1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 #ifndef ANALYSIS_HXX
25 #define ANALYSIS_HXX
28 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XAddIn.hpp>
29 #include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceName.hpp>
30 #include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp>
31 #include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
32 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/addin/XAnalysis.hpp>
33 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/LocalizedName.hpp>
34 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XCompatibilityNames.hpp>
35 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/NoConvergenceException.hpp>
37 #include <cppuhelper/implbase5.hxx>	// helper for implementations
39 #include "analysisdefs.hxx"
40 #include "analysishelper.hxx"
43 class FuncData;
44 class FuncDataList;
45 class ConvertDataList;
46 class ResMgr;
49 REF( CSS::uno::XInterface ) SAL_CALL AnalysisAddIn_CreateInstance( const REF( CSS::lang::XMultiServiceFactory )& );
52 class AnalysisAddIn : public cppu::WeakImplHelper5<
53 							CSS::sheet::XAddIn,
54 							CSS::sheet::XCompatibilityNames,
55 							CSS::sheet::addin::XAnalysis,
56 							CSS::lang::XServiceName,
57 							CSS::lang::XServiceInfo >
58 {
59 private:
60 	CSS::lang::Locale			aFuncLoc;
61 	CSS::lang::Locale*			pDefLocales;
62 	FuncDataList*				pFD;
63 	double*						pFactDoubles;
64 	ConvertDataList*			pCDL;
65 	ResMgr*						pResMgr;
67     ScaAnyConverter             aAnyConv;
69 	ResMgr&						GetResMgr( void ) THROWDEF_RTE;
70 	STRING						GetDisplFuncStr( sal_uInt16 nFuncNum ) THROWDEF_RTE;
71 	STRING						GetFuncDescrStr( sal_uInt16 nResId, sal_uInt16 nStrIndex ) THROWDEF_RTE;
72 	void						InitDefLocales( void );
73 	inline const CSS::lang::Locale&	GetLocale( sal_uInt32 nInd );
74 	void						InitData( void );
76                                 /// Converts an Any to sal_Int32 in the range from 0 to 4 (date calculation mode).
77     sal_Int32                   getDateMode(
78                                     const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::beans::XPropertySet >& xPropSet,
79                                     const CSS::uno::Any& rAny )
80                                 throw( CSS::uno::RuntimeException, CSS::lang::IllegalArgumentException );
82 public:
83                                 AnalysisAddIn(
84                                     const CSS::uno::Reference< CSS::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xServiceFact );
85 	virtual						~AnalysisAddIn();
87 	double						FactDouble( sal_Int32 nNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
89 	static STRING				getImplementationName_Static();
90 	static SEQ( STRING )		getSupportedServiceNames_Static();
92 								// XAddIn
93     virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getProgrammaticFuntionName( const STRING& aDisplayName ) THROWDEF_RTE;
94     virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getDisplayFunctionName( const STRING& aProgrammaticName ) THROWDEF_RTE;
95     virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getFunctionDescription( const STRING& aProgrammaticName ) THROWDEF_RTE;
96     virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getDisplayArgumentName( const STRING& aProgrammaticFunctionName, sal_Int32 nArgument ) THROWDEF_RTE;
97     virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getArgumentDescription( const STRING& aProgrammaticFunctionName, sal_Int32 nArgument ) THROWDEF_RTE;
98     virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getProgrammaticCategoryName( const STRING& aProgrammaticFunctionName ) THROWDEF_RTE;
99     virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getDisplayCategoryName( const STRING& aProgrammaticFunctionName ) THROWDEF_RTE;
101                                 // XCompatibilityNames
102     virtual SEQofLocName SAL_CALL getCompatibilityNames( const STRING& aProgrammaticName ) THROWDEF_RTE;
104 								// XLocalizable
105     virtual void SAL_CALL		setLocale( const CSS::lang::Locale& eLocale ) THROWDEF_RTE;
106     virtual CSS::lang::Locale SAL_CALL getLocale(  ) THROWDEF_RTE;
108 								// XServiceName
109     virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getServiceName(  ) THROWDEF_RTE;
111 								// XServiceInfo
112     virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImplementationName(  ) THROWDEF_RTE;
113     virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL	supportsService( const STRING& ServiceName ) THROWDEF_RTE;
114     virtual SEQ( STRING ) SAL_CALL	getSupportedServiceNames(  ) THROWDEF_RTE;
116 	//	methods from own interfaces start here
118 							// XAnalysis
119 //    virtual double SAL_CALL		get_Test( constREFXPS&, sal_Int32 nMode, double f1, double f2, double f3 ) THROWDEF_RTE;
121     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL	getWorkday( constREFXPS&, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nDays, const ANY& aHDay ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
122     virtual double SAL_CALL		getYearfrac( constREFXPS&, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nEndDate, const ANY& aMode ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
123     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL	getEdate( constREFXPS&, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nMonths ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
124     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL	getWeeknum( constREFXPS&, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nMode ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
125     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL	getEomonth( constREFXPS&, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nMonths ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
126     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL	getNetworkdays( constREFXPS&, sal_Int32 nStartDate, sal_Int32 nEndDate, const ANY& aHDay ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
128 	virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL	getIseven( sal_Int32 nVal ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
129 	virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL	getIsodd( sal_Int32 nVal ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
131     virtual double SAL_CALL     getMultinomial( constREFXPS& xOpt, const SEQSEQ( sal_Int32 )& aVLst, const SEQ( com::sun::star::uno::Any )& aOptVLst ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
132 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getSeriessum( double fX, double fN, double fM, const SEQSEQ( double )& aCoeffList ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
133 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getQuotient( double fNum, double fDenum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
135 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getMround( double fNum, double fMult ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
136 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getSqrtpi( double fNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
138     virtual double SAL_CALL		getRandbetween( double fMin, double fMax ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
140     virtual double SAL_CALL     getGcd( constREFXPS& xOpt, const SEQSEQ( double )& aVLst, const SEQ( ANY )& aOptVLst ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
141     virtual double SAL_CALL     getLcm( constREFXPS& xOpt, const SEQSEQ( double )& aVLst, const SEQ( ANY )& aOptVLst ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
143 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getBesseli( double fNum, sal_Int32 nOrder ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE_NCE;
144 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getBesselj( double fNum, sal_Int32 nOrder ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE_NCE;
145 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getBesselk( double fNum, sal_Int32 nOrder ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE_NCE;
146 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getBessely( double fNum, sal_Int32 nOrder ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE_NCE;
148     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getBin2Oct( constREFXPS& xOpt, const STRING& aNum, const ANY& rPlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
149 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getBin2Dec( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
150     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getBin2Hex( constREFXPS& xOpt, const STRING& aNum, const ANY& rPlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
152     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getOct2Bin( constREFXPS& xOpt, const STRING& aNum, const ANY& rPlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
153 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getOct2Dec( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
154     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getOct2Hex( constREFXPS& xOpt, const STRING& aNum, const ANY& rPlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
156     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getDec2Bin( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 fNum, const ANY& rPlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
157     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getDec2Oct( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 fNum, const ANY& rPlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
158     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getDec2Hex( constREFXPS& xOpt, double fNum, const ANY& rPlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
160     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getHex2Bin( constREFXPS& xOpt, const STRING& aNum, const ANY& rPlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
161 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getHex2Dec( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
162     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getHex2Oct( constREFXPS& xOpt, const STRING& aNum, const ANY& rPlaces ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
164     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL  getDelta( constREFXPS& xOpt, double fNum1, const ANY& rNum2 ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
166     virtual double SAL_CALL     getErf( constREFXPS& xOpt, double fLowerLimit, const ANY& rUpperLimit ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
167 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getErfc( double fLowerLimit ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
169     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL  getGestep( constREFXPS& xOpt, double fNum, const ANY& rStep ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
171 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getFactdouble( sal_Int32 nNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
173 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getImabs( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
174 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getImaginary( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
175 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImpower( const STRING& aNum, double fPower ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
176 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getImargument( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
177 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImcos( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
178 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImdiv( const STRING& aDivident, const STRING& aDivisor ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
179 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImexp( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
180 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImconjugate( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
181 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImln( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
182 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImlog10( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
183 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImlog2( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
184     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getImproduct( constREFXPS& xOpt, const SEQSEQ( STRING )& aNum1, const SEQ_ANY& aNumList ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
185 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getImreal( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
186 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImsin( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
187 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImsub( const STRING& aNum1, const STRING& aNum2 ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
188     virtual STRING SAL_CALL     getImsum( constREFXPS& xOpt, const SEQSEQ( STRING )& aNum1, const SEQ( ANY )& aFollowingPars ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
190 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getImsqrt( const STRING& aNum ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
191 	virtual STRING SAL_CALL		getComplex( double fReal, double fImaginary, const ANY& rSuffix ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
193 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getConvert( double fVal, const STRING& aFromUnit, const STRING& aToUnit ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
195 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getAmordegrc( constREFXPS&, double fCost, sal_Int32 nDate, sal_Int32 nFirstPer, double fRestVal, double fPer, double fRate, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
196 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getAmorlinc( constREFXPS&, double fCost, sal_Int32 nDate, sal_Int32 nFirstPer, double fRestVal, double fPer, double fRate, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
197 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getAccrint( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nIssue, sal_Int32 nFirstInter, sal_Int32 nSettle, double fRate, const ANY& rVal, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
198 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getAccrintm( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nIssue, sal_Int32 nSettle, double fRate, const ANY& rVal, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
199 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getReceived( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fInvest, double fDisc, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
200 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getDisc( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fPrice, double fRedemp, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
201 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getDuration( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fCoup, double fYield, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
202 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getEffect( double fNominal, sal_Int32 nPeriods ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
203 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getCumprinc( double fRate, sal_Int32 nNumPeriods, double fVal, sal_Int32 nStartPer, sal_Int32 nEndPer, sal_Int32 nPayType ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
204 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getCumipmt( double fRate, sal_Int32 nNumPeriods, double fVal, sal_Int32 nStartPer, sal_Int32 nEndPer, sal_Int32 nPayType ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
205 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getPrice( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fRate, double fYield, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
206 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getPricedisc( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fDisc, double fRedemp, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
207 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getPricemat( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nIssue, double fRate, double fYield, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
208 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getMduration( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fCoup, double fYield, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
209 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getNominal( double fRate, sal_Int32 nPeriods ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
210 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getDollarfr( double fDollarDec, sal_Int32 nFrac ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
211 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getDollarde( double fDollarFrac, sal_Int32 nFrac ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
212 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getYield( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fCoup, double fPrice, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
213 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getYielddisc( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fPrice, double fRedemp, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
214 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getYieldmat( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nIssue, double fRate, double fPrice, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
215 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getTbilleq( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fDisc ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
216 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getTbillprice( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fDisc ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
217 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getTbillyield( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fPrice ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
218 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getOddfprice( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nIssue, sal_Int32 nFirstCoup, double fRate, double fYield, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
219 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getOddfyield( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nIssue, sal_Int32 nFirstCoup, double fRate, double fPrice, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
220 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getOddlprice( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nLastInterest, double fRate, double fYield, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
221 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getOddlyield( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nLastInterest, double fRate, double fPrice, double fRedemp, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
222     virtual double SAL_CALL     getXirr( constREFXPS& xOpt, const SEQSEQ( double )& rValues, const SEQSEQ( sal_Int32 )& rDates, const ANY& rGuess ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
223 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getXnpv( double fRate, const SEQSEQ( double )& rValues, const SEQSEQ( sal_Int32 )& rDates ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
224 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getIntrate( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, double fInvest, double fRedemp, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
225 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getCoupncd( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
226 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getCoupdays( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
227 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getCoupdaysnc( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
228 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getCoupdaybs( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
229 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getCouppcd( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
230 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getCoupnum( constREFXPS& xOpt, sal_Int32 nSettle, sal_Int32 nMat, sal_Int32 nFreq, const ANY& rOptBase ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
231 	virtual double SAL_CALL		getFvschedule( double fPrinc, const SEQSEQ( double )& rSchedule ) THROWDEF_RTE_IAE;
232 };
234 //------------------------------------------------------------------
236 #endif