eBiff, SfxMedium& rMedium,
96                             SotStorageRef xRootStrg, ScDocument& rDoc, rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc );
97     virtual             ~XclExpRootData();
98 };
100 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 /** Access to global data from other classes. */
103 class XclExpRoot : public XclRoot
104 {
105 public:
106     explicit            XclExpRoot( XclExpRootData& rExpRootData );
108     /** Returns this root instance - for code readability in derived classes. */
GetRoot() const109     inline const XclExpRoot& GetRoot() const { return *this; }
110     /** Returns true, if URLs should be stored relative to the document location. */
IsRelUrl() const111     inline bool         IsRelUrl() const { return mrExpData.mbRelUrl; }
113     /** Returns the buffer for Calc->Excel sheet index conversion. */
114     XclExpTabInfo&      GetTabInfo() const;
115     /** Returns the address converter. */
116     XclExpAddressConverter& GetAddressConverter() const;
117     /** Returns the formula compiler to produce formula token arrays. */
118     XclExpFormulaCompiler& GetFormulaCompiler() const;
119     /** Returns the export progress bar. */
120     XclExpProgressBar&  GetProgressBar() const;
122     /** Returns the shared string table. */
123     XclExpSst&          GetSst() const;
124     /** Returns the color buffer. */
125     XclExpPalette&      GetPalette() const;
126     /** Returns the font buffer. */
127     XclExpFontBuffer&   GetFontBuffer() const;
128     /** Returns the number format buffer. */
129     XclExpNumFmtBuffer& GetNumFmtBuffer() const;
130     /** Returns the cell formatting attributes buffer. */
131     XclExpXFBuffer&     GetXFBuffer() const;
132     /** Returns the global link manager for defined names. */
133     XclExpLinkManager&  GetGlobalLinkManager() const;
134     /** Returns the local link manager for the current sheet. */
135     XclExpLinkManager&  GetLocalLinkManager() const;
136     /** Returns the buffer that contains internal defined names. */
137     XclExpNameManager&  GetNameManager() const;
138     /** Returns the drawing object manager. */
139     XclExpObjectManager& GetObjectManager() const;
140     /** Returns the filter manager. */
141     XclExpFilterManager& GetFilterManager() const;
142     /** Returns the pivot table manager. */
143     XclExpPivotTableManager& GetPivotTableManager() const;
145     /** Is called when export filter starts to create the Excel document (all BIFF versions). */
146     void                InitializeConvert();
147     /** Is called when export filter starts to create the workbook global data (>=BIFF5). */
148     void                InitializeGlobals();
149     /** Is called when export filter starts to create data for a single sheet (all BIFF versions). */
150     void                InitializeTable( SCTAB nScTab );
151     /** Is called before export filter starts to write the records to the stream. */
152     void                InitializeSave();
153     /** Returns the reference to a record (or record list) representing a root object.
154         @param nRecId  Identifier that specifies which record is returned. */
155     XclExpRecordRef     CreateRecord( sal_uInt16 nRecId ) const;
157     bool                IsDocumentEncrypted() const;
159     ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > GenerateEncryptionData( const ::rtl::OUString& aPass ) const;
160     ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > GetEncryptionData() const;
161     ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > GenerateDefaultEncryptionData() const;
163 private:
165     /** Returns the local or global link manager, depending on current context. */
166     XclExpRootData::XclExpLinkMgrRef GetLocalLinkMgrRef() const;
168 private:
169     XclExpRootData& mrExpData;      /// Reference to the global export data struct.
170 };
172 // ============================================================================
174 #endif