xref: /aoo42x/main/registry/inc/registry/registry.hxx (revision f006f9b4)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
27 #include <registry/regtype.h>
28 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
29 #include "registry/registrydllapi.h"
31 #ifdef __cplusplus
32 extern "C" {
33 #endif
35 /** specifies a collection of function pointers which represents the complete registry C-API.
37     This funtions pointers are used by the C++ wrapper to call the C-API.
38 */
39 struct Registry_Api
40 {
41 	void	  	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *acquire) 			(RegHandle);
42 	void	  	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *release) 			(RegHandle);
43 	sal_Bool 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *isReadOnly)			(RegHandle);
44 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openRootKey)		(RegHandle, RegKeyHandle*);
45 	RegError	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getName)			(RegHandle, rtl_uString**);
46 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *createRegistry)		(rtl_uString*, RegHandle*);
47 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openRegistry)		(rtl_uString*, RegHandle*, RegAccessMode);
48 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *closeRegistry)		(RegHandle);
49 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *destroyRegistry)	(RegHandle,	rtl_uString*);
50 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *loadKey)			(RegHandle, RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString*);
51 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *saveKey)			(RegHandle, RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString*);
52 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *mergeKey)			(RegHandle, RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString*, sal_Bool, sal_Bool);
53 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *dumpRegistry) 		(RegHandle, RegKeyHandle);
54 	void	  	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *acquireKey) 	  	(RegKeyHandle);
55 	void	  	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *releaseKey) 	  	(RegKeyHandle);
56 	sal_Bool 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *isKeyReadOnly)	  	(RegKeyHandle);
57 	RegError  	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getKeyName)			(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString**);
58 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *createKey)			(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyHandle*);
59 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openKey)			(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyHandle*);
60 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openSubKeys)		(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyHandle**, sal_uInt32*);
61 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *closeSubKeys)		(RegKeyHandle*, sal_uInt32);
62 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *deleteKey)			(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*);
63 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *closeKey)			(RegKeyHandle);
64 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setValue)			(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegValueType, RegValue, sal_uInt32);
65 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setLongListValue)	(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Int32*, sal_uInt32);
66 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setStringListValue)	(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Char**, sal_uInt32);
67 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setUnicodeListValue)(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Unicode**, sal_uInt32);
68 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getValueInfo)		(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegValueType*, sal_uInt32*);
69 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getValue)			(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegValue);
70 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getLongListValue)	(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Int32**, sal_uInt32*);
71 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getStringListValue)	(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Char***, sal_uInt32*);
72 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getUnicodeListValue)(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Unicode***, sal_uInt32*);
73 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *freeValueList)		(RegValueType, RegValue, sal_uInt32);
74 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *createLink) 		(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString*);
75 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *deleteLink)			(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*);
76 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getKeyType)			(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyType*);
77 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getLinkTarget)		(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString**);
78 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getResolvedKeyName)	(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Bool, rtl_uString**);
79 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getKeyNames)		(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString***, sal_uInt32*);
80 	RegError 	(REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *freeKeyNames)		(rtl_uString**, sal_uInt32);
81 };
83 /** the API initialization function.
84 */
85 REGISTRY_DLLPUBLIC Registry_Api* REGISTRY_CALLTYPE initRegistry_Api(void);
87 #ifdef __cplusplus
88 }
89 #endif
92 class RegistryKey;
94 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 /** The Registry provides the functionality to read and write information in a registry file.
98 	The class is implemented inline and use a C-Api.
99 */
100 class Registry
101 {
102 public:
103 	/** Default constructor.
104 	 */
105 	inline Registry();
107 	/// Copy constructcor
108 	inline Registry(const Registry& toCopy);
110 	/// Destructor. The Destructor close the registry if it is open.
111 	inline ~Registry();
113 	/// Assign operator
114 	inline Registry& operator = (const Registry& toAssign);
116 	/// checks if the registry points to a valid registry data file.
117 	inline sal_Bool	isValid() const;
119 	/**	returns the access mode of the registry.
121 		@return	TRUE if the access mode is readonly else FALSE.
122 	*/
123 	inline sal_Bool 	isReadOnly() const;
125 	/**	opens the root key of the registry.
127 		@param 	rRootKey reference to a RegistryKey which is filled with the rootkey.
128 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
129 	*/
130 	inline RegError openRootKey(RegistryKey& rRootKey);
132 	/// returns the name of the current registry data file.
133 	inline ::rtl::OUString getName();
135 	/**	creates a new registry with the specified name and creates a root key.
137 		@param	registryName specifies the name of the new registry.
138 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
139 	*/
140 	inline RegError create(const ::rtl::OUString& registryName);
142 	/**	opens a registry with the specified name.
144         If the registry already points to a valid registry, the old registry will be closed.
145 		@param	registryName specifies a registry name.
146 		@param 	accessMode specifies the access mode for the registry, REG_READONLY or REG_READWRITE.
147 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
148 	*/
149 	inline RegError open(const ::rtl::OUString& registryName,
150 					   	 RegAccessMode accessMode);
152 	/// closes explicitly the current registry data file.
153 	inline RegError close();
155 	/**	destroys a registry.
157 		@param registryName specifies a registry name, if the name is an empty string the registry
158                             itselfs will be destroyed.
159 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
160 	*/
161 	inline RegError destroy(const ::rtl::OUString& registryName);
163 	/**	loads registry information from a specified file and save it under the
164 		specified keyName.
166         @param	rKey references a currently open key. The key which should store the registry information
167                      is a subkey of this key.
168         @param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which stores the registry information. If keyName is
169                         is an empty string the registry information will be saved under the key specified
170                         by rKey.
171 		@param	regFileName	specifies the file containing the registry information.
172 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
173 	*/
174 	inline RegError loadKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
175 				  			 const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
176 				  			 const ::rtl::OUString& regFileName);
178 	/**	saves the registry information of the specified key and all subkeys and save
179 		it in the specified file.
181 		@param	rKey references a currently open key. The key which information is saved by this
182                      function is a subkey of this key.
183 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which information should be stored.
184                         If keyName is an empty string the registry information under the key specified
185                         by rKey is saved in the specified file.
186 		@param	regFileName	specifies the file containing the registry information.
187 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
188 	*/
189 	inline RegError saveKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
190 				  			 const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
191 				  			 const ::rtl::OUString& regFileName);
193 	/**	merges the registry information of the specified key with the registry
194 		information of the specified file.
196         All existing keys will be extended and existing key values will be overwritten.
197 		@param	rKey references a currently open key. The key which information is merged by this
198                      function is a subkey of this key
199 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which will be merged.
200                         If keyName is an empty string the registry information under the key specified
201                         by rKey is merged with the information from the specified file.
202 		@param	regFileName	specifies the file containing the registry information.
203 		@param	bWarnings if TRUE the function returns an error if a key already exists.
204 		@param	bReport if TRUE the function reports warnings on stdout if a key already exists.
205 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code. If it returns an error the registry will
206                 restore the state before merging.
207 	*/
208 	inline RegError mergeKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
209 				   			 const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
210 				   			 const ::rtl::OUString& regFileName,
211 							 sal_Bool bWarnings = sal_False,
212 				   			 sal_Bool bReport = sal_False);
214     /**	This function reports the complete registry information of a key and all of its subkeys.
216         All information which are available (keynames, value types, values, ...)
217         will be printed to stdout for report issues only.
218 	    @param	rKey references a currently open key which content will be reported.
219 	    @return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
220     */
221 	inline RegError dumpRegistry(RegistryKey& rKey);
223 	friend class RegistryKey;
224 	friend class RegistryKeyArray;
225 	friend class RegistryKeyNames;
227     /// returns the used registry Api.
getApi()228 	const Registry_Api* getApi() { return m_pApi; }
229 protected:
231     /// stores the used and initialized registry Api.
232 	const Registry_Api*							 m_pApi;
233     /// stores the handle of the underlying registry file on which most of the functions work.
234 	RegHandle									 m_hImpl;
235 };
238 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 /** RegistryKeyArray represents an array of open keys.
242 	RegistryKeyArray is a helper class to work with an array of keys.
243 */
244 class RegistryKeyArray
245 {
246 public:
247 	/// Default constructor
248 	inline RegistryKeyArray();
250 	/// Destructor, all subkeys will be closed.
251 	inline ~RegistryKeyArray();
253 	/// returns the open key specified by index.
254 	inline RegistryKey getElement(sal_uInt32 index);
256 	/// returns the length of the array.
257 	inline sal_uInt32 getLength();
259 	friend class RegistryKey;
260 protected:
261     /** sets the data of the key array.
263         @param registry specifies the registry files where the keys are located.
264         @param phKeys points to an array of open keys.
265         @param length specifies the length of the array specified by phKeys.
266      */
267 	inline void setKeyHandles(Registry& registry, RegKeyHandle* phKeys, sal_uInt32 length);
268     /// close all subkeys
269 	inline RegError closeKeyHandles();
271     /// stores the number of open subkeys, the number of elements.
272 	sal_uInt32 	   	m_length;
273     /// stores an array of open subkeys.
274 	RegKeyHandle*	m_phKeys;
275     /// stores the handle to the registry file where the appropriate keys are located.
276 	Registry		m_registry;
277 };
280 /** RegistryKeyNames represents an array of key names.
282 	RegistryKeyNames is a helper class to work with an array of key names.
283 */
284 class RegistryKeyNames
285 {
286 public:
287 	/// Default constructor
288 	inline RegistryKeyNames();
290 	/// Destructor, the internal array with key names will be deleted.
291 	inline ~RegistryKeyNames();
293 	/// returns the name of the key sepecified by index.
294 	inline ::rtl::OUString getElement(sal_uInt32 index);
296 	/// returns the length of the array.
297 	inline sal_uInt32 getLength();
299 	friend class RegistryKey;
300 protected:
301     /** sets the data of the array.
303         @param registry specifies the registry files where the keys are located.
304         @param pKeyNames points to an array of key names.
305         @param length specifies the length of the array specified by pKeyNames.
306      */
307 	inline void setKeyNames(Registry& registry, rtl_uString** pKeyNames, sal_uInt32 length);
308     /// delete the array of key names.
309 	inline RegError freeKeyNames();
311     /// stores the number of key names, the number of elements.
312 	sal_uInt32 		m_length;
313     /// stores an array of key names.
314 	rtl_uString**	m_pKeyNames;
315     /// stores the handle to the registry file where the appropriate keys are located.
316 	Registry		m_registry;
317 };
319 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 /** RegistryValueList represents a value list of the specified type.
323 	RegistryValueList is a helper class to work with a list value.
324 */
325 template<class ValueType>
326 class RegistryValueList
327 {
328 public:
329 	/// Default constructor
RegistryValueList()330 	RegistryValueList()
331 		: m_length(0)
332 		, m_pValueList(NULL)
333 		, m_valueType(RG_VALUETYPE_NOT_DEFINED)
334 		{}
336 	/// Destructor, the internal value list will be freed.
~RegistryValueList()337 	~RegistryValueList()
338 	{
339 		if (m_pValueList)
340 		{
341 			m_registry.getApi()->freeValueList(m_valueType, m_pValueList, m_length);
342 		}
343 	}
345 	/// returns the value of the list specified by index.
getElement(sal_uInt32 index)346 	ValueType getElement(sal_uInt32 index)
347 	{
348 		if (m_registry.isValid() && index < m_length)
349 		{
350 			return m_pValueList[index];
351 		} else
352 		{
353 			return 0;
354 		}
355 	}
357 	/// returns the length of the list.
getLength()358 	sal_uInt32 getLength()
359 	{
360 		return m_length;
361 	}
363 	friend class RegistryKey;
364 protected:
365     /** sets the data of the value list.
367         @param registry specifies the registry files where the appropriate key is located.
368         @param valueType specifies the type of the list values.
369         @param pValueList points to a value list.
370         @param length specifies the length of the list.
371      */
setValueList(Registry & registry,RegValueType valueType,ValueType * pValueList,sal_uInt32 length)372 	void setValueList(Registry& registry, RegValueType valueType,
373 					  ValueType* pValueList, sal_uInt32 length)
374 	{
375 		m_length = length;
376 		m_pValueList = pValueList;
377 		m_valueType = valueType;
378 		m_registry = registry;
379 	}
381     /// stores the length of the list, the number of elements.
382 	sal_uInt32 		m_length;
383     /// stores the value list.
384 	ValueType*		m_pValueList;
385     /// stores the type of the list elements
386 	RegValueType	m_valueType;
387     /** stores the handle to the registry file where the appropriate key to this
388         value is located.
389     */
390 	Registry		m_registry;
391 };
393 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
395 /** RegistryKey reads or writes information of the underlying key in a registry.
397 	Class is inline and use a load on call C-Api.
398 */
399 class RegistryKey
400 {
401 public:
402 	/// Default constructor
403 	inline RegistryKey();
405 	/// Copy constructor
406 	inline RegistryKey(const RegistryKey& toCopy);
408 	/// Destructor, close the key if it references an open one.
409 	inline ~RegistryKey();
411 	/// Assign operator
412 	inline RegistryKey& operator = (const RegistryKey& toAssign);
414 	/// checks if the key points to a valid registry key.
415 	inline sal_Bool	isValid() const;
417 	/**	returns the access mode of the key.
419 		@return	TRUE if access mode is read only else FALSE.
420 	*/
421 	inline sal_Bool 	isReadOnly() const;
423 	/// returns the full qualified name of the key beginning with the rootkey.
424 	inline ::rtl::OUString getName();
426 	/**	creates a new key or opens a key if the specified key already exists.
428         The specified keyname is relativ to this key.
429 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which will be opened or created.
430 		@param	rNewKey	references a RegistryKey which will be filled with the new or open key.
431 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
432 	*/
433 	inline RegError createKey(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
434 							  RegistryKey& rNewKey);
436 	/**	opens the specified key.
438         The specified keyname is relativ to this key.
439 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which will be opened.
440 		@param	rOpenKey references a RegistryKey which will be filled with the open key.
441 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
442 	*/
443 	inline RegError openKey(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
444 				  			RegistryKey& rOpenKey);
446 	/**	opens all subkeys of the specified key.
448         The specified keyname is relativ to this key.
449 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which subkeys will be opened.
450 		@param	rSubKeys reference a RegistryKeyArray which will be filled with the open subkeys.
451 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
452 	*/
453 	inline RegError openSubKeys(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
454 					  	  		RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys);
456 	/**	returns an array with the names of all subkeys of the specified key.
458         The specified keyname is relativ to this key.
459 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which subkey names will be returned.
460 		@param	rSubKeyNames reference a RegistryKeyNames array which will be filled with the subkey names.
461 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
462 	*/
463 	inline RegError getKeyNames(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
464 					  	  		RegistryKeyNames& rSubKeyNames);
466 	/**	closes all keys specified in the array.
468 		@param	rSubKeys reference a RegistryKeyArray which contains the open keys.
469 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
470 	*/
471 	inline RegError closeSubKeys(RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys);
473 	/**	deletes the specified key.
475 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which will be deleted.
476 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
477 	*/
478 	inline RegError deleteKey(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName);
480 	/// closes explicitly the current key
481 	inline RegError closeKey();
483 	/// releases the current key
484 	inline void releaseKey();
486 	/**	sets a value of a key.
488 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
489                         If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
490                         specified by hKey.
491 		@param	valueType specifies the type of the value.
492 		@param	pData points to a memory block containing the data for the value.
493 		@param	valueSize specifies the size of pData in bytes
494 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
495 	*/
496 	inline RegError setValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
497 				   			 RegValueType valueType,
498 				   			 RegValue pValue,
499 				   			 sal_uInt32 valueSize);
501 	/**	sets a long list value of a key.
503 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
504                         If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
505                         specified by hKey.
506 		@param	pValueList points to an array of longs containing the data for the value.
507 		@param	len specifies the length of the list (the array referenced by pValueList).
508 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
509 	*/
510 	inline RegError setLongListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
511 				   			 		 sal_Int32* pValueList,
512 				   			 		 sal_uInt32 len);
514 	/**	sets an ascii list value of a key.
516 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
517                         If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
518                         specified by hKey.
519 		@param	pValueList points to an array of sal_Char* containing the data for the value.
520 		@param	len specifies the length of the list (the array referenced by pValueList).
521 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
522 	*/
523 	inline RegError setStringListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
524 				   			 		   sal_Char** pValueList,
525 				   			 		   sal_uInt32 len);
527 	/**	sets an unicode string list value of a key.
529 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
530                         If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
531                         specified by hKey.
532 		@param	pValueList points to an array of sal_Unicode* containing the data for the value.
533 		@param	len specifies the length of the list (the array referenced by pValueList).
534 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
535 	*/
536 	inline RegError setUnicodeListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
537 				   			 		    sal_Unicode** pValueList,
538 				   			 		  	sal_uInt32 len);
540 	/**	gets info about type and size of a value.
542 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which value info will be returned.
543                         If keyName is an empty string, the value info of the key
544                         specified by hKey will be returned.
545 		@param	pValueType returns the type of the value.
546 		@param	pValueSize returns the size of the value in bytes or the length of a list value.
547 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
548 	*/
549 	inline RegError getValueInfo(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
550 					   			 RegValueType* pValueType,
551 					   			 sal_uInt32* pValueSize);
553 	/**	gets the value of a key.
555 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
556                         If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
557                         specified by hKey.
558 		@param	pValue points to an allocated memory block receiving the data of the value.
559 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
560 	*/
561 	inline RegError getValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
562 				   			 RegValue pValue);
564 	/**	gets a long list value of a key.
566 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
567                         If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
568                         specified by hKey.
569 		@param	rValueList references a RegistryValueList which will be filled with the long values.
570 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
571 	*/
572 	inline RegError getLongListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
573 					  	  			  RegistryValueList<sal_Int32>& rValueList);
575 	/**	gets an ascii list value of a key.
577 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
578                         If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
579                         specified by hKey.
580 		@param	rValueList references a RegistryValueList which will be filled with the ascii values.
581 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
582 	*/
583 	inline RegError getStringListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
584 					  	  			   RegistryValueList<sal_Char*>& rValueList);
586 	/**	gets a unicode value of a key.
588 		@param	keyName	specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
589                         If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
590                         specified by hKey.
591 		@param	rValueList reference a RegistryValueList which will be filled with the unicode values.
592 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
593 	*/
594 	inline RegError getUnicodeListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
595 					  	  			  	RegistryValueList<sal_Unicode*>& rValueList);
597     /** used to create a link.
599         @obsolete Links are no longer supported.
601         @return	REG_INVALID_LINK
602      */
603 	inline RegError	createLink(const ::rtl::OUString& linkName,
604 							   const ::rtl::OUString& linkTarget);
606     /** used to delete a link.
608         @obsolete Links are no longer supported.
610         @return	REG_INVALID_LINK
611      */
612 	inline RegError	deleteLink(const ::rtl::OUString& linkName);
614     /** returns the type of the specified key.
616         @param name specifies the name of the key or link.
617         @param pKeyType returns the type of the key (always RG_KEYTYPE).
618 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
619      */
620 	inline RegError	getKeyType(const ::rtl::OUString& name,
621 						   	   RegKeyType* pKeyType) const;
623     /** used to return the target of a link.
625         @obsolete Links are no longer supported.
627         @return	REG_INVALID_LINK
628      */
629 	inline RegError getLinkTarget(const ::rtl::OUString& linkName,
630 							  	  ::rtl::OUString& rLinkTarget) const;
632 	/** resolves a keyname.
634 		@param	keyName specifies the name of the key which will be resolved relativ to this key.
635                         The resolved name will be prefixed with the name of this key.
636         @param firstLinkOnly ignored
637 		@return	REG_NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
638 	 */
639 	inline RegError getResolvedKeyName(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
640 									   sal_Bool firstLinkOnly,
641 						  	  		   ::rtl::OUString& rResolvedName) const;
643 	/// returns the name of the registry in which the key is defined.
644 	inline ::rtl::OUString getRegistryName();
646 	/// returns the registry in which the key is defined.
getRegistry() const647 	Registry getRegistry() const { return m_registry; }
649 	friend class Registry;
650 public:
651     /** Constructor, which initialize a RegistryKey with registry and an valid key handle.
653         This constructor is internal only.
654         @internal
655     */
656 	inline RegistryKey(Registry&	registry,
657 					   RegKeyHandle hKey);
659     /** returns the internal key handle.
661         @internal
662      */
getKeyHandle() const663 	RegKeyHandle getKeyHandle() const { return m_hImpl; }
665 protected:
666     /** sets the internal registry on which this key should work.
668         @internal
669      */
670 	inline void setRegistry(Registry& registry);
672     /// stores the registry on which this key works
673 	Registry		m_registry;
674     /// stores the current key handle of this key
675 	RegKeyHandle	m_hImpl;
676 };
679 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RegistryKeyArray()681 inline RegistryKeyArray::RegistryKeyArray()
682 	: m_length(0)
683 	, m_phKeys(NULL)
684 {
685 }
~RegistryKeyArray()687 inline RegistryKeyArray::~RegistryKeyArray()
688 {
689 	if (m_phKeys)
690 		m_registry.m_pApi->closeSubKeys(m_phKeys, m_length);
691 }
getElement(sal_uInt32 index)693 inline RegistryKey RegistryKeyArray::getElement(sal_uInt32 index)
694 {
695 	if (m_registry.isValid() && index < m_length)
696 		return RegistryKey(m_registry, m_phKeys[index]);
697 	else
698 		return RegistryKey();
699 }
getLength()701 inline sal_uInt32 RegistryKeyArray::getLength()
702 {
703 	return m_length;
704 }
setKeyHandles(Registry & registry,RegKeyHandle * phKeys,sal_uInt32 length)706 inline void RegistryKeyArray::setKeyHandles(Registry& registry,
707 											RegKeyHandle* phKeys,
708 											sal_uInt32 length)
709 {
710 	m_phKeys = phKeys;
711 	m_length = length;
712 	m_registry = registry;
713 }
closeKeyHandles()715 inline RegError RegistryKeyArray::closeKeyHandles()
716 {
717 	if (m_registry.isValid() && m_phKeys)
718 	{
719 		RegError ret;
720 		ret = m_registry.m_pApi->closeSubKeys(m_phKeys, m_length);
721 		m_registry = Registry();
722 		m_length = 0;
723 		m_phKeys = NULL;
724 		return ret;
725 	} else
726 		return(REG_INVALID_KEY);
727 }
729 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RegistryKeyNames()731 inline RegistryKeyNames::RegistryKeyNames()
732 	: m_length(0)
733 	, m_pKeyNames(NULL)
734 {
735 }
~RegistryKeyNames()737 inline RegistryKeyNames::~RegistryKeyNames()
738 {
739 	if (m_pKeyNames)
740 		m_registry.m_pApi->freeKeyNames(m_pKeyNames, m_length);
741 }
getElement(sal_uInt32 index)743 inline ::rtl::OUString RegistryKeyNames::getElement(sal_uInt32 index)
744 {
746 	if (m_pKeyNames && index < m_length)
747 		return m_pKeyNames[index];
748 	else
749 		return ::rtl::OUString();
750 }
getLength()752 inline sal_uInt32 RegistryKeyNames::getLength()
753 {
754 	return m_length;
755 }
setKeyNames(Registry & registry,rtl_uString ** pKeyNames,sal_uInt32 length)757 inline void RegistryKeyNames::setKeyNames(Registry& registry,
758 										  rtl_uString** pKeyNames,
759 										  sal_uInt32 length)
760 {
761 	m_pKeyNames = pKeyNames;
762 	m_length = length;
763 	m_registry = registry;
764 }
freeKeyNames()766 inline RegError RegistryKeyNames::freeKeyNames()
767 {
768 	if (m_registry.isValid() && m_pKeyNames)
769 	{
770 		RegError ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
771 		ret = m_registry.m_pApi->freeKeyNames(m_pKeyNames, m_length);
772 		m_registry = Registry();
773 		m_length = 0;
774 		m_pKeyNames = NULL;
775 		return ret;
776 	} else
777 		return REG_INVALID_KEY;
778 }
780 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RegistryKey()782 inline RegistryKey::RegistryKey()
783 	: m_hImpl(NULL)
784 	{ }
RegistryKey(Registry & registry,RegKeyHandle hKey)786 inline RegistryKey::RegistryKey(Registry& registry, RegKeyHandle hKey)
787 	: m_registry(registry)
788 	, m_hImpl(hKey)
789 	{
790 		if (m_hImpl)
791 			m_registry.m_pApi->acquireKey(m_hImpl);
792 	}
RegistryKey(const RegistryKey & toCopy)794 inline RegistryKey::RegistryKey(const RegistryKey& toCopy)
795 	: m_registry(toCopy.m_registry)
796 	, m_hImpl(toCopy.m_hImpl)
797 	{
798 		if (m_hImpl)
799 			m_registry.m_pApi->acquireKey(m_hImpl);
800 	}
setRegistry(Registry & registry)802 inline void RegistryKey::setRegistry(Registry& registry)
803 	{
804 		m_registry = registry;
805 	}
~RegistryKey()807 inline RegistryKey::~RegistryKey()
808 	{
809 		if (m_hImpl)
810 			m_registry.m_pApi->releaseKey(m_hImpl);
811 	}
operator =(const RegistryKey & toAssign)813 inline RegistryKey& RegistryKey::operator = (const RegistryKey& toAssign)
814 {
815 	m_registry = toAssign.m_registry;
817 	if (toAssign.m_hImpl)
818 		m_registry.m_pApi->acquireKey(toAssign.m_hImpl);
819 	if (m_hImpl)
820 		m_registry.m_pApi->releaseKey(m_hImpl);
821 	m_hImpl = toAssign.m_hImpl;
823 	return *this;
824 }
isValid() const826 inline sal_Bool RegistryKey::isValid() const
827 	{  return (m_hImpl != NULL); }
isReadOnly() const829 inline sal_Bool RegistryKey::isReadOnly() const
830 	{
831 		if 	(m_registry.isValid())
832 			return (m_registry.m_pApi)->isKeyReadOnly(m_hImpl);
833 		else
834 			return sal_False;
835 	}
getName()837 inline ::rtl::OUString RegistryKey::getName()
838 	{
839 		::rtl::OUString sRet;
840 		if (m_registry.isValid())
841 			m_registry.m_pApi->getKeyName(m_hImpl, &sRet.pData);
842 		return sRet;;
843 	}
createKey(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegistryKey & rNewKey)845 inline RegError RegistryKey::createKey(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
846 						   			   RegistryKey& rNewKey)
847 	{
848 		if (rNewKey.isValid()) rNewKey.closeKey();
849 		if (m_registry.isValid())
850 		{
851 			RegError ret = m_registry.m_pApi->createKey(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, &rNewKey.m_hImpl);
852 			if (!ret) rNewKey.setRegistry(m_registry);
853 			return ret;
854 		} else
855 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
856 	}
openKey(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegistryKey & rOpenKey)858 inline RegError RegistryKey::openKey(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
859 			  			 		  RegistryKey& rOpenKey)
860 	{
861 		if (rOpenKey.isValid()) rOpenKey.closeKey();
862 		if (m_registry.isValid())
863 		{
864 			RegError ret = m_registry.m_pApi->openKey(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
865 													&rOpenKey.m_hImpl);
866 			if (!ret) rOpenKey.setRegistry(m_registry);
867 			return ret;
868 		} else
869 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
870 	}
openSubKeys(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegistryKeyArray & rSubKeys)872 inline RegError RegistryKey::openSubKeys(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
873 										 RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys)
874 	{
875 		if (m_registry.isValid())
876 		{
877 			RegError 		ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
878 			RegKeyHandle* 	pSubKeys;
879 			sal_uInt32 		nSubKeys;
880 	 		ret = m_registry.m_pApi->openSubKeys(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
881 	 												 &pSubKeys, &nSubKeys);
882 	 		if ( ret )
883 			{
884 				return ret;
885 			} else
886 			{
887 				rSubKeys.setKeyHandles(m_registry, pSubKeys, nSubKeys);
888 				return ret;
889 			}
890 		} else
891 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
892 	}
getKeyNames(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegistryKeyNames & rSubKeyNames)894 inline RegError RegistryKey::getKeyNames(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
895 					  	  				 RegistryKeyNames& rSubKeyNames)
896 	{
897 		if (m_registry.isValid())
898 		{
899 			RegError 		ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
900 			rtl_uString**	pSubKeyNames;
901 			sal_uInt32 		nSubKeys;
902 	 		ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getKeyNames(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
903 	 											 &pSubKeyNames, &nSubKeys);
904 	 		if ( ret )
905 			{
906 				return ret;
907 			} else
908 			{
909 				rSubKeyNames.setKeyNames(m_registry, pSubKeyNames, nSubKeys);
910 				return ret;
911 			}
912 		} else
913 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
914 	}
closeSubKeys(RegistryKeyArray & rSubKeys)916 inline RegError RegistryKey::closeSubKeys(RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys)
917 	{
918 		if (m_registry.isValid())
919 			return rSubKeys.closeKeyHandles();
920 		else
921 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
922 	}
deleteKey(const::rtl::OUString & keyName)924 inline RegError RegistryKey::deleteKey(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName)
925 	{
926 		if (m_registry.isValid())
927 			return m_registry.m_pApi->deleteKey(m_hImpl, keyName.pData);
928 		else
929 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
930 	}
closeKey()932 inline RegError RegistryKey::closeKey()
933 	{
934 		if (m_registry.isValid())
935 		{
936 			RegError ret = m_registry.m_pApi->closeKey(m_hImpl);
937 			if (!ret)
938 			{
939 				m_hImpl = NULL;
940 				m_registry = Registry();
941 			}
942 			return ret;
943 		} else
944 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
945 	}
releaseKey()947 inline void RegistryKey::releaseKey()
948 {
949 	if (m_registry.isValid() && (m_hImpl != 0))
950 	{
951 		m_registry.m_pApi->releaseKey(m_hImpl), m_hImpl = 0;
952 	}
953 }
setValue(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegValueType valueType,RegValue pValue,sal_uInt32 valueSize)955 inline RegError RegistryKey::setValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
956 			   			  		   	  RegValueType valueType,
957 			   			  		      RegValue pValue,
958 			   			  		   	  sal_uInt32 valueSize)
959 	{
960 		if (m_registry.isValid())
961 			return m_registry.m_pApi->setValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, valueType,
962 								 			   pValue, valueSize);
963 		else
964 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
965 	}
setLongListValue(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,sal_Int32 * pValueList,sal_uInt32 len)967 inline RegError RegistryKey::setLongListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
968 			   			 					  sal_Int32* pValueList,
969 						   			 		  sal_uInt32 len)
970 	{
971 		if (m_registry.isValid())
972 			return m_registry.m_pApi->setLongListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
973 								 			   		   pValueList, len);
974 		else
975 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
976 	}
setStringListValue(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,sal_Char ** pValueList,sal_uInt32 len)978 inline RegError RegistryKey::setStringListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
979 			   			 					   sal_Char** pValueList,
980 						   			 		   sal_uInt32 len)
981 	{
982 		if (m_registry.isValid())
983 			return m_registry.m_pApi->setStringListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
984 								 			   			pValueList, len);
985 		else
986 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
987 	}
setUnicodeListValue(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,sal_Unicode ** pValueList,sal_uInt32 len)989 inline RegError RegistryKey::setUnicodeListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
990 			   			 					   	 sal_Unicode** pValueList,
991 						   			 		   	 sal_uInt32 len)
992 	{
993 		if (m_registry.isValid())
994 			return m_registry.m_pApi->setUnicodeListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
995 								 			   			  pValueList, len);
996 		else
997 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
998 	}
getValueInfo(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegValueType * pValueType,sal_uInt32 * pValueSize)1000 inline RegError RegistryKey::getValueInfo(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1001 				   			  		   	  RegValueType* pValueType,
1002 				   			  		   	  sal_uInt32* pValueSize)
1003 	{
1004 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1005 			return m_registry.m_pApi->getValueInfo(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, pValueType, pValueSize);
1006 		else
1007 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1008 	}
getValue(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegValue pValue)1010 inline RegError RegistryKey::getValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1011 			   			  		   RegValue pValue)
1012 	{
1013 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1014 			return m_registry.m_pApi->getValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, pValue);
1015 		else
1016 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1017 	}
getLongListValue(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegistryValueList<sal_Int32> & rValueList)1019 inline RegError RegistryKey::getLongListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1020 				  	  			  		RegistryValueList<sal_Int32>& rValueList)
1021 	{
1022 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1023 		{
1024 			RegError 	ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
1025 			sal_Int32* 	pValueList;
1026 			sal_uInt32 	length;
1027 	 		ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getLongListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
1028 	 												 &pValueList, &length);
1029 	 		if ( ret )
1030 			{
1031 				return ret;
1032 			} else
1033 			{
1034 				rValueList.setValueList(m_registry, RG_VALUETYPE_LONGLIST,
1035 										pValueList, length);
1036 				return ret;
1037 			}
1038 		} else
1039 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1040 	}
getStringListValue(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegistryValueList<sal_Char * > & rValueList)1042 inline RegError RegistryKey::getStringListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1043 				  	  			  				RegistryValueList<sal_Char*>& rValueList)
1044 	{
1045 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1046 		{
1047 			RegError 	ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
1048 			sal_Char** 	pValueList;
1049 			sal_uInt32 	length;
1050 	 		ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getStringListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
1051 	 												 &pValueList, &length);
1052 	 		if ( ret )
1053 			{
1054 				return ret;
1055 			} else
1056 			{
1057 				rValueList.setValueList(m_registry, RG_VALUETYPE_STRINGLIST,
1058 										pValueList, length);
1059 				return ret;
1060 			}
1061 		} else
1062 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1063 	}
getUnicodeListValue(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegistryValueList<sal_Unicode * > & rValueList)1065 inline RegError RegistryKey::getUnicodeListValue(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1066 				  	  			  		RegistryValueList<sal_Unicode*>& rValueList)
1067 	{
1068 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1069 		{
1070 			RegError 		ret = REG_NO_ERROR;
1071 			sal_Unicode** 	pValueList;
1072 			sal_uInt32 		length;
1073 	 		ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getUnicodeListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
1074 	 												 &pValueList, &length);
1075 	 		if ( ret )
1076 			{
1077 				return ret;
1078 			} else
1079 			{
1080 				rValueList.setValueList(m_registry, RG_VALUETYPE_UNICODELIST,
1081 										pValueList, length);
1082 				return ret;
1083 			}
1084 		} else
1085 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1086 	}
createLink(const::rtl::OUString & linkName,const::rtl::OUString & linkTarget)1088 inline RegError	RegistryKey::createLink(const ::rtl::OUString& linkName,
1089 						   				const ::rtl::OUString& linkTarget)
1090 	{
1091 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1092 			return m_registry.m_pApi->createLink(m_hImpl, linkName.pData, linkTarget.pData);
1093 		else
1094 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1095 	}
deleteLink(const::rtl::OUString & linkName)1097 inline RegError	RegistryKey::deleteLink(const ::rtl::OUString& linkName)
1098 	{
1099 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1100 			return m_registry.m_pApi->deleteLink(m_hImpl, linkName.pData);
1101 		else
1102 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1103 	}
getKeyType(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,RegKeyType * pKeyType) const1105 inline RegError	RegistryKey::getKeyType(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1106 					   	   				RegKeyType* pKeyType) const
1107 	{
1108 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1109 			return m_registry.m_pApi->getKeyType(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, pKeyType);
1110 		else
1111 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1112 	}
getLinkTarget(const::rtl::OUString & linkName,::rtl::OUString & rLinkTarget) const1114 inline RegError RegistryKey::getLinkTarget(const ::rtl::OUString& linkName,
1115 						  	  			   ::rtl::OUString& rLinkTarget) const
1116 	{
1117 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1118 		{
1119 			return m_registry.m_pApi->getLinkTarget(m_hImpl,
1120 													linkName.pData,
1121 													&rLinkTarget.pData);
1122 		} else
1123 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1124 	}
getResolvedKeyName(const::rtl::OUString & keyName,sal_Bool firstLinkOnly,::rtl::OUString & rResolvedName) const1127 inline RegError RegistryKey::getResolvedKeyName(const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1128 								   				sal_Bool firstLinkOnly,
1129 					  	  		   				::rtl::OUString& rResolvedName) const
1130 	{
1131 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1132 			return m_registry.m_pApi->getResolvedKeyName(m_hImpl,
1133 														 keyName.pData,
1134 														 firstLinkOnly,
1135 														 &rResolvedName.pData);
1136 		else
1137 			return REG_INVALID_KEY;
1138 	}
getRegistryName()1140 inline ::rtl::OUString RegistryKey::getRegistryName()
1141 	{
1142 		if (m_registry.isValid())
1143 		{
1144 			return m_registry.getName();
1145 		} else
1146 			return ::rtl::OUString();
1147 	}
1149 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Registry()1151 inline Registry::Registry()
1152 	: m_pApi(initRegistry_Api())
1153 	, m_hImpl(NULL)
1154 	{ }
Registry(const Registry & toCopy)1156 inline Registry::Registry(const Registry& toCopy)
1157 	: m_pApi(toCopy.m_pApi)
1158 	, m_hImpl(toCopy.m_hImpl)
1159 	{
1160 		if (m_hImpl)
1161 			m_pApi->acquire(m_hImpl);
1162 	}
~Registry()1165 inline Registry::~Registry()
1166 	{
1167 		if (m_hImpl)
1168 			m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
1169 	}
operator =(const Registry & toAssign)1171 inline Registry& Registry::operator = (const Registry& toAssign)
1172 {
1173 	if (toAssign.m_hImpl)
1174 		toAssign.m_pApi->acquire(toAssign.m_hImpl);
1175 	if (m_hImpl)
1176 		m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
1178 	m_pApi  = toAssign.m_pApi;
1179 	m_hImpl = toAssign.m_hImpl;
1181 	return *this;
1182 }
isValid() const1184 inline sal_Bool Registry::isValid() const
1185 	{  return ( m_hImpl != NULL ); }
isReadOnly() const1187 inline sal_Bool Registry::isReadOnly() const
1188 	{  return m_pApi->isReadOnly(m_hImpl); }
openRootKey(RegistryKey & rRootKey)1190 inline RegError Registry::openRootKey(RegistryKey& rRootKey)
1191 	{
1192 		rRootKey.setRegistry(*this);
1193 		return m_pApi->openRootKey(m_hImpl, &rRootKey.m_hImpl);
1194 	}
getName()1196 inline ::rtl::OUString Registry::getName()
1197 	{
1198 		::rtl::OUString sRet;
1199 		m_pApi->getName(m_hImpl, &sRet.pData);
1200 		return sRet;
1201 	}
create(const::rtl::OUString & registryName)1203 inline RegError Registry::create(const ::rtl::OUString& registryName)
1204 	{
1205 		if (m_hImpl)
1206 			m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
1207 		return m_pApi->createRegistry(registryName.pData, &m_hImpl);
1208 	}
open(const::rtl::OUString & registryName,RegAccessMode accessMode)1210 inline RegError Registry::open(const ::rtl::OUString& registryName,
1211 				   			   RegAccessMode accessMode)
1212 	{
1213 		if (m_hImpl)
1214 			m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
1215 		return m_pApi->openRegistry(registryName.pData, &m_hImpl, accessMode);
1216 	}
close()1218 inline RegError Registry::close()
1219 	{
1220 		RegError ret = m_pApi->closeRegistry(m_hImpl);
1221 		if (!ret)
1222 			m_hImpl = NULL;
1223 		return ret;
1224 	}
destroy(const::rtl::OUString & registryName)1226 inline RegError Registry::destroy(const ::rtl::OUString& registryName)
1227 	{
1228 		RegError ret = m_pApi->destroyRegistry(m_hImpl, registryName.pData);
1229 		if ( !ret && (registryName.getLength() == 0) )
1230 			m_hImpl = NULL;
1231 		return ret;
1232 	}
loadKey(RegistryKey & rKey,const::rtl::OUString & keyName,const::rtl::OUString & regFileName)1234 inline RegError Registry::loadKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
1235 			  			 		   const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1236 			  			 		   const ::rtl::OUString& regFileName)
1237 	{  return m_pApi->loadKey(m_hImpl, rKey.m_hImpl, keyName.pData, regFileName.pData); }
saveKey(RegistryKey & rKey,const::rtl::OUString & keyName,const::rtl::OUString & regFileName)1239 inline RegError Registry::saveKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
1240 			  			 		  const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1241 			  			 		  const ::rtl::OUString& regFileName)
1242 	{  return m_pApi->saveKey(m_hImpl, rKey.m_hImpl, keyName.pData, regFileName.pData); }
mergeKey(RegistryKey & rKey,const::rtl::OUString & keyName,const::rtl::OUString & regFileName,sal_Bool bWarnings,sal_Bool bReport)1244 inline RegError Registry::mergeKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
1245 			   			  			const ::rtl::OUString& keyName,
1246 			   			  			const ::rtl::OUString& regFileName,
1247 			   			  			sal_Bool bWarnings,
1248 			   			  			sal_Bool bReport)
1249 	{  return m_pApi->mergeKey(m_hImpl, rKey.m_hImpl, keyName.pData, regFileName.pData, bWarnings, bReport); }
dumpRegistry(RegistryKey & rKey)1251 inline RegError Registry::dumpRegistry(RegistryKey& rKey)
1252 	{  return m_pApi->dumpRegistry(m_hImpl, rKey.m_hImpl); }
1255 #endif