xref: /aoo42x/main/sw/inc/calbck.hxx (revision 1d2dbeb0)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 #ifndef _CALBCK_HXX
25 #define _CALBCK_HXX
27 #include <tools/rtti.hxx>
28 #include "swdllapi.h"
29 #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
31 class SwModify;
32 class SwClientIter;
33 class SfxPoolItem;
34 class SfxHint;
36 /*
37     SwModify and SwClient cooperate in propagating attribute changes.
38     If an attribute changes, the change is notified to all dependent
39     formats and other interested objects, e.g. Nodes. The clients will detect
40     if the change affects them. It could be that the changed attribute is
41     overruled in the receiving object so that its change does not become
42     effective or that the receiver is not interested in the particular attribute
43     in general (though probably in other attributes of the SwModify object they
44     are registered in).
45     As SwModify objects are derived from SwClient, they can create a chain of SwClient
46     objects where changes can get propagated through.
47     Each SwClient can be registered at only one SwModify object, while each SwModify
48     object is connected to a list of SwClient objects. If an object derived from SwClient
49     wants to get notifications from more than one SwModify object, it must create additional
50     SwClient objects. The SwDepend class allows to handle their notifications in the same
51     notification callback as it forwards the Modify() calls it receives to a "master"
52     SwClient implementation.
53     The SwClientIter class allows to iterate over the SwClient objects registered at an
54     SwModify. For historical reasons its ability to use TypeInfo to restrict this iteration
55     to objects of a particular type created a lot of code that misuses SwClient-SwModify
56     relationships that basically should be used only for Modify() callbacks.
57     This is still subject to refactoring.
58     Until this gets resolved, new SwClientIter base code should be reduced to the absolute
59     minimum and it also should be wrapped by SwIterator templates that prevent that the
60     code gets polluted by pointer casts (see switerator.hxx).
61  */
63 // ----------
64 // SwClient
65 // ----------
67 class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwClient : ::boost::noncopyable
68 {
69     // avoids making the details of the linked list and the callback method public
70 	friend class SwModify;
71 	friend class SwClientIter;
73 	SwClient *pLeft, *pRight;       // double-linked list of other clients
74 	SwModify *pRegisteredIn;        // event source
76     // in general clients should not be removed when their SwModify sends out Modify()
77     // notifications; in some rare cases this is necessary, but only the concrete SwClient
78     // sub class will know that; this flag allows to make that known
79     bool mbIsAllowedToBeRemovedInModifyCall;
81     // callbacks received from SwModify (friend class - so these methods can be private)
82     // should be called only from SwModify the client is registered in
83     // mba: IMHO these methods should be pure virtual
84     virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew);
85     virtual void SwClientNotify( const SwModify& rModify, const SfxHint& rHint );
87 protected:
88 	// single argument ctors shall be explicit.
89 	explicit SwClient(SwModify *pToRegisterIn);
91     // write access to pRegisteredIn shall be granted only to the object itself (protected access)
GetRegisteredInNonConst() const92     SwModify* GetRegisteredInNonConst() const { return pRegisteredIn; }
SetIsAllowedToBeRemovedInModifyCall(bool bSet)93     void SetIsAllowedToBeRemovedInModifyCall( bool bSet ) { mbIsAllowedToBeRemovedInModifyCall = bSet; }
95 public:
97 	inline SwClient();
98 	virtual ~SwClient();
100     // in case an SwModify object is destroyed that itself is registered in another SwModify,
101     // its SwClient objects can decide to get registered to the latter instead by calling this method
102 	void CheckRegistration( const SfxPoolItem *pOldValue, const SfxPoolItem *pNewValue );
104     // controlled access to Modify method
105     // mba: this is still considered a hack and it should be fixed; the name makes grep-ing easier
ModifyNotification(const SfxPoolItem * pOldValue,const SfxPoolItem * pNewValue)106 	void ModifyNotification( const SfxPoolItem *pOldValue, const SfxPoolItem *pNewValue ) { Modify ( pOldValue, pNewValue ); }
SwClientNotifyCall(const SwModify & rModify,const SfxHint & rHint)107    void SwClientNotifyCall( const SwModify& rModify, const SfxHint& rHint ) { SwClientNotify( rModify, rHint ); }
GetRegisteredIn() const109 	const SwModify* GetRegisteredIn() const { return pRegisteredIn; }
IsLast() const110     bool IsLast() const { return !pLeft && !pRight; }
112     // needed for class SwClientIter
113 	TYPEINFO();
115 	// get information about attribute
116 	virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;
117 };
SwClient()119 inline SwClient::SwClient() :
120 	pLeft(0), pRight(0), pRegisteredIn(0), mbIsAllowedToBeRemovedInModifyCall(false)
121 {}
123 // ----------
124 // SwModify
125 // ----------
127 class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwModify: public SwClient
128 {
129 //	friend class SwClientIter;
131 	SwClient* pRoot;                // the start of the linked list of clients
132 	sal_Bool bModifyLocked : 1;         // don't broadcast changes now
133 	sal_Bool bLockClientList : 1;       // may be set when this instance notifies its clients
134 	sal_Bool bInDocDTOR	: 1;            // workaround for problems when a lot of objects are destroyed
135 	sal_Bool bInCache	: 1;
136 	sal_Bool bInSwFntCache : 1;
138     // mba: IMHO this method should be pure virtual
139     virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew);
141 public:
142 	SwModify();
144     // broadcasting: send notifications to all clients
145 	void NotifyClients( const SfxPoolItem *pOldValue, const SfxPoolItem *pNewValue );
147     // the same, but without setting bModifyLocked or checking for any of the flags
148     // mba: it would be interesting to know why this is necessary
149     // also allows to limit callback to certain type (HACK)
150 	void ModifyBroadcast( const SfxPoolItem *pOldValue, const SfxPoolItem *pNewValue, TypeId nType = TYPE(SwClient) );
152     // a more universal broadcasting mechanism
153 	void CallSwClientNotify( const SfxHint& rHint ) const;
155 	// single argument ctors shall be explicit.
156 	explicit SwModify( SwModify *pToRegisterIn );
157 	virtual ~SwModify();
159 	void Add(SwClient *pDepend);
160 	SwClient* Remove(SwClient *pDepend);
GetDepends() const161 	const SwClient* GetDepends() const	{ return pRoot; }
163 	// get information about attribute
164 	virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;
LockModify()166 	void LockModify()                   { bModifyLocked = sal_True;  }
UnlockModify()167 	void UnlockModify()  				{ bModifyLocked = sal_False; }
SetInCache(sal_Bool bNew)168 	void SetInCache( sal_Bool bNew )		{ bInCache = bNew;		 }
SetInSwFntCache(sal_Bool bNew)169 	void SetInSwFntCache( sal_Bool bNew ) 	{ bInSwFntCache = bNew;	 }
SetInDocDTOR()170 	void SetInDocDTOR()                 { bInDocDTOR = sal_True; }
IsModifyLocked() const171 	sal_Bool IsModifyLocked() const		{ return bModifyLocked;  }
IsInDocDTOR() const172 	sal_Bool IsInDocDTOR()	  const 	{ return bInDocDTOR;	 }
IsInCache() const173 	sal_Bool IsInCache()	  const 	{ return bInCache;		 }
IsInSwFntCache() const174 	sal_Bool IsInSwFntCache() const     { return bInSwFntCache;	 }
176 	void CheckCaching( const sal_uInt16 nWhich );
IsLastDepend()177     bool IsLastDepend() { return pRoot && pRoot->IsLast(); }
178     int GetClientCount() const;
179 };
181 // ----------
182 // SwDepend
183 // ----------
185 /*
186  * Helper class for objects that need to depend on more than one SwClient
187  */
188 class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwDepend: public SwClient
189 {
190 	SwClient *pToTell;
192 public:
SwDepend()193 	SwDepend() : pToTell(0) {}
194 	SwDepend(SwClient *pTellHim, SwModify *pDepend);
GetToTell()196 	SwClient* GetToTell() { return pToTell; }
198 	virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem & ) const;
200 protected:
201     virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNewValue );
202     virtual void SwClientNotify( const SwModify& rModify, const SfxHint& rHint );
203 };
206 class SwClientIter
207 {
208 	friend SwClient* SwModify::Remove(SwClient *); // for pointer adjustments
209 	friend void SwModify::Add(SwClient *pDepend);   // for pointer adjustments
211     const SwModify& rRoot;
213     // the current object in an iteration
214 	SwClient* pAct;
216     // in case the current object is already removed, the next object in the list
217     // is marked down to become the current object in the next step
218     // this is necessary because iteration requires access to members of the current object
219     SwClient* pDelNext;
221     // SwClientIter objects are tracked in linked list so that they can react
222     // when the current (pAct) or marked down (pDelNext) SwClient is removed
223     // from its SwModify
224 	SwClientIter *pNxtIter;
226     // iterator can be limited to return only SwClient objects of a certain type
227 	TypeId aSrchId;
229 public:
230     SW_DLLPUBLIC SwClientIter( const SwModify& );
231 	SW_DLLPUBLIC ~SwClientIter();
GetModify() const233 	const SwModify& GetModify() const { return rRoot; }
235 	SwClient* operator++();
236 	SwClient* GoStart();
237 	SwClient* GoEnd();
239     // returns the current SwClient object;
240     // in case this was already removed, the object marked down to become
241     // the next current one is returned
operator ()() const242 	SwClient* operator()() const
243 		{ return pDelNext == pAct ? pAct : pDelNext; }
245     // return "true" if an object was removed from a client chain in iteration
246     // adding objects to a client chain in iteration is forbidden
247     // SwModify::Add() asserts this
IsChanged() const248 	bool IsChanged() const { return pDelNext != pAct; }
250 	SW_DLLPUBLIC SwClient* First( TypeId nType );
251 	SW_DLLPUBLIC SwClient* Next();
252 	SW_DLLPUBLIC SwClient* Last( TypeId nType );
253 	SW_DLLPUBLIC SwClient* Previous();
254 };
256 #endif