xref: /aoo41x/main/svx/inc/svx/nbdtmg.hxx (revision 3dd97e55)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 #ifndef _NBDTMG_HXX
25 #define _NBDTMG_HXX
26 #include "svx/svxdllapi.h"
28 #ifndef _SVX_NUMITEM_HXX
29 #include <editeng/numitem.hxx>
30 #endif
32 #include <svl/svstdarr.hxx>
33 #include <svl/svarray.hxx>
34 #ifndef _LIST_HXX
35 #include <tools/list.hxx>
36 #endif
37 #ifndef _SV_FONT_HXX
38 #include <vcl/font.hxx>
39 #endif
41 namespace svx { namespace sidebar {
43 #define DEFAULT_BULLET_TYPES							8
44 #define DEFAULT_NONE									10
45 #define DEFAULT_NUM_TYPE_MEMBER							5
49 typedef sal_uInt16 NBOType;
50 namespace eNBOType
51 {
52 	const NBOType BULLETS = 0x01;
53 	const NBOType GRAPHICBULLETS = 0x02;
54 	const NBOType NUMBERING = 0x03;
55 	const NBOType OUTLINE = 0x04;
56 	const NBOType MIXBULLETS = 0x05;
57 }
59 typedef sal_uInt16 NBType;
60 namespace eNBType
61 {
62 	const NBOType BULLETS = 0x01;
63 	const NBOType GRAPHICBULLETS = 0x02;
64 }
66 class  SVX_DLLPUBLIC NumSettings_Impl
67 {
68 	public:
69 		short		nNumberType;
70 		short 		nParentNumbering;
71 		SvxNumberFormat::SvxNumLabelFollowedBy eLabelFollowedBy;
72 		long 		nTabValue;
73 		SvxAdjust	eNumAlign;
74 		long			nNumAlignAt;
75 		long			nNumIndentAt;
76 		rtl::OUString	sPrefix;
77 		rtl::OUString	sSuffix;
78 		rtl::OUString	sBulletChar;
79 		rtl::OUString	sBulletFont;
80 		SvxBrushItem   *pBrushItem;
81 		Size			aSize;
83 	public:
NumSettings_Impl()84 		NumSettings_Impl() :
85 		  nNumberType(0),
86 		  nParentNumbering(0),
87 		  pBrushItem(0),
88 		  aSize(0,0)
89 			{}
~NumSettings_Impl()90 		~NumSettings_Impl(){}
91 };
92 /*
93 typedef NumSettings_Impl* NumSettings_ImplPtr;
94 SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL(NumSettingsArr_Impl,NumSettings_ImplPtr,8,4)
95 SV_IMPL_PTRARR( NumSettingsArr_Impl, NumSettings_ImplPtr )*/
97 class NumSettingsArr_Impl;
99 class  SVX_DLLPUBLIC BulletsSettings
100 {
101 	public:
102 		sal_Bool 		bIsCustomized;
103 		rtl::OUString	sDescription;
104 		NBType		eType;
105 	public:
BulletsSettings(NBType eTy)106 		BulletsSettings(NBType eTy) :
107 			bIsCustomized(sal_False),
108 			eType(eTy)
109 			{}
~BulletsSettings()110 		virtual ~BulletsSettings(){}
111 };
113 class  SVX_DLLPUBLIC BulletsSettings_Impl:public BulletsSettings
114 {
115 	public:
116 		sal_Unicode	cBulletChar;
117 		//rtl::OUString	sBulletFont;
118 		Font			aFont;
120 	public:
BulletsSettings_Impl(NBType eTy)121 		BulletsSettings_Impl(NBType eTy) :
122 			BulletsSettings(eTy)
123 			{}
~BulletsSettings_Impl()124 		virtual ~BulletsSettings_Impl(){}
125 };
127 class  SVX_DLLPUBLIC GrfBulDataRelation: public BulletsSettings
128 {
129 	public:
130 		String 	sGrfName;
131 		sal_uInt16	nTabIndex;
132 		sal_uInt16	nGallaryIndex;
133 		const Graphic*	pGrfObj;
134 		Size aSize;
GrfBulDataRelation(NBType eTy)135 	GrfBulDataRelation(NBType eTy):
136 		BulletsSettings(eTy),
137 		nTabIndex((sal_uInt16)0xFFFF),
138 		nGallaryIndex((sal_uInt16)0xFFFF),
139 		pGrfObj(0),
140 		aSize(0,0)
141 	{}
~GrfBulDataRelation()142 	virtual ~GrfBulDataRelation(){}
143 };
145 class  SVX_DLLPUBLIC MixBulletsSettings_Impl
146 {
147 	public:
148 		NBType			eType;
149 		sal_uInt16			nIndex; //index in the tab page display
150 		sal_uInt16			nIndexDefault;
151 		BulletsSettings*	pBullets;
152 	public:
MixBulletsSettings_Impl(NBType eTy)153 		MixBulletsSettings_Impl(NBType eTy) :
154 			eType(eTy),
155 			nIndex((sal_uInt16)0xFFFF),
156 			nIndexDefault((sal_uInt16)0xFFFF),
157 			pBullets(0)
158 			{}
~MixBulletsSettings_Impl()159 		~MixBulletsSettings_Impl(){}
160 };
162 class  SVX_DLLPUBLIC NumberSettings_Impl
163 {
164 	public:
165 		sal_Bool 		bIsCustomized;
166 		rtl::OUString	sDescription;
167 		sal_uInt16		nIndex; //index in the tab page display
168 		sal_uInt16		nIndexDefault;
169 		NumSettings_Impl	*pNumSetting;
170 	public:
NumberSettings_Impl()171 		NumberSettings_Impl() :
172 			bIsCustomized(sal_False),
173 			nIndex((sal_uInt16)0xFFFF),
174 			nIndexDefault((sal_uInt16)0xFFFF),
175 			pNumSetting(NULL)
176 			{}
~NumberSettings_Impl()177 		~NumberSettings_Impl(){}
178 };
180 class NumberSettingsArr_Impl;
182 class  SVX_DLLPUBLIC OutlineSettings_Impl
183 {
184 	public:
185 		sal_Bool 		bIsCustomized;
186 		rtl::OUString	sDescription;
187 		NumSettingsArr_Impl	*pNumSettingsArr;
188 	public:
OutlineSettings_Impl()189 		OutlineSettings_Impl() :
190 			bIsCustomized(sal_False),
191 			pNumSettingsArr(NULL)
192 			{}
~OutlineSettings_Impl()193 		~OutlineSettings_Impl(){
194 		}
195 };
197 class SVX_DLLPUBLIC NBOTypeMgrBase
198 {
199 	public:
200 		NBOType 		eType;
201 	private:
202 		const SfxItemSet*	pSet;
203 		SfxMapUnit		eCoreUnit;
204 		// store the attributes passed from pSet
205 		String			aNumCharFmtName;
206 		void			StoreBulCharFmtName_impl();
207 		void			StoreMapUnit_impl();
209 	public:
NBOTypeMgrBase(const NBOType aType)210 		NBOTypeMgrBase(const NBOType aType):eType(aType),pSet(0),eCoreUnit(SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP),aNumCharFmtName(String()){}
NBOTypeMgrBase(const NBOType aType,const SfxItemSet * pArg)211 		NBOTypeMgrBase(const NBOType aType,const SfxItemSet* pArg):eType(aType),pSet(pArg),eCoreUnit(SFX_MAPUNIT_TWIP),aNumCharFmtName(String()){}
NBOTypeMgrBase(const NBOTypeMgrBase & aTypeMgr)212 		NBOTypeMgrBase(const NBOTypeMgrBase& aTypeMgr){eType = aTypeMgr.eType;pSet = aTypeMgr.pSet;eCoreUnit = aTypeMgr.eCoreUnit;aNumCharFmtName = aTypeMgr.aNumCharFmtName; }
~NBOTypeMgrBase()213 		virtual ~NBOTypeMgrBase() {}
214 		virtual void Init()=0;
215 		virtual sal_uInt16 GetNBOIndexForNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 mLevel,sal_uInt16 nFromIndex=0)=0;
216 		virtual sal_Bool RelplaceNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF)=0;
217 		virtual sal_Bool ApplyNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF, sal_Bool isDefault=false,sal_Bool isResetSize=false)=0;
218 		virtual String GetDescription(sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_Bool isDefault=false)=0;
219 		virtual sal_Bool IsCustomized(sal_uInt16 nIndex)=0;
220 		sal_uInt16 IsSingleLevel(sal_uInt16 nCurLevel);
GetItems()221 		const SfxItemSet* GetItems() { return pSet;}
222 		// store the attributes passed from pSet
SetItems(const SfxItemSet * pArg)223 		void SetItems(const SfxItemSet* pArg) { pSet = pArg;StoreBulCharFmtName_impl();StoreMapUnit_impl();}
224 	protected:
225 		String GetBulCharFmtName();
226 		SfxMapUnit GetMapUnit();
227 	protected:
228 		sal_Bool	bIsLoading;
229 		void	ImplLoad(String filename);
230 		void	ImplStore(String filename);
232 };
235 class SVX_DLLPUBLIC BulletsTypeMgr: public NBOTypeMgrBase
236 {
237 	friend class OutlineTypeMgr;
238 	friend class NumberingTypeMgr;
239 	public:
240 		static sal_Unicode aDynamicBulletTypes[DEFAULT_BULLET_TYPES];
241 		static sal_Unicode aDynamicRTLBulletTypes[DEFAULT_BULLET_TYPES];
242 		static BulletsSettings_Impl* pActualBullets[DEFAULT_BULLET_TYPES];
243 		static BulletsTypeMgr* _instance;
244 	public:
245 		BulletsTypeMgr(const NBOType aType);
246 		BulletsTypeMgr(const NBOType aType,const SfxItemSet* pArg);
247 		BulletsTypeMgr(const BulletsTypeMgr& aTypeMgr);
~BulletsTypeMgr()248 		virtual ~BulletsTypeMgr() {}
249 		virtual void Init();
250 		virtual sal_uInt16 GetNBOIndexForNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 mLevel,sal_uInt16 nFromIndex=0);
251 		virtual sal_Bool RelplaceNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF);
252 		virtual sal_Bool ApplyNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF,sal_Bool isDefault=false,sal_Bool isResetSize=false);
253 		virtual String GetDescription(sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_Bool isDefault=false);
254 		virtual sal_Bool IsCustomized(sal_uInt16 nIndex);
255 		sal_Unicode GetBulChar(sal_uInt16 nIndex);
256 		Font GetBulCharFont(sal_uInt16 nIndex);
GetInstance()257 		static BulletsTypeMgr* GetInstance()
258 		{
259 			 if ( _instance == 0 )
260 	                {
261 	                    _instance = new BulletsTypeMgr(eNBOType::BULLETS);
262 	                }
264 	                return _instance;
265 		}
267 };
269 class SVX_DLLPUBLIC GraphicBulletsTypeMgr: public NBOTypeMgrBase
270 {
271 	friend class OutlineTypeMgr;
272 	friend class NumberingTypeMgr;
273 	public:
274 		List	aGrfDataLst;
275 		static GraphicBulletsTypeMgr* _instance;
276 	public:
277 		GraphicBulletsTypeMgr(const NBOType aType);
278 		GraphicBulletsTypeMgr(const NBOType aType,const SfxItemSet* pArg);
279 		GraphicBulletsTypeMgr(const GraphicBulletsTypeMgr& aTypeMgr);
~GraphicBulletsTypeMgr()280 		virtual ~GraphicBulletsTypeMgr() {}
281 		virtual void Init();
282 		virtual sal_uInt16 GetNBOIndexForNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 mLevel,sal_uInt16 nFromIndex=0);
283 		virtual sal_Bool RelplaceNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF);
284 		virtual sal_Bool ApplyNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF,sal_Bool isDefault=false,sal_Bool isResetSize=false);
285 		virtual String GetDescription(sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_Bool isDefault=false);
286 		virtual sal_Bool IsCustomized(sal_uInt16 nIndex);
287 		String GetGrfName(sal_uInt16 nIndex);
GetInstance()288 		static GraphicBulletsTypeMgr* GetInstance()
289 		{
290 			 if ( _instance == 0 )
291 	                {
292 	                    _instance = new GraphicBulletsTypeMgr(eNBOType::BULLETS);
293 	                }
295 	                return _instance;
296 		}
298 };
300 class SVX_DLLPUBLIC MixBulletsTypeMgr: public NBOTypeMgrBase
301 {
302 	friend class OutlineTypeMgr;
303 	friend class NumberingTypeMgr;
304 	public:
305 		static MixBulletsSettings_Impl* pActualBullets[DEFAULT_BULLET_TYPES];
306 		static MixBulletsSettings_Impl* pDefaultActualBullets[DEFAULT_BULLET_TYPES];
307 		static MixBulletsTypeMgr* _instance;
308 	public:
309 		MixBulletsTypeMgr(const NBOType aType);
310 		MixBulletsTypeMgr(const NBOType aType,const SfxItemSet* pArg);
311 		MixBulletsTypeMgr(const MixBulletsTypeMgr& aTypeMgr);
~MixBulletsTypeMgr()312 		virtual ~MixBulletsTypeMgr() {}
313 		virtual void Init();
314 		virtual sal_uInt16 GetNBOIndexForNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 mLevel,sal_uInt16 nFromIndex=0);
315 		virtual sal_Bool RelplaceNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF);
316 		virtual sal_Bool ApplyNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF,sal_Bool isDefault=false,sal_Bool isResetSize=false);
317 		virtual String GetDescription(sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_Bool isDefault=false);
318 		virtual sal_Bool IsCustomized(sal_uInt16 nIndex);
GetInstance()319 		static MixBulletsTypeMgr* GetInstance()
320 		{
321 			 if ( _instance == 0 )
322 	                {
323 	                    _instance = new MixBulletsTypeMgr(eNBOType::MIXBULLETS);
324 	                }
326 	                return _instance;
327 		}
329 };
331 class SVX_DLLPUBLIC NumberingTypeMgr: public NBOTypeMgrBase
332 {
333 	public:
334 		//NumSettingsArr_Impl*		pNumSettingsArr;
335 		NumberSettingsArr_Impl*		pNumberSettingsArr;
336 		NumberSettingsArr_Impl*		pDefaultNumberSettingsArr;
337 		static NumberingTypeMgr* 	_instance;
338 	public:
339 		NumberingTypeMgr(const NBOType aType);
340 		NumberingTypeMgr(const NBOType aType,const SfxItemSet* pArg);
341 		NumberingTypeMgr(const NumberingTypeMgr& aTypeMgr);
~NumberingTypeMgr()342 		virtual ~NumberingTypeMgr() {}
343 		virtual void Init();
344 		virtual sal_uInt16 GetNBOIndexForNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 mLevel,sal_uInt16 nFromIndex=0);
345 		virtual sal_Bool RelplaceNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF);
346 		virtual sal_Bool ApplyNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF,sal_Bool isDefault=false,sal_Bool isResetSize=false);
347 		virtual String GetDescription(sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_Bool isDefault=false);
348 		virtual sal_Bool IsCustomized(sal_uInt16 nIndex);
349 		sal_uInt16 GetNumCount() const;
350 		NumberSettings_Impl* GetNumSettingByIndex(sal_uInt16 nIndex) const;
GetInstance()351 		static NumberingTypeMgr* GetInstance()
352 		{
353 			 if ( _instance == 0 )
354 	                {
355 	                    _instance = new NumberingTypeMgr(eNBOType::NUMBERING);
356 	                }
358 	                return _instance;
359 		}
360 };
362 class SVX_DLLPUBLIC OutlineTypeMgr: public NBOTypeMgrBase
363 {
364 	public:
365 		//NumSettingsArr_Impl*		pNumSettingsArrs[DEFAULT_NUM_VALUSET_COUNT];
366 		OutlineSettings_Impl*		pOutlineSettingsArrs[DEFAULT_NUM_VALUSET_COUNT];
367 		OutlineSettings_Impl*		pDefaultOutlineSettingsArrs[DEFAULT_NUM_VALUSET_COUNT];
368 		static OutlineTypeMgr* 	_instance;
369 	public:
370 		OutlineTypeMgr(const NBOType aType);
371 		OutlineTypeMgr(const NBOType aType,const SfxItemSet* pArg);
372 		OutlineTypeMgr(const OutlineTypeMgr& aTypeMgr);
~OutlineTypeMgr()373 		virtual ~OutlineTypeMgr() {}
374 		virtual void Init();
375 		virtual sal_uInt16 GetNBOIndexForNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 mLevel,sal_uInt16 nFromIndex=0);
376 		virtual sal_Bool RelplaceNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF);
377 		virtual sal_Bool ApplyNumRule(SvxNumRule& aNum,sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_uInt16 mLevel=(sal_uInt16)0xFFFF,sal_Bool isDefault=false,sal_Bool isResetSize=false);
378 		virtual String GetDescription(sal_uInt16 nIndex,sal_Bool isDefault=false);
379 		virtual sal_Bool IsCustomized(sal_uInt16 nIndex);
GetInstance()380 		static OutlineTypeMgr* GetInstance()
381 		{
382 			 if ( _instance == 0 )
383 	                {
384 	                    _instance = new OutlineTypeMgr(eNBOType::OUTLINE);
385 	                }
387 	                return _instance;
388 		}
389 };
390 }}
391 #endif