1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_package.hxx"
26 #include <ZipPackageFolder.hxx>
27 #include <ZipFile.hxx>
28 #include <ZipOutputStream.hxx>
29 #include <ZipPackageStream.hxx>
30 #include <PackageConstants.hxx>
31 #include <ZipPackageFolderEnumeration.hxx>
32 #include <com/sun/star/packages/zip/ZipConstants.hpp>
33 #include <com/sun/star/embed/StorageFormats.hpp>
34 #include <vos/diagnose.hxx>
35 #include <osl/time.h>
36 #include <rtl/digest.h>
37 #include <ContentInfo.hxx>
38 #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
39 #include <com/sun/star/io/XSeekable.hpp>
40 #include <EncryptedDataHeader.hxx>
41 #include <rtl/random.h>
42 #include <rtl/instance.hxx>
43 #include <memory>
45 using namespace com::sun::star;
46 using namespace com::sun::star::packages::zip::ZipConstants;
47 using namespace com::sun::star::packages::zip;
48 using namespace com::sun::star::packages;
49 using namespace com::sun::star::container;
50 using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
51 using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
52 using namespace com::sun::star::io;
53 using namespace cppu;
54 using namespace std;
55 using namespace ::com::sun::star;
56 using vos::ORef;
58 namespace { struct lcl_CachedImplId : public rtl::Static< uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 >, lcl_CachedImplId > {}; }
ZipPackageFolder(const uno::Reference<XMultiServiceFactory> & xFactory,sal_Int32 nFormat,sal_Bool bAllowRemoveOnInsert)60 ZipPackageFolder::ZipPackageFolder ( const uno::Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& xFactory,
61 									 sal_Int32 nFormat,
62 									 sal_Bool bAllowRemoveOnInsert )
63 : m_xFactory( xFactory )
64 , m_nFormat( nFormat )
65 {
66 	OSL_ENSURE( m_xFactory.is(), "No factory is provided to the package folder!" );
68 	this->mbAllowRemoveOnInsert = bAllowRemoveOnInsert;
70 	SetFolder ( sal_True );
71 	aEntry.nVersion		= -1;
72 	aEntry.nFlag		= 0;
73 	aEntry.nMethod		= STORED;
74 	aEntry.nTime		= -1;
75 	aEntry.nCrc			= 0;
76 	aEntry.nCompressedSize	= 0;
77 	aEntry.nSize		= 0;
78 	aEntry.nOffset		= -1;
79 	uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > &rCachedImplId = lcl_CachedImplId::get();
80 	if ( !rCachedImplId.getLength() )
81 	    rCachedImplId = getImplementationId();
82 }
~ZipPackageFolder()85 ZipPackageFolder::~ZipPackageFolder()
86 {
87 }
LookForUnexpectedODF12Streams(const::rtl::OUString & aPath)89 sal_Bool ZipPackageFolder::LookForUnexpectedODF12Streams( const ::rtl::OUString& aPath )
90 {
91     sal_Bool bHasUnexpected = sal_False;
93 	for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aCI = maContents.begin(), aEnd = maContents.end();
94 	      !bHasUnexpected && aCI != aEnd;
95 		  aCI++)
96 	{
97 		const ::rtl::OUString &rShortName = (*aCI).first;
98 		const ContentInfo &rInfo = *(*aCI).second;
100 		if ( rInfo.bFolder )
101 		{
102             if ( aPath.equals( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "META-INF/" ) ) ) )
103             {
104                 // META-INF is not allowed to contain subfolders
105                 bHasUnexpected = sal_True;
106             }
107             else
108             {
109                 ::rtl::OUString sOwnPath = aPath + rShortName + ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "/" ) );
110                 bHasUnexpected = rInfo.pFolder->LookForUnexpectedODF12Streams( sOwnPath );
111             }
112 		}
113 		else
114 		{
115             if ( aPath.equals( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "META-INF/" ) ) ) )
116             {
117                 if ( !rShortName.equals( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "manifest.xml" ) ) )
118                   && rShortName.indexOf( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "signatures" ) ) ) == -1 )
119                 {
120                     // a stream from META-INF with unexpected name
121                     bHasUnexpected = sal_True;
122                 }
124                 // streams from META-INF with expected names are allowed not to be registered in manifest.xml
125             }
126             else if ( !rInfo.pStream->IsFromManifest() )
127             {
128                 // the stream is not in META-INF and ist notregistered in manifest.xml,
129                 // check whether it is an internal part of the package format
130                 if ( aPath.getLength()
131                   || !rShortName.equals( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "mimetype" ) ) ) )
132                 {
133                     // if it is not "mimetype" from the root it is not a part of the package
134                     bHasUnexpected = sal_True;
135                 }
136             }
137         }
138     }
140     return bHasUnexpected;
141 }
setChildStreamsTypeByExtension(const beans::StringPair & aPair)143 void ZipPackageFolder::setChildStreamsTypeByExtension( const beans::StringPair& aPair )
144 {
145 	::rtl::OUString aExt;
146 	if ( aPair.First.toChar() == (sal_Unicode)'.' )
147 		aExt = aPair.First;
148 	else
149 		aExt = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "." ) ) + aPair.First;
151 	for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aCI = maContents.begin(), aEnd = maContents.end();
152 	      aCI != aEnd;
153 		  aCI++)
154 	{
155 		const ::rtl::OUString &rShortName = (*aCI).first;
156 		const ContentInfo &rInfo = *(*aCI).second;
158 		if ( rInfo.bFolder )
159 			rInfo.pFolder->setChildStreamsTypeByExtension( aPair );
160 		else
161 		{
162 			sal_Int32 nPathLength = rShortName.getLength();
163 			sal_Int32 nExtLength = aExt.getLength();
164 			if ( nPathLength >= nExtLength && rShortName.match( aExt, nPathLength - nExtLength ) )
165 				rInfo.pStream->SetMediaType( aPair.Second );
166 		}
167 	}
168 }
copyZipEntry(ZipEntry & rDest,const ZipEntry & rSource)170 void ZipPackageFolder::copyZipEntry( ZipEntry &rDest, const ZipEntry &rSource)
171 {
172   	rDest.nVersion			= rSource.nVersion;
173     rDest.nFlag				= rSource.nFlag;
174     rDest.nMethod			= rSource.nMethod;
175     rDest.nTime				= rSource.nTime;
176     rDest.nCrc				= rSource.nCrc;
177     rDest.nCompressedSize	= rSource.nCompressedSize;
178     rDest.nSize				= rSource.nSize;
179     rDest.nOffset			= rSource.nOffset;
180     rDest.sPath				= rSource.sPath;
181     rDest.nPathLen			= rSource.nPathLen;
182     rDest.nExtraLen			= rSource.nExtraLen;
183 }
static_getImplementationId()185 const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 >& ZipPackageFolder::static_getImplementationId()
186 {
187     return lcl_CachedImplId::get();
188 }
190 	// XNameContainer
insertByName(const::rtl::OUString & aName,const uno::Any & aElement)191 void SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::insertByName( const ::rtl::OUString& aName, const uno::Any& aElement )
192 		throw(IllegalArgumentException, ElementExistException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
193 {
194 	if (hasByName(aName))
195 		throw ElementExistException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() );
196 	else
197 	{
198 		uno::Reference < XUnoTunnel > xRef;
199 		aElement >>= xRef;
200 		if ( (  aElement >>= xRef ) )
201 		{
202 			sal_Int64 nTest;
203 			ZipPackageEntry *pEntry;
204 			if ( ( nTest = xRef->getSomething ( ZipPackageFolder::static_getImplementationId() ) ) != 0 )
205 			{
206 				ZipPackageFolder *pFolder = reinterpret_cast < ZipPackageFolder * > ( nTest );
207 				pEntry = static_cast < ZipPackageEntry * > ( pFolder );
208 			}
209 			else if ( ( nTest = xRef->getSomething ( ZipPackageStream::static_getImplementationId() ) ) != 0 )
210 			{
211 				ZipPackageStream *pStream = reinterpret_cast < ZipPackageStream * > ( nTest );
212 				pEntry = static_cast < ZipPackageEntry * > ( pStream );
213 			}
214 			else
215 				throw IllegalArgumentException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >(), 0 );
217 			if (pEntry->getName() != aName )
218 				pEntry->setName (aName);
219 			doInsertByName ( pEntry, sal_True );
220 		}
221 		else
222 			throw IllegalArgumentException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >(), 0 );
223 	}
224 }
removeByName(const::rtl::OUString & Name)225 void SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::removeByName( const ::rtl::OUString& Name )
226 		throw(NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
227 {
228 	ContentHash::iterator aIter = maContents.find ( Name );
229 	if ( aIter == maContents.end() )
230 		throw NoSuchElementException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() );
231 	maContents.erase( aIter );
232 }
233 	// XEnumerationAccess
createEnumeration()234 uno::Reference< XEnumeration > SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::createEnumeration(  )
235 		throw(uno::RuntimeException)
236 {
237 	return uno::Reference < XEnumeration> (new ZipPackageFolderEnumeration(maContents));
238 }
239 	// XElementAccess
getElementType()240 uno::Type SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getElementType(  )
241 		throw(uno::RuntimeException)
242 {
243 	return ::getCppuType ((const uno::Reference< XUnoTunnel > *) 0);
244 }
hasElements()245 sal_Bool SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::hasElements(  )
246 		throw(uno::RuntimeException)
247 {
248 	return maContents.size() > 0;
249 }
250 	// XNameAccess
doGetByName(const::rtl::OUString & aName)251 ContentInfo& ZipPackageFolder::doGetByName( const ::rtl::OUString& aName )
252 	throw(NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
253 {
254 	ContentHash::iterator aIter = maContents.find ( aName );
255 	if ( aIter == maContents.end())
256 		throw NoSuchElementException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() );
257 	return *(*aIter).second;
258 }
getByName(const::rtl::OUString & aName)259 uno::Any SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getByName( const ::rtl::OUString& aName )
260 	throw(NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
261 {
262 	return uno::makeAny ( doGetByName ( aName ).xTunnel );
263 }
getElementNames()264 uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getElementNames(  )
265 		throw(uno::RuntimeException)
266 {
267 	sal_uInt32 i=0, nSize = maContents.size();
268 	uno::Sequence < ::rtl::OUString > aSequence ( nSize );
269 	for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aIterator = maContents.begin(), aEnd = maContents.end();
270 		  aIterator != aEnd;
271 		  ++i, ++aIterator)
272 		aSequence[i] = (*aIterator).first;
273 	return aSequence;
274 }
hasByName(const::rtl::OUString & aName)275 sal_Bool SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::hasByName( const ::rtl::OUString& aName )
276 	throw(uno::RuntimeException)
277 {
278 	return maContents.find ( aName ) != maContents.end ();
279 }
280 	// XNameReplace
replaceByName(const::rtl::OUString & aName,const uno::Any & aElement)281 void SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::replaceByName( const ::rtl::OUString& aName, const uno::Any& aElement )
282 		throw(IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchElementException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
283 {
284 	if ( hasByName( aName ) )
285 		removeByName( aName );
286 	else
287 		throw NoSuchElementException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() );
288 	insertByName(aName, aElement);
289 }
ImplSetStoredData(ZipEntry & rEntry,uno::Reference<XInputStream> & rStream)291 static void ImplSetStoredData( ZipEntry & rEntry, uno::Reference< XInputStream> & rStream )
292 {
293 	// It's very annoying that we have to do this, but lots of zip packages
294 	// don't allow data descriptors for STORED streams, meaning we have to
295 	// know the size and CRC32 of uncompressed streams before we actually
296 	// write them !
297 	CRC32 aCRC32;
298 	rEntry.nMethod = STORED;
299 	rEntry.nCompressedSize = rEntry.nSize = aCRC32.updateStream ( rStream );
300 	rEntry.nCrc = aCRC32.getValue();
301 }
saveChild(const::rtl::OUString & rShortName,const ContentInfo & rInfo,::rtl::OUString & rPath,std::vector<uno::Sequence<PropertyValue>> & rManList,ZipOutputStream & rZipOut,const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> & rEncryptionKey,rtlRandomPool & rRandomPool)303 bool ZipPackageFolder::saveChild( const ::rtl::OUString &rShortName, const ContentInfo &rInfo, ::rtl::OUString &rPath, std::vector < uno::Sequence < PropertyValue > > &rManList, ZipOutputStream & rZipOut, const uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 >& rEncryptionKey, rtlRandomPool &rRandomPool)
304 {
305     bool bSuccess = true;
307 	const ::rtl::OUString sMediaTypeProperty ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "MediaType" ) );
308 	const ::rtl::OUString sVersionProperty ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Version" ) );
309 	const ::rtl::OUString sFullPathProperty ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "FullPath" ) );
310 	const ::rtl::OUString sInitialisationVectorProperty ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "InitialisationVector" ) );
311 	const ::rtl::OUString sSaltProperty ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Salt" ) );
312 	const ::rtl::OUString sIterationCountProperty ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "IterationCount" ) );
313 	const ::rtl::OUString sSizeProperty ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Size" ) );
314 	const ::rtl::OUString sDigestProperty ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Digest" ) );
315     const ::rtl::OUString sEncryptionAlgProperty	( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "EncryptionAlgorithm" ) );
316     const ::rtl::OUString sStartKeyAlgProperty	( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "StartKeyAlgorithm" ) );
317     const ::rtl::OUString sDigestAlgProperty 	( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "DigestAlgorithm" ) );
318     const ::rtl::OUString  sDerivedKeySizeProperty	( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "DerivedKeySize" ) );
320     uno::Sequence < PropertyValue > aPropSet (PKG_SIZE_NOENCR_MNFST);
322     OSL_ENSURE( ( rInfo.bFolder && rInfo.pFolder ) || ( !rInfo.bFolder && rInfo.pStream ), "A valid child object is expected!" );
323     if ( rInfo.bFolder )
324     {
325         ::rtl::OUString sTempName = rPath + rShortName + ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "/" ) );
327         if ( rInfo.pFolder->GetMediaType().getLength() )
328         {
329             aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Name = sMediaTypeProperty;
330             aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Value <<= rInfo.pFolder->GetMediaType();
331             aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Name = sVersionProperty;
332             aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Value <<= rInfo.pFolder->GetVersion();
333             aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Name = sFullPathProperty;
334             aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Value <<= sTempName;
335         }
336         else
337             aPropSet.realloc( 0 );
339         rInfo.pFolder->saveContents( sTempName, rManList, rZipOut, rEncryptionKey, rRandomPool);
340     }
341     else
342     {
343         // if pTempEntry is necessary, it will be released and passed to the ZipOutputStream
344         // and be deleted in the ZipOutputStream destructor
345         auto_ptr < ZipEntry > pAutoTempEntry ( new ZipEntry );
346         ZipEntry* pTempEntry = pAutoTempEntry.get();
348         // In case the entry we are reading is also the entry we are writing, we will
349         // store the ZipEntry data in pTempEntry
351         ZipPackageFolder::copyZipEntry ( *pTempEntry, rInfo.pStream->aEntry );
352         pTempEntry->sPath = rPath + rShortName;
353         pTempEntry->nPathLen = (sal_Int16)( ::rtl::OUStringToOString( pTempEntry->sPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getLength() );
355         sal_Bool bToBeEncrypted = rInfo.pStream->IsToBeEncrypted() && (rEncryptionKey.getLength() || rInfo.pStream->HasOwnKey());
356         sal_Bool bToBeCompressed = bToBeEncrypted ? sal_True : rInfo.pStream->IsToBeCompressed();
358         aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Name = sMediaTypeProperty;
359         aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_MEDIATYPE].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->GetMediaType( );
360         aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Name = sVersionProperty;
361         aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_VERSION].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString(); // no version is stored for streams currently
362         aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Name = sFullPathProperty;
363         aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_FULLPATH].Value <<= pTempEntry->sPath;
366         OSL_ENSURE( rInfo.pStream->GetStreamMode() != PACKAGE_STREAM_NOTSET, "Unacceptable ZipPackageStream mode!" );
368         sal_Bool bRawStream = sal_False;
369         if ( rInfo.pStream->GetStreamMode() == PACKAGE_STREAM_DETECT )
370             bRawStream = rInfo.pStream->ParsePackageRawStream();
371         else if ( rInfo.pStream->GetStreamMode() == PACKAGE_STREAM_RAW )
372             bRawStream = sal_True;
374         sal_Bool bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw = sal_False;
375         // During the storing the original size of the stream can be changed
376         // TODO/LATER: get rid of this hack
377         sal_Int32 nOwnStreamOrigSize = bRawStream ? rInfo.pStream->GetMagicalHackSize() : rInfo.pStream->getSize();
379         sal_Bool bUseNonSeekableAccess = sal_False;
380         uno::Reference < XInputStream > xStream;
381         if ( !rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() && !bRawStream && !bToBeEncrypted && bToBeCompressed )
382         {
383             // the stream is not a package member, not a raw stream,
384             // it should not be encrypted and it should be compressed,
385             // in this case nonseekable access can be used
387             xStream = rInfo.pStream->GetOwnStreamNoWrap();
388             uno::Reference < XSeekable > xSeek ( xStream, uno::UNO_QUERY );
390             bUseNonSeekableAccess = ( xStream.is() && !xSeek.is() );
391         }
393         if ( !bUseNonSeekableAccess )
394         {
395             xStream = rInfo.pStream->getRawData();
397             if ( !xStream.is() )
398             {
399                 VOS_ENSURE( 0, "ZipPackageStream didn't have a stream associated with it, skipping!" );
400                 bSuccess = false;
401                 return bSuccess;
402             }
404             uno::Reference < XSeekable > xSeek ( xStream, uno::UNO_QUERY );
405             try
406             {
407                 if ( xSeek.is() )
408                 {
409                     // If the stream is a raw one, then we should be positioned
410                     // at the beginning of the actual data
411                     if ( !bToBeCompressed || bRawStream )
412                     {
413                         // The raw stream can neither be encrypted nor connected
414                         OSL_ENSURE( !bRawStream || !bToBeCompressed && !bToBeEncrypted, "The stream is already encrypted!\n" );
415                         xSeek->seek ( bRawStream ? rInfo.pStream->GetMagicalHackPos() : 0 );
416                         ImplSetStoredData ( *pTempEntry, xStream );
418                         // TODO/LATER: Get rid of hacks related to switching of Flag Method and Size properties!
419                     }
420                     else if ( bToBeEncrypted )
421                     {
422                         // this is the correct original size
423                         pTempEntry->nSize = static_cast < sal_Int32 > ( xSeek->getLength() );
424                         nOwnStreamOrigSize = pTempEntry->nSize;
425                     }
427                     xSeek->seek ( 0 );
428                 }
429                 else
430                 {
431                     // Okay, we don't have an xSeekable stream. This is possibly bad.
432                     // check if it's one of our own streams, if it is then we know that
433                     // each time we ask for it we'll get a new stream that will be
434                     // at position zero...otherwise, assert and skip this stream...
435                     if ( rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() )
436                     {
437                         // if the password has been changed than the stream should not be package member any more
438                         if ( rInfo.pStream->IsEncrypted() && rInfo.pStream->IsToBeEncrypted() )
439                         {
440                             // Should be handled close to the raw stream handling
441                             bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw = sal_True;
442                             pTempEntry->nMethod = STORED;
444                             // TODO/LATER: get rid of this situation
445                             // this size should be different from the one that will be stored in manifest.xml
446                             // it is used in storing algorithms and after storing the correct size will be set
447                             pTempEntry->nSize = pTempEntry->nCompressedSize;
448                         }
449                     }
450                     else
451                     {
452                         bSuccess = false;
453                         return bSuccess;
454                     }
455                 }
456             }
457             catch ( uno::Exception& )
458             {
459                 bSuccess = false;
460                 return bSuccess;
461             }
463             if ( bToBeEncrypted || bRawStream || bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw )
464             {
465                 if ( bToBeEncrypted && !bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw )
466                 {
467                     uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aSalt( 16 ), aVector( rInfo.pStream->GetBlockSize() );
468                     rtl_random_getBytes ( rRandomPool, aSalt.getArray(), 16 );
469                     rtl_random_getBytes ( rRandomPool, aVector.getArray(), aVector.getLength() );
470                     sal_Int32 nIterationCount = 1024;
472                     if ( !rInfo.pStream->HasOwnKey() )
473                         rInfo.pStream->setKey ( rEncryptionKey );
475                     rInfo.pStream->setInitialisationVector ( aVector );
476                     rInfo.pStream->setSalt ( aSalt );
477                     rInfo.pStream->setIterationCount ( nIterationCount );
478                 }
480                 // last property is digest, which is inserted later if we didn't have
481                 // a magic header
482                 aPropSet.realloc(PKG_SIZE_ENCR_MNFST);
484                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_INIVECTOR].Name = sInitialisationVectorProperty;
485                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_INIVECTOR].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getInitialisationVector();
486                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_SALT].Name = sSaltProperty;
487                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_SALT].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getSalt();
488                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ITERATION].Name = sIterationCountProperty;
489                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ITERATION].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getIterationCount ();
491                 // Need to store the uncompressed size in the manifest
492                 OSL_ENSURE( nOwnStreamOrigSize >= 0, "The stream size was not correctly initialized!\n" );
493                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_UCOMPSIZE].Name = sSizeProperty;
494                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_UCOMPSIZE].Value <<= nOwnStreamOrigSize;
496                 if ( bRawStream || bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw )
497                 {
498                     ::rtl::Reference< EncryptionData > xEncData = rInfo.pStream->GetEncryptionData();
499                     if ( !xEncData.is() )
500                         throw uno::RuntimeException();
502                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Name = sDigestProperty;
503                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getDigest();
504                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Name = sEncryptionAlgProperty;
505                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nEncAlg;
506                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Name = sStartKeyAlgProperty;
507                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nStartKeyGenID;
508                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Name = sDigestAlgProperty;
509                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nCheckAlg;
510                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Name = sDerivedKeySizeProperty;
511                     aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Value <<= xEncData->m_nDerivedKeySize;
512                 }
513             }
514         }
516         // If the entry is already stored in the zip file in the format we
517         // want for this write...copy it raw
518         if ( !bUseNonSeekableAccess
519           && ( bRawStream || bTransportOwnEncrStreamAsRaw
520             || ( rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() && !bToBeEncrypted
521               && ( ( rInfo.pStream->aEntry.nMethod == DEFLATED && bToBeCompressed )
522                 || ( rInfo.pStream->aEntry.nMethod == STORED && !bToBeCompressed ) ) ) ) )
523         {
524             // If it's a PackageMember, then it's an unbuffered stream and we need
525             // to get a new version of it as we can't seek backwards.
526             if ( rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() )
527             {
528                 xStream = rInfo.pStream->getRawData();
529                 if ( !xStream.is() )
530                 {
531                     // Make sure that we actually _got_ a new one !
532                     bSuccess = false;
533                     return bSuccess;
534                 }
535             }
537             try
538             {
539                 if ( bRawStream )
540                     xStream->skipBytes( rInfo.pStream->GetMagicalHackPos() );
542                 rZipOut.putNextEntry ( *pTempEntry, rInfo.pStream, sal_False );
543                 // the entry is provided to the ZipOutputStream that will delete it
544                 pAutoTempEntry.release();
546                 uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aSeq ( n_ConstBufferSize );
547                 sal_Int32 nLength;
549                 do
550                 {
551                     nLength = xStream->readBytes( aSeq, n_ConstBufferSize );
552                     rZipOut.rawWrite(aSeq, 0, nLength);
553                 }
554                 while ( nLength == n_ConstBufferSize );
556                 rZipOut.rawCloseEntry();
557             }
558             catch ( ZipException& )
559             {
560                 bSuccess = false;
561             }
562             catch ( IOException& )
563             {
564                 bSuccess = false;
565             }
566         }
567         else
568         {
569             // This stream is defenitly not a raw stream
571             // If nonseekable access is used the stream should be at the beginning and
572             // is useless after the storing. Thus if the storing fails the package should
573             // be thrown away ( as actually it is done currently )!
574             // To allow to reuse the package after the error, the optimization must be removed!
576             // If it's a PackageMember, then our previous reference held a 'raw' stream
577             // so we need to re-get it, unencrypted, uncompressed and positioned at the
578             // beginning of the stream
579             if ( rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() )
580             {
581                 xStream = rInfo.pStream->getInputStream();
582                 if ( !xStream.is() )
583                 {
584                     // Make sure that we actually _got_ a new one !
585                     bSuccess = false;
586                     return bSuccess;
587                 }
588             }
590             if ( bToBeCompressed )
591             {
592                 pTempEntry->nMethod = DEFLATED;
593                 pTempEntry->nCrc = pTempEntry->nCompressedSize = pTempEntry->nSize = -1;
594             }
596             try
597             {
598                 rZipOut.putNextEntry ( *pTempEntry, rInfo.pStream, bToBeEncrypted);
599                 // the entry is provided to the ZipOutputStream that will delete it
600                 pAutoTempEntry.release();
602                 sal_Int32 nLength;
603                 uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 > aSeq (n_ConstBufferSize);
604                 do
605                 {
606                     nLength = xStream->readBytes(aSeq, n_ConstBufferSize);
607                     rZipOut.write(aSeq, 0, nLength);
608                 }
609                 while ( nLength == n_ConstBufferSize );
611                 rZipOut.closeEntry();
612             }
613             catch ( ZipException& )
614             {
615                 bSuccess = false;
616             }
617             catch ( IOException& )
618             {
619                 bSuccess = false;
620             }
622             if ( bToBeEncrypted )
623             {
624                 ::rtl::Reference< EncryptionData > xEncData = rInfo.pStream->GetEncryptionData();
625                 if ( !xEncData.is() )
626                     throw uno::RuntimeException();
628                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Name = sDigestProperty;
629                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGEST].Value <<= rInfo.pStream->getDigest();
630                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Name = sEncryptionAlgProperty;
631                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_ENCALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nEncAlg;
632                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Name = sStartKeyAlgProperty;
633                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_STARTALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nStartKeyGenID;
634                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Name = sDigestAlgProperty;
635                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DIGESTALG].Value <<= xEncData->m_nCheckAlg;
636                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Name = sDerivedKeySizeProperty;
637                 aPropSet[PKG_MNFST_DERKEYSIZE].Value <<= xEncData->m_nDerivedKeySize;
639                 rInfo.pStream->SetIsEncrypted ( sal_True );
640             }
641         }
643         if( bSuccess )
644         {
645             if ( !rInfo.pStream->IsPackageMember() )
646             {
647                 rInfo.pStream->CloseOwnStreamIfAny();
648                 rInfo.pStream->SetPackageMember ( sal_True );
649             }
651             if ( bRawStream )
652             {
653                 // the raw stream was integrated and now behaves
654                 // as usual encrypted stream
655                 rInfo.pStream->SetToBeEncrypted( sal_True );
656             }
658             // Remove hacky bit from entry flags
659             if ( pTempEntry->nFlag & ( 1 << 4 ) )
660             {
661                 pTempEntry->nFlag &= ~( 1 << 4 );
662                 pTempEntry->nMethod = STORED;
663             }
665             // Then copy it back afterwards...
666             ZipPackageFolder::copyZipEntry ( rInfo.pStream->aEntry, *pTempEntry );
668             // TODO/LATER: get rid of this hack ( the encrypted stream size property is changed during saving )
669             if ( rInfo.pStream->IsEncrypted() )
670                 rInfo.pStream->setSize( nOwnStreamOrigSize );
672             rInfo.pStream->aEntry.nOffset *= -1;
673         }
674     }
676     // folder can have a mediatype only in package format
677     if ( aPropSet.getLength()
678       && ( m_nFormat == embed::StorageFormats::PACKAGE || ( m_nFormat == embed::StorageFormats::OFOPXML && !rInfo.bFolder ) ) )
679         rManList.push_back( aPropSet );
681     return bSuccess;
682 }
saveContents(::rtl::OUString & rPath,std::vector<uno::Sequence<PropertyValue>> & rManList,ZipOutputStream & rZipOut,const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> & rEncryptionKey,rtlRandomPool & rRandomPool)684 void ZipPackageFolder::saveContents( ::rtl::OUString &rPath, std::vector < uno::Sequence < PropertyValue > > &rManList, ZipOutputStream & rZipOut, const uno::Sequence < sal_Int8 >& rEncryptionKey, rtlRandomPool &rRandomPool )
685 	throw( uno::RuntimeException )
686 {
687 	bool bWritingFailed = false;
689 	if ( maContents.begin() == maContents.end() && rPath.getLength() && m_nFormat != embed::StorageFormats::OFOPXML )
690 	{
691 		// it is an empty subfolder, use workaround to store it
692 		ZipEntry* pTempEntry = new ZipEntry();
693 		ZipPackageFolder::copyZipEntry ( *pTempEntry, aEntry );
694 		pTempEntry->nPathLen = (sal_Int16)( ::rtl::OUStringToOString( rPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getLength() );
695 		pTempEntry->nExtraLen = -1;
696 		pTempEntry->sPath = rPath;
698 		try
699 		{
700 			rZipOut.putNextEntry( *pTempEntry, NULL, sal_False );
701 			rZipOut.rawCloseEntry();
702 		}
703 		catch ( ZipException& )
704 		{
705 			bWritingFailed = true;
706 		}
707 		catch ( IOException& )
708 		{
709 			bWritingFailed = true;
710 		}
711 	}
713     bool bMimeTypeStreamStored = false;
714     ::rtl::OUString aMimeTypeStreamName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "mimetype" ) );
715     if ( m_nFormat == embed::StorageFormats::ZIP && !rPath.getLength() )
716     {
717         // let the "mimtype" stream in root folder be stored as the first stream if it is zip format
718         ContentHash::iterator aIter = maContents.find ( aMimeTypeStreamName );
719         if ( aIter != maContents.end() && !(*aIter).second->bFolder )
720         {
721             bMimeTypeStreamStored = true;
722             bWritingFailed = !saveChild( (*aIter).first, *(*aIter).second, rPath, rManList, rZipOut, rEncryptionKey, rRandomPool );
723         }
724     }
726 	for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aCI = maContents.begin(), aEnd = maContents.end();
727 	      aCI != aEnd;
728 		  aCI++)
729 	{
730 		const ::rtl::OUString &rShortName = (*aCI).first;
731 		const ContentInfo &rInfo = *(*aCI).second;
733         if ( !bMimeTypeStreamStored || !rShortName.equals( aMimeTypeStreamName ) )
734             bWritingFailed = !saveChild( rShortName, rInfo, rPath, rManList, rZipOut, rEncryptionKey, rRandomPool );
735 	}
737 	if( bWritingFailed )
738 		throw uno::RuntimeException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() );
739 }
releaseUpwardRef(void)741 void ZipPackageFolder::releaseUpwardRef( void )
742 {
743 	// Now it is possible that a package folder is disconnected from the package before removing of the folder.
744 	// Such a scenario is used in storage implementation. When a new version of a folder is provided the old
745 	// one is retrieved, removed from the package but preserved for the error handling.
746 	// In this scenario the referencing to the parent is not really useful, since it requires disposing.
748 	// Actually there is no need in having a reference to the parent, it even make things more complicated and
749 	// requires disposing mechanics. Using of a simple pointer seems to be easier solution and also a safe enough.
751 	clearParent();
753 #if 0
754 	for ( ContentHash::const_iterator aCI = maContents.begin();
755 		  aCI!=maContents.end();
756 		  aCI++)
757 	{
758 		ContentInfo &rInfo = * (*aCI).second;
759 		if ( rInfo.bFolder )// && ! rInfo.pFolder->HasReleased () )
760 			rInfo.pFolder->releaseUpwardRef();
761 		else //if ( !rInfo.bFolder && !rInfo.pStream->HasReleased() )
762 			rInfo.pStream->clearParent();
763 	}
764 	clearParent();
766 	VOS_ENSURE ( m_refCount == 1, "Ref-count is not 1!" );
767 #endif
768 }
getSomething(const uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> & aIdentifier)770 sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getSomething( const uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aIdentifier )
771 	throw(uno::RuntimeException)
772 {
773 	sal_Int64 nMe = 0;
774 	if ( aIdentifier.getLength() == 16 &&
775 		 0 == rtl_compareMemory(static_getImplementationId().getConstArray(),  aIdentifier.getConstArray(), 16 ) )
776 		nMe = reinterpret_cast < sal_Int64 > ( this );
777 	return nMe;
778 }
setPropertyValue(const::rtl::OUString & aPropertyName,const uno::Any & aValue)779 void SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::setPropertyValue( const ::rtl::OUString& aPropertyName, const uno::Any& aValue )
780 		throw(UnknownPropertyException, PropertyVetoException, IllegalArgumentException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
781 {
782 	if (aPropertyName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("MediaType")))
783 	{
784 		// TODO/LATER: activate when zip ucp is ready
785 		// if ( m_nFormat != embed::StorageFormats::PACKAGE )
786 		// 	throw UnknownPropertyException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() );
788 		aValue >>= sMediaType;
789 	}
790 	else if (aPropertyName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Version")))
791         aValue >>= m_sVersion;
792 	else if (aPropertyName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Size") ) )
793 		aValue >>= aEntry.nSize;
794 	else
795 		throw UnknownPropertyException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() );
796 }
getPropertyValue(const::rtl::OUString & PropertyName)797 uno::Any SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::getPropertyValue( const ::rtl::OUString& PropertyName )
798 		throw(UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
799 {
800 	if (PropertyName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "MediaType" ) ) )
801 	{
802 		// TODO/LATER: activate when zip ucp is ready
803 		// if ( m_nFormat != embed::StorageFormats::PACKAGE )
804 		//	throw UnknownPropertyException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() );
806 		return uno::makeAny ( sMediaType );
807 	}
808 	else if (PropertyName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM ( "Version" ) ) )
809         return uno::makeAny( m_sVersion );
810 	else if (PropertyName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM ( "Size" ) ) )
811 		return uno::makeAny ( aEntry.nSize );
812 	else
813 		throw UnknownPropertyException( ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( OSL_LOG_PREFIX ) ), uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >() );
814 }
doInsertByName(ZipPackageEntry * pEntry,sal_Bool bSetParent)816 void ZipPackageFolder::doInsertByName ( ZipPackageEntry *pEntry, sal_Bool bSetParent )
817 		throw(IllegalArgumentException, ElementExistException, WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException)
818 {
819 	try
820     {
821         if ( pEntry->IsFolder() )
822 		    maContents[pEntry->getName()] = new ContentInfo ( static_cast < ZipPackageFolder *> ( pEntry ) );
823 	    else
824 		    maContents[pEntry->getName()] = new ContentInfo ( static_cast < ZipPackageStream *> ( pEntry ) );
825     }
826     catch(const uno::Exception& rEx)
827     {
828         (void)rEx;
829         throw;
830     }
831 	if ( bSetParent )
832 		pEntry->setParent ( *this );
833 }
getImplementationName()834 ::rtl::OUString ZipPackageFolder::getImplementationName()
835 	throw (uno::RuntimeException)
836 {
837 	return ::rtl::OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "ZipPackageFolder" ) );
838 }
getSupportedServiceNames()840 uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > ZipPackageFolder::getSupportedServiceNames()
841 	throw (uno::RuntimeException)
842 {
843 	uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aNames(1);
844 	aNames[0] = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "com.sun.star.packages.PackageFolder" ) );
845 	return aNames;
846 }
supportsService(::rtl::OUString const & rServiceName)847 sal_Bool SAL_CALL ZipPackageFolder::supportsService( ::rtl::OUString const & rServiceName )
848 	throw (uno::RuntimeException)
849 {
850 	return rServiceName == getSupportedServiceNames()[0];
851 }