xref: /aoo41x/main/basic/source/inc/scanner.hxx (revision 234bd5c5)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 #ifndef _SCANNER_HXX
25 #define _SCANNER_HXX
27 #include <tools/string.hxx>
28 #ifndef _SBERRORS_HXX
29 #include <basic/sberrors.hxx>
30 #endif
32 // Der Scanner ist stand-alone, d.h. er kann von ueberallher verwendet
33 // werden. Eine BASIC-Instanz ist fuer Fehlermeldungen notwendig. Ohne
34 // BASIC werden die Fehler nur gezaehlt. Auch ist Basic notwendig, wenn
35 // eine erweiterte SBX-Variable zur Erkennung von Datentypen etc. verwendet
36 // werden soll.
38 class StarBASIC;
40 class SbiScanner
41 {
42     ::rtl::OUString   aBuf;				// Input-Puffer
43 	::rtl::OUString   aLine;			// aktuelle Zeile
44 	const sal_Unicode* pLine;			// Pointer
45 	const sal_Unicode* pSaveLine;		// Merker fuer Line
46 protected:
47 	String aSym;						// Symbolpuffer
48 	String aError;						// Fehler-String
49 	SbxDataType eScanType;				// evtl. Datentyp
50 	StarBASIC* pBasic;					// Instanz fuer Fehler-Callbacks
51 	double nVal; 						// numerischer Wert
52 	short  nCurCol1;  			   		// aktuelle Spalte 1
53 	short  nSavedCol1;					// gerettete Spalte 1
54 	short  nCol; 						// aktuelle Spaltennummer
55 	short  nErrors;						// Anzahl Fehler
56 	short  nColLock;					// Lock-Zaehler fuer Col1
57 	sal_Int32  nBufPos;						// aktuelle Buffer-Pos
58 	sal_uInt16 nLine;						// aktuelle Zeile
59 	sal_uInt16 nCol1, nCol2;				// aktuelle 1. und 2. Spalte
60 	sal_Bool   bSymbol;						// sal_True: Symbol gescannt
61 	sal_Bool   bNumber;						// sal_True: Zahl gescannt
62 	sal_Bool   bSpaces;						// sal_True: Whitespace vor Token
63 	sal_Bool   bErrors;						// sal_True: Fehler generieren
64 	sal_Bool   bAbort;						// sal_True: abbrechen
65 	sal_Bool   bHash;						// sal_True: # eingelesen
66 	sal_Bool   bError;						// sal_True: Fehler generieren
67 	sal_Bool   bUsedForHilite;				// sal_True: Nutzung fuer Highlighting
68 	sal_Bool   bCompatible; 				// sal_True: OPTION Compatibl
69 	sal_Bool   bVBASupportOn;				// sal_True: OPTION VBASupport 1 otherwise default False
70 	sal_Bool   bPrevLineExtentsComment;		// sal_True: Previous line is comment and ends on "... _"
72 	void   GenError( SbError );
73 public:
74     SbiScanner( const ::rtl::OUString&, StarBASIC* = NULL );
75    ~SbiScanner();
EnableErrors()77 	void  EnableErrors()   			{ bError = sal_False; }
IsHash()78 	sal_Bool  IsHash()					{ return bHash;   }
IsCompatible()79 	sal_Bool  IsCompatible()			{ return bCompatible; }
SetCompatible(bool b)80 	void  SetCompatible( bool b )	{ bCompatible = b; }		// #118206
IsVBASupportOn()81 	sal_Bool  IsVBASupportOn()			{ return bVBASupportOn; }
SetVBASupportOn(bool b)82 	void  SetVBASupportOn( bool b )	{ bVBASupportOn = b; }
WhiteSpace()83 	sal_Bool  WhiteSpace()				{ return bSpaces; }
GetErrors()84 	short GetErrors()				{ return nErrors; }
GetLine()85 	short GetLine()					{ return nLine;   }
GetCol1()86 	short GetCol1()					{ return nCol1;   }
GetCol2()87 	short GetCol2()					{ return nCol2;   }
SetCol1(short n)88 	void  SetCol1( short n )		{ nCol1 = n; 	  }
GetBasic()89 	StarBASIC* GetBasic()			{ return pBasic;  }
SaveLine(void)90 	void  SaveLine(void)			{ pSaveLine = pLine; }
RestoreLine(void)91 	void  RestoreLine(void)			{ pLine = pSaveLine; }
92 	void  LockColumn();
93 	void  UnlockColumn();
94 	sal_Bool  DoesColonFollow();
96 	sal_Bool NextSym();					// naechstes Symbol lesen
GetSym()97 	const String& GetSym()			{ return aSym;	}
GetType()98 	SbxDataType GetType()		   	{ return eScanType; }
GetDbl()99 	double	  GetDbl()				{ return nVal;	}
100 };
102 class LetterTable
103 {
104 	bool		IsLetterTab[256];
106 public:
107 	LetterTable( void );
isLetter(sal_Unicode c)109 	inline bool isLetter( sal_Unicode c )
110 	{
111 		bool bRet = (c < 256) ? IsLetterTab[c] : isLetterUnicode( c );
112 		return bRet;
113 	}
114 	bool isLetterUnicode( sal_Unicode c );
115 };
117 class BasicSimpleCharClass
118 {
119 	static LetterTable aLetterTable;
121 public:
isAlpha(sal_Unicode c,bool bCompatible)122 	static sal_Bool isAlpha( sal_Unicode c, bool bCompatible )
123 	{
124 		sal_Bool bRet = (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
125 					|| (bCompatible && aLetterTable.isLetter( c ));
126 		return bRet;
127 	}
isDigit(sal_Unicode c)129 	static sal_Bool isDigit( sal_Unicode c )
130 	{
131 		sal_Bool bRet = (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
132 		return bRet;
133 	}
isAlphaNumeric(sal_Unicode c,bool bCompatible)135 	static sal_Bool isAlphaNumeric( sal_Unicode c, bool bCompatible )
136 	{
137 		sal_Bool bRet = isDigit( c ) || isAlpha( c, bCompatible );
138 		return bRet;
139 	}
140 };
142 #endif