1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
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24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
29 #include "precompiled_svx.hxx"
30 #include <svx/AccessibleControlShape.hxx>
31 #include <svx/AccessibleShapeInfo.hxx>
32 #include "svx/DescriptionGenerator.hxx"
33 #include <com/sun/star/drawing/XControlShape.hpp>
34 #include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
35 #include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
36 #include <com/sun/star/form/FormComponentType.hpp>
37 #include <com/sun/star/reflection/XProxyFactory.hpp>
38 #include <com/sun/star/container/XContainer.hpp>
39 #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
40 #include <unotools/accessiblestatesethelper.hxx>
41 #include <svx/svdouno.hxx>
42 #include "svx/unoapi.hxx"
43 #include <svx/ShapeTypeHandler.hxx>
44 #include <svx/SvxShapeTypes.hxx>
45 #include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
46 #include <comphelper/accessiblewrapper.hxx>
47 #include <svx/svdview.hxx>
48 #include <svx/svdpagv.hxx>
49 #include "svx/svdstr.hrc"
50 #include <algorithm>
52 using namespace ::comphelper;
53 using namespace ::accessibility;
54 using namespace	::com::sun::star::accessibility;
55 using namespace	::com::sun::star::uno;
56 using namespace	::com::sun::star::awt;
57 using namespace	::com::sun::star::beans;
58 using namespace	::com::sun::star::util;
59 using namespace	::com::sun::star::lang;
60 using namespace	::com::sun::star::reflection;
61 using namespace	::com::sun::star::drawing;
62 using namespace	::com::sun::star::container;
64 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
65 namespace
66 {
67 	//................................................................
68 	const ::rtl::OUString& lcl_getNamePropertyName( )
69 	{
70 		static ::rtl::OUString s_sNamePropertyName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Name" ) );
71 		return s_sNamePropertyName;
72 	}
73 	//................................................................
74 	const ::rtl::OUString& lcl_getDescPropertyName( )
75 	{
76 		static ::rtl::OUString s_sDescPropertyDesc( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "HelpText" ) );
77 		return s_sDescPropertyDesc;
78 	}
79 	//................................................................
80 	const ::rtl::OUString& lcl_getLabelPropertyName( )
81 	{
82 		static ::rtl::OUString s_sLabelPropertyLabel( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Label" ) );
83 		return s_sLabelPropertyLabel;
84 	}
85 	//................................................................
86 	// return the property which should be used as AccessibleName
87 	const ::rtl::OUString& lcl_getPreferredAccNameProperty( const Reference< XPropertySetInfo >& _rxPSI )
88 	{
89 		if ( _rxPSI.is() && _rxPSI->hasPropertyByName( lcl_getLabelPropertyName() ) )
90 			return lcl_getLabelPropertyName();
91 		else
92 			return lcl_getNamePropertyName();
93 	}
95 	//................................................................
96 	// determines whether or not a state which belongs to the inner context needs to be forwarded to the "composed"
97 	// context
98 	sal_Bool	isComposedState( const sal_Int16 _nState )
99 	{
100 		return	(	( AccessibleStateType::INVALID != _nState )
101 				&&	( AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC != _nState )
102 				&&	( AccessibleStateType::ICONIFIED != _nState )
103 				&&	( AccessibleStateType::RESIZABLE != _nState )
104 				&&	( AccessibleStateType::SELECTABLE != _nState )
105 				&&	( AccessibleStateType::SHOWING != _nState )
106 				&&	( AccessibleStateType::MANAGES_DESCENDANTS != _nState )
107 				&&	( AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE != _nState )
108 				);
109 	}
111 	//................................................................
112 	/** determines whether the given control is in alive mode
113 	*/
114 	inline	sal_Bool	isAliveMode( const Reference< XControl >& _rxControl )
115 	{
116 		OSL_PRECOND( _rxControl.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::isAliveMode: invalid control" );
117 		return _rxControl.is() && !_rxControl->isDesignMode();
118 	}
119 }
121 //=============================================================================
122 //= AccessibleControlShape
123 //=============================================================================
125 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 AccessibleControlShape::AccessibleControlShape (
127     const AccessibleShapeInfo& rShapeInfo,
128     const AccessibleShapeTreeInfo& rShapeTreeInfo)
129     :      AccessibleShape (rShapeInfo, rShapeTreeInfo)
130 	,	m_bListeningForName( sal_False )
131 	,	m_bListeningForDesc( sal_False )
132 	,	m_bMultiplexingStates( sal_False )
133     ,   m_bDisposeNativeContext( sal_False )
134     ,   m_bWaitingForControl( sal_False )
135 {
136 	m_pChildManager = new OWrappedAccessibleChildrenManager( getProcessServiceFactory() );
137 	m_pChildManager->acquire();
139 	osl_incrementInterlockedCount( &m_refCount );
140 	{
141 		m_pChildManager->setOwningAccessible( this );
142 	}
143 	osl_decrementInterlockedCount( &m_refCount );
144 }
146 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 AccessibleControlShape::~AccessibleControlShape (void)
148 {
149 	m_pChildManager->release();
150 	m_pChildManager = NULL;
152 	if ( m_xControlContextProxy.is() )
153 		m_xControlContextProxy->setDelegator( NULL );
154 	m_xControlContextProxy.clear();
155     m_xControlContextTypeAccess.clear();
156     m_xControlContextComponent.clear();
157 		// this should remove the _only_ three "real" reference (means not delegated to
158 		// ourself) to this proxy, and thus delete it
159 }
161 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 SdrObject* AccessibleControlShape::getSdrObject() const
163 {
164     return GetSdrObjectFromXShape (mxShape);
165 }
167 namespace {
168     Reference< XContainer > lcl_getControlContainer( const Window* _pWin, const SdrView* _pView )
169     {
170         Reference< XContainer > xReturn;
171         DBG_ASSERT( _pView, "lcl_getControlContainer: invalid view!" );
172         if ( _pView  && _pView->GetSdrPageView())
173         {
174 			xReturn = xReturn.query( _pView->GetSdrPageView()->GetControlContainer( *_pWin ) );
175         }
176         return xReturn;
177     }
178 }
180 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 void AccessibleControlShape::Init()
182 {
183 	AccessibleShape::Init();
185 	OSL_ENSURE( !m_xControlContextProxy.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::Init: already initialized!" );
186 	try
187 	{
188 		// What we need to do here is merge the functionality of the AccessibleContext of our UNO control
189 		// with our own AccessibleContext-related functionality.
190 		//
191 		// The problem is that we do not know the interfaces our "inner" context supports - this may be any
192 		// XAccessibleXXX interface (or even any other) which makes sense for it.
193 		//
194 		// In theory, we could implement all possible interfaces ourself, and re-route all functionality to
195 		// the inner context (except those we implement ourself, like XAccessibleComponent). But this is in no
196 		// way future-proof - as soon as an inner context appears which implements an additional interface,
197 		// we would need to adjust our implementation to support this new interface, too. Bad idea.
198 		//
199 		// The usual solution for such a problem is aggregation. Aggregation means using UNO's own meachnisms
200 		// for merging an inner with an outer component, and get a component which behaves as it is exactly one.
201 		// This is what XAggregation is for. Unfortunately, aggregation requires _exact_ control over the ref count
202 		// of the inner object, which we do not have at all.
203 		// Bad, too.
204 		//
205 		// But there is a solution: com.sun.star.reflection.ProxyFactory. This service is able to create a proxy
206 		// for any component, which supports _exactly_ the same interfaces as the component. In addition, it can
207 		// be aggregated, as by definition the proxy's ref count is exactly 1 when returned from the factory.
208 		// Sounds better. Though this yields the problem of slightly degraded performance, it's the only solution
209 		// I'm aware of at the moment .....
210 		//
211 		// 98750 - 30.04.2002 - fs@openoffice.org
212 		//
214 		// get the control which belongs to our model (relative to our view)
215 		const Window* pViewWindow = maShapeTreeInfo.GetWindow();
216 		SdrUnoObj* pUnoObjectImpl = PTR_CAST( SdrUnoObj, getSdrObject() );
217         SdrView* pView = maShapeTreeInfo.GetSdrView();
218 		OSL_ENSURE( pView && pViewWindow && pUnoObjectImpl, "AccessibleControlShape::Init: no view, or no view window, no SdrUnoObj!" );
220 		if ( pView && pViewWindow && pUnoObjectImpl )
221 		{
222 			// .................................................................
223 			// get the context of the control - it will be our "inner" context
224 			m_xUnoControl = pUnoObjectImpl->GetUnoControl( *pView, *pViewWindow );
226             if ( !m_xUnoControl.is() )
227             {
228                 // the control has not yet been created. Though speaking strictly, it is a bug that
229                 // our instance here is created without an existing control (because an AccessibleControlShape
230                 // is a representation of a view object, and can only live if the view it should represent
231                 // is complete, which implies a living control), it's by far the easiest and most riskless way
232                 // to fix this here in this class.
233                 // Okay, we will add as listener to the control container where we expect our control to appear.
234                 OSL_ENSURE( !m_bWaitingForControl, "AccessibleControlShape::Init: already waiting for the control!" );
236                 Reference< XContainer > xControlContainer = lcl_getControlContainer( pViewWindow, maShapeTreeInfo.GetSdrView() );
237                 OSL_ENSURE( xControlContainer.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::Init: unable to find my ControlContainer!" );
238                 if ( xControlContainer.is() )
239                 {
240                     xControlContainer->addContainerListener( this );
241                     m_bWaitingForControl = sal_True;
242                 }
243             }
244             else
245             {
246 			    Reference< XModeChangeBroadcaster > xControlModes( m_xUnoControl, UNO_QUERY );
247 			    Reference< XAccessible > xControlAccessible( xControlModes, UNO_QUERY );
248 			    Reference< XAccessibleContext > xNativeControlContext;
249 			    if ( xControlAccessible.is() )
250 				    xNativeControlContext = xControlAccessible->getAccessibleContext();
251 			    OSL_ENSURE( xNativeControlContext.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::Init: no AccessibleContext for the control!" );
252 			    m_aControlContext = WeakReference< XAccessibleContext >( xNativeControlContext );
254 			    // .................................................................
255 			    // add as listener to the context - we want to multiplex some states
256 			    if ( isAliveMode( m_xUnoControl ) && xNativeControlContext.is() )
257 			    {	// (but only in alive mode)
258 				    startStateMultiplexing( );
259 			    }
261 			    // now that we have all information about our control, do some adjustments
262 			    adjustAccessibleRole();
263 			    initializeComposedState();
265 			    // some initialization for our child manager, which is used in alive mode only
266 			    if ( isAliveMode( m_xUnoControl ) )
267 			    {
268 				    Reference< XAccessibleStateSet > xStates( getAccessibleStateSet( ) );
269 				    OSL_ENSURE( xStates.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::AccessibleControlShape: no inner state set!" );
270 				    m_pChildManager->setTransientChildren( !xStates.is() || xStates->contains( AccessibleStateType::MANAGES_DESCENDANTS ) );
271 			    }
273 			    // .................................................................
274 			    // finally, aggregate a proxy for the control context
275 			    // first a factory for the proxy
276 			    Reference< XProxyFactory > xFactory;
277 			    xFactory = xFactory.query( createProcessComponent( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.reflection.ProxyFactory" ) ) ) );
278 			    OSL_ENSURE( xFactory.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::Init: could not create a proxy factory!" );
279 			    // then the proxy itself
280 			    if ( xFactory.is() && xNativeControlContext.is() )
281 			    {
282 				    m_xControlContextProxy = xFactory->createProxy( xNativeControlContext );
283                     OSL_VERIFY( xNativeControlContext->queryInterface( ::getCppuType( &m_xControlContextTypeAccess ) ) >>= m_xControlContextTypeAccess );
284                     OSL_VERIFY( xNativeControlContext->queryInterface( ::getCppuType( &m_xControlContextComponent ) ) >>= m_xControlContextComponent );
286 				    // aggregate the proxy
287 				    osl_incrementInterlockedCount( &m_refCount );
288 				    if ( m_xControlContextProxy.is() )
289 				    {
290 					    // At this point in time, the proxy has a ref count of exactly one - in m_xControlContextProxy.
291 					    // Remember to _not_ reset this member unles the delegator of the proxy has been reset, too!
292 					    m_xControlContextProxy->setDelegator( *this );
293 				    }
294 				    osl_decrementInterlockedCount( &m_refCount );
296 				    m_bDisposeNativeContext = sal_True;
298 				    // Finally, we need to add ourself as mode listener to the control. In case the mode switches,
299 				    // we need to dispose ourself.
300 				    xControlModes->addModeChangeListener( this );
301 			    }
302             }
303 		}
304 	}
305 	catch( const Exception& )
306 	{
307 		OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "AccessibleControlShape::Init: could not \"aggregate\" the controls XAccessibleContext!" );
308 	}
309 }
311 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 Reference< XAccessibleContext > SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::getAccessibleContext(void) throw (RuntimeException)
313 {
314 	return AccessibleShape::getAccessibleContext ();
315 }
318 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 void SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::grabFocus(void)  throw (RuntimeException)
320 {
321 	if ( !m_xUnoControl.is() || !isAliveMode( m_xUnoControl ) )
322 	{
323 		// in design mode, we simply forward the request to the base class
324 		AccessibleShape::grabFocus();
325 	}
326 	else
327 	{
328 		Reference< XWindow > xWindow( m_xUnoControl, UNO_QUERY );
329 		OSL_ENSURE( xWindow.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::grabFocus: invalid control!" );
330 		if ( xWindow.is() )
331 			xWindow->setFocus();
332 	}
333 }
335 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
336 ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::getImplementationName(void) throw (RuntimeException)
337 {
338 	return ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.accessibility.AccessibleControlShape" ) );
339 }
341 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 ::rtl::OUString AccessibleControlShape::CreateAccessibleBaseName(void) throw (RuntimeException)
343 {
344     ::rtl::OUString sName;
346     ShapeTypeId nShapeType = ShapeTypeHandler::Instance().GetTypeId (mxShape);
347     switch (nShapeType)
348     {
349         case DRAWING_CONTROL:
350             sName = ::rtl::OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ControlShape"));
351             break;
352         default:
353             sName = ::rtl::OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("UnknownAccessibleControlShape"));
354             Reference< XShapeDescriptor > xDescriptor (mxShape, UNO_QUERY);
355             if (xDescriptor.is())
356                 sName += ::rtl::OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(": "))
357                     + xDescriptor->getShapeType();
358     }
360     return sName;
361 }
366 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
367 ::rtl::OUString
368     AccessibleControlShape::CreateAccessibleDescription (void)
369     throw (RuntimeException)
370 {
371     DescriptionGenerator aDG (mxShape);
372     ShapeTypeId nShapeType = ShapeTypeHandler::Instance().GetTypeId (mxShape);
373     switch (nShapeType)
374     {
375         case DRAWING_CONTROL:
376 		{
377 			// check if we can obtain the "Desc" property from the model
378 			::rtl::OUString sDesc( getControlModelStringProperty( lcl_getDescPropertyName() ) );
379 			if ( !sDesc.getLength() )
380 			{	// no -> use the default
381 				aDG.Initialize (STR_ObjNameSingulUno);
382 				aDG.AddProperty (::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii ("ControlBackground"),
383 					DescriptionGenerator::COLOR,
384 					::rtl::OUString());
385 				aDG.AddProperty (::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii ("ControlBorder"),
386 					DescriptionGenerator::INTEGER,
387 					::rtl::OUString());
388 			}
389 			// ensure that we are listening to the Name property
390 			m_bListeningForDesc = ensureListeningState( m_bListeningForDesc, sal_True, lcl_getDescPropertyName() );
391 		}
392 		break;
394         default:
395             aDG.Initialize (::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii (
396                 "Unknown accessible control shape"));
397             Reference< XShapeDescriptor > xDescriptor (mxShape, UNO_QUERY);
398             if (xDescriptor.is())
399             {
400                 aDG.AppendString (::rtl::OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("service name=")));
401                 aDG.AppendString (xDescriptor->getShapeType());
402             }
403     }
405     return aDG();
406 }
408 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
409 IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_REFCOUNT( AccessibleControlShape, AccessibleShape )
412 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
413 void SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::propertyChange( const PropertyChangeEvent& _rEvent ) throw (RuntimeException)
414 {
415 	::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( maMutex );
417 	// check if it is the name or the description
418 	if	(	_rEvent.PropertyName.equals( lcl_getNamePropertyName() )
419 		||	_rEvent.PropertyName.equals( lcl_getLabelPropertyName( ) )
420 		)
421 	{
422 		SetAccessibleName(
423             CreateAccessibleName(),
424             AccessibleContextBase::AutomaticallyCreated);
425 	}
426 	else if ( _rEvent.PropertyName.equals( lcl_getDescPropertyName() ) )
427 	{
428 		SetAccessibleDescription(
429             CreateAccessibleDescription(),
430             AccessibleContextBase::AutomaticallyCreated);
431 	}
432 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
433 	else
434 	{
435 		OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "AccessibleControlShape::propertyChange: where did this come from?" );
436 	}
437 #endif
438 }
440 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
441 Any SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::queryInterface( const Type& _rType ) throw (RuntimeException)
442 {
443 	Any aReturn = AccessibleShape::queryInterface( _rType );
444 	if ( !aReturn.hasValue() )
445 	{
446 		aReturn = AccessibleControlShape_Base::queryInterface( _rType );
447 		if ( !aReturn.hasValue() && m_xControlContextProxy.is() )
448 			aReturn = m_xControlContextProxy->queryAggregation( _rType );
449 	}
450 	return aReturn;
451 }
453 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
454 Sequence< Type > SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::getTypes() throw (RuntimeException)
455 {
456 	Sequence< Type > aShapeTypes = AccessibleShape::getTypes();
457 	Sequence< Type > aOwnTypes = AccessibleControlShape_Base::getTypes();
459 	Sequence< Type > aAggregateTypes;
460     if ( m_xControlContextTypeAccess.is() )
461 		aAggregateTypes = m_xControlContextTypeAccess->getTypes();
463 	Sequence< Type > aAllTypes = concatSequences( aShapeTypes, aOwnTypes, aAggregateTypes );
465 	// remove duplicates
466 	Type* pBegin = aAllTypes.getArray();
467 	Type* pEnd = pBegin + aAllTypes.getLength();
468 	while ( pBegin != pEnd )
469 	{
470 		Type aThisRoundType = *pBegin;
471 		if ( ++pBegin != pEnd )
472 		{
473 			pEnd = ::std::remove( pBegin, pEnd, aThisRoundType );
474 			// now all types between begin and (the old) end which equal aThisRoundType
475 			// are moved behind the new end
476 		}
477 	}
478 	aAllTypes.realloc( pEnd - aAllTypes.getArray() );
480 	return aAllTypes;
481 }
483 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
484 void SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::notifyEvent( const AccessibleEventObject& _rEvent ) throw (RuntimeException)
485 {
486 	if ( AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED == _rEvent.EventId )
487 	{
488 		// multiplex this change
489 		sal_Int16 nLostState( 0 ), nGainedState( 0 );
490 		_rEvent.OldValue >>= nLostState;
491 		_rEvent.NewValue >>= nGainedState;
493 		// don't multiplex states which the inner context is not resposible for
494 		if	( isComposedState( nLostState ) )
495 			AccessibleShape::ResetState( nLostState );
497 		if	( isComposedState( nGainedState ) )
498 			AccessibleShape::SetState( nGainedState );
499 	}
500 	else
501 	{
502 		AccessibleEventObject aTranslatedEvent( _rEvent );
504 		{
505 			::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( maMutex );
507             // let the child manager translate the event
508 			aTranslatedEvent.Source = *this;
509 			m_pChildManager->translateAccessibleEvent( _rEvent, aTranslatedEvent );
511             // see if any of these notifications affect our child manager
512 			m_pChildManager->handleChildNotification( _rEvent );
513 		}
515 		FireEvent( aTranslatedEvent );
516 	}
517 }
519 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
520 void SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::modeChanged( const ModeChangeEvent& _rSource ) throw (RuntimeException)
521 {
522 	// did it come from our inner context (the real one, not it's proxy!)?
523     OSL_TRACE ("AccessibleControlShape::modeChanged");
524 	Reference< XControl > xSource( _rSource.Source, UNO_QUERY );	// for faster compare
525 	if ( xSource.get() == m_xUnoControl.get() )
526 	{
527 		// If our "pseudo-aggregated" inner context does not live anymore,
528 		// we don't want to live, too.  This is accomplished by asking our
529 		// parent to replace this object with a new one.  Disposing this
530 		// object and sending notifications about the replacement are in
531 		// the responsibility of our parent.
532 		OSL_VERIFY( mpParent->ReplaceChild ( this, mxShape, mnIndex, maShapeTreeInfo ) );
533 	}
534 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
535 	else
536 		OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "AccessibleControlShape::modeChanged: where did this come from?" );
537 #endif
538 }
540 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
541 void SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::disposing (const EventObject& _rSource) throw (RuntimeException)
542 {
543 	AccessibleShape::disposing( _rSource );
544 }
546 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
547 sal_Bool AccessibleControlShape::ensureListeningState(
548 		const sal_Bool _bCurrentlyListening, const sal_Bool _bNeedNewListening,
549 		const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName )
550 {
551 	if ( ( _bCurrentlyListening == _bNeedNewListening ) || !ensureControlModelAccess() )
552 		//  nothing to do
553 		return _bCurrentlyListening;
555 	try
556 	{
557 		if ( !m_xModelPropsMeta.is() || m_xModelPropsMeta->hasPropertyByName( _rPropertyName ) )
558 		{
559 			// add or revoke as listener
560 			if ( _bNeedNewListening )
561 				m_xControlModel->addPropertyChangeListener( _rPropertyName, static_cast< XPropertyChangeListener* >( this ) );
562 			else
563 				m_xControlModel->removePropertyChangeListener( _rPropertyName, static_cast< XPropertyChangeListener* >( this ) );
564 		}
565 		else
566 			OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "AccessibleControlShape::ensureListeningState: this property does not exist at this model!" );
567 	}
568 	catch( const Exception& e )
569 	{
570 		(void)e;    // make compiler happy
571 		OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "AccessibleControlShape::ensureListeningState: could not change the listening state!" );
572 	}
574 	return _bNeedNewListening;
575 }
577 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
578 sal_Int32 SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::getAccessibleChildCount( ) throw(RuntimeException)
579 {
580     if ( !m_xUnoControl.is() )
581         return 0;
582     else if ( !isAliveMode( m_xUnoControl ) )
583 		// no special action required when in design mode
584 		return AccessibleShape::getAccessibleChildCount( );
585 	else
586 	{
587 		// in alive mode, we have the full control over our children - they are determined by the children
588 		// of the context of our UNO control
589 		Reference< XAccessibleContext > xControlContext( m_aControlContext );
590 		OSL_ENSURE( xControlContext.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::getAccessibleChildCount: control context already dead! How this!" );
591 		return xControlContext.is() ? xControlContext->getAccessibleChildCount() : 0;
592 	}
593 }
595 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
596 Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::getAccessibleChild( sal_Int32 i ) throw(IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException)
597 {
598 	Reference< XAccessible > xChild;
599     if ( !m_xUnoControl.is() )
600     {
601         throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
602     }
603 	if ( !isAliveMode( m_xUnoControl ) )
604 	{
605 		// no special action required when in design mode - let the base class handle this
606 		xChild = AccessibleShape::getAccessibleChild( i );
607 	}
608 	else
609 	{
610 		// in alive mode, we have the full control over our children - they are determined by the children
611 		// of the context of our UNO control
613 		Reference< XAccessibleContext > xControlContext( m_aControlContext );
614 		OSL_ENSURE( xControlContext.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::getAccessibleChildCount: control context already dead! How this!" );
615 		if ( xControlContext.is() )
616 		{
617 			Reference< XAccessible > xInnerChild( xControlContext->getAccessibleChild( i ) );
618 			OSL_ENSURE( xInnerChild.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::getAccessibleChild: control context returned nonsense!" );
619 			if ( xInnerChild.is() )
620 			{
621 				// we need to wrap this inner child into an own implementation
622 				xChild = m_pChildManager->getAccessibleWrapperFor( xInnerChild );
623 			}
624 		}
625 	}
627 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
628     sal_Int32 nChildIndex = -1;
629     Reference< XAccessibleContext > xContext;
630     if ( xChild.is() )
631         xContext = xChild->getAccessibleContext( );
632     if ( xContext.is() )
633         nChildIndex = xContext->getAccessibleIndexInParent( );
634     OSL_ENSURE( nChildIndex == i, "AccessibleControlShape::getAccessibleChild: index mismatch!" );
635 #endif
636 	return xChild;
637 }
639 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
640 Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::getAccessibleRelationSet(  ) throw (RuntimeException)
641 {
642 	// TODO
643 	return AccessibleShape::getAccessibleRelationSet( );
644 }
646 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
647 ::rtl::OUString AccessibleControlShape::CreateAccessibleName (void) throw (RuntimeException)
648 {
649 	ensureControlModelAccess();
651 	// check if we can obtain the "Name" resp. "Label" property from the model
652 	const ::rtl::OUString& rAccNameProperty = lcl_getPreferredAccNameProperty( m_xModelPropsMeta );
654 	::rtl::OUString sName( getControlModelStringProperty( rAccNameProperty ) );
655 	if ( !sName.getLength() )
656 	{	// no -> use the default
657 		sName = AccessibleShape::CreateAccessibleName();
658 	}
660 	// now that somebody first asked us for our name, ensure that we are listening to name changes on the model
661 	m_bListeningForName = ensureListeningState( m_bListeningForName, sal_True, lcl_getPreferredAccNameProperty( m_xModelPropsMeta ) );
663 	return sName;
664 }
666 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
667 void SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::disposing (void)
668 {
669 	// ensure we're not listening
670 	m_bListeningForName = ensureListeningState( m_bListeningForName, sal_False, lcl_getPreferredAccNameProperty( m_xModelPropsMeta ) );
671 	m_bListeningForDesc = ensureListeningState( m_bListeningForDesc, sal_False, lcl_getDescPropertyName() );
673 	if ( m_bMultiplexingStates )
674 		stopStateMultiplexing( );
676 	// dispose the child cache/map
677 	m_pChildManager->dispose();
679 	// release the model
680 	m_xControlModel.clear();
681 	m_xModelPropsMeta.clear();
682 	m_aControlContext = WeakReference< XAccessibleContext >();
684     // stop listening at the control container (should never be necessary here, but who knows ....)
685     if ( m_bWaitingForControl )
686     {
687         OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "AccessibleControlShape::disposing: this should never happen!" );
688         Reference< XContainer > xContainer = lcl_getControlContainer( maShapeTreeInfo.GetWindow(), maShapeTreeInfo.GetSdrView() );
689         if ( xContainer.is() )
690         {
691             m_bWaitingForControl = sal_False;
692             xContainer->removeContainerListener( this );
693         }
694     }
696 	// forward the disposel to our inner context
697 	if ( m_bDisposeNativeContext )
698 	{
699 		// don't listen for mode changes anymore
700 		Reference< XModeChangeBroadcaster > xControlModes( m_xUnoControl, UNO_QUERY );
701 		OSL_ENSURE( xControlModes.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::disposing: don't have an mode broadcaster anymore!" );
702 		if ( xControlModes.is() )
703 			xControlModes->removeModeChangeListener( this );
705         if ( m_xControlContextComponent.is() )
706 			m_xControlContextComponent->dispose();
707 		// do _not_ clear m_xControlContextProxy! This has to be done in the dtor for correct ref-count handling
709 		// no need to dispose the proxy/inner context anymore
710 		m_bDisposeNativeContext = sal_False;
711 	}
713 	m_xUnoControl.clear();
715 	// let the base do it's stuff
716 	AccessibleShape::disposing();
717 }
719 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
720 sal_Bool AccessibleControlShape::ensureControlModelAccess() SAL_THROW(())
721 {
722 	if ( m_xControlModel.is() )
723 		return sal_True;
725 	try
726 	{
727 		Reference< XControlShape > xShape( mxShape, UNO_QUERY );
728 		if ( xShape.is() )
729 			m_xControlModel = m_xControlModel.query( xShape->getControl() );
731 		if ( m_xControlModel.is() )
732 			m_xModelPropsMeta = m_xControlModel->getPropertySetInfo();
733 	}
734 	catch( const Exception& e )
735 	{
736 		(void)e;    // make compiler happy
737 		OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "AccessibleControlShape::ensureControlModelAccess: caught an exception!" );
738 	}
740 	return m_xControlModel.is();
741 }
743 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
744 void AccessibleControlShape::startStateMultiplexing()
745 {
746 	OSL_PRECOND( !m_bMultiplexingStates, "AccessibleControlShape::startStateMultiplexing: already multiplexing!" );
748 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
749 	// we should have a control, and it should be in alive mode
750 	OSL_PRECOND( isAliveMode( m_xUnoControl ),
751 		"AccessibleControlShape::startStateMultiplexing: should be done in alive mode only!" );
752 #endif
753 	// we should have the native context of the control
754 	Reference< XAccessibleEventBroadcaster > xBroadcaster( m_aControlContext.get(), UNO_QUERY );
755 	OSL_ENSURE( xBroadcaster.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::startStateMultiplexing: no AccessibleEventBroadcaster on the native context!" );
757 	if ( xBroadcaster.is() )
758 	{
759 		xBroadcaster->addEventListener( this );
760 		m_bMultiplexingStates = sal_True;
761 	}
762 }
764 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
765 void AccessibleControlShape::stopStateMultiplexing()
766 {
767 	OSL_PRECOND( m_bMultiplexingStates, "AccessibleControlShape::stopStateMultiplexing: not multiplexing!" );
769 	// we should have the native context of the control
770 	Reference< XAccessibleEventBroadcaster > xBroadcaster( m_aControlContext.get(), UNO_QUERY );
771 	OSL_ENSURE( xBroadcaster.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::stopStateMultiplexing: no AccessibleEventBroadcaster on the native context!" );
773 	if ( xBroadcaster.is() )
774 	{
775 		xBroadcaster->removeEventListener( this );
776 		m_bMultiplexingStates = sal_False;
777 	}
778 }
780 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
781 ::rtl::OUString	AccessibleControlShape::getControlModelStringProperty( const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName ) const SAL_THROW(())
782 {
783 	::rtl::OUString sReturn;
784 	try
785 	{
786 		if ( const_cast< AccessibleControlShape* >( this )->ensureControlModelAccess() )
787 		{
788 			if ( !m_xModelPropsMeta.is() ||	m_xModelPropsMeta->hasPropertyByName( _rPropertyName ) )
789 				// ask only if a) the control does not have a PropertySetInfo object or b) it has, and the
790 				// property in question is available
791 				m_xControlModel->getPropertyValue( _rPropertyName ) >>= sReturn;
792 		}
793 	}
794 	catch( const Exception& )
795 	{
796 		OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, "OAccessibleControlContext::getModelStringProperty: caught an exception!" );
797 	}
798 	return sReturn;
799 }
801 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
802 void AccessibleControlShape::adjustAccessibleRole( )
803 {
804 	// if we're in design mode, we are a simple SHAPE, in alive mode, we use the role of our inner context
805 	if ( !isAliveMode( m_xUnoControl ) )
806 		return;
808 	// we're in alive mode -> determine the role of the inner context
809 	Reference< XAccessibleContext > xNativeContext( m_aControlContext );
810 	OSL_PRECOND( xNativeContext.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::adjustAccessibleRole: no inner context!" );
811 	if ( xNativeContext.is() )
812 		SetAccessibleRole( xNativeContext->getAccessibleRole( ) );
813 }
815 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
816 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
817 sal_Bool AccessibleControlShape::SetState( sal_Int16 _nState )
818 {
819 	OSL_ENSURE( !isAliveMode( m_xUnoControl ) || !isComposedState( _nState ),
820 		"AccessibleControlShape::SetState: a state which should be determined by the control context is set from outside!" );
821 	return AccessibleShape::SetState( _nState );
822 }
823 #endif // DBG_UTIL
825 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
826 void AccessibleControlShape::initializeComposedState()
827 {
828 	if ( !isAliveMode( m_xUnoControl ) )
829 		// no action necessary for design mode
830 		return;
832 	// get our own state set implementation
833 	::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper* pComposedStates =
834 		static_cast< ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper* >( mxStateSet.get() );
835 	OSL_PRECOND( pComposedStates,
836 		"AccessibleControlShape::initializeComposedState: no composed set!" );
838 	// we need to reset some states of the composed set, because they either do not apply
839 	// for controls in alive mode, or are in the responsibility of the UNO-control, anyway
840 	pComposedStates->RemoveState( AccessibleStateType::ENABLED );		// this is controlled by the UNO-control
841     pComposedStates->RemoveState( AccessibleStateType::SENSITIVE );		// this is controlled by the UNO-control
842 	pComposedStates->RemoveState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE );		// this is controlled by the UNO-control
843 	pComposedStates->RemoveState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTABLE );	// this does not hold for an alive UNO-control
844 #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
845 	// now, only states which are not in the responsibility of the UNO control should be part of this state set
846 	{
847 		Sequence< sal_Int16 > aInitStates = pComposedStates->getStates();
848 		for ( sal_Int32 i=0; i<aInitStates.getLength(); ++i )
849 			OSL_ENSURE( !isComposedState( aInitStates.getConstArray()[i] ),
850 				"AccessibleControlShape::initializeComposedState: invalid initial composed state (should be controlled by the UNO-control)!" );
851 	}
852 #endif
854 	// get my inner context
855 	Reference< XAccessibleContext > xInnerContext( m_aControlContext );
856 	OSL_PRECOND( xInnerContext.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::initializeComposedState: no inner context!" );
857 	if ( xInnerContext.is() )
858 	{
859 		// get all states of the inner context
860 		Reference< XAccessibleStateSet > xInnerStates( xInnerContext->getAccessibleStateSet() );
861 		OSL_ENSURE( xInnerStates.is(), "AccessibleControlShape::initializeComposedState: no inner states!" );
862 		Sequence< sal_Int16 > aInnerStates;
863 		if ( xInnerStates.is() )
864 			aInnerStates = xInnerStates->getStates();
866 		// look which one are to be propagated to the composed context
867 		const sal_Int16* pStates = aInnerStates.getConstArray();
868 		const sal_Int16* pStatesEnd = pStates + aInnerStates.getLength();
869 		for ( ; pStates != pStatesEnd; ++pStates )
870 		{
871 			if ( isComposedState( *pStates ) && !pComposedStates->contains( *pStates ) )
872 			{
873 				pComposedStates->AddState( *pStates );
874 			}
875 		}
876 	}
877 }
879 void SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::elementInserted( const ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent& _rEvent ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
880 {
881     Reference< XContainer > xContainer( _rEvent.Source, UNO_QUERY );
882     Reference< XControl > xControl( _rEvent.Element, UNO_QUERY );
884     OSL_ENSURE( xContainer.is() && xControl.is(),
885         "AccessibleControlShape::elementInserted: invalid event description!" );
887     if ( !xControl.is() )
888         return;
890     ensureControlModelAccess();
892     Reference< XInterface > xNewNormalized( xControl->getModel(), UNO_QUERY );
893     Reference< XInterface > xMyModelNormalized( m_xControlModel, UNO_QUERY );
894     if ( xNewNormalized.get() && xMyModelNormalized.get() )
895     {
896         // now finally the control for the model we're responsible for has been inserted into the container
897         Reference< XInterface > xKeepAlive( *this );
899         // first, we're not interested in any more container events
900         if ( xContainer.is() )
901         {
902             xContainer->removeContainerListener( this );
903             m_bWaitingForControl = sal_False;
904         }
906         // second, we need to replace ourself with a new version, which now can be based on the
907         // control
908 		OSL_VERIFY( mpParent->ReplaceChild ( this, mxShape, mnIndex, maShapeTreeInfo ) );
909     }
910 }
912 void SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::elementRemoved( const ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent& ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
913 {
914     // not interested in
915 }
917 void SAL_CALL AccessibleControlShape::elementReplaced( const ::com::sun::star::container::ContainerEvent& ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
918 {
919     // not interested in
920 }