1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Common" script:language="StarBasic">REM  *****  BASIC  *****
4Option Explicit
7Function LoadNewStyles(oDocument as Object, oDialogModel as Object, CurIndex as Integer, SourceFile as String, Styles() as String, TextureDir as String) as Boolean
8Dim BackGroundURL as String
9Dim oBackGraph as Object
10Dim i, BackColor as Long
11Dim bLocWithBackGraphic as Boolean
12Dim oFamilies as Object, oFamily as Object&apos;, oStyle as Object
13Dim StylesOptions(0) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
15	If SourceFile &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
16		StylesOptions(0).Name = &quot;OverwriteStyles&quot;
17		StylesOptions(0).Value = True
18		oDocument.StyleFamilies.LoadStylesFromURL(SourceFile, StylesOptions())
19	End If
21	&apos; Read array fields for background, bullet &amp; graphics
22	BackgroundURL = Styles(CurIndex, 7)
23	If Left(BackgroundURL, 1) &lt;&gt; &quot;#&quot; Then
24		BackgroundURL = TextureDir + BackgroundURL
25		bLocWithBackGraphic = True
26	Else
27		BackColor = clng(&quot;&amp;H&quot; &amp; Right(BackgroundURL, Len(BackgroundURL)-1))
28		bLocWithBackGraphic = False
29	End If
30	oFamilies = oDocument.StyleFamilies
31	oFamily = oFamilies.GetbyName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;)
32	For i = 0 To oFamily.Count - 1
33		If oFamily.GetByIndex(i).IsInUse Then
34			oStyle = oFamily.GetbyIndex(i)
35			If oStyle.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;BackGraphicURL&quot;) Then
36				If Left(BackgroundURL, 1) = &quot;#&quot; Then
37					oStyle.BackGraphicURL = &quot;&quot;
38					oStyle.BackColor = BackColor
39					oStyle.BackTransparent = False
40				Else
41					oStyle.BackGraphicUrl = BackGroundURL
42					SetTileBackgroundorNot(oDialogModel, oStyle)
43				End If
44				Exit For
45			End If
46		End If
47	Next i
48	LoadNewStyles() = bLocWithBackGraphic
50	If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
51		MsgBox (WebWiz_gErrWhileLoadStyles$, 16, WebWiz_gWizardName$)
54	End If
55End Function
59Sub ChangeBackGraphicUrl(SavePath as String)
60Dim oPageFamily as Object
61Dim i as Integer
62	oPageFamily = oBaseDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;)
63	For i = 0 To oPageFamily.Count - 1
64		If oPageFamily.GetByIndex(i).IsInUse Then
65			oStyle = oPageFamily.GetbyIndex(i)
66			If oStyle.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;BackGraphicURL&quot;) Then
67				If oStyle.BackGraphicUrl &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
68					oStyle.BackGraphicUrl = CopyFile(oStyle.BackGraphicUrl, SavePath)
69					Exit Sub
70				End If
71			End If
72		End If
73	Next i
74End Sub
77Sub SetBackGraphicStyle(oEvent as Object)
78Dim oFamilies as Object
79Dim oFamily as Object
80Dim i as Integer
81Dim oOptModel as Object
82Dim iBackgroundValue as Integer
83Dim oLocDocument as Object
84	ooptModel = oEvent.Source.Model
85	iBackgroundValue = Val(ooptModel.Tag)
86	oLocDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
87	oLocDocument.LockControllers
88	oFamilies = oLocDocument.StyleFamilies
89	oFamily = oFamilies.GetbyName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;)
90	For i = 0 To oFamily.Count - 1
91		If oFamily.GetByIndex(i).IsInUse Then
92			oStyle = oFamily.GetbyIndex(i)
93			If oStyle.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;BackGraphicURL&quot;) Then
94				oStyle.BackGraphicLocation = iBackgroundValue
95			End If
96		End If
97	Next i
98	oLocDocument.UnlockControllers
99End Sub
102Sub SetTileBackgroundorNot(DialogModel as Object, oStyle as Object)
103	If Not IsNull(DialogModel) Then
104  		If DialogModel.optTiled.State = 1 Then
105    		oStyle.BackGraphicLocation = com.sun.star.style.GraphicLocation.TILED
106  		Else
107    		oStyle.BackGraphicLocation = com.sun.star.style.GraphicLocation.AREA
108  		End If
109  	End If
110End Sub
113Sub	ToggleOptionButtons(DialogModel as Object, bDoEnable as Integer)
114	If Not IsNull(DialogModel) Then
115		DialogModel.optTiled.Enabled = bDoEnable
116		DialogModel.optArea.Enabled = bDoEnable
117		DialogModel.hlnBackground.Enabled = bDoEnable
118	End If
119End Sub
122Function GetCurIndex(oListbox as Object, sList() as String, FileIndex as Integer)
123Dim i as Integer
124Dim n as Integer
125Dim SelValue as String
126Dim MaxIndex as Integer
127	If IsNull(oListBox) Then
128		&apos; Startup for WebWizard
129		SelValue = sList(0,1)
130	Else
131		n = oListbox.SelectedItems(0)
132		SelValue = oListbox.StringItemList(n)
133	End If
134	&apos; Find field index for chosen list entry
135	MaxIndex = Ubound(sList)
136	For i = 0 To MaxIndex
137		If sList(i,1) = SelValue Then
138			FileStr = sList(i, FileIndex)
139			Exit For
140		End If
141	Next
142	GetCurIndex = i
143End Function