xref: /aoo41x/main/svx/source/form/navigatortree.cxx (revision cdf0e10c)
1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
29 #include "precompiled_svx.hxx"
30 #include <svx/dialmgr.hxx>
31 #include <svx/fmshell.hxx>
32 #include <svx/fmmodel.hxx>
33 #include <svx/fmpage.hxx>
34 #include <svx/svdpagv.hxx>
35 #include "svx/svditer.hxx"
37 #include "fmhelp.hrc"
38 #include "fmexpl.hrc"
39 #include "fmexpl.hxx"
40 #include "svx/fmresids.hrc"
41 #include "fmshimp.hxx"
42 #include "fmservs.hxx"
43 #include "fmundo.hxx"
44 #include "fmpgeimp.hxx"
45 #include "fmitems.hxx"
46 #include "fmobj.hxx"
47 #include "fmprop.hrc"
48 #include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
49 #include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
50 #include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
51 #include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
52 #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
53 #include <comphelper/property.hxx>
54 #include <com/sun/star/form/FormComponentType.hpp>
55 #include <com/sun/star/sdb/CommandType.hpp>
56 #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp>
57 #include <com/sun/star/script/XEventAttacherManager.hpp>
58 #include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/clipboard/XClipboard.hpp>
59 #include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/XTransferable.hpp>
60 #include <svx/sdrpaintwindow.hxx>
62 #include <svx/svxdlg.hxx> //CHINA001
63 #include <svx/dialogs.hrc> //CHINA001
64 #include <rtl/logfile.hxx>
65 //............................................................................
66 namespace svxform
67 {
68 //............................................................................
71 		// solange dauert es, bis das Scrollen anspringt
73 		// in diesen Intervallen wird jeweils eine Zeile gescrollt
74 	#define DROP_ACTION_TIMER_TICK_BASE         10
75 		// das ist die Basis, mit der beide Angaben multipliziert werden (in ms)
77 	#define EXPLORER_SYNC_DELAY                 200
78 		// dieser Betrag an Millisekunden wird gewartet, ehe der Explorer nach einem Select oder Deselect die ::com::sun::star::sdbcx::View synchronisiert
80 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
81 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
82 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
83 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::form;
84 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt;
85 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
86 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::script;
87 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::datatransfer;
88 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::datatransfer::clipboard;
89 	using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdb;
91 	//========================================================================
92 	// helper
93 	//========================================================================
95 	typedef ::std::map< Reference< XInterface >, SdrObject*, ::comphelper::OInterfaceCompare< XInterface > >
96 			MapModelToShape;
97 	typedef MapModelToShape::value_type ModelShapePair;
99 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 	void	collectShapeModelMapping( SdrPage* _pPage, MapModelToShape& _rMapping )
101 	{
102 		OSL_ENSURE( _pPage, "collectShapeModelMapping: invalid arg!" );
104 		_rMapping.clear();
106 		SdrObjListIter aIter( *_pPage );
107 		while ( aIter.IsMore() )
108 		{
109 			SdrObject* pSdrObject = aIter.Next();
110             FmFormObj* pFormObject = FmFormObj::GetFormObject( pSdrObject );
111             if ( !pFormObject )
112                 continue;
114 			Reference< XInterface > xNormalizedModel( pFormObject->GetUnoControlModel(), UNO_QUERY );
115 				// note that this is normalized (i.e. queried for XInterface explicitly)
117 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
118 			::std::pair< MapModelToShape::iterator, bool > aPos =
119 #endif
120 			_rMapping.insert( ModelShapePair( xNormalizedModel, pSdrObject ) );
121 			DBG_ASSERT( aPos.second, "collectShapeModelMapping: model was already existent!" );
122 				// if this asserts, this would mean we have 2 shapes pointing to the same model
123 		}
124 	}
126 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 	sal_Bool isModelShapeMarked( FmEntryData* _pEntry, const MapModelToShape& _rModelMap, SdrMarkView* _pView )
128 	{
129 		DBG_ASSERT( _pEntry && _pView, "isModelShapeMarked: invalid arguments!" );
130 		if ( !_pEntry || !_pView )
131 			return sal_False;
133 		DBG_ASSERT( _pEntry->GetElement().get() == Reference< XInterface >( _pEntry->GetElement(), UNO_QUERY ).get(),
134 			"isModelShapeMarked: element of the FmEntryData is not normalized!" );
135 			// normalization of the XInterface is a prerequisite for properly finding it in the map
137 		sal_Bool bIsMarked = sal_False;
139 		MapModelToShape::const_iterator aPos = _rModelMap.find( _pEntry->GetElement() );
140 		if ( _rModelMap.end() != aPos )
141 		{	// there is a shape for this model ....
142 			bIsMarked = _pView->IsObjMarked( aPos->second );
143 			if ( !bIsMarked )
144 			{
145 				// IsObjMarked does not step down grouped objects, so the sal_False we
146 				// have is not really reliable (while a sal_True would have been)
147 				// Okay, travel the mark list, and see if there is a group marked, and our shape
148 				// is a part of this group
149 				sal_uInt32 nMarked = _pView->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMarkCount();
150 				for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; (i<nMarked ) && !bIsMarked; ++i )
151 				{
152 					SdrMark* pMark = _pView->GetMarkedObjectList().GetMark( i );
153 					SdrObject* pObj = pMark ? pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj() : NULL;
154 					if ( pObj && pObj->IsGroupObject() )
155 					{	// the i-th marked shape is a group shape
156 						SdrObjListIter aIter( *pObj );
157 						while ( aIter.IsMore() )
158 						{
159 							if ( aIter.Next() == aPos->second )
160 							{
161 								bIsMarked = sal_True;
162 								break;
163 							}
164 						}
165 					}
166 				}
167 			}
168 		}
170 		return bIsMarked;
171 	}
173 	//========================================================================
174 	// class NavigatorTree
175 	//========================================================================
177 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 	NavigatorTree::NavigatorTree( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _xORB,
179                            Window* pParent )
180         :SvTreeListBox( pParent, WB_HASBUTTONS|WB_HASLINES|WB_BORDER|WB_HSCROLL ) // #100258# OJ WB_HSCROLL added
181         ,m_aControlExchange(this)
182         ,m_xORB(_xORB)
183         ,m_pNavModel( NULL )
184         ,m_pRootEntry(NULL)
185         ,m_pEditEntry(NULL)
186         ,nEditEvent(0)
187         ,m_sdiState(SDI_DIRTY)
188         ,m_aTimerTriggered(-1,-1)
189         ,m_aDropActionType( DA_SCROLLUP )
190         ,m_nSelectLock(0)
191         ,m_nFormsSelected(0)
192         ,m_nControlsSelected(0)
193         ,m_nHiddenControls(0)
194         ,m_aTimerCounter( DROP_ACTION_TIMER_INITIAL_TICKS )
195         ,m_bDragDataDirty(sal_False)
196         ,m_bPrevSelectionMixed(sal_False)
197         ,m_bMarkingObjects(sal_False)
198         ,m_bRootSelected(sal_False)
199         ,m_bInitialUpdate(sal_True)
200         ,m_bKeyboardCut( sal_False )
201 	{
202         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::NavigatorTree" );
203 		SetHelpId( HID_FORM_NAVIGATOR );
205 		m_aNavigatorImages = ImageList( SVX_RES( RID_SVXIMGLIST_FMEXPL ) );
206 		m_aNavigatorImagesHC = ImageList( SVX_RES( RID_SVXIMGLIST_FMEXPL_HC ) );
208 		SetNodeBitmaps(
209 			m_aNavigatorImages.GetImage( RID_SVXIMG_COLLAPSEDNODE ),
210 			m_aNavigatorImages.GetImage( RID_SVXIMG_EXPANDEDNODE ),
212 		);
213 		SetNodeBitmaps(
214 			m_aNavigatorImagesHC.GetImage( RID_SVXIMG_COLLAPSEDNODE ),
215 			m_aNavigatorImagesHC.GetImage( RID_SVXIMG_EXPANDEDNODE ),
217 		);
219 		SetDragDropMode(0xFFFF);
220 		EnableInplaceEditing( sal_True );
221 		SetSelectionMode(MULTIPLE_SELECTION);
223 		m_pNavModel = new NavigatorTreeModel( m_aNavigatorImages, m_aNavigatorImagesHC );
224 		Clear();
226 		StartListening( *m_pNavModel );
228 		m_aDropActionTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, NavigatorTree, OnDropActionTimer));
230 		m_aSynchronizeTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, NavigatorTree, OnSynchronizeTimer));
231 		SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, NavigatorTree, OnEntrySelDesel));
232 		SetDeselectHdl(LINK(this, NavigatorTree, OnEntrySelDesel));
233 	}
235 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 	NavigatorTree::~NavigatorTree()
237 	{
238 		if( nEditEvent )
239 			Application::RemoveUserEvent( nEditEvent );
241 		if (m_aSynchronizeTimer.IsActive())
242 			m_aSynchronizeTimer.Stop();
244 		DBG_ASSERT(GetNavModel() != NULL, "NavigatorTree::~NavigatorTree : unerwartet : kein ExplorerModel");
245 		EndListening( *m_pNavModel );
246 		Clear();
247 		delete m_pNavModel;
248 	}
250 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 	void NavigatorTree::Clear()
252 	{
253         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::Clear" );
254 		m_pNavModel->Clear();
255 	}
257 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
258 	void NavigatorTree::UpdateContent( FmFormShell* pFormShell )
259 	{
260         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::UpdateContent" );
261 		if (m_bInitialUpdate)
262 		{
263 			GrabFocus();
264 			m_bInitialUpdate = sal_False;
265 		}
267 		FmFormShell* pOldShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
268 		FmFormPage* pOldPage = GetNavModel()->GetFormPage();
269 		FmFormPage* pNewPage = pFormShell ? pFormShell->GetCurPage() : NULL;
271 		if ((pOldShell != pFormShell) || (pOldPage != pNewPage))
272 		{
273 			// neue Shell, waehrend ich gerade editiere ?
274 			if (IsEditingActive())
275 				CancelTextEditing();
277 			m_bDragDataDirty = sal_True;    // sicherheitshalber, auch wenn ich gar nicht dragge
278 		}
279 		GetNavModel()->UpdateContent( pFormShell );
281 		// wenn es eine Form gibt, die Root expandieren
282 		if (m_pRootEntry && !IsExpanded(m_pRootEntry))
283 			Expand(m_pRootEntry);
284 		// wenn es GENAU eine Form gibt, auch diese expandieren
285 		if (m_pRootEntry)
286 		{
287 			SvLBoxEntry* pFirst = FirstChild(m_pRootEntry);
288 			if (pFirst && !NextSibling(pFirst))
289 				Expand(pFirst);
290 		}
291 	}
293 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
294 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::implAllowExchange( sal_Int8 _nAction, sal_Bool* _pHasNonHidden )
295 	{
296         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::implAllowExchange" );
297 		SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry = GetCurEntry();
298 		if (!pCurEntry)
299 			return sal_False;
301 		// die Informationen fuer das AcceptDrop und ExecuteDrop
302 		CollectSelectionData(SDI_ALL);
303 		if (!m_arrCurrentSelection.Count())
304 			// nothing to do
305 			return sal_False;
307 		// testen, ob es sich vielleicht ausschliesslich um hidden controls handelt (dann koennte ich pCtrlExch noch ein
308 		// zusaetzliches Format geben)
309 		sal_Bool bHasNonHidden = sal_False;
310 		for (sal_Int32 i=0; i<m_arrCurrentSelection.Count(); i++)
311 		{
312 			FmEntryData* pCurrent = static_cast< FmEntryData* >( m_arrCurrentSelection[(sal_uInt16)i]->GetUserData() );
313 			if ( IsHiddenControl( pCurrent ) )
314 				continue;
315 			bHasNonHidden = sal_True;
316 			break;
317 		}
319 		if ( bHasNonHidden && ( 0 == ( _nAction & DND_ACTION_MOVE ) ) )
320 			// non-hidden controls need to be moved
321 			return sal_False;
323 		if ( _pHasNonHidden )
324 			*_pHasNonHidden = bHasNonHidden;
326 		return sal_True;
327 	}
329 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
330 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::implPrepareExchange( sal_Int8 _nAction )
331 	{
332         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::implPrepareExchange" );
333 		sal_Int32 i;
335 		EndSelection();
337 		sal_Bool bHasNonHidden = sal_False;
338 		if ( !implAllowExchange( _nAction, &bHasNonHidden ) )
339 			return sal_False;
341 		m_aControlExchange.prepareDrag();
342 		m_aControlExchange->setFocusEntry( GetCurEntry() );
344 		for ( i = 0; i < m_arrCurrentSelection.Count(); ++i )
345 			m_aControlExchange->addSelectedEntry(m_arrCurrentSelection[(sal_uInt16)i]);
347 		m_aControlExchange->setFormsRoot( GetNavModel()->GetFormPage()->GetForms() );
348 		m_aControlExchange->buildPathFormat( this, m_pRootEntry );
350 		if (!bHasNonHidden)
351 		{
352 			// eine entsprechende Sequenz aufbauen
353 			Sequence< Reference< XInterface > > seqIFaces(m_arrCurrentSelection.Count());
354 			Reference< XInterface >* pArray = seqIFaces.getArray();
355 			for (i=0; i<m_arrCurrentSelection.Count(); ++i, ++pArray)
356 				*pArray = static_cast< FmEntryData* >( m_arrCurrentSelection[(sal_uInt16)i]->GetUserData() )->GetElement();
358 			// und das neue Format
359 			m_aControlExchange->addHiddenControlsFormat(seqIFaces);
360 		}
362 		m_bDragDataDirty = sal_False;
363 		return sal_True;
364 	}
366 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
367 	void NavigatorTree::StartDrag( sal_Int8 /*nAction*/, const ::Point& /*rPosPixel*/ )
368 	{
369         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::StartDrag" );
370 		EndSelection();
372 		if ( !implPrepareExchange( DND_ACTION_COPYMOVE ) )
373 			// nothing to do or something went wrong
374 			return;
376 		// jetzt haben wir alle in der aktuelle Situation moeglichen Formate eingesammelt, es kann also losgehen ...
377 		m_aControlExchange.startDrag( DND_ACTION_COPYMOVE );
378 	}
380 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
381 	void NavigatorTree::Command( const CommandEvent& rEvt )
382 	{
383         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::Command" );
384 		sal_Bool bHandled = sal_False;
385 		switch( rEvt.GetCommand() )
386 		{
388 			{
389 				// die Stelle, an der geklickt wurde
390 				::Point ptWhere;
391 				if (rEvt.IsMouseEvent())
392 				{
393 					ptWhere = rEvt.GetMousePosPixel();
394 					SvLBoxEntry* ptClickedOn = GetEntry(ptWhere);
395 					if (ptClickedOn == NULL)
396 						break;
397 					if ( !IsSelected(ptClickedOn) )
398 					{
399 						SelectAll(sal_False);
400 						Select(ptClickedOn, sal_True);
401 						SetCurEntry(ptClickedOn);
402 					}
403 				}
404 				else
405 				{
406 					if (m_arrCurrentSelection.Count() == 0) // kann nur bei Kontextmenue ueber Tastatur passieren
407 						break;
409 					SvLBoxEntry* pCurrent = GetCurEntry();
410 					if (!pCurrent)
411 						break;
412 					ptWhere = GetEntryPosition(pCurrent);
413 				}
415 				// meine Selektionsdaten auf den aktuellen Stand
416 				CollectSelectionData(SDI_ALL);
418 				// wenn mindestens ein Nicht-Root-Eintrag selektiert ist und die Root auch, dann nehme ich letztere aus der Selektion
419 				// fix wieder raus
420 				if ( (m_arrCurrentSelection.Count() > 1) && m_bRootSelected )
421 				{
422 					Select( m_pRootEntry, sal_False );
423 					SetCursor( m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject(0), sal_True);
424 				}
425 				sal_Bool bSingleSelection = (m_arrCurrentSelection.Count() == 1);
428 				DBG_ASSERT( (m_arrCurrentSelection.Count() > 0) || m_bRootSelected, "keine Eintraege selektiert" );
429 					// solte nicht passieren, da ich oben bei der IsSelected-Abfrage auf jeden Fall einen selektiert haette,
430 					// wenn das vorher nicht der Fall gewesen waere
433 				// das Menue zusammenbasteln
434 				FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
435 				FmFormModel* pFormModel = pFormShell ? pFormShell->GetFormModel() : NULL;
436 				if( pFormShell && pFormModel )
437 				{
438 					PopupMenu aContextMenu(SVX_RES(RID_FMEXPLORER_POPUPMENU));
439 					PopupMenu* pSubMenuNew = aContextMenu.GetPopupMenu( SID_FM_NEW );
441 					// das 'Neu'-Untermenue gibt es nur, wenn genau die Root oder genau ein Formular selektiert sind
442 					aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_FM_NEW, bSingleSelection && (m_nFormsSelected || m_bRootSelected) );
444 					// 'Neu'\'Formular' unter genau den selben Bedingungen
445 					pSubMenuNew->EnableItem( SID_FM_NEW_FORM, bSingleSelection && (m_nFormsSelected || m_bRootSelected) );
446 					pSubMenuNew->SetItemImage(SID_FM_NEW_FORM, m_aNavigatorImages.GetImage(RID_SVXIMG_FORM));
447 					pSubMenuNew->SetItemImage(SID_FM_NEW_HIDDEN, m_aNavigatorImages.GetImage(RID_SVXIMG_HIDDEN));
449 					// 'Neu'\'verstecktes...', wenn genau ein Formular selektiert ist
450 					pSubMenuNew->EnableItem( SID_FM_NEW_HIDDEN, bSingleSelection && m_nFormsSelected );
452 					// 'Delete': everything which is not root can be removed
453 					aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_FM_DELETE, !m_bRootSelected );
455 					// 'Cut', 'Copy' and 'Paste'
456 					aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_CUT, !m_bRootSelected && implAllowExchange( DND_ACTION_MOVE ) );
457 					aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_COPY, !m_bRootSelected && implAllowExchange( DND_ACTION_COPY ) );
458 					aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_PASTE, implAcceptPaste( ) );
460 					// der TabDialog, wenn es genau ein Formular ist ...
461 					aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_FM_TAB_DIALOG, bSingleSelection && m_nFormsSelected );
463                     // in XML forms, we don't allow for the properties of a form
464                     // #i36484# / 2004-11-04 /- fs@openoffice.org
465                     if ( pFormShell->GetImpl()->isEnhancedForm() && !m_nControlsSelected )
466                         aContextMenu.RemoveItem( aContextMenu.GetItemPos( SID_FM_SHOW_PROPERTY_BROWSER ) );
468                     // if the property browser is already open, we don't allow for the properties, too
469 					if( pFormShell->GetImpl()->IsPropBrwOpen() )
470 						aContextMenu.RemoveItem( aContextMenu.GetItemPos( SID_FM_SHOW_PROPERTY_BROWSER ) );
471                     // and finally, if there's a mixed selection of forms and controls, disable the entry, too
472 					else
473 						aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_FM_SHOW_PROPERTY_BROWSER,
474 							(m_nControlsSelected && !m_nFormsSelected) || (!m_nControlsSelected && m_nFormsSelected) );
476 					// Umbenennen gdw wenn ein Element und nicht die Root
477 					aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_FM_RENAME_OBJECT, bSingleSelection && !m_bRootSelected );
479 					// der Reandonly-Eintrag ist nur auf der Root erlaubt
480 					aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_FM_OPEN_READONLY, m_bRootSelected );
481 					// the same for automatic control focus
482 					aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_FM_AUTOCONTROLFOCUS, m_bRootSelected );
484 					// die ConvertTo-Slots sind enabled, wenn genau ein Control selektiert ist, der
485 					// dem Control entsprechende Slot ist disabled
486 					if (!m_bRootSelected && !m_nFormsSelected && (m_nControlsSelected == 1))
487 					{
488 						aContextMenu.SetPopupMenu( SID_FM_CHANGECONTROLTYPE, FmXFormShell::GetConversionMenu() );
489 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
490 						FmControlData* pCurrent = (FmControlData*)(m_arrCurrentSelection[0]->GetUserData());
491                         OSL_ENSURE( pFormShell->GetImpl()->isSolelySelected( pCurrent->GetFormComponent() ),
492                             "NavigatorTree::Command: inconsistency between the navigator selection, and the selection as the shell knows it!" );
493 #endif
495                         pFormShell->GetImpl()->checkControlConversionSlotsForCurrentSelection( *aContextMenu.GetPopupMenu( SID_FM_CHANGECONTROLTYPE ) );
496 					}
497 					else
498 						aContextMenu.EnableItem( SID_FM_CHANGECONTROLTYPE, sal_False );
500 					// jetzt alles, was disabled wurde, wech
501 					aContextMenu.RemoveDisabledEntries(sal_True, sal_True);
502 					//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
503 					// OpenReadOnly setzen
505 					aContextMenu.CheckItem( SID_FM_OPEN_READONLY, pFormModel->GetOpenInDesignMode() );
506 					aContextMenu.CheckItem( SID_FM_AUTOCONTROLFOCUS, pFormModel->GetAutoControlFocus() );
508 					sal_uInt16 nSlotId = aContextMenu.Execute( this, ptWhere );
509 					switch( nSlotId )
510 					{
511 						case SID_FM_NEW_FORM:
512 						{
513 							XubString aStr(SVX_RES(RID_STR_FORM));
514 							XubString aUndoStr(SVX_RES(RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_INSERT));
515 							aUndoStr.SearchAndReplace('#', aStr);
517 							pFormModel->BegUndo(aUndoStr);
518 							// der Slot war nur verfuegbar, wenn es genau einen selektierten Eintrag gibt und dieser die Root
519 							// oder ein Formular ist
520 							NewForm( m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject(0) );
521 							pFormModel->EndUndo();
523 						}   break;
524 						case SID_FM_NEW_HIDDEN:
525 						{
526 							XubString aStr(SVX_RES(RID_STR_CONTROL));
527 							XubString aUndoStr(SVX_RES(RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_INSERT));
528 							aUndoStr.SearchAndReplace('#', aStr);
530 							pFormModel->BegUndo(aUndoStr);
531 							// dieser Slot war guletig bei (genau) einem selektierten Formular
532 							rtl::OUString fControlName = FM_COMPONENT_HIDDEN;
533 							NewControl( fControlName, m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject(0) );
534 							pFormModel->EndUndo();
536 						}   break;
538 						case SID_CUT:
539 							doCut();
540 							break;
542 						case SID_COPY:
543 							doCopy();
544 							break;
546 						case SID_PASTE:
547 							doPaste();
548 							break;
550 						case SID_FM_DELETE:
551 						{
552 							DeleteSelection();
553 						}
554 						break;
555 						case SID_FM_TAB_DIALOG:
556 						{
557 							// dieser Slot galt bei genau einem selektierten Formular
558 							SvLBoxEntry* pSelectedForm = m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject(0);
559 							DBG_ASSERT( IsFormEntry(pSelectedForm), "NavigatorTree::Command: Dieser Eintrag muss ein FormEntry sein." );
561 							FmFormData* pFormData = (FmFormData*)pSelectedForm->GetUserData();
562 							Reference< XForm >  xForm(  pFormData->GetFormIface());
564 							Reference< XTabControllerModel >  xTabController(xForm, UNO_QUERY);
565 							if( !xTabController.is() )
566                                 break;
567                             GetNavModel()->GetFormShell()->GetImpl()->ExecuteTabOrderDialog( xTabController );
568 						}
569 						break;
572 						{
573 							ShowSelectionProperties(sal_True);
574 						}
575 						break;
576 						case SID_FM_RENAME_OBJECT:
577 						{
578 							// das war bei genau einem Nicht-Root-Eintrag erlaubt
579 							EditEntry( m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject(0) );
580 						}
581 						break;
582 						case SID_FM_OPEN_READONLY:
583 						{
584 							pFormModel->SetOpenInDesignMode( !pFormModel->GetOpenInDesignMode() );
585 							pFormShell->GetViewShell()->GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate(SID_FM_OPEN_READONLY);
586 						}
587 						break;
589 						{
590 							pFormModel->SetAutoControlFocus( !pFormModel->GetAutoControlFocus() );
591 							pFormShell->GetViewShell()->GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate(SID_FM_AUTOCONTROLFOCUS);
592 						}
593 						break;
594 						default:
595 							if (pFormShell->GetImpl()->isControlConversionSlot(nSlotId))
596 							{
597 								FmControlData* pCurrent = (FmControlData*)(m_arrCurrentSelection[0]->GetUserData());
598 								if ( pFormShell->GetImpl()->executeControlConversionSlot( pCurrent->GetFormComponent(), nSlotId ) )
599 									ShowSelectionProperties();
600 							}
601 					}
602 				}
603 				bHandled = sal_True;
604 			} break;
605 		}
607 		if (!bHandled)
608 			SvTreeListBox::Command( rEvt );
609 	}
611 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
612 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::IsDeleteAllowed()
613 	{
614         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::IsDeleteAllowed" );
615 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
616 		// Haben wir eine Form...
617 		SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry = GetCurEntry();
618 		sal_uInt32 nCurEntryPos = GetModel()->GetAbsPos( pCurEntry );
620 		if( nCurEntryPos==0 )           // Root kann nicht geloescht werden
621 			return sal_False;
622 		else
623 			return IsFormEntry(pCurEntry) || IsFormComponentEntry(pCurEntry);
624 	}
626 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
627 	SvLBoxEntry* NavigatorTree::FindEntry( FmEntryData* pEntryData )
628 	{
629         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::FindEntry" );
630 		if( !pEntryData ) return NULL;
631 		SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry = First();
632 		FmEntryData* pCurEntryData;
633 		while( pCurEntry )
634 		{
635 			pCurEntryData = (FmEntryData*)pCurEntry->GetUserData();
636 			if( pCurEntryData && pCurEntryData->IsEqualWithoutChilds(pEntryData) )
637 				return pCurEntry;
639 			pCurEntry = Next( pCurEntry );
640 		}
642 		return NULL;
643 	}
645 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
646 	void NavigatorTree::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& /*rBC*/, const SfxHint& rHint )
647 	{
648         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::Notify" );
649 		if( rHint.ISA(FmNavRemovedHint) )
650 		{
651 			FmNavRemovedHint* pRemovedHint = (FmNavRemovedHint*)&rHint;
652 			FmEntryData* pEntryData = pRemovedHint->GetEntryData();
653 			Remove( pEntryData );
654 		}
656 		else if( rHint.ISA(FmNavInsertedHint) )
657 		{
658 			FmNavInsertedHint* pInsertedHint = (FmNavInsertedHint*)&rHint;
659 			FmEntryData* pEntryData = pInsertedHint->GetEntryData();
660 			sal_uInt32 nRelPos = pInsertedHint->GetRelPos();
661 			Insert( pEntryData, nRelPos );
662 		}
664 		else if( rHint.ISA(FmNavModelReplacedHint) )
665 		{
666 			FmEntryData* pData = ((FmNavModelReplacedHint*)&rHint)->GetEntryData();
667 			SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = FindEntry( pData );
668 			if (pEntry)
669 			{   // das Image neu setzen
670 				SetCollapsedEntryBmp( pEntry, pData->GetNormalImage(), BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
671 				SetExpandedEntryBmp( pEntry, pData->GetNormalImage(), BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
673 				SetCollapsedEntryBmp( pEntry, pData->GetHCImage(), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST );
674 				SetExpandedEntryBmp( pEntry, pData->GetHCImage(), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST );
675 			}
676 		}
678 		else if( rHint.ISA(FmNavNameChangedHint) )
679 		{
680 			FmNavNameChangedHint* pNameChangedHint = (FmNavNameChangedHint*)&rHint;
681 			SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = FindEntry( pNameChangedHint->GetEntryData() );
682 			SetEntryText( pEntry, pNameChangedHint->GetNewName() );
683 		}
685 		else if( rHint.ISA(FmNavClearedHint) )
686 		{
687 			SvTreeListBox::Clear();
689 			//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
690 			// Default-Eintrag "Formulare"
691 			Image aRootImage( m_aNavigatorImages.GetImage( RID_SVXIMG_FORMS ) );
692 			m_pRootEntry = InsertEntry( SVX_RES(RID_STR_FORMS), aRootImage, aRootImage,
693 				NULL, sal_False, 0, NULL );
695 			if ( m_pRootEntry )
696 			{
697 				Image aHCRootImage( m_aNavigatorImagesHC.GetImage( RID_SVXIMG_FORMS ) );
698 				SetExpandedEntryBmp( m_pRootEntry, aHCRootImage, BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST );
699 				SetCollapsedEntryBmp( m_pRootEntry, aHCRootImage, BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST );
700 			}
701 		}
702 		else if (!m_bMarkingObjects && rHint.ISA(FmNavRequestSelectHint))
703 		{   // wenn m_bMarkingObjects sal_True ist, markiere ich gerade selber Objekte, und da der ganze Mechanismus dahinter synchron ist,
704 			// ist das genau der Hint, der durch mein Markieren ausgeloest wird, also kann ich ihn ignorieren
705 			FmNavRequestSelectHint* pershHint = (FmNavRequestSelectHint*)&rHint;
706 			FmEntryDataArray& arredToSelect = pershHint->GetItems();
707 			SynchronizeSelection(arredToSelect);
709 			if (pershHint->IsMixedSelection())
710 				// in diesem Fall habe ich alles deselektiert, obwohl die View u.U. eine gemischte Markierung hatte
711 				// ich muss also im naechsten Select den Navigator an die View anpassen
712 				m_bPrevSelectionMixed = sal_True;
713 		}
714 	}
716 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
717 	SvLBoxEntry* NavigatorTree::Insert( FmEntryData* pEntryData, sal_uIntPtr nRelPos )
718 	{
719         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::Insert" );
720 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
721 		// Aktuellen Eintrag einfuegen
722 		SvLBoxEntry* pParentEntry = FindEntry( pEntryData->GetParent() );
723 		SvLBoxEntry* pNewEntry;
725 		if( !pParentEntry )
726 			pNewEntry = InsertEntry( pEntryData->GetText(),
727 				pEntryData->GetNormalImage(), pEntryData->GetNormalImage(),
728 				m_pRootEntry, sal_False, nRelPos, pEntryData );
730 		else
731 			pNewEntry = InsertEntry( pEntryData->GetText(),
732 				pEntryData->GetNormalImage(), pEntryData->GetNormalImage(),
733 				pParentEntry, sal_False, nRelPos, pEntryData );
735 		if ( pNewEntry )
736 		{
737 			SetExpandedEntryBmp( pNewEntry, pEntryData->GetHCImage(), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST );
738 			SetCollapsedEntryBmp( pNewEntry, pEntryData->GetHCImage(), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST );
739 		}
741 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
742 		// Wenn Root-Eintrag Root expandieren
743 		if( !pParentEntry )
744 			Expand( m_pRootEntry );
746 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
747 		// Childs einfuegen
748 		FmEntryDataList* pChildList = pEntryData->GetChildList();
749 		sal_uInt32 nChildCount = pChildList->Count();
750 		FmEntryData* pChildData;
751 		for( sal_uInt32 i=0; i<nChildCount; i++ )
752 		{
753 			pChildData = pChildList->GetObject(i);
754 			Insert( pChildData, LIST_APPEND );
755 		}
757 		return pNewEntry;
758 	}
760 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
761 	void NavigatorTree::Remove( FmEntryData* pEntryData )
762 	{
763         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::Remove" );
764 		if( !pEntryData )
765 			return;
767 		// der Entry zu den Daten
768 		SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = FindEntry( pEntryData );
769 		if (!pEntry)
770 			return;
772 		// Eintrag aus TreeListBox entfernen
773 		// ich darf das Select, das ich ausloese, nicht behandeln :
774 		// Select aendert die MarkList der View, wenn das gerade auch jemand anders macht und dabei ein Remove
775 		// triggert, haben wir mit ziemlicher Sicherheit ein Problem - Paradebeispiel war das Gruppieren von Controls mit
776 		// offenem Navigator ...)
777 		LockSelectionHandling();
779 		// ein kleines Problem : ich merke mir meine selektierten Daten, wenn mir jetzt jemand einen selektierten Eintrag
780 		// unter dem Hintern wegschiesst, werde ich inkonsistent ... was schlecht waere
781 		Select(pEntry, sal_False);
783 		// beim eigentlichen Entfernen kann die Selection geaendert werden, da ich aber das SelectionHandling abgeschaltet
784 		// habe, muss ich mich hinterher darum kuemmern
785 		sal_uIntPtr nExpectedSelectionCount = GetSelectionCount();
787 		if( pEntry )
788 			GetModel()->Remove( pEntry );
790 		if (nExpectedSelectionCount != GetSelectionCount())
791 			SynchronizeSelection();
793 		// und standardmaessig behandle ich das Select natuerlich
794 		UnlockSelectionHandling();
795 	}
797 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
798 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::IsFormEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
799 	{
800         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::IsFormEntry" );
801 		FmEntryData* pEntryData = (FmEntryData*)pEntry->GetUserData();
802 		return !pEntryData || pEntryData->ISA(FmFormData);
803 	}
805 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
806 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::IsFormComponentEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
807 	{
808         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::IsFormComponentEntry" );
809 		FmEntryData* pEntryData = (FmEntryData*)pEntry->GetUserData();
810 		return pEntryData && pEntryData->ISA(FmControlData);
811 	}
813 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
814 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::implAcceptPaste( )
815 	{
816         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::implAcceptPaste" );
817 		SvLBoxEntry* pFirstSelected = FirstSelected();
818 		if ( !pFirstSelected || NextSelected( pFirstSelected ) )
819 			// no selected entry, or at least two selected entries
820 			return sal_False;
822 		// get the clipboard
823 		TransferableDataHelper aClipboardContent( TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard( this ) );
825 		sal_Int8 nAction = m_aControlExchange.isClipboardOwner() && doingKeyboardCut( ) ? DND_ACTION_MOVE : DND_ACTION_COPY;
826 		return ( nAction == implAcceptDataTransfer( aClipboardContent.GetDataFlavorExVector(), nAction, pFirstSelected, sal_False ) );
827 	}
829 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
830 	sal_Int8 NavigatorTree::implAcceptDataTransfer( const DataFlavorExVector& _rFlavors, sal_Int8 _nAction, const ::Point& _rDropPos, sal_Bool _bDnD )
831 	{
832         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::implAcceptDataTransfer" );
833 		return implAcceptDataTransfer( _rFlavors, _nAction, GetEntry( _rDropPos ), _bDnD );
834 	}
836 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
837 	sal_Int8 NavigatorTree::implAcceptDataTransfer( const DataFlavorExVector& _rFlavors, sal_Int8 _nAction, SvLBoxEntry* _pTargetEntry, sal_Bool _bDnD )
838 	{
839         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::implAcceptDataTransfer" );
840 		// no target -> no drop
841 		if (!_pTargetEntry)
842 			return DND_ACTION_NONE;
844 		// format check
845 		sal_Bool bHasDefControlFormat = OControlExchange::hasFieldExchangeFormat( _rFlavors );
846 		sal_Bool bHasControlPathFormat = OControlExchange::hasControlPathFormat( _rFlavors );
847 		sal_Bool bHasHiddenControlsFormat = OControlExchange::hasHiddenControlModelsFormat( _rFlavors );
848 		if (!bHasDefControlFormat && !bHasControlPathFormat && !bHasHiddenControlsFormat)
849 			return DND_ACTION_NONE;
851 		sal_Bool bSelfSource = _bDnD ? m_aControlExchange.isDragSource() : m_aControlExchange.isClipboardOwner();
853 		if ( bHasHiddenControlsFormat )
854 		{	// bHasHiddenControlsFormat means that only hidden controls are part of the data
856 			// hidden controls can be copied to a form only
857 			if ( !_pTargetEntry || ( _pTargetEntry == m_pRootEntry ) || !IsFormEntry( _pTargetEntry ) )
858 				return DND_ACTION_NONE;
860 			return bSelfSource ? ( DND_ACTION_COPYMOVE & _nAction ) : DND_ACTION_COPY;
861 		}
863 		if	( !bSelfSource )
864 		{
865 			// DnD or CnP crossing navigator boundaries
866 			// The main problem here is that the current API does not allow us to sneak into the content which
867 			// is to be inserted. So we have to allow it for the moment, but maybe reject later on (in the real drop).
869 			// TODO: this smart behaviour later on ... at the moment, we disallow data transfer crossing navigator
870 			// boundaries.
872 			return DND_ACTION_NONE;
873 		}
875 		DBG_ASSERT( _bDnD ? m_aControlExchange.isDragSource() : m_aControlExchange.isClipboardOwner(),
876 			"NavigatorTree::implAcceptDataTransfer: here only with source=dest!" );
877 			// somebody changed the logic of this method ...
879 		// from here on, I can work with m_aControlExchange instead of _rData!
881 		sal_Bool bForeignCollection = m_aControlExchange->getFormsRoot().get() != GetNavModel()->GetFormPage()->GetForms().get();
882 		if ( bForeignCollection )
883 		{
884 			// crossing shell/page boundaries, we can exchange hidden controls only
885 			// But if we survived the checks above, we do not have hidden controls.
886 			// -> no data transfer
887 			DBG_ASSERT( !bHasHiddenControlsFormat, "NavigatorTree::implAcceptDataTransfer: still hidden controls format!" );
888 				// somebody changed the logic of this method ...
890 			return DND_ACTION_COPY;
891 		}
893 		if (DND_ACTION_MOVE != _nAction) // 'normal' controls within a shell are moved only (never copied)
894 			return DND_ACTION_NONE;
896 		if ( m_bDragDataDirty || !bHasDefControlFormat )
897 		{
898 			if (!bHasControlPathFormat)
899 				// ich befinde mich zwar in der Shell/Page, aus der die Controls stammen, habe aber kein Format, das den stattgefundenen
900 				// Shell-Wechsel ueberlebt hat (SVX_FM_CONTROLS_AS_PATH)
901 				return DND_ACTION_NONE;
903 			// da die Shell waehrend des Draggens umgeschaltet wude, muss ich die Liste des ExchangeObjektes wieder neu aufbauen
904 			// (dort stehen SvLBoxEntries drin, und die sind bei der Umschaltung floeten gegangen)
905 			m_aControlExchange->buildListFromPath(this, m_pRootEntry);
906 			m_bDragDataDirty = sal_False;
907 		}
909 		// die Liste der gedroppten Eintraege aus dem DragServer
910         const ListBoxEntrySet& aDropped = m_aControlExchange->selected();
911 		DBG_ASSERT(aDropped.size() >= 1, "NavigatorTree::implAcceptDataTransfer: keine Eintraege !");
913 		sal_Bool bDropTargetIsComponent = IsFormComponentEntry( _pTargetEntry );
914 		//SvLBoxEntry* pDropTargetParent = GetParent( _pTargetEntry );
916 		// conditions to disallow the drop
917 		// 0) the root entry is part of the list (can't DnD the root!)
918 		// 1) one of the draged entries is to be dropped onto it's own parent
919 		// 2) -               "       - is to be dropped onto itself
920 		// 3) -               "       - is a Form and to be dropped onto one of it's descendants
921 		// 4) one of the entries is a control and to be dropped onto the root
922 		// 5) a control or form will be dropped onto a control which is _not_ a sibling (dropping onto a sibling
923 		//      means moving the control)
925 		// collect the ancestors of the drop targte (speeds up 3)
926 		SvLBoxEntrySortedArray arrDropAnchestors;
927 		SvLBoxEntry* pLoop = _pTargetEntry;
928 		while (pLoop)
929 		{
930 			arrDropAnchestors.Insert(pLoop);
931 			pLoop = GetParent(pLoop);
932 		}
934         for (   ListBoxEntrySet::const_iterator dropped = aDropped.begin();
935                 dropped != aDropped.end();
936                 ++dropped
937             )
938 		{
939 			SvLBoxEntry* pCurrent = *dropped;
940 			SvLBoxEntry* pCurrentParent = GetParent(pCurrent);
942 			// test for 0)
943 			if (pCurrent == m_pRootEntry)
944 				return DND_ACTION_NONE;
946 			// test for 1)
947 			if ( _pTargetEntry == pCurrentParent )
948 				return DND_ACTION_NONE;
950 			// test for 2)
951 			if (pCurrent == _pTargetEntry)
952 				return DND_ACTION_NONE;
954 			// test for 5)
955 	//      if ( bDropTargetIsComponent && (pDropTargetParent != pCurrentParent) )
956 				if ( bDropTargetIsComponent )   // TODO : die obige Zeile wieder rein, dann muss aber ExecuteDrop das Vertauschen auch beherrschen
957 					return DND_ACTION_NONE;
959 			// test for 3)
960 			if ( IsFormEntry(pCurrent) )
961 			{
962 				sal_uInt16 nPosition;
963 				if ( arrDropAnchestors.Seek_Entry(pCurrent, &nPosition) )
964 					return DND_ACTION_NONE;
965 			} else if ( IsFormComponentEntry(pCurrent) )
966 			{
967 				// test for 4)
968 				if (_pTargetEntry == m_pRootEntry)
969 					return DND_ACTION_NONE;
970 			}
971 		}
973 		return DND_ACTION_MOVE;
974 	}
976 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
977 	sal_Int8 NavigatorTree::AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt )
978 	{
979         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::AcceptDrop" );
980 		::Point aDropPos = rEvt.maPosPixel;
982 		// kuemmern wir uns erst mal um moeglich DropActions (Scrollen und Aufklappen)
983 		if (rEvt.mbLeaving)
984 		{
985 			if (m_aDropActionTimer.IsActive())
986 				m_aDropActionTimer.Stop();
987 		} else
988 		{
989 			sal_Bool bNeedTrigger = sal_False;
990 			// auf dem ersten Eintrag ?
991 			if ((aDropPos.Y() >= 0) && (aDropPos.Y() < GetEntryHeight()))
992 			{
993 				m_aDropActionType = DA_SCROLLUP;
994 				bNeedTrigger = sal_True;
995 			} else
996 				// auf dem letzten (bzw. in dem Bereich, den ein Eintrag einnehmen wuerde, wenn er unten genau buendig
997 				// abschliessen wuerde) ?
998 				if ((aDropPos.Y() < GetSizePixel().Height()) && (aDropPos.Y() >= GetSizePixel().Height() - GetEntryHeight()))
999 				{
1000 					m_aDropActionType = DA_SCROLLDOWN;
1001 					bNeedTrigger = sal_True;
1002 				} else
1003 				{   // auf einem Entry mit Childs, der nicht aufgeklappt ist ?
1004 					SvLBoxEntry* pDropppedOn = GetEntry(aDropPos);
1005 					if (pDropppedOn && (GetChildCount(pDropppedOn) > 0) && !IsExpanded(pDropppedOn))
1006 					{
1007 						// -> aufklappen
1008 						m_aDropActionType = DA_EXPANDNODE;
1009 						bNeedTrigger = sal_True;
1010 					}
1011 				}
1013 			if (bNeedTrigger && (m_aTimerTriggered != aDropPos))
1014 			{
1015 				// neu anfangen zu zaehlen
1016 				m_aTimerCounter = DROP_ACTION_TIMER_INITIAL_TICKS;
1017 				// die Pos merken, da ich auch AcceptDrops bekomme, wenn sich die Maus gar nicht bewegt hat
1018 				m_aTimerTriggered = aDropPos;
1019 				// und den Timer los
1020 				if (!m_aDropActionTimer.IsActive()) // gibt es den Timer schon ?
1021 				{
1022 					m_aDropActionTimer.SetTimeout(DROP_ACTION_TIMER_TICK_BASE);
1023 					m_aDropActionTimer.Start();
1024 				}
1025 			} else if (!bNeedTrigger)
1026 				m_aDropActionTimer.Stop();
1027 		}
1029 		return implAcceptDataTransfer( GetDataFlavorExVector(), rEvt.mnAction, aDropPos, sal_True );
1030 	}
1032 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1033 	sal_Int8 NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer( const OControlTransferData& _rData, sal_Int8 _nAction, const ::Point& _rDropPos, sal_Bool _bDnD )
1034 	{
1035         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer" );
1036 		return implExecuteDataTransfer( _rData, _nAction, GetEntry( _rDropPos ), _bDnD );
1037 	}
1039 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1040 	sal_Int8 NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer( const OControlTransferData& _rData, sal_Int8 _nAction, SvLBoxEntry* _pTargetEntry, sal_Bool _bDnD )
1041 	{
1042         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer" );
1043 		const DataFlavorExVector& rDataFlavors = _rData.GetDataFlavorExVector();
1045 		if ( DND_ACTION_NONE == implAcceptDataTransfer( rDataFlavors, _nAction, _pTargetEntry, _bDnD ) )
1046 			// under some platforms, it may happen that ExecuteDrop is called though AcceptDrop returned DND_ACTION_NONE
1047 			return DND_ACTION_NONE;
1049 		// ware schlecht, wenn nach dem Droppen noch gescrollt wird ...
1050 		if (m_aDropActionTimer.IsActive())
1051 			m_aDropActionTimer.Stop();
1053 		if (!_pTargetEntry)
1054 			// no target -> no drop
1055 			return DND_ACTION_NONE;
1057 		// format checks
1058 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1059 		sal_Bool bHasHiddenControlsFormat = OControlExchange::hasHiddenControlModelsFormat( rDataFlavors );
1060 		sal_Bool bForeignCollection = _rData.getFormsRoot().get() != GetNavModel()->GetFormPage()->GetForms().get();
1061 		DBG_ASSERT(!bForeignCollection || bHasHiddenControlsFormat, "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: invalid format (AcceptDrop shouldn't have let this pass) !");
1062 		DBG_ASSERT(bForeignCollection || !m_bDragDataDirty, "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: invalid state (shell changed since last exchange resync) !");
1063 			// das sollte in AcceptDrop erledigt worden sein : dort wird in _rData die Liste der Controls aufgebaut und m_bDragDataDirty
1064 			// zurueckgesetzt
1065 #endif
1067 		if ( DND_ACTION_COPY == _nAction )
1068 		{	// bHasHiddenControlsFormat means that only hidden controls are part of the data
1069 			DBG_ASSERT( bHasHiddenControlsFormat, "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: copy allowed for hidden controls only!" );
1070 			DBG_ASSERT( _pTargetEntry && ( _pTargetEntry != m_pRootEntry ) && IsFormEntry( _pTargetEntry ),
1071 				"NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: should not be here!" );
1072 				// implAcceptDataTransfer should have caught both cases
1074 			DBG_ASSERT(bHasHiddenControlsFormat, "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: only copying of hidden controls is supported !");
1075 				// das sollte das AcceptDrop abgefangen haben
1077 			// da ich gleich die Zielobjekte alle selektieren will (und nur die)
1078 			SelectAll(sal_False);
1080 			Sequence< Reference< XInterface > > aControls = _rData.hiddenControls();
1081 			sal_Int32 nCount = aControls.getLength();
1082 			const Reference< XInterface >* pControls = aControls.getConstArray();
1084 			FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
1085 			FmFormModel* pFormModel = pFormShell ? pFormShell->GetFormModel() : NULL;
1087 			// innerhalb eines Undo ...
1088 			if (pFormModel)
1089 			{
1090 				XubString aStr(SVX_RES(RID_STR_CONTROL));
1092 				aUndoStr.SearchAndReplace('#', aStr);
1093 				pFormModel->BegUndo(aUndoStr);
1094 			}
1096 			// die Conrtols kopieren
1097 			for (sal_Int32 i=0; i<nCount; ++i)
1098 			{
1099 				// neues Control anlegen
1100 				rtl::OUString fControlName = FM_COMPONENT_HIDDEN;
1101 				FmControlData* pNewControlData = NewControl( fControlName, _pTargetEntry, sal_False);
1102 				Reference< XPropertySet >  xNewPropSet( pNewControlData->GetPropertySet() );
1104 				// und die Properties des alten in das neue kopieren
1105 				Reference< XPropertySet >  xCurrent(pControls[i], UNO_QUERY);
1106 #if (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1) || defined DBG_UTIL
1107 				// nur mal eben sehen, ob das Ding tatsaechlich ein hidden control ist
1108 				sal_Int16 nClassId = ::comphelper::getINT16(xCurrent->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_CLASSID));
1109 				OSL_ENSURE(nClassId == FormComponentType::HIDDENCONTROL, "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: invalid control in drop list !");
1110 					// wenn das SVX_FM_HIDDEN_CONTROLS-Format vorhanden ist, dann sollten wirklich nur hidden controls in der Sequenz
1111 					// stecken
1112 #endif // (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1) || DBG_UTIL
1113 				Reference< XPropertySetInfo >  xPropInfo( xCurrent->getPropertySetInfo());
1114 				Sequence< Property> seqAllCurrentProps = xPropInfo->getProperties();
1115 				Property* pAllCurrentProps = seqAllCurrentProps.getArray();
1116 				for (sal_Int32 j=0; j<seqAllCurrentProps.getLength(); ++j)
1117 				{
1118 					::rtl::OUString sCurrentProp = pAllCurrentProps[j].Name;
1119 					if (((pAllCurrentProps[j].Attributes & PropertyAttribute::READONLY) == 0) && (sCurrentProp != FM_PROP_NAME))
1120 					{   // (read-only attribs werden natuerlich nicht gesetzt, dito der Name, den hat das NewControl schon eindeutig
1121 						// festgelegt)
1122 						xNewPropSet->setPropertyValue(sCurrentProp, xCurrent->getPropertyValue(sCurrentProp));
1123 					}
1124 				}
1126 				SvLBoxEntry* pToSelect = FindEntry(pNewControlData);
1127 				Select(pToSelect, sal_True);
1128 				if (i == 0)
1129 					SetCurEntry(pToSelect);
1130 			}
1132 			if (pFormModel)
1133 				pFormModel->EndUndo();
1135 			return _nAction;
1136 		}
1138 		if ( !OControlExchange::hasFieldExchangeFormat( _rData.GetDataFlavorExVector() ) )
1139 		{
1140 			// can't do anything without the internal format here ... usually happens when doing DnD or CnP
1141 			// over navigator boundaries
1142 			return DND_ACTION_NONE;
1143 		}
1145 		// some data for the target
1146 		sal_Bool bDropTargetIsForm = IsFormEntry(_pTargetEntry);
1147 		FmFormData* pTargetData = bDropTargetIsForm ? (FmFormData*)_pTargetEntry->GetUserData() : NULL;
1149 		DBG_ASSERT( DND_ACTION_COPY != _nAction, "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: somebody changed the logics!" );
1151 		// die Liste der gedraggten Eintraege
1152 		ListBoxEntrySet aDropped = _rData.selected();
1153 		DBG_ASSERT(aDropped.size() >= 1, "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: no entries!");
1155 		// die Shell und das Model
1156 		FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
1157 		FmFormModel* pFormModel = pFormShell ? pFormShell->GetFormModel() : NULL;
1158 		if (!pFormModel)
1159 			return DND_ACTION_NONE;
1161 		// fuer's Undo
1162 		const bool bUndo = pFormModel->IsUndoEnabled();
1164 		if( bUndo )
1165 		{
1166 			XubString strUndoDescription(SVX_RES(RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REPLACE));
1167 			pFormModel->BegUndo(strUndoDescription);
1168 		}
1170 		// ich nehme vor dem Einfuegen eines Eintrages seine Selection raus, damit die Markierung dabei nicht flackert
1171 		// -> das Handeln des Select locken
1172 		LockSelectionHandling();
1174 		// jetzt durch alle gedroppten Eintraege ...
1175         for (   ListBoxEntrySet::const_iterator dropped = aDropped.begin();
1176                 dropped != aDropped.end();
1177                 ++dropped
1178             )
1179 		{
1180 			// ein paar Daten zum aktuellen Element
1181 			SvLBoxEntry* pCurrent = *dropped;
1182 			DBG_ASSERT(pCurrent != NULL, "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: ungueltiger Eintrag");
1183 			DBG_ASSERT(GetParent(pCurrent) != NULL, "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: ungueltiger Eintrag");
1184 				// die Root darf nicht gedraggt werden
1186 			FmEntryData* pCurrentUserData = (FmEntryData*)pCurrent->GetUserData();
1188 			Reference< XChild >  xCurrentChild(pCurrentUserData->GetChildIFace(), UNO_QUERY);
1189 			Reference< XIndexContainer >  xContainer(xCurrentChild->getParent(), UNO_QUERY);
1191 			FmFormData* pCurrentParentUserData = (FmFormData*)pCurrentUserData->GetParent();
1192 			DBG_ASSERT(pCurrentParentUserData == NULL || pCurrentParentUserData->ISA(FmFormData), "NavigatorTree::implExecuteDataTransfer: ungueltiges Parent");
1194 			// beim Vater austragen
1195 			if (pCurrentParentUserData)
1196 				pCurrentParentUserData->GetChildList()->Remove(pCurrentUserData);
1197 			else
1198 				GetNavModel()->GetRootList()->Remove(pCurrentUserData);
1200 			// aus dem Container entfernen
1201 			sal_Int32 nIndex = getElementPos(Reference< XIndexAccess > (xContainer, UNO_QUERY), xCurrentChild);
1202 			GetNavModel()->m_pPropChangeList->Lock();
1203 			// die Undo-Action fuer das Rausnehmen
1204 			if ( bUndo && GetNavModel()->m_pPropChangeList->CanUndo())
1205 			{
1206 				pFormModel->AddUndo(new FmUndoContainerAction(*pFormModel, FmUndoContainerAction::Removed,
1207 															xContainer, xCurrentChild, nIndex));
1208 			}
1209 			else if( !GetNavModel()->m_pPropChangeList->CanUndo() )
1210 			{
1211 				FmUndoContainerAction::DisposeElement( xCurrentChild );
1212 			}
1214 			// Events mitkopieren
1215 			Reference< XEventAttacherManager >  xManager(xContainer, UNO_QUERY);
1216 			Sequence< ScriptEventDescriptor > aEvts;
1218 			if (xManager.is() && nIndex >= 0)
1219 				aEvts = xManager->getScriptEvents(nIndex);
1220 			xContainer->removeByIndex(nIndex);
1222 			// die Selection raus
1223 			Select(pCurrent, sal_False);
1224 			// und weg
1225 			Remove(pCurrentUserData);
1227 			// die Stelle innerhalb des DropParents, an der ich die gedroppten Eintraege einfuegen muss
1228 			if (pTargetData)
1229 				xContainer = Reference< XIndexContainer > (pTargetData->GetElement(), UNO_QUERY);
1230 			else
1231 				xContainer = Reference< XIndexContainer > (GetNavModel()->GetForms(), UNO_QUERY);
1233 			// immer ganz hinten einfuegen
1234 			nIndex = xContainer->getCount();
1236 			// UndoAction fuer das Einfuegen
1237 			if ( bUndo && GetNavModel()->m_pPropChangeList->CanUndo())
1238 				pFormModel->AddUndo(new FmUndoContainerAction(*pFormModel, FmUndoContainerAction::Inserted,
1239 														 xContainer, xCurrentChild, nIndex));
1241 			// einfuegen im neuen Container
1242 			if (pTargetData)
1243 			{
1244 				 // es wird in eine Form eingefuegt, dann brauche ich eine FormComponent
1245 				xContainer->insertByIndex( nIndex,
1246 					makeAny( Reference< XFormComponent >( xCurrentChild, UNO_QUERY ) ) );
1247 			}
1248 			else
1249 			{
1250 				xContainer->insertByIndex( nIndex,
1251 					makeAny( Reference< XForm >( xCurrentChild, UNO_QUERY ) ) );
1252 			}
1254 			if (aEvts.getLength())
1255 			{
1256 				xManager = Reference< XEventAttacherManager > (xContainer, UNO_QUERY);
1257 				if (xManager.is())
1258 					xManager->registerScriptEvents(nIndex, aEvts);
1259 			}
1261 			GetNavModel()->m_pPropChangeList->UnLock();
1263 			// zuerst dem Eintrag das neue Parent
1264 			pCurrentUserData->SetParent(pTargetData);
1266 			// dann dem Parent das neue Child
1267 			if (pTargetData)
1268 				pTargetData->GetChildList()->Insert(pCurrentUserData, nIndex);
1269 			else
1270 				GetNavModel()->GetRootList()->Insert(pCurrentUserData, nIndex);
1272 			// dann bei mir selber bekanntgeben und neu selektieren
1273 			SvLBoxEntry* pNew = Insert( pCurrentUserData, nIndex );
1274 			if ( ( aDropped.begin() == dropped ) && pNew )
1275 			{
1276 				SvLBoxEntry* pParent = GetParent( pNew );
1277 				if ( pParent )
1278 					Expand( pParent );
1279 			}
1280 		}
1282 		UnlockSelectionHandling();
1284 		if( bUndo )
1285 			pFormModel->EndUndo();
1287 		// During the move, the markings of the underlying view did not change (because the view is not affected by the logical
1288 		// hierarchy of the form/control models. But my selection changed - which means I have to adjust it according to the
1289 		// view marks, again.
1290 		SynchronizeSelection();
1292 		// in addition, with the move of controls such things as "the current form" may have changed - force the shell
1293 		// to update itself accordingly
1294 		if( pFormShell && pFormShell->GetImpl() && pFormShell->GetFormView() )
1295 			pFormShell->GetImpl()->DetermineSelection( pFormShell->GetFormView()->GetMarkedObjectList() );
1297 		if ( m_aControlExchange.isClipboardOwner() && ( DND_ACTION_MOVE == _nAction ) )
1298 			m_aControlExchange->clear();
1300 		return _nAction;
1301 	}
1303 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1304 	sal_Int8 NavigatorTree::ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt )
1305 	{
1306         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::ExecuteDrop" );
1307 		sal_Int8 nResult( DND_ACTION_NONE );
1309 		if ( m_aControlExchange.isDragSource() )
1310 			nResult = implExecuteDataTransfer( *m_aControlExchange, rEvt.mnAction, rEvt.maPosPixel, sal_True );
1311 		else
1312 		{
1313 			OControlTransferData aDroppedData( rEvt.maDropEvent.Transferable );
1314 			nResult = implExecuteDataTransfer( aDroppedData, rEvt.mnAction, rEvt.maPosPixel, sal_True );
1315 		}
1317 		return nResult;
1318 	}
1320 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1321 	void NavigatorTree::doPaste()
1322 	{
1323         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::doPaste" );
1324    		try
1325     	{
1326 			if ( m_aControlExchange.isClipboardOwner() )
1327 			{
1328 				implExecuteDataTransfer( *m_aControlExchange, doingKeyboardCut( ) ? DND_ACTION_MOVE : DND_ACTION_COPY, FirstSelected(), sal_False );
1329 			}
1330 			else
1331 			{
1332 				// the clipboard content
1333 				Reference< XClipboard >	xClipboard( GetClipboard() );
1334 				Reference< XTransferable > xTransferable;
1335 				if ( xClipboard.is() )
1336 	    			xTransferable = xClipboard->getContents();
1338 				OControlTransferData aClipboardContent( xTransferable );
1339 				implExecuteDataTransfer( aClipboardContent, DND_ACTION_COPY, FirstSelected(), sal_False );
1340 			}
1341 		}
1342 		catch( const Exception& )
1343 		{
1344 			DBG_ERROR( "NavigatorTree::doPaste: caught an exception!" );
1345 		}
1346 	}
1348 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1349 	void NavigatorTree::doCopy()
1350 	{
1351         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::doCopy" );
1352 		if ( implPrepareExchange( DND_ACTION_COPY ) )
1353 		{
1354 			m_aControlExchange.setClipboardListener( LINK( this, NavigatorTree, OnClipboardAction ) );
1355 			m_aControlExchange.copyToClipboard( );
1356 		}
1357 	}
1359 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1360 	void NavigatorTree::ModelHasRemoved( SvListEntry* _pEntry )
1361 	{
1362         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::ModelHasRemoved" );
1363         SvLBoxEntry* pTypedEntry = static_cast< SvLBoxEntry* >( _pEntry );
1364         if ( doingKeyboardCut() )
1365             m_aCutEntries.erase( pTypedEntry );
1367         if ( m_aControlExchange.isDataExchangeActive() )
1368         {
1369             if ( 0 == m_aControlExchange->onEntryRemoved( pTypedEntry ) )
1370             {
1371                 // last of the entries which we put into the clipboard has been deleted from the tree.
1372                 // Give up the clipboard ownership.
1373                 m_aControlExchange.clear();
1374             }
1375         }
1376 	}
1378 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1379 	void NavigatorTree::doCut()
1380 	{
1381         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::doCut" );
1382 		if ( implPrepareExchange( DND_ACTION_MOVE ) )
1383 		{
1384 			m_aControlExchange.setClipboardListener( LINK( this, NavigatorTree, OnClipboardAction ) );
1385 			m_aControlExchange.copyToClipboard( );
1386 			m_bKeyboardCut = sal_True;
1388 			// mark all the entries we just "cut" into the clipboard as "nearly moved"
1389 			for ( sal_Int32 i=0; i<m_arrCurrentSelection.Count(); ++i )
1390 			{
1391 				SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = m_arrCurrentSelection[ (sal_uInt16)i ];
1392 				if ( pEntry )
1393 				{
1394 					m_aCutEntries.insert( pEntry );
1395 					pEntry->SetFlags( pEntry->GetFlags() | SV_ENTRYFLAG_SEMITRANSPARENT );
1396 					InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
1397 				}
1398 			}
1399 		}
1400 	}
1402 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1403 	void NavigatorTree::KeyInput(const ::KeyEvent& rKEvt)
1404 	{
1405         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::KeyInput" );
1406 		const KeyCode& rCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode();
1408 		// delete?
1409 		if (rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() == KEY_DELETE && !rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetModifier())
1410 		{
1411 			DeleteSelection();
1412 			return;
1413 		}
1415 		// copy'n'paste?
1416 		switch ( rCode.GetFunction() )
1417 		{
1418 			case KEYFUNC_CUT:
1419 				doCut();
1420 				break;
1422 			case KEYFUNC_PASTE:
1423 				if ( implAcceptPaste() )
1424 					doPaste();
1425 				break;
1427 			case KEYFUNC_COPY:
1428 				doCopy();
1429 				break;
1431             default:
1432                 break;
1433 		}
1435 		SvTreeListBox::KeyInput(rKEvt);
1436 	}
1438 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1439 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::EditingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, Selection& rSelection )
1440 	{
1441         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::EditingEntry" );
1442 		if (!SvTreeListBox::EditingEntry( pEntry, rSelection ))
1443 			return sal_False;
1445 		return (pEntry && (pEntry->GetUserData() != NULL));
1446 			// die Wurzel, die ich nicht umbenennen darf, hat als UserData NULL
1447 	}
1449 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1450 	void NavigatorTree::NewForm( SvLBoxEntry* pParentEntry )
1451 	{
1452         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::NewForm" );
1453 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1454 		// ParentFormData holen
1455 		if( !IsFormEntry(pParentEntry) )
1456 			return;
1458 		FmFormData* pParentFormData = (FmFormData*)pParentEntry->GetUserData();
1460 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1461 		// Neue Form erzeugen
1462 		Reference< XForm >  xNewForm(m_xORB->createInstance(FM_SUN_COMPONENT_FORM), UNO_QUERY);
1463 		if (!xNewForm.is())
1464 			return;
1466 		FmFormData* pNewFormData = new FmFormData( xNewForm, m_aNavigatorImages, m_aNavigatorImagesHC, pParentFormData );
1468 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1469 		// Namen setzen
1470 		::rtl::OUString aName = GenerateName(pNewFormData);
1471 		pNewFormData->SetText(aName);
1473 		Reference< XPropertySet >  xPropertySet(xNewForm, UNO_QUERY);
1474 		if (!xPropertySet.is())
1475 			return;
1476 		try
1477 		{
1478 			xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( FM_PROP_NAME, makeAny(aName) );
1479 			// a form should always have the command type table as default
1480 			xPropertySet->setPropertyValue( FM_PROP_COMMANDTYPE, makeAny(sal_Int32(CommandType::TABLE)));
1481 		}
1482 		catch ( const Exception& )
1483 		{
1484 			DBG_ERROR("NavigatorTree::NewForm : could not set esssential properties !");
1485 		}
1488 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1489 		// Form einfuegen
1490 		GetNavModel()->Insert( pNewFormData, LIST_APPEND, sal_True );
1492 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1493 		// Neue Form als aktive Form setzen
1494 		FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
1495 		if( pFormShell )
1496 		{
1497             InterfaceBag aSelection;
1498             aSelection.insert( Reference< XInterface >( xNewForm, UNO_QUERY ) );
1499 			pFormShell->GetImpl()->setCurrentSelection( aSelection );
1501 			pFormShell->GetViewShell()->GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate(SID_FM_PROPERTIES,sal_True,sal_True);
1502 		}
1503 		GetNavModel()->SetModified();
1505 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1506 		// In EditMode schalten
1507 		SvLBoxEntry* pNewEntry = FindEntry( pNewFormData );
1508 		EditEntry( pNewEntry );
1509 	}
1511 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1512 	FmControlData* NavigatorTree::NewControl( const ::rtl::OUString& rServiceName, SvLBoxEntry* pParentEntry, sal_Bool bEditName )
1513 	{
1514         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::NewControl" );
1515 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1516 		// ParentForm holen
1517 		if (!GetNavModel()->GetFormShell())
1518 			return NULL;
1519 		if (!IsFormEntry(pParentEntry))
1520 			return NULL;
1522 		FmFormData* pParentFormData = (FmFormData*)pParentEntry->GetUserData();;
1523 		Reference< XForm >  xParentForm( pParentFormData->GetFormIface());
1525 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1526 		// Neue Component erzeugen
1527 		Reference< XFormComponent >  xNewComponent(::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance(rServiceName), UNO_QUERY);
1528 		if (!xNewComponent.is())
1529 			return NULL;
1531 		FmControlData* pNewFormControlData = new FmControlData( xNewComponent, m_aNavigatorImages, m_aNavigatorImagesHC, pParentFormData );
1533 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1534 		// Namen setzen
1535 		FmFormView*     pFormView       = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell()->GetFormView();
1536 		SdrPageView*    pPageView       = pFormView->GetSdrPageView();
1537 		FmFormPage*     pPage           = (FmFormPage*)pPageView->GetPage();
1539 		::rtl::OUString sName = pPage->GetImpl().setUniqueName( xNewComponent, xParentForm );
1541 		pNewFormControlData->SetText( sName );
1543 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1544 		// FormComponent einfuegen
1545 		GetNavModel()->Insert( pNewFormControlData, LIST_APPEND, sal_True );
1546 		GetNavModel()->SetModified();
1548 		if (bEditName)
1549 		{
1550 			//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1551 			// In EditMode schalten
1552 			SvLBoxEntry* pNewEntry = FindEntry( pNewFormControlData );
1553 			Select( pNewEntry, sal_True );
1554 			EditEntry( pNewEntry );
1555 		}
1557 		return pNewFormControlData;
1558 	}
1560 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1561 	::rtl::OUString NavigatorTree::GenerateName( FmEntryData* pEntryData )
1562 	{
1563         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::GenerateName" );
1564 		const sal_uInt16 nMaxCount = 99;
1565 		::rtl::OUString aNewName;
1567 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1568 		// BasisNamen erzeugen
1569 		UniString aBaseName;
1570 		if( pEntryData->ISA(FmFormData) )
1571 			aBaseName = SVX_RES( RID_STR_STDFORMNAME );
1573 		else if( pEntryData->ISA(FmControlData) )
1574 			aBaseName = SVX_RES( RID_STR_CONTROL );
1576 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1577 		// Neuen Namen erstellen
1578 		FmFormData* pFormParentData = (FmFormData*)pEntryData->GetParent();
1580 		for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<nMaxCount; i++ )
1581 		{
1582 			aNewName = aBaseName;
1583 			if( i>0 )
1584 			{
1585 				aNewName += ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(" ");
1586 				aNewName += ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(i).getStr();
1587 			}
1589 			if( GetNavModel()->FindData(aNewName, pFormParentData,sal_False) == NULL )
1590 				break;
1591 		}
1593 		return aNewName;
1594 	}
1596 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1597 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::EditedEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const XubString& rNewText )
1598 	{
1599         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::EditedEntry" );
1600 		if (EditingCanceled())
1601 			return sal_True;
1603 		GrabFocus();
1604 		FmEntryData* pEntryData = (FmEntryData*)pEntry->GetUserData();
1605 		sal_Bool bRes = GetNavModel()->Rename( pEntryData, rNewText);
1606 		if( !bRes )
1607 		{
1608 			m_pEditEntry = pEntry;
1609 			nEditEvent = Application::PostUserEvent( LINK(this, NavigatorTree, OnEdit) );
1610 		} else
1611 			SetCursor(pEntry, sal_True);
1613 		return bRes;
1614 	}
1616 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1617 	IMPL_LINK( NavigatorTree, OnEdit, void*, EMPTYARG )
1618 	{
1619 		nEditEvent = 0;
1620 		EditEntry( m_pEditEntry );
1621 		m_pEditEntry = NULL;
1623 		return 0L;
1624 	}
1626 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1627 	IMPL_LINK( NavigatorTree, OnDropActionTimer, void*, EMPTYARG )
1628 	{
1629 		if (--m_aTimerCounter > 0)
1630 			return 0L;
1632         switch ( m_aDropActionType )
1633         {
1634         case DA_EXPANDNODE:
1635 		{
1636 			SvLBoxEntry* pToExpand = GetEntry(m_aTimerTriggered);
1637 			if (pToExpand && (GetChildCount(pToExpand) > 0) &&  !IsExpanded(pToExpand))
1638 				// tja, eigentlich muesste ich noch testen, ob die Node nicht schon expandiert ist, aber ich
1639 				// habe dazu weder in den Basisklassen noch im Model eine Methode gefunden ...
1640 				// aber ich denke, die BK sollte es auch so vertragen
1641 				Expand(pToExpand);
1643 			// nach dem Expand habe ich im Gegensatz zum Scrollen natuerlich nix mehr zu tun
1644 			m_aDropActionTimer.Stop();
1645 		}
1646         break;
1648         case DA_SCROLLUP :
1649 			ScrollOutputArea( 1 );
1650 			m_aTimerCounter = DROP_ACTION_TIMER_SCROLL_TICKS;
1651 			break;
1653 		case DA_SCROLLDOWN :
1654 			ScrollOutputArea( -1 );
1655 			m_aTimerCounter = DROP_ACTION_TIMER_SCROLL_TICKS;
1656 			break;
1658 		}
1660 		return 0L;
1661 	}
1663 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1664 	IMPL_LINK(NavigatorTree, OnEntrySelDesel, NavigatorTree*, /*pThis*/)
1665 	{
1666 		m_sdiState = SDI_DIRTY;
1668 		if (IsSelectionHandlingLocked())
1669 			return 0L;
1671 		if (m_aSynchronizeTimer.IsActive())
1672 			m_aSynchronizeTimer.Stop();
1674 		m_aSynchronizeTimer.SetTimeout(EXPLORER_SYNC_DELAY);
1675 		m_aSynchronizeTimer.Start();
1677 		return 0L;
1678 	}
1680 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1681 	IMPL_LINK(NavigatorTree, OnSynchronizeTimer, void*, EMPTYARG)
1682 	{
1683 		SynchronizeMarkList();
1684 		return 0L;
1685 	}
1688 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1689 	IMPL_LINK( NavigatorTree, OnClipboardAction, void*, EMPTYARG )
1690 	{
1691 		if ( !m_aControlExchange.isClipboardOwner() )
1692 		{
1693 			if ( doingKeyboardCut() )
1694 			{
1695                 for (   ListBoxEntrySet::const_iterator i = m_aCutEntries.begin();
1696                         i != m_aCutEntries.end();
1697                         ++i
1698                     )
1699 				{
1700                     SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = *i;
1701 					if ( !pEntry )
1702                         continue;
1704                     pEntry->SetFlags( pEntry->GetFlags() & ~SV_ENTRYFLAG_SEMITRANSPARENT );
1705 					InvalidateEntry( pEntry );
1706 				}
1707                 ListBoxEntrySet aEmpty;
1708 				m_aCutEntries.swap( aEmpty );
1710 				m_bKeyboardCut = sal_False;
1711 			}
1712 		}
1713 		return 0L;
1714 	}
1716 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1717 	void NavigatorTree::ShowSelectionProperties(sal_Bool bForce)
1718 	{
1719         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::ShowSelectionProperties" );
1720 		// zuerst brauche ich die FormShell
1721 		FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
1722 		if (!pFormShell)
1723 			// keine Shell -> ich koennte kein curObject setzen -> raus
1724 			return;
1726 		CollectSelectionData(SDI_ALL);
1727 		DBG_ASSERT( m_nFormsSelected + m_nControlsSelected + (m_bRootSelected ? 1 : 0) == m_arrCurrentSelection.Count(),
1728 			"NavigatorTree::ShowSelectionProperties : selection meta data invalid !");
1731         InterfaceBag aSelection;
1732         sal_Bool bSetSelectionAsMarkList = sal_False;
1734 		if (m_bRootSelected)
1735 			;                                   // no properties for the root, neither for single nor for multi selection
1736 		else if ( m_nFormsSelected + m_nControlsSelected == 0 )   // none of the two should be less 0
1737 			;                                   // no selection -> no properties
1738 		else if ( m_nFormsSelected * m_nControlsSelected != 0 )
1739 			;                                   // mixed selection -> no properties
1740 		else
1741 		{   // either only forms, or only controls are selected
1742             if (m_arrCurrentSelection.Count() == 1)
1743 			{
1744 				if (m_nFormsSelected > 0)
1745 				{   // es ist genau eine Form selektiert
1746 					FmFormData* pFormData = (FmFormData*)m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject(0)->GetUserData();
1747                     aSelection.insert( Reference< XInterface >( pFormData->GetFormIface(), UNO_QUERY ) );
1748 				}
1749                 else
1750 				{   // es ist genau ein Control selektiert (egal ob hidden oder normal)
1751 					FmEntryData* pEntryData = (FmEntryData*)m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject(0)->GetUserData();
1753                     aSelection.insert( Reference< XInterface >( pEntryData->GetElement(), UNO_QUERY ) );
1754 				}
1755 			}
1756             else
1757 			{   // wir haben eine MultiSelection, also muessen wir ein MultiSet dafuer aufbauen
1758 				if (m_nFormsSelected > 0)
1759 				{   // ... nur Forms
1760 					// erstmal die PropertySet-Interfaces der Forms einsammeln
1761 					for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < m_nFormsSelected; ++i )
1762 					{
1763 						FmFormData* pFormData = (FmFormData*)m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject((sal_uInt16)i)->GetUserData();
1764                         aSelection.insert( pFormData->GetPropertySet().get() );
1765 					}
1766 				}
1767 				else
1768 				{   // ... nur Controls
1769 					if (m_nHiddenControls == m_nControlsSelected)
1770 					{   // ein MultiSet fuer die Properties der hidden controls
1771 						for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < m_nHiddenControls; ++i )
1772 						{
1773 							FmEntryData* pEntryData = (FmEntryData*)m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject((sal_uInt16)i)->GetUserData();
1774                             aSelection.insert( pEntryData->GetPropertySet().get() );
1775 						}
1776 					}
1777 					else if (m_nHiddenControls == 0)
1778 					{   // nur normale Controls
1779                         bSetSelectionAsMarkList = sal_True;
1780 					}
1781 				}
1782 			}
1784 		}
1786         // und dann meine Form und mein SelObject
1787         if ( bSetSelectionAsMarkList )
1788             pFormShell->GetImpl()->setCurrentSelectionFromMark( pFormShell->GetFormView()->GetMarkedObjectList() );
1789         else
1790 		    pFormShell->GetImpl()->setCurrentSelection( aSelection );
1792 		if ( pFormShell->GetImpl()->IsPropBrwOpen() || bForce )
1793 		{
1794 			// und jetzt kann ich das Ganze dem PropertyBrowser uebergeben
1795 			pFormShell->GetViewShell()->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_FM_SHOW_PROPERTY_BROWSER, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON );
1796 		}
1797 	}
1799 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1800 	void NavigatorTree::DeleteSelection()
1801 	{
1802         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::DeleteSelection" );
1803 		// die Root darf ich natuerlich nicht mitloeschen
1804 		sal_Bool bRootSelected = IsSelected(m_pRootEntry);
1805 		sal_uIntPtr nSelectedEntries = GetSelectionCount();
1806 		if (bRootSelected && (nSelectedEntries > 1))     // die Root plus andere Elemente ?
1807 			Select(m_pRootEntry, sal_False);                // ja -> die Root raus
1809 		if ((nSelectedEntries == 0) || bRootSelected)    // immer noch die Root ?
1810 			return;                                     // -> sie ist das einzige selektierte -> raus
1812 		DBG_ASSERT(!m_bPrevSelectionMixed, "NavigatorTree::DeleteSelection() : loeschen nicht erlaubt wenn Markierung und Selektion nciht konsistent");
1814 		// ich brauche unten das FormModel ...
1815 		FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
1816 		if (!pFormShell)
1817 			return;
1818 		FmFormModel* pFormModel = pFormShell ? pFormShell->GetFormModel() : NULL;
1819 		if (!pFormModel)
1820 			return;
1822 		// jetzt muss ich noch die DeleteList etwas absichern : wenn man ein Formular und ein abhaengiges
1823 		// Element loescht - und zwar in dieser Reihenfolge - dann ist der SvLBoxEntryPtr des abhaengigen Elementes
1824 		// natuerlich schon ungueltig, wenn es geloescht werden soll ... diesen GPF, den es dann mit Sicherheit gibt,
1825 		// gilt es zu verhindern, also die 'normalisierte' Liste
1826 		CollectSelectionData( SDI_NORMALIZED );
1828         // see below for why we need this mapping from models to shapes
1829 		FmFormView*		pFormView		= pFormShell->GetFormView();
1830 		SdrPageView*	pPageView		= pFormView ? pFormView->GetSdrPageView() : NULL;
1831 		SdrPage*		pPage			= pPageView ? pPageView->GetPage() : NULL;
1832 		DBG_ASSERT( pPage, "NavigatorTree::DeleteSelection: invalid form page!" );
1834 		MapModelToShape aModelShapes;
1835 		if ( pPage )
1836 			collectShapeModelMapping( pPage, aModelShapes );
1838         // problem: we have to use ExplorerModel::Remove, since only this one properly deletes Form objects.
1839         // But, the controls themself must be deleted via DeleteMarked (else, the Writer has some problems
1840         // somewhere). In case I'd first delete the structure, then the controls, the UNDO would not work
1841         // (since UNDO then would mean to first restore the controls, then the structure, means their parent
1842         // form). The other way round, the EntryDatas would be invalid, if I'd first delete the controls and
1843         // then go on to the strucure. This means I have to delete the forms *after* the normal controls, so
1844         // that during UNDO, they're restored in the proper order.
1845 		pFormShell->GetImpl()->EnableTrackProperties(sal_False);
1846 		sal_uInt16 i;
1847 		for (i = m_arrCurrentSelection.Count(); i>0; --i)
1848 		{
1849 			FmEntryData* pCurrent = (FmEntryData*)(m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject(i - 1)->GetUserData());
1851 			// eine Form ?
1852 			sal_Bool bIsForm = pCurrent->ISA(FmFormData);
1854 			// da ich das Loeschen im folgenden der View ueberlasse und dabei auf deren MarkList aufbaue, im Normalfall aber bei
1855 			// einem makierten Formular nur die direkt, nicht die indirekt abhaengigen Controls markiert werden, muss ich das hier
1856 			// noch nachholen
1857 			if (bIsForm)
1858 				MarkViewObj((FmFormData*)pCurrent, sal_True, sal_True);     // das zweite sal_True heisst "deep"
1860 			// ein hidden control ?
1861 			sal_Bool bIsHidden = IsHiddenControl(pCurrent);
1863 			// Forms und hidden Controls muss ich behalten, alles andere nicht
1864 			if (!bIsForm && !bIsHidden)
1865 			{
1866 				// well, no form and no hidden control -> we can remove it from m_arrCurrentSelection, as it will
1867 				// be deleted automatically. This is because for every model (except forms and hidden control models)
1868 				// there exist a shape, which is marked _if_and_only_if_ the model is selected in our tree.
1869                 if ( aModelShapes.find( pCurrent->GetElement() ) != aModelShapes.end() )
1870                 {
1871                     // if there's a shape for the current entry, then either it is marked or it is in a
1872                     // hidden layer (#i28502#), or something like this.
1873                     // In the first case, it will be deleted below, in the second case, we currently don't
1874                     // delete it, as there's no real (working!) API for this, neither in UNO nor in non-UNO.
1875                     m_arrCurrentSelection.Remove( i - 1, 1 );
1876                 }
1877                 // In case there is no shape for the current entry, we keep the entry in m_arrCurrentSelection,
1878                 // since then we can definately remove it.
1879                 // #103597#
1880 			}
1881 		}
1882 		pFormShell->GetImpl()->EnableTrackProperties(sal_True);
1884 		// let the view delete the marked controls
1885 		pFormShell->GetFormView()->DeleteMarked();
1887         // start UNDO at this point. Unfortunately, this results in 2 UNDO actions, since DeleteMarked is
1888         // creating an own one. However, if we'd move it before DeleteMarked, Writer does not really like
1889         // this ... :(
1890         // 2004-07-05 - #i31038# - fs@openoffice.org
1891         {
1892             // ---------------
1893 		    // initialize UNDO
1894             String aUndoStr;
1895 		    if ( m_arrCurrentSelection.Count() == 1 )
1896 		    {
1898 			    if (m_nFormsSelected)
1899 				    aUndoStr.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "#", SVX_RES( RID_STR_FORM ) );
1900 			    else
1901 				    // it must be a control (else the root would be selected, but it cannot be deleted)
1902 				    aUndoStr.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "#", SVX_RES( RID_STR_CONTROL ) );
1903 		    }
1904 		    else
1905 		    {
1907                 aUndoStr.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "#", String::CreateFromInt32( m_arrCurrentSelection.Count() ) );
1908 		    }
1909             pFormModel->BegUndo(aUndoStr);
1910         }
1912         // remove remaining structure
1913 		for (i=0; i<m_arrCurrentSelection.Count(); ++i)
1914 		{
1915 			FmEntryData* pCurrent = (FmEntryData*)(m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject(i)->GetUserData());
1917             // if the entry still has children, we skipped deletion of one of those children.
1918             // This may for instance be because the shape is in a hidden layer, where we're unable
1919             // to remove it
1920             if ( pCurrent->GetChildList()->Count() )
1921                 continue;
1923 			// noch ein kleines Problem, bevor ich das ganz loesche : wenn es eine Form ist und die Shell diese als CurrentObject
1924 			// kennt, dann muss ich ihr das natuerlich ausreden
1925 			if (pCurrent->ISA(FmFormData))
1926 			{
1927 				Reference< XForm >  xCurrentForm( static_cast< FmFormData* >( pCurrent )->GetFormIface() );
1928 				if ( pFormShell->GetImpl()->getCurrentForm() == xCurrentForm )  // die Shell kennt die zu loeschende Form ?
1929 					pFormShell->GetImpl()->forgetCurrentForm();                 // -> wegnehmen ...
1930 			}
1931 			GetNavModel()->Remove(pCurrent, sal_True);
1932 		}
1933 		pFormModel->EndUndo();
1934 	}
1936 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
1937 	void NavigatorTree::CollectSelectionData(SELDATA_ITEMS sdiHow)
1938 	{
1939         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::CollectSelectionData" );
1940 		DBG_ASSERT(sdiHow != SDI_DIRTY, "NavigatorTree::CollectSelectionData : ever thought about your parameter ? DIRTY ?");
1941 		if (sdiHow == m_sdiState)
1942 			return;
1944 		m_arrCurrentSelection.Remove((sal_uInt16)0, m_arrCurrentSelection.Count());
1945 		m_nFormsSelected = m_nControlsSelected = m_nHiddenControls = 0;
1946 		m_bRootSelected = sal_False;
1948 		SvLBoxEntry* pSelectionLoop = FirstSelected();
1949 		while (pSelectionLoop)
1950 		{
1951 			// erst mal die Zaehlung der verschiedenen Elemente
1952 			if (pSelectionLoop == m_pRootEntry)
1953 				m_bRootSelected = sal_True;
1954 			else
1955 			{
1956 				if (IsFormEntry(pSelectionLoop))
1957 					++m_nFormsSelected;
1958 				else
1959 				{
1960 					++m_nControlsSelected;
1961 					if (IsHiddenControl((FmEntryData*)(pSelectionLoop->GetUserData())))
1962 						++m_nHiddenControls;
1963 				}
1964 			}
1966 			if (sdiHow == SDI_NORMALIZED)
1967 			{
1968 				// alles, was schon einen selektierten Vorfahr hat, nicht mitnehmen
1969 				if (pSelectionLoop == m_pRootEntry)
1970 					m_arrCurrentSelection.Insert(pSelectionLoop);
1971 				else
1972 				{
1973 					SvLBoxEntry* pParentLoop = GetParent(pSelectionLoop);
1974 					while (pParentLoop)
1975 					{
1976 						// eigentlich muesste ich testen, ob das Parent in der m_arrCurrentSelection steht ...
1977 						// Aber wenn es selektiert ist, dann steht es in m_arrCurrentSelection, oder wenigstens einer seiner Vorfahren,
1978 						// wenn der auch schon selektiert war. In beiden Faellen reicht also die Abfrage IsSelected
1979 						if (IsSelected(pParentLoop))
1980 							break;
1981 						else
1982 						{
1983 							if (m_pRootEntry == pParentLoop)
1984 							{
1985 								// bis (exclusive) zur Root gab es kein selektiertes Parent -> der Eintrag gehoert in die normalisierte Liste
1986 								m_arrCurrentSelection.Insert(pSelectionLoop);
1987 								break;
1988 							}
1989 							else
1990 								pParentLoop = GetParent(pParentLoop);
1991 						}
1992 					}
1993 				}
1994 			}
1995 			else if (sdiHow == SDI_NORMALIZED_FORMARK)
1996 			{
1997 				SvLBoxEntry* pParent = GetParent(pSelectionLoop);
1998 				if (!pParent || !IsSelected(pParent) || IsFormEntry(pSelectionLoop))
1999 					m_arrCurrentSelection.Insert(pSelectionLoop);
2000 			}
2001 			else
2002 				m_arrCurrentSelection.Insert(pSelectionLoop);
2005 			pSelectionLoop = NextSelected(pSelectionLoop);
2006 		}
2008 		m_sdiState = sdiHow;
2009 	}
2011 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012 	void NavigatorTree::SynchronizeSelection(FmEntryDataArray& arredToSelect)
2013 	{
2014         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::SynchronizeSelection" );
2015 		LockSelectionHandling();
2016 		if (arredToSelect.Count() == 0)
2017 		{
2018 			SelectAll(sal_False);
2019 		}
2020 		else
2021 		{
2022 			// erst mal gleiche ich meine aktuelle Selektion mit der geforderten SelectList ab
2023 			SvLBoxEntry* pSelection = FirstSelected();
2024 			while (pSelection)
2025 			{
2026 				FmEntryData* pCurrent = (FmEntryData*)pSelection->GetUserData();
2027 				if (pCurrent != NULL)
2028 				{
2029 					sal_uInt16 nPosition;
2030 					if ( arredToSelect.Seek_Entry(pCurrent, &nPosition) )
2031 					{   // der Entry ist schon selektiert, steht aber auch in der SelectList -> er kann aus letzterer
2032 						// raus
2033 						arredToSelect.Remove(nPosition, 1);
2034 					} else
2035 					{   // der Entry ist selektiert, aber steht nicht in der SelectList -> Selektion rausnehmen
2036 						Select(pSelection, sal_False);
2037 						// und sichtbar machen (kann ja sein, dass das die einzige Modifikation ist, die ich hier in dem
2038 						// ganzen Handler mache, dann sollte das zu sehen sein)
2039 						MakeVisible(pSelection);
2040 					}
2041 				}
2042 				else
2043 					Select(pSelection, sal_False);
2045 				pSelection = NextSelected(pSelection);
2046 			}
2048 			// jetzt habe ich in der SelectList genau die Eintraege, die noch selektiert werden muessen
2049 			// zwei Moeglichkeiten : 1) ich gehe durch die SelectList, besorge mir zu jedem Eintrag meinen SvLBoxEntry
2050 			// und selektiere diesen (waere irgendwie intuitiver ;)) 2) ich gehe durch alle meine SvLBoxEntries und selektiere
2051 			// genau die, die ich in der SelectList finde
2052 			// 1) braucht O(k*n) (k=Laenge der SelectList, n=Anzahl meiner Entries), plus den Fakt, dass FindEntry nicht den
2053 			// Pointer auf die UserDaten vergleicht, sondern ein aufwendigeres IsEqualWithoutChilds durchfuehrt
2054 			// 2) braucht O(n*log k), dupliziert aber etwas Code (naemlich den aus FindEntry)
2055 			// da das hier eine relativ oft aufgerufenen Stelle sein koennte (bei jeder Aenderung in der Markierung in der View !),
2056 			// nehme ich doch lieber letzteres
2057 			SvLBoxEntry* pLoop = First();
2058 			while( pLoop )
2059 			{
2060 				FmEntryData* pCurEntryData = (FmEntryData*)pLoop->GetUserData();
2061 				sal_uInt16 nPosition;
2062 				if ( arredToSelect.Seek_Entry(pCurEntryData, &nPosition) )
2063 				{
2064 					Select(pLoop, sal_True);
2065 					MakeVisible(pLoop);
2066 					SetCursor(pLoop, sal_True);
2067 				}
2069 				pLoop = Next( pLoop );
2070 			}
2071 		}
2072 		UnlockSelectionHandling();
2073 	}
2075 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
2076 	void NavigatorTree::SynchronizeSelection()
2077 	{
2078         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::SynchronizeSelection" );
2079 		// Shell und View
2080 		FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
2081 		if(!pFormShell) return;
2083 		FmFormView* pFormView = pFormShell->GetFormView();
2084 		if (!pFormView) return;
2086 		GetNavModel()->BroadcastMarkedObjects(pFormView->GetMarkedObjectList());
2087 	}
2089 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
2090 	void NavigatorTree::SynchronizeMarkList()
2091 	{
2092         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::SynchronizeMarkList" );
2093 		// die Shell werde ich brauchen ...
2094 		FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
2095 		if (!pFormShell) return;
2097 		CollectSelectionData(SDI_NORMALIZED_FORMARK);
2099 		// Die View soll jetzt kein Notify bei einer Aenderung der MarkList rauslassen
2100 		pFormShell->GetImpl()->EnableTrackProperties(sal_False);
2102 		UnmarkAllViewObj();
2104 		for (sal_uInt32 i=0; i<m_arrCurrentSelection.Count(); ++i)
2105 		{
2106 			SvLBoxEntry* pSelectionLoop = m_arrCurrentSelection.GetObject((sal_uInt16)i);
2107 			// Bei Formselektion alle Controls dieser Form markieren
2108 			if (IsFormEntry(pSelectionLoop) && (pSelectionLoop != m_pRootEntry))
2109 				MarkViewObj((FmFormData*)pSelectionLoop->GetUserData(), sal_True, sal_False);
2111 			// Bei Controlselektion Control-SdrObjects markieren
2112 			else if (IsFormComponentEntry(pSelectionLoop))
2113 			{
2114 				FmControlData* pControlData = (FmControlData*)pSelectionLoop->GetUserData();
2115 				if (pControlData)
2116 				{
2117 					/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2118 					// Beim HiddenControl kann kein Object selektiert werden
2119 					Reference< XFormComponent >  xFormComponent( pControlData->GetFormComponent());
2120 					if (!xFormComponent.is())
2121 						continue;
2122 					Reference< XPropertySet >  xSet(xFormComponent, UNO_QUERY);
2123 					if (!xSet.is())
2124 						continue;
2126 					sal_uInt16 nClassId = ::comphelper::getINT16(xSet->getPropertyValue(FM_PROP_CLASSID));
2127 					if (nClassId != FormComponentType::HIDDENCONTROL)
2128 						MarkViewObj(pControlData, sal_True, sal_True);
2129 				}
2130 			}
2131 		}
2133 		// wenn der PropertyBrowser offen ist, muss ich den entsprechend meiner Selektion anpassen
2134 		// (NICHT entsprechend der MarkList der View : wenn ich ein Formular selektiert habe, sind in der
2135 		// View alle zugehoerigen Controls markiert, trotzdem moechte ich natuerlich die Formular-Eigenschaften
2136 		// sehen)
2137 		ShowSelectionProperties(sal_False);
2139 		// Flag an View wieder zuruecksetzen
2140 		pFormShell->GetImpl()->EnableTrackProperties(sal_True);
2142 		// wenn jetzt genau eine Form selektiert ist, sollte die Shell das als CurrentForm mitbekommen
2143 		// (wenn SelectionHandling nicht locked ist, kuemmert sich die View eigentlich in MarkListHasChanged drum,
2144 		// aber der Mechanismus greift zum Beispiel nicht, wenn die Form leer ist)
2145 		if ((m_arrCurrentSelection.Count() == 1) && (m_nFormsSelected == 1))
2146 		{
2147 			FmFormData* pSingleSelectionData = PTR_CAST( FmFormData, static_cast< FmEntryData* >( FirstSelected()->GetUserData() ) );
2148 			DBG_ASSERT( pSingleSelectionData, "NavigatorTree::SynchronizeMarkList: invalid selected form!" );
2149 			if ( pSingleSelectionData )
2150             {
2151                 InterfaceBag aSelection;
2152                 aSelection.insert( Reference< XInterface >( pSingleSelectionData->GetFormIface(), UNO_QUERY ) );
2153 				pFormShell->GetImpl()->setCurrentSelection( aSelection );
2154             }
2155 		}
2156 	}
2158 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
2159 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::IsHiddenControl(FmEntryData* pEntryData)
2160 	{
2161         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::IsHiddenControl" );
2162 		if (pEntryData == NULL) return sal_False;
2164 		Reference< XPropertySet > xProperties( pEntryData->GetPropertySet() );
2165 		if (::comphelper::hasProperty(FM_PROP_CLASSID, xProperties))
2166 		{
2167 			Any aClassID = xProperties->getPropertyValue( FM_PROP_CLASSID );
2168 			return (::comphelper::getINT16(aClassID) == FormComponentType::HIDDENCONTROL);
2169 		}
2170 		return sal_False;
2171 	}
2173 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
2174 	sal_Bool NavigatorTree::Select( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, sal_Bool bSelect )
2175 	{
2176         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::Select" );
2177 		if (bSelect == IsSelected(pEntry))  // das passiert manchmal, ich glaube, die Basisklasse geht zu sehr auf Nummer sicher ;)
2178 			return sal_True;
2180 		return SvTreeListBox::Select(pEntry, bSelect );
2181 	}
2183 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
2184     void NavigatorTree::UnmarkAllViewObj()
2185 	{
2186         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::UnmarkAllViewObj" );
2187 		FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
2188 		if( !pFormShell )
2189 			return;
2190 		FmFormView* pFormView = pFormShell->GetFormView();
2191 		pFormView->UnMarkAll();
2192 	}
2193     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2194     void NavigatorTree::MarkViewObj(FmFormData* pFormData, sal_Bool bMark, sal_Bool bDeep )
2195     {
2196         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::MarkViewObjects" );
2197         FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
2198 		if( !pFormShell )
2199             return;
2201         // first collect all sdrobjects
2202         ::std::set< Reference< XFormComponent > > aObjects;
2203         CollectObjects(pFormData,bDeep,aObjects);
2205 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2206         // In der Page das entsprechende SdrObj finden und selektieren
2207         FmFormView*     pFormView       = pFormShell->GetFormView();
2208         SdrPageView*    pPageView       = pFormView->GetSdrPageView();
2209         SdrPage*        pPage           = pPageView->GetPage();
2210         //FmFormPage*     pFormPage       = dynamic_cast< FmFormPage* >( pPage );
2212         SdrObjListIter aIter( *pPage );
2213         while ( aIter.IsMore() )
2214         {
2215             SdrObject* pSdrObject = aIter.Next();
2216             FmFormObj* pFormObject = FmFormObj::GetFormObject( pSdrObject );
2217             if ( !pFormObject )
2218                 continue;
2220             Reference< XFormComponent > xControlModel( pFormObject->GetUnoControlModel(),UNO_QUERY );
2221             if ( xControlModel.is() && aObjects.find(xControlModel) != aObjects.end() && bMark != pFormView->IsObjMarked( pSdrObject ) )
2222             {
2223                 // unfortunately, the writer doesn't like marking an already-marked object, again, so reset the mark first
2224                 pFormView->MarkObj( pSdrObject, pPageView, !bMark, sal_False );
2225             }
2226         } // while ( aIter.IsMore() )
2227         if ( bMark )
2228         {
2229             // make the mark visible
2230             ::Rectangle aMarkRect( pFormView->GetAllMarkedRect());
2231             for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < pFormView->PaintWindowCount(); ++i )
2232             {
2233                 SdrPaintWindow* pPaintWindow = pFormView->GetPaintWindow( i );
2234                 OutputDevice& rOutDev = pPaintWindow->GetOutputDevice();
2235                 if ( ( OUTDEV_WINDOW == rOutDev.GetOutDevType() ) && !aMarkRect.IsEmpty() )
2236                 {
2237                     pFormView->MakeVisible( aMarkRect, (Window&)rOutDev );
2238                 }
2239             } // for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < pFormView->PaintWindowCount(); ++i )
2240         }
2241     }
2242     //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2243     void NavigatorTree::CollectObjects(FmFormData* pFormData, sal_Bool bDeep, ::std::set< Reference< XFormComponent > >& _rObjects)
2244     {
2245         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::MarkViewObjects" );
2246         FmEntryDataList* pChildList = pFormData->GetChildList();
2247         FmEntryData* pEntryData;
2248 		FmControlData* pControlData;
2249 	    for( sal_uInt32 i=0; i < pChildList->Count(); ++i )
2250 	    {
2251 		    pEntryData = pChildList->GetObject(i);
2252 		    if( pEntryData->ISA(FmControlData) )
2253 		    {
2254 			    pControlData = (FmControlData*)pEntryData;
2255                 _rObjects.insert(pControlData->GetFormComponent());
2256 		    } // if( pEntryData->ISA(FmControlData) )
2257             else if (bDeep && (pEntryData->ISA(FmFormData)))
2258                 CollectObjects((FmFormData*)pEntryData,bDeep,_rObjects);
2259 	    } // for( sal_uInt32 i=0; i<pChildList->Count(); i++ )
2260     }
2261 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
2262 	void NavigatorTree::MarkViewObj( FmControlData* pControlData, sal_Bool bMarkHandles, sal_Bool bMark)
2263 	{
2264         RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "svx", "Ocke.Janssen@sun.com", "NavigatorTree::MarkViewObj" );
2265 		if( !pControlData )
2266             return;
2267 		FmFormShell* pFormShell = GetNavModel()->GetFormShell();
2268 		if( !pFormShell )
2269             return;
2271 		//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2272         // In der Page das entsprechende SdrObj finden und selektieren
2273         FmFormView*     pFormView       = pFormShell->GetFormView();
2274         Reference< XFormComponent >  xFormComponent( pControlData->GetFormComponent());
2275         SdrPageView*    pPageView       = pFormView->GetSdrPageView();
2276         SdrPage*        pPage           = pPageView->GetPage();
2278         bool bPaint = false;
2279         SdrObjListIter aIter( *pPage );
2280         while ( aIter.IsMore() )
2281         {
2282             SdrObject* pSdrObject = aIter.Next();
2283             FmFormObj* pFormObject = FmFormObj::GetFormObject( pSdrObject );
2284             if ( !pFormObject )
2285                 continue;
2287             Reference< XInterface > xControlModel( pFormObject->GetUnoControlModel() );
2288             if ( xControlModel != xFormComponent )
2289                 continue;
2291             // mark the object
2292             if ( bMark != pFormView->IsObjMarked( pSdrObject ) )
2293                 // unfortunately, the writer doesn't like marking an already-marked object, again, so reset the mark first
2294                 pFormView->MarkObj( pSdrObject, pPageView, !bMark, sal_False );
2296             if ( !bMarkHandles || !bMark )
2297                 continue;
2299             bPaint = true;
2301         } // while ( aIter.IsMore() )
2302         if ( bPaint )
2303         {
2304             // make the mark visible
2305             ::Rectangle aMarkRect( pFormView->GetAllMarkedRect());
2306             for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < pFormView->PaintWindowCount(); ++i )
2307             {
2308                 SdrPaintWindow* pPaintWindow = pFormView->GetPaintWindow( i );
2309                 OutputDevice& rOutDev = pPaintWindow->GetOutputDevice();
2310                 if ( OUTDEV_WINDOW == rOutDev.GetOutDevType() )
2311                 {
2312                     pFormView->MakeVisible( aMarkRect, (Window&)rOutDev );
2313                 }
2314             } // for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < pFormView->PaintWindowCount(); ++i )
2315         }
2316     }
2318 //............................................................................
2319 }	// namespace svxform
2320 //............................................................................