1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
27 //_______________________________________________
28 // includes of own project
30 #include <loadenv/loadenvexception.hxx>
31 #include <loadenv/actionlockguard.hxx>
32 #include <threadhelp/threadhelpbase.hxx>
34 //_______________________________________________
35 // includes of uno interface
36 #include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
37 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XComponentLoader.hpp>
38 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrameLoader.hpp>
39 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XLoadEventListener.hpp>
40 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchResultListener.hpp>
41 #include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrame.hpp>
42 #include <com/sun/star/util/URL.hpp>
44 #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_IllegalArgumentException_HPP_
45 #include <com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException.hpp>
46 #endif
48 #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_IO_IOException_HPP_
49 #include <com/sun/star/io/IOException.hpp>
50 #endif
52 //_______________________________________________
53 // includes of an other project
54 #include <comphelper/mediadescriptor.hxx>
55 #include <comphelper/sequenceashashmap.hxx>
56 #include <cppuhelper/implbase2.hxx>
58 //_______________________________________________
59 // namespace
61 namespace framework{
63 namespace css = ::com::sun::star;
64 class QuietInteraction;
65 //_______________________________________________
66 // definitions
68 /** @short  implements general mechanism for loading documents.
70     @descr  An instance of this class can be used inside the API calls
71             XComponentLoader::loadComponentFromURL() and XDispatch::dispatch()
72             (of course in its derived interfaces too :-)).
74     @author as96863
75  */
76 class LoadEnv : private ThreadHelpBase
77 {
78     //___________________________________________
79     // structs, types, etc.
81     public:
83         /** @short  enable/disable special features
84                     of a load request.
86             @desrc  Such features must outcome without
87                     any special parameters.
88                     To make enabling/disabling of
89                     features very easy (e.g. at the ctor of
90                     this class) these values must be combinable
91                     as flags. That means: its values must be in
92                     range of [2^n]!
93          */
94         enum EFeature
95         {
96             /// we should be informed, if no feature is enabled :-)
97             E_NO_FEATURE = 0,
98             /// enable using of UI elements during loading (means progress, interaction handler etcpp.)
99             E_WORK_WITH_UI = 1,
100             /// enable loading of resources, which are not related to a target frame! (see concept of ContentHandler)
101             E_ALLOW_CONTENTHANDLER = 2
102         };
104         //_______________________________________
106         /** @short  classify a content.
108             @descr  The load environment must know, if a content
109                     is related to a target frame or not. Only "visible"
110                     components, which full fill the requirements of the
111                     model-controller-view paradigm can be loaded into a frame.
112                     Such contents are classified as E_CAN_BE_LOADED.
114                     But e.g. for the dispatch framework exists special ContentHandler
115                     objects, which can load a content in "non visible" mode ...
116                     and do not need a target frame for its operation. Such
117                     ContentHandler e.g. plays sounds.
118                     Such contents are classified as E_CAN_BE_HANDLED.
120                     And last but not least a content can be "not valid" in general.
121          */
122         enum EContentType
123         {
124             /// identifies a content, which seems to be invalid in general
125             E_UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT,
126             /// identifies a content, which can be used with a ContentHandler and is not related to a target frame
127             E_CAN_BE_HANDLED,
128             /// identifies a content, which can be loaded into a target frame
129             E_CAN_BE_LOADED,
130             /// special mode for non real loading, In such case the model is given directly!
131             E_CAN_BE_SET
132         };
134     //___________________________________________
135     // member
137     private:
139         /** @short  reference to an uno service manager, which must be used
140                     to created on needed services on demand.
141          */
142         css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > m_xSMGR;
144         /** @short  points to the frame, which uses this LoadEnv object
145                     and must be used to start target search there.
146          */
147         css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > m_xBaseFrame;
149         /** @short  points to the frame, into which the new component was loaded.
151             @descr  Note: This reference will be empty if loading failed
152                     or a non visible content was loaded!
153                     It can be the same frame as m_xBaseFrame it describe, in case
154                     the target "_self", "" or the search flag "SELF" was used.
155                     Otherwise it's the new created or recycled frame, which was
156                     used for loading and contains further the new component.
158                     Please use method getTarget() or getTargetComponent()
159                     to return the frame/controller or model to any interested
160                     user of the results of this load request.
161          */
162         css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > m_xTargetFrame;
164         /** @short  contains the name of the target, in which the specified resource
165                     of this instance must be loaded.
166          */
167         ::rtl::OUString m_sTarget;
169         /** @short  if m_sTarget is not a special one, this flags regulate searching
170                     of a suitable one.
171          */
172         sal_Int32 m_nSearchFlags;
174         /** @short  contains all needed informations about the resource,
175                     which should be loaded.
177             @descr  Inside this struct e.g. the URL, its type and filter name,
178                     the stream or a model directly are saved.
179          */
180         ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor m_lMediaDescriptor;
182         /** @short  because the mediadescriptor contains the complete URL ... but
183                     some functionality need the structured version, we hold it twice :-(.
184          */
185         css::util::URL m_aURL;
187         /** @short  enable/disable special features of a load request. */
188         EFeature m_eFeature;
190         /** @short  classify the content, which should be loaded by this instance. */
191         EContentType m_eContentType;
193         /** @short  it indicates, that the member m_xTargetFrame was new created for this
194                     load request and must be closed in case loading (not handling!)
195                     operation failed. The default value is sal_False!
196          */
197         sal_Bool m_bCloseFrameOnError;
199         /** @short  it indicates, that the old document (which was located inside m_xBaseFrame
200                     in combination with the m_sTarget value "_self") was suspended.
201                     Normally it will be replaced by the new loaded document. But in case
202                     loading (not handling!) failed, it must be reactivated.
203                     The default value is sal_False!
204          */
205         sal_Bool m_bReactivateControllerOnError;
207         /** @short  it holds one (!) asynchronous used contenthandler or frameloader
208                     alive, till the asynchronous operation will be finished.
209          */
210         css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > m_xAsynchronousJob;
212         /** @short  holds the information about the finished load process.
214             @descr  The content of m_xTargetFrame can't be used as valid indicator,
215                     (in case the might existing old document was reactivated)
216                     we must hold the result of the load process explicitly.
217          */
218         sal_Bool m_bLoaded;
220         /** @short      holds an XActionLock on the internal used task member.
222             @seealso    m_xTargetFrame
223          */
224         ActionLockGuard m_aTargetLock;
226         /** TODO document me ... */
227         void* m_pCheck;
229 		QuietInteraction*	m_pQuietInteraction;
231     //___________________________________________
232     // native interface
234     public:
236         /** @short  initialize a new instance of this load environment.
238             @param  xSMGR
239                     reference to an uno service manager, which can be used internally
240                     to create own needed services on demand.
242             @throw  Currently there is no reason to throw such exception!
244             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
245                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
246          */
247         LoadEnv(const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xSMGR)
248             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
250         //_______________________________________
252         /** @short  deinitialize an instance of this class in the right way.
253          */
254         virtual ~LoadEnv();
256         //_______________________________________
258         /** @short  DRAFT TODO
259          */
260         static css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XComponent > loadComponentFromURL(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XComponentLoader >&    xLoader,
261                                                                                  const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xSMGR  ,
262                                                                                  const ::rtl::OUString&                                        sURL   ,
263                                                                                  const ::rtl::OUString&                                        sTarget,
264                                                                                        sal_Int32                                               nFlags ,
265                                                                                  const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >&        lArgs  )
266             throw(css::lang::IllegalArgumentException,
267                   css::io::IOException               ,
268                   css::uno::RuntimeException         );
270         //_______________________________________
272         /** @short  set some changeable parameters for a new load request.
274             @descr  The parameter for targeting, the content description, and
275                     some environment specifier (UI, dispatch functionality)
276                     can be set here ... BEFORE the real load process is started
277                     by calling startLoading(). Of course a still running load request
278                     will be detected here and a suitable exception will be thrown.
279                     Such constellation can be detected outside by using provided
280                     synchronization methods or callbacks.
282             @param  sURL
283                     points to the resource, which should be loaded.
285             @param  lMediaDescriptor
286                     contains additional informations for the following load request.
288             @param  xBaseFrame
289                     points to the frame which must be used as start point for target search.
291             @param  sTarget
292                     regulate searching/creating of frames, which should contain the
293                     new loaded component afterwards.
295             @param  nSearchFlags
296                     regulate searching of targets, if sTarget is not a special one.
298             @param  eFeature
299                     flag field, which enable/disable special features of this
300                     new instance for following load call.
302             @param  eContentType
303                     classify the given content.
304                     This value is set to a default value "UNKNWON_CONTENT", which force
305                     an internal check, if this content is loadable or not.
306                     But may this check was already made by the caller of this method and
307                     passing this information to this LoadEnv instance can suppress this
308                     might expensive check.
309                     That can be useful in case this information is needed outside too,
310                     to decide if its necessary to create some resources for this load
311                     request ... or to reject the request immediately if it seems to be not
312                     loadable in general.
314             @throw  A LoadEnvException e.g. if another load operation is till in progress
315                     or initialization of a new one fail by other reasons.
316                     The real reason, a suitable message and ID will be given here immediately.
318             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
319                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
320          */
321         virtual void initializeLoading(const ::rtl::OUString&                                           sURL            ,
322                                        const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >&           lMediaDescriptor,
323                                        const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >&                 xBaseFrame      ,
324                                        const ::rtl::OUString&                                           sTarget         ,
325                                              sal_Int32                                                  nSearchFlags    ,
326                                              EFeature                                                   eFeature        = E_NO_FEATURE         ,
327                                              EContentType                                               eContentType    = E_UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT)
328             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
330         //_______________________________________
332         /** @short  start loading of the resource represented by this loadenv instance.
334             @descr  There is no direct return value possible here. Because it depends
335                     from the usage of this instance! E.g. for loading a "visible component"
336                     a frame with a controller/model inside can be possible. For loading
337                     of a "non visible component" only an information about a successfully start
338                     can be provided.
339                     Further it can't be guaranteed, that the internal process runs synchronous.
340                     That's why we prefer using of specialized methods afterwards e.g. to:
341                         - wait till the internal job will be finished
342                           and get the results
343                         - or to let it run without any further control from outside.
345             @throw  A LoadEnvException if start of the load process failed (because
346                     another is still in progress!).
347                     The reason, a suitable message and ID will be given here immediately.
349             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
350                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
351          */
352         virtual void startLoading()
353             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
355         //_______________________________________
357         /** @short  wait for an already running load request (started by calling
358                     startLoading() before).
360             @descr  The timeout parameter can be used to wait some times only
361                     or forever. The return value indicates if the load request
362                     was finished during the specified timeout period.
363                     But it indicates not, if the load request was successfully or not!
365             @param  nTimeout
366                     specify a timeout in [ms].
367                     A value 0 let it wait forever!
369             @return sal_True if the started load process could be finished in time;
370                     sal_False if the specified time was over.
372             @throw  ... currently not used :-)
374             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
375                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
376          */
377         virtual sal_Bool waitWhileLoading(sal_uInt32 nTimeout = 0)
378             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
380         //_______________________________________
381         /** TODO document me ... */
382         virtual void cancelLoading()
383             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
385         //_______________________________________
386         /** TODO document me ... */
387         virtual css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > getTarget() const;
389         //_______________________________________
390         /** TODO document me ... */
391         virtual css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XComponent > getTargetComponent() const;
392 /*
393     //___________________________________________
394     // helper uno interface!
395     // You have to use the native interface only!
397     public:
399         //_______________________________________
400         // frame.XLoadEventListener
401         virtual void SAL_CALL loadFinished(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrameLoader >& xLoader)
402             throw(css::uno::RuntimeException);
404         virtual void SAL_CALL loadCancelled(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrameLoader >& xLoader)
405             throw(css::uno::RuntimeException);
407         //_______________________________________
408         // frame.XDispatchResultListener
409         virtual void SAL_CALL dispatchFinished(const css::frame::DispatchResultEvent& aEvent)
410             throw(css::uno::RuntimeException);
412         //_______________________________________
413         // lang.XEventListener
414         virtual void SAL_CALL disposing(const css::lang::EventObject& aEvent)
415             throw(css::uno::RuntimeException);
416 */
418     //___________________________________________
419     // static interface
421     public:
423         /** @short      checks if the specified content can be handled by a
424                         ContentHandler only and is not related to a target frame,
425                         or if it can be loaded by a FrameLoader into a target frame
426                         as "visible" component.
428             @descr      using:
429                             switch(classifyContent(...))
430                             {
431                                 case E_CAN_BE_HANDLED :
432                                     handleIt(...);
433                                     break;
435                                 case E_CAN_BE_LOADED :
436                                     xFrame = locateTargetFrame();
437                                     loadIt(xFrame);
438                                     break;
440                                 case E_NOT_A_CONTENT :
441                                 default              : throw ...;
442                             }
444             @param      sURL
445                         describe the content.
447             @param      lMediaDescriptor
448                         describe the content more detailed!
450             @return     A suitable enum value, which classify the specified content.
451          */
452         static EContentType classifyContent(const ::rtl::OUString&                                 sURL            ,
453                                             const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& lMediaDescriptor);
455         /** TODO document me ... */
456         static  void initializeUIDefaults(
457                     const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& i_rSMGR,
458                     ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& io_lMediaDescriptor,
459                     const bool _bUIMode,
460                     QuietInteraction** o_ppQuiteInteraction
461                 );
463         /** TODO document me ... */
464         void impl_setResult(sal_Bool bResult);
466         /** TODO document me ... */
467         css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > impl_searchLoader();
469         //_______________________________________
471         /** @short  it means; show the frame, bring it to front,
472                     might set the right icon etcpp. in case loading was
473                     successfully or reactivate a might existing old document or
474                     close the frame if it was created before in case loading failed.
476             @throw  A LoadEnvException only in cases, where an internal error indicates,
477                     that the complete load environment seems to be not usable in general.
478                     In such cases a RuntimeException would be to hard for the outside code :-)
480             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
481                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
482          */
483         void impl_reactForLoadingState()
484             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
486     //___________________________________________
487     // private helper
489     private:
491         /** @short  tries to detect the type and the filter of the specified content.
493             @descr  This method update the available media descriptor of this instance,
494                     so it contains the right type, a corresponding filter, may a
495                     valid frame loader etc. In case detection failed, this descriptor
496                     is corrected first, before a suitable exception will be thrown.
497                     (Excepting a RuntimeException occurs!)
499             @attention  Not all types we know, are supported by filters. So it does not
500                         indicates an error, if no suitable filter(loader etcpp will be found
501                         for a type. But a type must be detected for the specified content.
502                         Otherwise it's an error and loading can't be finished successfully.
504             @throw  A LoadEnvException if detection failed.
506             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
507                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
508          */
509         void impl_detectTypeAndFilter()
510             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
512         //_______________________________________
514         /** @short  tries to ask user for it's filter decision in case
515                     normal detection failed.
517             @descr  We use a may existing interaction handler to do so.
519             @return [string]
520                     the type selected by the user.
522             @attention  Internally we update the member m_lMediaDescriptor!
523          */
524         ::rtl::OUString impl_askUserForTypeAndFilterIfAllowed()
525             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
527         //_______________________________________
529         /** @short  tries to use ContentHandler objects for loading.
531             @descr  It searches for a suitable content handler object, registered
532                     for the detected content type (must be done before by calling
533                     impl_detectTypeAndFilter()). Because such handler does not depend
534                     from a real target frame, location of such frame will be
535                     suppressed here.
536                     In case handle failed all new created resources will be
537                     removed before a suitable exception is thrown.
538                     (Excepting a RuntimeException occurs!)
540             @return TODO
542             @throw  A LoadEnvException if handling failed.
544             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
545                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
546          */
547         sal_Bool impl_handleContent()
548             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
550         //_______________________________________
552         /** @short  tries to use FrameLoader objects for loading.
554             @descr  First the target frame will be located. If it could be found
555                     or new created a filter/frame loader will be instantiated and
556                     used to load the content into this frame.
557                     In case loading failed all new created resources will be
558                     removed before a suitable exception is thrown.
559                     (Excepting a RuntimeException occurs!)
561             @return TODO
563             @throw  A LoadEnvException if loading failed.
565             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
566                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
567          */
568         sal_Bool impl_loadContent()
569             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
571         //_______________________________________
573         /** @short  checks if the specified content is already loaded.
575             @descr  It depends from the set target information, if such
576                     search is allowed or not! So this method checks first,
577                     if the target is the special one "_default".
578                     If not it returns with an empty result immediately!
579                     In case search is allowed, an existing document with the
580                     same URL is searched. If it could be found, the corresponding
581                     view will get the focus and this method return the corresponding frame.
582                     Optional jumpmarks will be accepted here too. So the
583                     view of the document will be updated to show the position
584                     inside the document, which is related to the jumpmark.
586             @return A valid reference to the target frame, which contains the already loaded content
587                     and could be activated successfully. An empty reference otherwise.
589             @throw  A LoadEnvException only in cases, where an internal error indicates,
590                     that the complete load environment seems to be not usable in general.
591                     In such cases a RuntimeException would be to hard for the outside code :-)
593             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
594                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
595          */
596         css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > impl_searchAlreadyLoaded()
597             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
599         //_______________________________________
601         /** @short  search for any target frame, which seems to be usable
602                     for this load request.
604             @descr  Because this special feature is bound to the target specifier "_default"
605                     it's checked inside first. If it's not set => this method return an empty
606                     reference. Otherwise any currently existing frame will be analyzed, if
607                     it can be used here. The following rules exists:
609                     <ul>
610                         <li>The frame must be empty ...</li>
611                         <li>or contains an empty document of the same application module
612                             which the new document will have (Note: the filter of the new content
613                             must be well known here!)</li>
614                         <li>and(!) this target must not be already used by any other load request.</li>
615                     </ul>
617                     If a suitable target is located it will be locked. That's why the last rule
618                     exists! If this method returns a valid frame reference, it was locked to be usable
619                     for this load request only. (Don't forget to reset this state later!)
620                     Concurrent LoadEnv instances can synchronize her work be using such locks :-) HOPEFULLY
622             @throw  A LoadEnvException only in cases, where an internal error indicates,
623                     that the complete load environment seems to be not usable in general.
624                     In such cases a RuntimeException would be to hard for the outside code :-)
626             @throw  A RuntimeException in case any internal process indicates, that
627                     the whole runtime can't be used any longer.
628          */
629         css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > impl_searchRecycleTarget()
630             throw(LoadEnvException, css::uno::RuntimeException);
632         //_______________________________________
634         /** @short  because showing of a frame is needed more then once ...
635                     it's implemented as an separate method .-)
637             @descr  Note: Showing of a frame is bound to a special feature ...
638                     a) If we recycle any existing frame, we must bring it to front.
639                        Showing of such frame isn't needed really .. because we recycle
640                        visible frames only!
641                     b) If the document was already shown (e.g. by our progress implementation)
642                        we do nothing here. The reason  behind: The document was already shown ..
643                        and it was already make a top window ...
644                        If the user activated another frame in between (because loading needed some time)
645                        it's not allowed to disturb the user again. Then the frame must resists in the background.
646                     c) If the frame was not shown before ... but loading of a visible document into this frame
647                        was finished ... we need both actions: setVisible() and toFront().
649             @param  xWindow
650                     points to the container window of a frame.
652             @param  bForceToFront
653                     if it's set to sal_False ... showing of the window is done more intelligent.
654                     setVisible() is called only if the window was not shown before.
655                     This mode is needed by b) and c)
656                     If it's set to sal_True ... both actions has to be done: setVisible(), toFront()!
657                     This mode is needed by a)
658          */
659         void impl_makeFrameWindowVisible(const css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XWindow >& xWindow      ,
660                                                sal_Bool                                  bForceToFront);
662         //_______________________________________
664         /** @short  checks whether a frame is already used for another load request or not.
666             @descr  Such frames can't be used for our "recycle feature"!
668             @param  xFrame
669                     the frame, which should be checked.
671             @return [sal_Bool]
672                     sal_True if this frame is already used for loading,
673                     sal_False otherwise.
674          */
675         sal_Bool impl_isFrameAlreadyUsedForLoading(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >& xFrame) const;
677         //_______________________________________
679         /** @short  try to determine the used application module
680                     of this load request and apply right position and size
681                     for this document window ... hopefully before we show it .-)
682          */
683         void impl_applyPersistentWindowState(const css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XWindow >& xWindow);
685         //_______________________________________
687         /** @short  determine if it's allowed to open new document frames.
688          */
689         sal_Bool impl_furtherDocsAllowed();
691         //_______________________________________
693         /** @short  jumps to the requested bookmark inside a given document.
694          */
695         void impl_jumpToMark(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >& xFrame,
696                              const css::util::URL&                            aURL  );
697 };
699 } // namespace framework