1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
27 #include "SlideSorter.hxx"
28 #include "model/SlsSharedPageDescriptor.hxx"
29 #include "tools/gen.hxx"
30 #include <vcl/image.hxx>
32 namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace view {
35 /** In contrast to the Layouter that places page objects in the view, the
36     PageObjectLayouter places the parts of individual page objects like page
37     number area, borders, preview.
38 */
39 class PageObjectLayouter
40 {
41 public:
42     /** Create a new PageObjectLayouter object.
43         @param rPageObjectSize
44             In general either the width or the height will be 0 in order to
45             signal that this size component has to be calculated from the other.
46             This calculation will make the preview as large as possible.
47         @param nPageCount
48             The page count is used to determine how wide the page number
49             area has to be, how many digits to except for the largest page number.
50     */
51     PageObjectLayouter(
52         const ::boost::shared_ptr<Theme>& rpTheme,
53         const Size& rPageObjectWindowSize,
54         const Size& rPreviewModelSize,
55         const SharedSdWindow& rpWindow,
56         const sal_Int32 nPageCount);
57     ~PageObjectLayouter(void);
59     enum Part {
60         // The focus indicator is painted outside the actual page object.
61         FocusIndicator,
62         // This is the outer bounding box that includes the preview, page
63         // number, title.
64         PageObject,
65         // Bounding box of the actual preview.
66         Preview,
67         // Bounding box of the mouse indicator indicator frame.
68         MouseOverIndicator,
69         // Bounding box of the page number.
70         PageNumber,
71         // Bounding box of the pane name.
72         Name,
73         // Indicator whether or not there is a slide transition associated
74         // with this slide.
75         TransitionEffectIndicator
76     };
77     /** Two coordinate systems are supported.  They differ only in
78         translation not in scale.  Both relate to pixel values in the window.
79         A position in the model coordinate system does not change when the window content is
80         scrolled up or down.  In the window coordinate system (relative
81         to the top left point of the window) scrolling leads to different values.
82     */
83     enum CoordinateSystem {
84         WindowCoordinateSystem,
85         ModelCoordinateSystem
86     };
88     /** Return the bounding box of the page object or one of its graphical
89         parts.
90         @param rWindow
91             This device is used to translate between model and window
92             coordinates.
93         @param rpPageDescriptor
94             The page for which to calculate the bounding box.  This may be
95             NULL.  When it is NULL then a generic bounding box is calculated
96             for the location (0,0).
97         @param ePart
98             The part of the page object for which to return the bounding
99             box.
100         @param eCoodinateSystem
101             The bounding box can be returned in model and in pixel
102             (window) coordinates.
103     */
104     Rectangle GetBoundingBox (
105         const model::SharedPageDescriptor& rpPageDescriptor,
106         const Part ePart,
107         const CoordinateSystem eCoordinateSystem);
108     Rectangle GetBoundingBox (
109         const Point& rPageObjectLocation,
110         const Part ePart,
111         const CoordinateSystem eCoordinateSystem);
112     Size GetSize (
113         const Part ePart,
114         const CoordinateSystem eCoordinateSystem);
116     Image GetTransitionEffectIcon (void) const;
118 private:
119     SharedSdWindow mpWindow;
120     Size maPageObjectSize;
121     double mnModelToWindowScale;
122     Rectangle maFocusIndicatorBoundingBox;
123     Rectangle maPageObjectBoundingBox;
124     Rectangle maPageNumberAreaBoundingBox;
125     Rectangle maPreviewBoundingBox;
126     Rectangle maTransitionEffectBoundingBox;
127     const Image maTransitionEffectIcon;
128     const ::boost::shared_ptr<Font> mpPageNumberFont;
130     Size GetPageNumberAreaSize (const int nPageCount);
131     Rectangle CalculatePreviewBoundingBox (
132         Size& rPageObjectSize,
133         const Size& rPreviewModelSize,
134         const sal_Int32 nPageNumberAreaWidth,
135         const sal_Int32 nFocusIndicatorWidth);
136 };
139 } } } // end of namespace ::sd::slidesorter::view
141 #endif